
New Member
Feb 21, 2015
I have a question about taking baking soda w/ OJ to decrease the acid effect on the teeth. If I'm trying to increase my stomach acid, it seems the baking soda will take the hydrochloric acid in the wrong direction. Currently, I'm using baking soda pre-meals to assist the pancreas by raising the pH in the small intestine. I don't want to then reduce the stomach acid at mealtime by taking baking soda.

Maybe supplementing with the vitamins or using liver is a better approach when hypochlorhydria is present? Or maybe drinking the OJ and baking soda between meals? Help. :?


Jul 29, 2014
Mittir said:
Vitamin K is very vital in dental health. I have noticed i get mild dental sensitivity whenever i skip weekly beef liver (4-8 oz) for more than 2 weeks. I believe it is the vitamin K, vitamin A
and other nutrient in liver that strengthen teeth.

I experience the exact same thing.

Ray has said that increased estrogen increases dental decay and increased thyroid reduces dental decay. He also said stress can cause cavities. Here is the clip where he mentions this...

This article mentions something I had never heard before...

The roasted coffee also has antiadhesive properties. In this way it prevents adhesion of S. mutans and other harmful material to the teeth. Regular coffee drinkers not only have caries-free teeth, but also their teeth are whiter as compared to others.

The whiter teeth part is what caught my attention.

Also, Chris Masterjohn mentioned something in his old article "On the Trail of the Elusive X-Factor" that also caught my attention.

Administration of the Activator X concentrate to his patients consistently changed the chemical behavior of their saliva from phosphorus-accepting to phosphorus-donating. The Activator X concentrate also reduced the bacterial count of their saliva. In a group of six patients, administration of the concentrate reduced the Lactobacillus acidophilus count from 323,000 to 15,000. In one individual, the combination of cod liver oil and Activator X concentrate reduced the L. acidophilus count from 680,000 to 0.

If vitamin K2 can reduce the bacterial count in the mouth, do you think it could reduce bad breath? I've noticed my 18 month old daughter has absolutely no bad smell to her breath. It actually smells sort of nice. This may be because she's my daughter and everything she does is cute but I just noticed it and thought it was interesting. Anybody else notice this with their kids?


  • Teeth - Cavities and Sugar.mp3
    1.9 MB · Views: 87


Aug 22, 2013
schultz said:
I've noticed my 18 month old daughter has absolutely no bad smell to her breath. It actually smells sort of nice. This may be because she's my daughter and everything she does is cute but I just noticed it and thought it was interesting. Anybody else notice this with their kids?

Yes, my daughter is almost 4 years old and only beginning to have a hint of smell in her morning breath. She doesn't brush regularly, only rinses with water now and then. I've always wondered about this.


Aug 9, 2019
So, what's the consensus on when to take baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)? Take it with OJ?
Or maybe in-between meals? I read in another thread (hairloss related) to take it 45 mins after meals.
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