Can too much calcium lead to fluid build up in the skin?


Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway
@Theta It could be phosphorus, yes. That is what i am testing out now.
I don't have any insights other than try something else, and see if it gets better. Maybe do as me and eat mostly meat the next week and see if that makes it better. No matter the outcome you've learned something.

I read somewhere that Peat either recommends fruit and milk, or meat and milk. Maybe i have to be in the meat category. I have been eating carnivore on and off for the past 3 years. Meat has always been something i have craved, and almost could never get enough of, but even i got bored of meat after a couple of weeks on it. I felt great, but craved sugar, and my physical performance was nothing to brag about. So something was missing. I've been eating mostly fruit and milk since i started the Peat diet 2 months ago, but that combo is maybe not for me either.
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Jan 11, 2016
@Theta It could be phosphorus, yes. That what i am testing out now.
I don't have any insights other than try something else, and see if it gets better. Maybe do as me and eat mostly meat the next week and see if that makes it better. No matter the outcome you've learned something.

I read somewhere that Peat either recommends fruit and milk, or meat and milk. Maybe i have to be in the meat category. I have been eating carnivore on and off for the past 3 years. Meat has always been something i have craved, and almost could never get enough of, but even i got bored of meat after a couple of weeks on it. I felt great, but craved sugar, and my physical performance was nothing to brag about. So something was missing. I've been eating mostly fruit and milk since i started the Peat diet 2 months ago, but that combo is maybe not for me either.
I am not able to eat meat. Like I mentioned I am unable to chew. So, meat is a big no. How about iron. I checked my cronometer diary and the one thing I am lowest in is iron. That and manganese. Everything else checks out OK. Maybe check your iron levels.

Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway
I understand.
My iron has always been very high. Too high. 330 in ferritin at one point. I donate blood often to get it down.


Jul 2, 2022
I have been having severe water retention in my legs to the point of my right knee won't bend completely when I squat. The last thing I would think would be the goat milk I drink! I have osteoporosis and drink 2 quarts a day to get my Ca and protein. I add salt and raw honey to the goat milk also.

Any insights?
Yesterday was to a neurologist who switched to acupuncture and is quite good. He said in Chinese medicine Milk is regarded as "wet" and causes water retention. Asked him about the biochemical reason - no idea. Still trying to figure this one out. What I know for sure is it is not the fat content in the milk as butter makes me chiseled nor lactose as lactore free milk has the exact same effect. Maybe will try egg shells for several days and see if it is the calcium. If not, must be some of the proteins.

Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway

There was no problem, for me at least, drinking milk until i went to Spain. I theorize that the increased vitamin D increased the absorption of calcium way too high. And now i suspect that i haven't fixed the problems that were created down in Spain. Maybe i can drink milk again a while after i'v fixed this problem.

Small update: I ate lots of steak yesterday, and my sides are much better today.

NB: i didn't add my supplements into chronometer. I had B1 and magnesium.

Skjermbilde 2023-08-30 kl. 12.20.48.png

Skjermbilde 2023-08-30 kl. 12.20.57.png


Feb 3, 2020
I get water retention when I eat foods I am sensitive to. (dairy, gluten, eggs, soy)

Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway
@Peater I would assume several ways, but the way i do it is to cut out carbs for a small while and notice if i feel any different.
What i have done today is to only eat coconut fat, and coffee (i had a teaspoon of sugar in the coffee). I feel much better, so I'm leaning now towards it being insulin resistance. Still strange it got worse from eggshells tho.
If it is insulin resistance, the cause of the resistance may be K2 deficiency. Even though i supplement with MK4 and MK7. But I've read MK4 supplement is not very efficient. I've ordered Emu oil (maybe the food source with the most concentrated amounts of MK4 in the world). We will see when that arrives. A friend of mine has had super good results from liquid MK7, but up until now i don't like that the supplement also contains vitamin D. Maybe I'll try it anyway.


Mar 26, 2014
@Peater I would assume several ways, but the way i do it is to cut out carbs for a small while and notice if i feel any different.
What i have done today is to only eat coconut fat, and coffee (i had a teaspoon of sugar in the coffee). I feel much better, so I'm leaning now towards it being insulin resistance. Still strange it got worse from eggshells tho.
If it is insulin resistance, the cause of the resistance may be K2 deficiency. Even though i supplement with MK4 and MK7. But I've read MK4 supplement is not very efficient. I've ordered Emu oil (maybe the food source with the most concentrated amounts of MK4 in the world). We will see when that arrives. A friend of mine has had super good results from liquid MK7, but up until now i don't like that the supplement also contains vitamin D. Maybe I'll try it anyway.

Cheers! Coconut oil is a good idea, at least the body can use it easily.

Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway
I think ive figured it out.

Severe K2 deficiency. Which leads to insulin resistance. Which leads to water retention. (Any many other problems)

I took a while to figure out since i do take 5 mg K2 MK4 every day, but now I suspect that that MK4 supplement has no effect whatsoever. It is The Carlson brand.
Mk7 supplements seems to have some effect compared to MK4 supplement, but the problem is most of the MK7 supplements i could get my hand on either has a lot of vitamin D as well, or soy and isoflavonoids. And also quite a low amount of mcg, which makes it expensive.

But then i tried to eat duck liver and duck hearts over 2 days. About 600 g duck hearts and 400 g duck liver in total. And The speed of things getting better was just incredible. Duck hearts and duck liver is the food with the highest amounts of K2 MK4. See image below.

Both bodily and mental energy came back so fast.

I could just continue to eat duck hearts, but the problem is i moved to Spain yesterday, and i don't know if i can easily get my hands on duck hearts here.

So I'm gonna try Kuinone next and see if transdermal K2 MK4 has any effect.
Oral MK4 supplements, if the Carlson brand is representative, doesn't seem to have any effect.

"As a rough estimate, duck heart might contain around 369 micrograms (μg) of MK-4 per 100 grams of heart tissue, similar to the vitamin K2 content in duck liver.

Duck Liver: Around 369 μg (μg) of MK-4 per 100 grams of liver.

Chicken Liver: Around 15-25 μg of MK-4 per 100 grams of liver.

Beef Liver: Around 4-5 μg of MK-4 per 100 grams of liver."
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