Blocking Serotonin Extends Lifespan By 40%, Triples Youthspan


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The amazing effects of blocking serotonin just keep piling on. I posted a study some time ago showing that anti-serotonin drugs like mianserin and cyproheptadine extended lifespan by 30%-40% while serotonergic drugs like SSRI shortened lifespan by as much as 80%!

Now, this study looked at mianserin again and confirmed that the drug can extend maximum lifespan by as much as 40% (in roundworms). What was perhaps just as important was the finding that mianserin tripled the duration of the youthful state in worms. So, the equivalent to humans is living beyond 120 years of age and being a college student for the first 60 of those years. Not a bad deal, right?
Btw, in the first study I posted it looks like cyproheptadine can offer pretty much the same benefits. It is just a tad "weaker" then mianserin at extending lifespan. ... onger.html

"...Living longer usually means a longer dotage, but wouldn't it be enticing to extend young adulthood instead? It's such an appealing prospect that scientists who are announcing success with roundworms are keen to be clear they are a long way from achieving it in humans... "We think it is exciting to see that extending lifespan by extending young adulthood can be done at all," he says."

"...In the study to be published in the journal eLife, the TSRI-led team administered an antidepressant called mianserin to Caenorhabditis elegans, a type of roundworm used frequently in research. In 2007, they discovered that the drug increases the lifespan of roundworms by 30-40 per cent. Their new goal was to investigate how."

"...Using this new metric revealed that treatment with mianserin can suppress transcriptional drift, but only when administered at the right time of life. By 10 days old, treated worms still had the gene expression characteristics of a three-day-old—physiologically they were seven days younger. But by 12 days, the physiological changes required to extend lifespan were complete and lifelong exposure to the drug had no additional effect. Mortality rates were shifted parallel by 7-8 days across the treated worms' lifespan, confirming the finding. Mianserin blocked signals related to the regulation of serotonin and this delayed physiological changes associated with age, including the newly-identified transcriptional drift and degenerative processes that lead to death. The effect only occurred during young adulthood and the duration of this period of life was significantly extended."


Jan 15, 2016
Well I can add anecdotally that after taking Mirtazerpine for two months i always get called young man and asked if I'm in High school where as before I got called sir and people asked if I had any kids :cool:


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Well I can add anecdotally that after taking Mirtazerpine for two months i always get called young man and asked if I'm in High school where as before I got called sir and people asked if I had any kids :cool:


Mar 15, 2017
Well I can add anecdotally that after taking Mirtazerpine for two months i always get called young man and asked if I'm in High school where as before I got called sir and people asked if I had any kids :cool:
Hey there, I know this is an old thread but @Meatbag are you still taking Mirtazapine? What dose were/are you on? If you discontinued it, may I ask why? I've been prescribed it recently but I'm researching it extensively before committing to it. My rat is trying to wean off benzos/mj so she's worried about becoming dependent on something else for sleep--but it seems that mirtazapine has a ton of benefits if you can find the right dosage.
Thanks in advance!


Apr 9, 2015
My experience was that it is initially helpful but the side effects of weight gain are no joke. IMO it is estrogenic as I developed many varicose veins whilst taking it that have still not recovered despite my best efforts, I also think it is somewhat anti androgenic based on some other issues I had while taking it (probably due to anti dopamine and pro noradrenaline effects). Overall I wish I had taken cypro, which isn;t perfect either from experience, or maybe explored other ways to deal with the problems I was having. It's probably helpful in an emergency but I think it would be good to be very cautious with the dosage and watch very closely for side effects. It seems like Peat suggest using things like Mirt. in small doses as needed which I think is really good advice. I think I read that 4 mg of mirt is kind of like 1 mg of cypro but please double check if you're gonna use it like that.

I think veal liver, salt, androsterone, Inosine, Diamant, thyroid, red light, taurine and methylene blue (the past two days I have been using higher doses and really like it) have been a lot more helpful for me personally. I'm sure other things are helpful but the improvements from those are basically instant and don't seem to go away over time and I notice a difference without them. Androsterone is the only steroid I've had a positive experience with, pregnenolone is helpful to but only in small doses. Peat recommended higher doses but noticed a bad effect personally but it's totally possible it was the product I was using (was not idealabs) . Since your a lady maybe progesterone would be a good supplement to research more about. I'm no expert about coming off benzo's but maybe looking for ways to keep cortisol low and researching things like niacinamide to help GABA activity up would be good?

For sleep methylene blue (which always suprises me), inosine and thyroid are great, along with sugary slightly salted milk imo.

I'm not sure how helpful that is but I wish you best of luck :joyful:

p.s. I'm not kidding about veal liver, I didn't eat it for a months and when I ate some again it was like night and day in how I felt :singing:. Also I know you mentioned mj which I have never had a craving for even when I used a lot but for me methylene blue and androsterone both seem to get rid of my cigarette desires:smoking:
Veal liver, have you noticed this has helped with skin health in anyway?


Mar 15, 2017
My experience was that it is initially helpful but the side effects of weight gain are no joke. IMO it is estrogenic as I developed many varicose veins whilst taking it that have still not recovered despite my best efforts, I also think it is somewhat anti androgenic based on some other issues I had while taking it (probably due to anti dopamine and pro noradrenaline effects). Overall I wish I had taken cypro, which isn;t perfect either from experience, or maybe explored other ways to deal with the problems I was having. It's probably helpful in an emergency but I think it would be good to be very cautious with the dosage and watch very closely for side effects. It seems like Peat suggest using things like Mirt. in small doses as needed which I think is really good advice. I think I read that 4 mg of mirt is kind of like 1 mg of cypro but please double check if you're gonna use it like that.

