Coconut Oil Possibly Creates Food Allergies?



No discomfort! No bloating, and like I said Im running very hot, 99°F+, no cold hands, feet, nose, etc. My poops have never been better, no constipation. Your welcome!


Oct 15, 2016
That's a low amount of vitamin c, given its role in cardiovascular health it may be worth looking into.


May 28, 2016
No discomfort! No bloating, and like I said Im running very hot, 99°F+, no cold hands, feet, nose, etc. My poops have never been better, no constipation. Your welcome!
Got it. You know what, I will definitely give it a try. I have experimented with so many thinks, I don’t see why I shouldn’t try upping my intake of skim milk. I’ll do it and report back, I hope you don’t mind if o have some questions along the way. Oh, and last question: do you do the raw carrot?


Got it. You know what, I will definitely give it a try. I have experimented with so many thinks, I don’t see why I shouldn’t try upping my intake of skim milk. I’ll do it and report back, I hope you don’t mind if o have some questions along the way. Oh, and last question: do you do the raw carrot?
No carrot, what I shared earlier is exactly and entirely what I consume.


May 28, 2016
No discomfort! No bloating, and like I said Im running very hot, 99°F+, no cold hands, feet, nose, etc. My poops have never been better, no constipation. Your welcome!
@tca300 , I’ve been experimenting with a diet similar to yours for about a week now and I wanted to quickly check-in here to let you know I couldn’t be happier with the results! I am feeling warmer, less bloated, more energetic and sleeping better. It’s still early and I am not using any supplements, I wanted to check the effects of the diet in isolation first. I plan to go like this for 3 more weeks before I start introducing the fat solubles.

I do have a few questions if you don’t mind:

1.regarding salt, do I understand correctly that you do not consume any added salt, and all the sodium you’re getting is from the milk? Is it a concern that this would throw the K:Na balance too much in favor of potassium? The reason I ask is that I always read Peat praising sodium a lot, so I wonder if more added salt couldn’t be beneficial.

2. Pre workout: I workout at 6:30am (only time I can do it, unfortunately no other option). I’m struggling to find a good pre-workout fuel. When I do just milk I feel a little lethargic/sleepy. I tried adding salt and sugar, that helped with the lethargy but not completely. I added coffee but that gave me Adrenalin symptoms (cold ha da mainly). Maybe I just need to find the right dose of coffee and sugar. What do you suggest?

3. Same question for post workou: do you usually church 1quart of milk straight out of the workout, or is the timing not really important and you wait until you get home?

4. Last one, about the timing of your vitamins: in the past I have found magnesium to disturb my sleep, and VitD to make me drowsy. So I started using magnesium in thsugar morning (pwo) and vitD b4 bed, which is very counterintuitive and I worry if I were maybe seeing correlations that weren’t really there. Anyways, and what time to you take your fat solubles, magnesium and glycine? (that’s all you take as far as supplements, right?)

As always, thank you so very much for your guidance!!


1. Ray thinks adding cheese is important for increasing the sodium content of a milk diet. I usually just add some to my liver, but recently have been using it like a supplement, and taking 1/8 of a tsp with meals, just dissolving it in my mouth with water or milk.

2. Thats a hard one, most people I know dont come zipping out of bed in the morning ready for hard work. I have always strayed away from morning workouts, as you wont be at your strongest and most efficient state for lifting, probably a more injury prone time as well. Food before exercise is important, especially after a whole night without food. Im afraid I dont have much advice on this one, after eating maybe doing more warmup sets before actual work sets can help, maybe some jumping jacks, burpees etc to warm the muscles up.

3. It wont make much difference from a muscle building standpoint, its more important that you have been eating beforehand so your glycogen levels are good, so you have the fuel to push hard. From a hormonal/thyroid standpoint, it would make sense to eat afterwards to help lower cortisol, and free fatty acids. I eat 6 times per day, 7,10,1,4,7,10 and if a meal falls after, during, or before I workout, thats when I eat. But I lift heavy, 5 or less reps, and take long rest periods, so I dont need to worry as much as someone who does 8+ reps with shorter rest periods between sets. I lift at home.

4. I take ~500mg of glycine with each meal, I take magnesium between meal times, usually mid day, vitamin a,e with breakfast, d topically noonish, or if its sunny go outside for ~30 min blasting my nips, and k2 at 4pm with a meal.

