Can Only Truly Be Satiated If Eating Over 150g Of Protein / Day


Aug 9, 2019
Title. Protein has a powerful effect on my satiety. Back when I was on "the bodybuilder diet", my protein intake was 160 - 180g / day.
Since peating, it was 90 - 120g / day. But I realized I get benefits in satiety if I bump up my intake to 140 - 150g / day.
I am lifting weights 5 times / week and I weight 175 lbs now.
The thing is, high protein intake can make it harder to avoid hypoglycemia and low glycogen running out.
I'll have to eat a 3:1 carb / protein ratio at every meal.
I'd also like to restrict tryptophan, that's why I bought a plant protein powder + BCAA.


Aug 6, 2017
Try adding some tallow, it is incredibly satiating and can do wonders for general health. If you cook with butter it is enough to replace that amount and the difference is quite surprising.
Dec 18, 2018
Title. Protein has a powerful effect on my satiety. Back when I was on "the bodybuilder diet", my protein intake was 160 - 180g / day.
Since peating, it was 90 - 120g / day. But I realized I get benefits in satiety if I bump up my intake to 140 - 150g / day.
I am lifting weights 5 times / week and I weight 175 lbs now.
The thing is, high protein intake can make it harder to avoid hypoglycemia and low glycogen running out.
I'll have to eat a 3:1 carb / protein ratio at every meal.
I'd also like to restrict tryptophan, that's why I bought a plant protein powder + BCAA.

Do not consume Plant Based Proteinpowders, due to the nature of high resilience towards elemental stress, plants have high amounts of unphysiologic elements like As or Cd. Your protein intake is fine and could be increased further. Even the sedentary Peat is consuming 150g/d.


Mar 15, 2014
I only feel satiated eating pork/beef, sometimes chicken. Fish and especially eggs do nothing for me

It almost feels like beef craving indicates a slower metabolism. Which might be a good thing. It digests slowly meaning there is always fuel in the stomach to be used. But if the metabolism is slower, it is also getting used more slowly so you always have a steady stream of energy

Fish digests quickly and does the opposite


Jun 13, 2019
I only feel satiated eating pork/beef, sometimes chicken. Fish and especially eggs do nothing for me

or possibly your metabolism is actually high and you crave the vitamin b6 from beef pork and chicken? Or b3


Sep 30, 2020
Maybe tryptophan is more useful for growing muscle?


Mar 1, 2020
To lower tryptophan I'd rather add gelatine/collagen/bone broth to meats (or with coffee or juice) than to take plant based proteins.
Jun 16, 2017
Aspirin and bcaa's can inhibit tryptophan absorption in the gut


Jun 5, 2019
Animal flesh and milk is the only way, There is no way to be healthy eating grass, we are hunters we need to consume a lot of meat to feel satiated.
Jun 16, 2017
Animal flesh and milk is the only way, There is no way to be healthy eating grass, we are hunters we need to consume a lot of meat to feel satiated.
I agree that eating some flesh is good. I personally couldn't stop eating it. Just don't feel right without it. It has a density that allows you to get enough protein, b- vitamins, minerals without stuffing yourself. It is also the only food that contains a lot of creatine, which is why I think that eating just the organ meats and avoiding the muscles isn't a good idea.


Jul 5, 2019
Well it would be hard for me to dispute all these evidence you provided.

Our brains developed from tryptophan and pufa restriction,eating fruits and catching a wild animal once in a while(eating whole thyroid). We can't do that in the world we live today, if you try a fruitarian diet you will not thrive because there are so much stressors,but truly eating only animal products seems on the edge of stupidity.

They are advancing a myth about human nature, so I will advance a counter-myth. At the time people were growing their large brains they lived in the tropics. I suggest that in this time before the development of grain-based agriculture, they ate a diet that was relatively free of unsaturated fats and low in iron--based on tropical fruits. I suggest that the Boskop skull from Mt. Kilimanjaro was representative of people under those conditions, and that just by our present knowledge of the association of brain size with longevity, they--as various "Golden Age" myths claim--must have had a very long life-span. As people moved north and developed new ways of living, their consumption of unsaturated fats increased, their brain size decreased, and they aged rapidly. Neanderthal relics show that flaxseed was a staple of their diet.


