Civil Unrest predicted to increase all over the World


Feb 18, 2016
It’s obvious of course but this article has a good take on it all.
Its best folks prepare for it, stress levels will increase, knowing why can help you avoid situations where your sucked into extremist arguments or protests, at its core it’s the battle for bioenergetic resources, folks worldwide will start behaving like they are in a low metabolic state, primal essentially.
I’m sure as much as this will be tragic in some cases in others it will comical because of all the "diverse" identity movements, we have how many feminist movements now? How many acronyms? Also did you know critical race theorists want acronyms banned because they are a symptom of white supremacy, I’m not joking, they are a fanatical cult, like all cults they are making money to the tune of billions.

The ruling class wanted diversity so let’s see how they respond to diverse contradictory identity riots, it will be like a Monty python sketch, it’s impossible for a coherent response to address everyone’s needs so they will need a diverse policy which will veer into contradiction, maybe that’s the plan though, encourage sovereign identity via blockchain which magically addresses all your needs.

Unfortunately the article is copyright protected so you can’t copy and paste to this site, you have to click the link, it’s worth your time imo.
(this is the future by the way, copyright protection, you won’t be able to copy and paste without a micro transaction fee from your digital wallet)



Jun 13, 2019
isn't civil unrest a good thing? of course corporate sponsored woke identity riots arn't, but those are a distraction to the economic protests against the corporate state by low income and starving people. Thowing out the baby with the bathwater is part of the elites agenda, to make people turn on eachother


Aug 17, 2016
It’s obvious of course but this article has a good take on it all.
Its best folks prepare for it, stress levels will increase, knowing why can help you avoid situations where your sucked into extremist arguments or protests, at its core it’s the battle for bioenergetic resources, folks worldwide will start behaving like they are in a low metabolic state, primal essentially.
I’m sure as much as this will be tragic in some cases in others it will comical because of all the "diverse" identity movements, we have how many feminist movements now? How many acronyms? Also did you know critical race theorists want acronyms banned because they are a symptom of white supremacy, I’m not joking, they are a fanatical cult, like all cults they are making money to the tune of billions.

The ruling class wanted diversity so let’s see how they respond to diverse contradictory identity riots, it will be like a Monty python sketch, it’s impossible for a coherent response to address everyone’s needs so they will need a diverse policy which will veer into contradiction, maybe that’s the plan though, encourage sovereign identity via blockchain which magically addresses all your needs.

Unfortunately the article is copyright protected so you can’t copy and paste to this site, you have to click the link, it’s worth your time imo.
(this is the future by the way, copyright protection, you won’t be able to copy and paste without a micro transaction fee from your digital wallet)

all planned out


Jun 19, 2016
Ah yeah, imprison, control and poison the world, im sure it's all peaceful


Feb 18, 2016
isn't civil unrest a good thing? of course corporate sponsored woke identity riots arn't, but those are a distraction to the economic protests against the corporate state by low income and starving people. Thowing out the baby with the bathwater is part of the elites agenda, to make people turn on eachother

A coherent civil unrest so to speak would be, many of the identity movements hate each other, too much stupidity to come together, the homeless on the streets are less important to the middle class woke than transgender and selective racial groups.
Woke big tech and woke California governance are responsible For the homeless, in San Francisco the woke town hall decided it would be wise to release all criminals jailed for drug use, said criminals ended up back in the streets homeless and doing drugs again, numbers shot up, the woke refuse to see it.


Jun 13, 2019
A coherent civil unrest so to speak would be, many of the identity movements hate each other, too much stupidity to come together, the homeless on the streets are less important to the middle class woke than transgender and selective racial groups.
Woke big tech and woke California governance are responsible For the homeless, in San Francisco the woke town hall decided it would be wise to release all criminals jailed for drug use, said criminals ended up back in the streets homeless and doing drugs again, numbers shot up, the woke refuse to see it.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
The FBI will be on the money side, the higher ups that all must not forget the 8,000 approximately permanent govt employees who were made fire proof by Obama and have enormous influence in the back ground of the govt. Wish I could remember their more precise name and function but one reason why Trump ran into many obstacles in the swamp.

Oh, if you favor a more Liberal govt as you, some of you prefer and your right, do you think a one party govt is best for this country which is the intent of the Filibuster removal and HR 1 for example? What I am saying is it is okay to differ in opinion but is your opinion from what I am seeing almost daily, a dangerous one that is being executed? They do not want an opposite voice to their goals and agenda be it Facebook, Twitter or general useless media. Now they are trying to take down a large Conservative voice, Fox News, with a $1.4 billion lawsuit. Very concerning the elites on the Liberal side want us to be their Monopoly game.

Yes, I agree with the title of these comments, radicalism and fascism are at play and they have no boundaries. Be ready to stand up for your principles and rights or they just might disappear.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Ironically, obviously the people who are letting in everyone at the border care more about the illegals than their own downtrodden in the cities....what a joke. We know it is not compassion that drives them, just votes to keep them in office. Sick.


Feb 18, 2016

Psychos, epstein is a distant memory at this point with the general public.
It will be a great day when people snap and turn up at the homes of the ruling class.


Jul 29, 2018
Psychos, epstein is a distant memory at this point with the general public.
It will be a great day when people snap and turn up at the homes of the ruling class.

The ruling class owns the military. Turning up at their houses will just get us killed by US military. Armed opposition is pointless these days. It only worked during the American revolution because the gap between citizen and military weaponry wasn't that great. Rifles and cannons were all both sides had. Now it's AR-15s vs tanks, drones, tear gas, machine guns, and grenade launchers. A successful armed opposition will likely never occur in our lifetime.


Aug 13, 2020
The ruling class owns the military. Turning up at their houses will just get us killed by US military. Armed opposition is pointless these days. It only worked during the American revolution because the gap between citizen and military weaponry wasn't that great. Rifles and cannons were all both sides had. Now it's AR-15s vs tanks, drones, tear gas, machine guns, and grenade launchers. A successful armed opposition will likely never occur in our lifetime.

Western powers had all that and more in Afghanistan yet Taliban using small arms and IEDs have hemmed the Empire inside its bases and a few of the larger cities for several years now.

I think the kind of scenario will come down more to a denial-of-access situation, where elites will be able to move around from secure place to secure place under security, but will have freedom of movement everywhere else denied. This is sort of how the US is set up now politically anyway - leftists/Democrats heavily concentrated in big cities, centrists and right-wingers everywhere else.


Jun 5, 2019
Hunger will increase. China will be hit by the worst famine in its history within 5 years.


Feb 18, 2016
The ruling class owns the military. Turning up at their houses will just get us killed by US military. Armed opposition is pointless these days. It only worked during the American revolution because the gap between citizen and military weaponry wasn't that great. Rifles and cannons were all both sides had. Now it's AR-15s vs tanks, drones, tear gas, machine guns, and grenade launchers. A successful armed opposition will likely never occur in our lifetime.

True, boycott seems like the only way, it’s that or the military get fed up with being replaced by drones and turn against them, teachers are slowly waking up to the fact that they are being replaced by AI, they have been teaching the AI for years in some places.
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