Bitcoin will be banned


Sep 11, 2020
How is an address like 19gQm5iMCJq7YYdN9sXmfSLNa1iXHTh2JH (which I generated with the phrase billiejeanisnotmylover, I don't recommend doing anything with it) more traceable than an account in your all caps strawman like JOHN DOE?
Any Joe Blow can take a look and see your balance and transactions for starters. Imagine the power the governing bodies will have once we go full cashless and everyone is assigned an address tied to their microchip implant.


Jan 25, 2014
Any Joe Blow can take a look and see your balance and transactions for starters.
They can..... if they know your public key, and you don't have a wallet that generates different ones for your transactions (which many do today). And, of course, they would have to be able to link up something like 19gQm5iMCJq7YYdN9sXmfSLNa1iXHTh2JH (the billie jean address from earlier) with your identity.
Imagine the power the governing bodies will have once we go full cashless and everyone is assigned an address tied to their microchip implant.

None of this part has anything to do with Bitcoin or blockchain. And why would they want microchips tied to public blockchain ledgers that are more resistant to manipulation and fraud? Why wouldn't they want to use private ledgers that they can more easily manipulate?


Sep 11, 2020
None of this part has anything to do with Bitcoin or blockchain. And why would they want microchips tied to public blockchain ledgers that are more resistant to manipulation and fraud? Why wouldn't they want to use private ledgers that they can more easily manipulate?
It does because Bitcoin is clearly the stepping stone to the global digital currency. This is not it's final form.


Jan 25, 2014
It does because Bitcoin is clearly the stepping stone to the global digital currency. This is not it's final form.
But most currency was largely digital prior to the bitcoin genesis block in 2009, anyway. People were already heavily relying on credit and debit cards in the early 2000s.

I just think its silly to say btc is a bankster asset, when the banks have their hands in ALL assets, and already had an NWO currency in Federal Reserve Notes.


Feb 4, 2014
This entire article is dramatic speculation and the site is filled with 'sources' back to alex jones/prison planet/rconspiracy, plus has all the usual nonsense, obama is a muslim, global warming is a hoax, crying about soros... quote: "Global Warming is a crock of BS. A couple of volcanoes erupting can cause global warming folks!".
Ah man, I miss when this forum was actually good and wasn't filled with people who think the moon landing is fake... I can see why cliff and so many of the OGs didn't come back


Feb 28, 2021
Regardless of the origins of Bitcoin, today it is looking bad. With blocks restricted to 1mb it's not possible to expand worldwide without custodial wallets, whether that's off chain or custodial lightning. Good projects like Drivechain get incredibly little attention compared to the Blockstream (AXA (Bilderberg)) developed lightning network. It's also easy to see that Bitcoin will bifurcate into a two tiered system of officially approved, fully KYC'd bitcoin and tainted bitcoin.

Bitcoin only ever worked on dark net markets because it was a temporary step between anonymizing cash transactions at either end. Same thing with all other purchases - at one end someone buys btc from an exchange and at the other the store/payment processor immediately sells to an exchange. Exchanges are the mixers that won't exist in a world where bitcoin dominates. The tracing will be incredibly easy for the big tech companies and their affiliated deep state agencies.

Bitcoin may as well be a state op - they at least seem pretty comfortable with it. There is only one currency seriously going after the original goals of cypherpunk digital money and that's Monero. Monero is what most people think bitcoin is - private, peer-to-peer digital cash that can't be inflated at the whims of bankers. This point is proven by the OP that realizes such a technology will be banned. Monero has been sneakily banned in many ways. It has been quietly delisted without real explanation in many countries and in America, the largest exchange, Coinbase, still mysteriously will not list Monero. They'll scream "racism", "terrorism", "global warming" about bitcoin, sure, but they're not going to Streisand Effect an actual threat. The other intuition OP had, that there would be a centralized digital currency with no anonymity was also correct - but it's Bitcoin! Their perfect controlled opposition plan ₿.
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Jul 23, 2018
The other intuition OP had, that there would be a centralized digital currency with no anonymity was also correct - but it's Bitcoin! Their perfect controlled opposition plan ₿
That would be the ultimate 36D uno-reversal Seto Kaiba move. Buying BTC to hedge against centran banks only to do their work for free. However, I still don't see how BTC can be printed ad infinitum to avoid market collapse.