Oct 6, 2020
Animal flesh and milk is the only way, There is no way to be healthy eating grass, we are hunters we need to consume a lot of meat to feel satiated.

I thought it is clear that we are omnivores. We benefit both from meat and plants.

How much of each depends on availability, the climate/environment where we live in and the genetic factors of our ancestors (which developed due to their environment/lifesytle/eating habits). Let alone that every living being constantly tries to adapt to what it is exposed to.

Absolutes are rarely good, and especially in health they dont work.


Jun 5, 2019
Our brains developed from tryptophan and pufa restriction,eating fruits and catching a wild animal once in a while(eating whole thyroid). We can't do that in the world we live today, if you try a fruitarian diet you will not thrive because there are so much stressors,but truly eating only animal products seems on the edge of stupidity.

They are advancing a myth about human nature, so I will advance a counter-myth. At the time people were growing their large brains they lived in the tropics. I suggest that in this time before the development of grain-based agriculture, they ate a diet that was relatively free of unsaturated fats and low in iron--based on tropical fruits. I suggest that the Boskop skull from Mt. Kilimanjaro was representative of people under those conditions, and that just by our present knowledge of the association of brain size with longevity, they--as various "Golden Age" myths claim--must have had a very long life-span. As people moved north and developed new ways of living, their consumption of unsaturated fats increased, their brain size decreased, and they aged rapidly. Neanderthal relics show that flaxseed was a staple of their diet.
I never claimed that eating only animal products is optimal, I said that you need enough animal products to thrive.

Eating only fruits ? are you serious, every fruitarian I've ever seen is the definition of emaciation.

Believing that you can survive on fruits alone is borderline mental illness.

Did you even read the post that you linked, it basically says that extra energy made the brain of fruit eating primates bigger than that of leaf eating ones,
The extra energy from hunting animals and eating meat, and especially cooked meat is what gave us the energy to grow bigger brains.

Of the 20 smartest animals in the world none are frugivores, most are carnivores and/or Omnivores.
Last edited:


Jun 25, 2017
Our brains developed from tryptophan and pufa restriction,eating fruits and catching a wild animal once in a while(eating whole thyroid). We can't do that in the world we live today, if you try a fruitarian diet you will not thrive because there are so much stressors,but truly eating only animal products seems on the edge of stupidity.

They are advancing a myth about human nature, so I will advance a counter-myth. At the time people were growing their large brains they lived in the tropics. I suggest that in this time before the development of grain-based agriculture, they ate a diet that was relatively free of unsaturated fats and low in iron--based on tropical fruits. I suggest that the Boskop skull from Mt. Kilimanjaro was representative of people under those conditions, and that just by our present knowledge of the association of brain size with longevity, they--as various "Golden Age" myths claim--must have had a very long life-span. As people moved north and developed new ways of living, their consumption of unsaturated fats increased, their brain size decreased, and they aged rapidly. Neanderthal relics show that flaxseed was a staple of their diet.
How much fat? Number of amy1 (amylase) copies indicates how much starch was present. More copies = more tolerant/preferring of starches. Less = more like chimps or maybe carnivores depending on other genes.


Jul 5, 2019
I never claimed that eating only animal products is optimal, I said that you need enough animal products to thrive.

Eating only fruits ? are you serious, every fruitarian I've ever seen is the definition of emaciation.

Believing that you can survive on fruits alone is borderline mental illness.
"Animal flesh and milk is the only way, There is no way to be healthy eating grass, we are hunters we need to consume a lot of meat to feel satiated."
This is saying that eating only animal products is animal.
By the way i didn't say that we can sustain fruitarianism. What are you saying?
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