Chronic Insomnia, Diffuse Thinning. Thyroid labs. Any help appreciated!


New Member
Dec 28, 2020
Hi all, I’m new to the forum and made this account specifically for this post. Any help would be appreciated!

Starting this year around April/May I started getting chronic insomnia, when before I was sleeping like a baby. I have no idea what caused it and It has persisted until now. I also have diffused thinning all over my scalp. I usually have very thick/dense hair so with all the thinning it still looks like I have a good crop of hair, but it’s done a number on my self-esteem.

I’m on 50mg Seroquel to help me sleep, which seems to do the trick. If I don’t take seroquel I will lie there wide awake until morning.

I got labs done to check if my thyroid etc were okay, and it came back as
Free T4: 12.0 pmol/L (7.0-16.0)
TSH: 1.35 mU/L (0.3-5.0)

Does this indicate subclinical hypothyroidism? And could this be the reason for my thinning/insomnia? Or should I get labs done on cortisol too?

Any help appreciated!


New Member
Dec 28, 2020
Supplements I take are:
5-10g taurine
250mg magnesium
300mg ashwagandha
2g vitamin c

I don’t have any strict diet plan, I just eat whatever usually but I try to get as much fruit as possible.

I’m 24 year old male, fairly thin and lean and no other health problems other than insomnia/thinning


Sep 22, 2020
Some people get a stimulatory effect from taurine and some get similar symptoms from some types of magnesium.

Not eating enough protein early in the day can contribute to feeling more wired at night.

Could you take seroquel each night to resolve the issue? Or do you become tolerant to its effects?

I have melatonin on hand for emergencies but it doesn’t always work.

I think avoiding EMFs, blue light etc hours before bed does have merit but is so hard to do in this day and age.


New Member
Dec 28, 2020
Some people get a stimulatory effect from taurine and some get similar symptoms from some types of magnesium.

Not eating enough protein early in the day can contribute to feeling more wired at night.

Could you take seroquel each night to resolve the issue? Or do you become tolerant to its effects?

I have melatonin on hand for emergencies but it doesn’t always work.

I think avoiding EMFs, blue light etc hours before bed does have merit but is so hard to do in this day and age.
I become somewhat tolerant to Seroquel with continued use. I don’t feel drowsy in the morning anymore and I had to up the doseage from 25mg to 50mg. I know it works because I dream each night now.

What do you make of my thyroid lab results?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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