Feb 28, 2021
I still don't see how BTC can be printed ad infinitum to avoid market collapse.
These people don't want to avoid market collapse forever, in fact boom and bust cycles are the way they gain most of their power. One day (when they are ready and positioned) they will start raising interest rates again and crash everything so they can buy it all up for nothing. A fixed money supply is absolutely crushing under these circumstances with infinitely compounding debts.


Jan 25, 2014
That address you generated is doxxed the moment you want to actually use it. That's why "store of value"/"hodl" is the perfect cope for bitcoiners, because bitcoin is unusable.

The only problem is that you ignore wallets that can generate a new public key for every transaction, which many of them do now.

You also ignore privacy coins like Monero.
Nov 21, 2015
it won't be banned. They love BTC because it lacks privacy and they can trace purchases mostly. And there are too many big players in it now. And crypto is the future, and everyone knows that we are like in the early days of the Internet and nobody wants to shut this down because it will change the world.

It's just a bubble of speculation in BTC right now, but the underlying technology and BTC itself is not going away.


Jan 15, 2016
This entire article is dramatic speculation and the site is filled with 'sources' back to alex jones/prison planet/rconspiracy, plus has all the usual nonsense, obama is a muslim, global warming is a hoax, crying about soros... quote: "Global Warming is a crock of BS. A couple of volcanoes erupting can cause global warming folks!".
Ah man, I miss when this forum was actually good and wasn't filled with people who think the moon landing is fake... I can see why cliff and so many of the OGs didn't come back
Research frequently gets licensed out

The "Global Warming" Is Actually A Cooling And Is Due To Solar EMF Changes


Jan 27, 2021
I don't think they've figured out exactly how they are going to deal with bitcoin yet, but they know where they want to end up (centralized digital global currency).

My grandparents definitely had gold confiscated from them bruh. They will outlaw silver, gold, and btc IF they can get away with it.


Jan 27, 2021
it won't be banned. They love BTC because it lacks privacy and they can trace purchases mostly. And there are too many big players in it now. And crypto is the future, and everyone knows that we are like in the early days of the Internet and nobody wants to shut this down because it will change the world.

It's just a bubble of speculation in BTC right now, but the underlying technology and BTC itself is not going away.
FBI likes btc more than fiat.
Fixed supply is dope tho.


Aug 17, 2016
The ai/robots/self-driving ubers, etc will run on "bitcoin" tokens. But the peons will have to use programmable money.


  • ai_btc.jpg
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Jul 25, 2013
Here is the title of a CNN YouTube video from yesterday "Here's why bitcoin could triple over the next year".
So yeah, it's definitely being promoted by the people who created the pandemic.
Here's an interesting quote...
Teddy Roosevelt: “Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people." This is from an audio recording (!!!) made in 1912. Roosevelt was right. Accept it and resist while you still can.


Jan 25, 2014
Here is the title of a CNN YouTube video from yesterday "Here's why bitcoin could triple over the next year".
So yeah, it's definitely being promoted by the people who created the pandemic.
Here's an interesting quote...
Teddy Roosevelt: “Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people." This is from an audio recording (!!!) made in 1912. Roosevelt was right. Accept it and resist while you still can.

CNN will run whatever headline they are told. Tomorrow it could be "Why bitcoin could go to zero over the next year."

Or, maybe more accurately, whatever headline best suits Ted Turner's interests that particular day.... or month.

The reality is if you are comparing Bitcoin to Federal Reserve Notes, you are comparing a deflationary currency to an inflationary one, and the deflationary currnecy will always win.

Oh, and if you're gonna quote something from 1912, why would you ignore the monetary act that was passed over Christmas in 1913?

If you price Bitcoin in Zimbabwe Dollars from 2008, it's value is currently 3.29 times 10 to the 16th power. Or, 1 Bitcoin is worth over 32 Quadrillion Zimbabwe Dollars. Nice. It's all relative. Why is pricing BTC in Zimbabwe dollars any less relevant than Federal Reserve Notes?
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