Im glad you are feeling good! :grin

Lord Cola

No carrot, what I shared earlier is exactly and entirely what I consume.
If you are still not eating carrot, do you eat any other kind of fiber, or some other antibiotic thing, to keep endotoxin low? Do you happen to know Ray's opinion on the healthfulness of avoiding soluble and insoluble fiber (primarily with regard to to gut bacteria) when eating a primarily milk based diet like yours? Thank you.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Has anyone else quit coconut oil and found health improvements? I was thinking of substituting macadamia nut oil for the coconut oil I use for a few weeks, and see if I notice anything positive. Or just a good organic olive oil. I already use grass fed butter. I really like coconut oil and MCT oil, and haven't noticed anything negative from consuming them, but sometimes you can't make the connection between foods and body reactions if they are subtle. I suppose, in general, if you end up feeling and getting better, that may be a correlation to the food you eliminated.


Aug 10, 2012
Olive oil is heavy pufa though. Ray said using a little of it like a tablespoon for flavoring is okay, but not to think of it as healthy.

I have quit coconut oil but haven't seen benefits. My husband seemed to be allergic to it. We quit it about 2 years ago. In retrospect, I don't think it was the CO that bothered him. We use butter and a little olive oil at times.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Olive oil is heavy pufa though. Ray said using a little of it like a tablespoon for flavoring is okay, but not to think of it as healthy.

I have quit coconut oil but haven't seen benefits. My husband seemed to be allergic to it. We quit it about 2 years ago. In retrospect, I don't think it was the CO that bothered him. We use butter and a little olive oil at times.
I think it may have to do, also, with how much you are consuming. I was using coconut oil like a food. Now, I am not consuming any oils as a supplement, but only for cooking, such as butter and coconut oil, but stopped eating several tablespoons of coconut oil/day. And,' large' amounts of coconut oil may in fact cause an upset in digestion and gut permeability. I may drizzle some extra virgin olive oil or truffle oil on my food, or bake cookies, etc. with some macadamia nut oil, but not much of it, plus I take a good dose of vitamin E to offset the PUFAs. I am in the second week, and can already see my gut calming down a bit, so I think I may stay this course. Peat may call them 'heavy' in PUFA, which any PUFA is too much for him, but olive and macadamia oils only have a 'small' percentage of PUFA, 10% for olive and 3% for macadamia. Plus, their high level of oleic acid is a good thing, since oleic acid is showing anti-aging in current science.


Mar 27, 2021
@tca300 @Birdie or anyone else, any update, or thoughts on the topic? It seems that Ray at the end turned away a bit from coconut oil


Aug 10, 2012
@tca300 @Birdie or anyone else, any update, or thoughts on the topic? It seems that Ray at the end turned away a bit from coconut oil
Well, I haven't thought a lot about it lately. We have CO by the stove but only use it occasionally. Still using butter and sometimes a little olive oil. I didn't notice that Ray got less enthusiastic about CO but, except for his newsletters, I didn't always keep up with him during his last couple of years as far as any new thoughts he might have had.
Mar 10, 2021
Dietary medium-chain triglycerides promote oral allergic sensitization and orally induced anaphylaxis to peanut protein in mice
This study used partially hydrogenated coconut oil I believe.

If other forum members like @Travis @haidut or anybody else that has time, and or are interested, I would like to hear what you guys think of this study. After about 7 years of daily Coconut oil, hydrogenated coconut oil and pure MCT consumption ( not all 3 everyday, but typically one of the mentioned daily ) I have just recently been going into a certain anaphylaxis when I consume Oranges, fresh, whole, juiced myself or store bought juices.

It seems far fetched to really think that the medium chain triglycerides could cause this, but I'm all ears to anybody who has thoughts! Thank you!

I apologize if this has already been brought up before.
Ray Peat has said that MCT oil can create new allergies.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Georgi has talked about moringa oil being a good oil with a good FA profile. If you are trying to reduce your MCT, olive, or other oil usage, this might be a good substitute. I have been using it and it seems to be versatile enough with no pronounced tastes.


Mar 27, 2021
Well, I haven't thought a lot about it lately. We have CO by the stove but only use it occasionally. Still using butter and sometimes a little olive oil. I didn't notice that Ray got less enthusiastic about CO but, except for his newsletters, I didn't always keep up with him during his last couple of years as far as any new thoughts he might have had.
Thanks for the feedback.
I must have previously overexaggerated what he said, I re-listened to the GE episode and he just said there that he probably prefers olive oil in carrot salad, I think there was one more excerpt from him with similar tone. I should have corrected my post earlier
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