I think veal liver, salt, androsterone, Inosine, Diamant, thyroid, red light, taurine and methylene blue (the past two days I have been using higher doses and really like it) have been a lot more helpful for me personally. I'm sure other things are helpful but the improvements from those are basically instant and don't seem to go away over time and I notice a difference without them. Androsterone is the only steroid I've had a positive experience with, pregnenolone is helpful to but only in small doses. Peat recommended higher doses but noticed a bad effect personally but it's totally possible it was the product I was using (was not idealabs) . Since your a lady maybe progesterone would be a good supplement to research more about. I'm no expert about coming off benzo's but maybe looking for ways to keep cortisol low and researching things like niacinamide to help GABA activity up would be good?

For sleep methylene blue (which always suprises me), inosine and thyroid are great, along with sugary slightly salted milk imo.

I'm not sure how helpful that is but I wish you best of luck :joyful:

p.s. I'm not kidding about veal liver, I didn't eat it for a months and when I ate some again it was like night and day in how I felt :singing:. Also I know you mentioned mj which I have never had a craving for even when I used a lot but for me methylene blue and androsterone both seem to get rid of my cigarette desires:smoking:

Thanks so much @Meatbag !!I read a study that @DaveFoster posted showing mirtaz permanently lowers cortisol levels in rats after one month of use. It sounds like it helped you for a while...From your experience what are your thoughts on taking just 3.5mg of mirt for a month...? I'm 5'10 and weigh 129lbs so I could probably handle gaining a little you think it would be helpful while I'm adjusting to this new diet...? I'm afraid to experiment with thyroid since I've had dangerous arrhythmias in the past (only once at 21) then again, I've only added gelatin, OJ, more cheese and milk and am probably getting less than a 1/4 TSP of salt per day. I'm struggling with increasing salt because it seems to increase my heart rate. I started progesterone today so I'll keep track of how my symptoms go. But since adding these foods I feel like I'm getting hot flashes sometimes! but I'm only 27! I'll start a new thread after this so I don't batter you with questions, but thank you for the insight!


@haidut Do you think BCAA and gelatin added to the diet with intermittent bouts of activated charcoal could potentially replicate drug induced lowering of serotonin? ( and therefore extend lifespand as well ) Thanks!


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Thanks so much @Meatbag !!I read a study that @DaveFoster posted showing mirtaz permanently lowers cortisol levels in rats after one month of use. It sounds like it helped you for a while...From your experience what are your thoughts on taking just 3.5mg of mirt for a month...? I'm 5'10 and weigh 129lbs so I could probably handle gaining a little you think it would be helpful while I'm adjusting to this new diet...? I'm afraid to experiment with thyroid since I've had dangerous arrhythmias in the past (only once at 21) then again, I've only added gelatin, OJ, more cheese and milk and am probably getting less than a 1/4 TSP of salt per day. I'm struggling with increasing salt because it seems to increase my heart rate. I started progesterone today so I'll keep track of how my symptoms go. But since adding these foods I feel like I'm getting hot flashes sometimes! but I'm only 27! I'll start a new thread after this so I don't batter you with questions, but thank you for the insight!
I don't think mirtazapine permanently lowers cortisol; I believe the study was on adrenaline (epinephrine). Cyproheptadine would be a safer drug to try before mirtazapine, but they are different.


Jan 25, 2014
@haidut Do you think BCAA and gelatin added to the diet with intermittent bouts of activated charcoal could potentially replicate drug induced lowering of serotonin? ( and therefore extend lifespand as well ) Thanks!

I think you have the right idea. I think anything that lowers the bacterial load of the colon would probably induce similar effects (if not to the same degree). That could include activated charcoal, antibiotics, carrots and carrot salad, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, and phages. Would probably lower endotoxin to boot.


Mar 7, 2017
Mianserin + high-dose Caffeine + CO2 = Live Forever!!!



Jan 15, 2016
It seems small amounts of veal liver provide high amounts of lots of good things.
Last edited:


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut Do you think BCAA and gelatin added to the diet with intermittent bouts of activated charcoal could potentially replicate drug induced lowering of serotonin? ( and therefore extend lifespand as well ) Thanks!

Sure, I do not see why not. Even using regular protein with some extra gelatin should work, and aspirin decreases tryptophan absorption so it can be added too for extra effect.


Mar 2, 2016
I take cypro, bcaas, aspirin, theanine, glycine, lisuride, and taurine to keep my serotonin low. Not sure if glycine and taurine lower serotonin. Am I missing any other common supplements besides the other lsd derivatives and mitrazapine?


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I take cypro, bcaas, aspirin, theanine, glycine, lisuride, and taurine to keep my serotonin low. Not sure if glycine and taurine lower serotonin. Am I missing any other common supplements besides the other lsd derivatives and mitrazapine?

I think that is plenty, maybe too much. Even cypro on its own would be enough, and cypro + lisuride is a potent combination. I would try using the dietary methods first and if they do not work well enough only then add the chemicals.


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Haidut what do you think about mianserin overall as a drug, would you give it the haidut thumbs up? Any negatives?

If there is no cypro or metergoline available, I would use it but I am not a big fan.
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