Correlation between Testosterone and IQ ?


Aug 9, 2019
Why is it that it seems like men who tend to have a proper childhood and puberty, who grow into healthy, robust, athletic men in their 20s, tend to be more basic and without intellectual inclinations?
You see this the typical jock stereotype.
A lot of men gifted with good jawlines, mesomorph body types, who exude a lot of masculinity are just "basic" and they lack intellectual depth.
Perhaps that enjoying a rich social and sexual life just makes one fulfilled that he doesn't feel the need to meditate about the world, read books and all that. And honestly it's not fair.
Play ball, bully the nerds, party, get lots of ***** in high school and college, lift weights and that's about it.

Almost always, the guys with higher IQ tend to be on the autism spectrum to some degree. They tend to have little muscle mass and / or little interest in their physical appearance. They tend to have lackluster sexual lives. They tend to be less genetically gifted, less handsome.

This is of course a big generalization, but this myth must have started from somewhere.

I personally have worked a lot to develop a muscular body and improve my looks. And it definitely improved my life. I have more sexual success, I've become more assertive, more cocky. It is turning me more into a "jock". I have less interest to read books.
It must be the Testosterone at play here.
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Why is it that it seems like men who tend to have a proper childhood and puberty, who grow into healthy, robust, athletic men in their 20s, tend to be more basic and without intellectual inclinations?
You see this the typical jock stereotype.
A lot of men gifted with good jawlines, mesomorph body types, who exude a lot of masculinity are just "basic" and they lack intellectual depth.
Perhaps that enjoying a rich social and sexual life just makes one fulfilled that he doesn't feel the need to meditate about the world, read books and all that. And honestly it's not fair.
Play ball, bully the nerds, party, get lots of ***** in high school and college, lift weights and that's about it.

Almost always, the guys with higher IQ tend to be on the autism spectrum to some degree. They tend to have little muscle mass and / or little interest in their physical appearance. They tend to have lackluster sexual lives. They tend to be less genetically gifted, less handsome.

This is of course a big generalization, but this myth must have started from somewhere.

I personally have worked a lot to develop a muscular body and improve my looks. And it definitely improved my life. I have more sexual success, I've become more assertive, more cocky. It is turning me more into a "jock". I have less interest to read books.
It must be the Testosterone at play here.
It feels like the better you are energetically the less you ruminate and overthink things,and when your thoughs Flow trough your mind you grasp less on them,yet you don’t have a worst brain performance when it comes to activitys that require you to do so,one of the communs perspective on intelligence is a misconception,some peoples like some philosophes have a complex thinking that you would have to do a mental effort to grasp a meaning close to what this person wanted to express,yet the person is still wrong and despit she reached this degree of thinking’s he lost her ability to pay attentions to her intuitions and to think outside of his own paradigm even when the paradigm is wrong or unfruitful. the more relax I feel whever from high DHT feeling or high progesterone feeling,the less I ruminate or grasp on the thoughs that flow through my mind,yet my cognitive performance on video games is at his best,and when iam willing to reflect about anything my cognitive performance is also at his highest.the intellectual dept that you are talking in certain cases do not even result in positives things or relevants things,and is the manifestation of a subobtimal energetic state.some peoples are like the persons you describe that seems to be laking intellectual dept,yet when you question them you réalise that they have better intuitions than others,they have reached better conclusions than mosts,and some even have a very high ability to think and reflect.the worst is your energetic state the more you Start to scheme and think more to get to a higher social status and energetic state,when you reach a high energetic status these past schemes can seems absolutely futile to you
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Jan 9, 2021
there are very few great men to achieve both and it will be rare for you to see them in these degenerated times. the archetype you talk about, the chiseled jock, are co-opted early on or eliminated. pat tilman might have been the ideal archetype you spoke of, the combination of physically fit thinker, and im told he was killed by his own battlemates to keep him from speaking out. even at the time i heard my male peers tell me he was stupid for giving up his football career to go soldier. the babbling masses do alot of damage to any of the ideal archetype you speak of. even if a male has proclivity to be the ideal male, it is easier for him to be co-opted to become a fashion model or something,


Jan 4, 2021
Why is it that it seems like men who tend to have a proper childhood and puberty, who grow into healthy, robust, athletic men in their 20s, tend to be more basic and without intellectual inclinations?
You see this the typical jock stereotype.
A lot of men gifted with good jawlines, mesomorph body types, who exude a lot of masculinity are just "basic" and they lack intellectual depth.
Perhaps that enjoying a rich social and sexual life just makes one fulfilled that he doesn't feel the need to meditate about the world, read books and all that. And honestly it's not fair.
Play ball, bully the nerds, party, get lots of ***** in high school and college, lift weights and that's about it.

Almost always, the guys with higher IQ tend to be on the autism spectrum to some degree. They tend to have little muscle mass and / or little interest in their physical appearance. They tend to have lackluster sexual lives. They tend to be less genetically gifted, less handsome.

This is of course a big generalization, but this myth must have started from somewhere.

I personally have worked a lot to develop a muscular body and improve my looks. And it definitely improved my life. I have more sexual success, I've become more assertive, more cocky. It is turning me more into a "jock". I have less interest to read books.
It must be the Testosterone at play here.

I think they just have less drive bro. They haven't experienced a lot of darkness and things are just good the way they are.

Really all you need to be happy is good food, good sex and a good physiology.
If that's pretty much all you've ever known, why go anywhere else?

Our pain can be a blessing in disguise brother. We can use it for great things.
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Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
Why is it that it seems like men who tend to have a proper childhood and puberty, who grow into healthy, robust, athletic men in their 20s, tend to be more basic and without intellectual inclinations?
You see this the typical jock stereotype.
A lot of men gifted with good jawlines, mesomorph body types, who exude a lot of masculinity are just "basic" and they lack intellectual depth.
Perhaps that enjoying a rich social and sexual life just makes one fulfilled that he doesn't feel the need to meditate about the world, read books and all that. And honestly it's not fair.
Play ball, bully the nerds, party, get lots of ***** in high school and college, lift weights and that's about it.

I wouldn't call them 'basic', they aren't overthinking things that simply don't matter like a lot of nerds do. Their reality is fulfilling as you said and therefore don't need to escape into fantasy with books, daydreaming, ruminating, etc.


Jan 4, 2021
I wouldn't call them 'basic', they aren't overthinking things that simply don't matter like a lot of nerds do. Their reality is fulfilling as you said and therefore don't need to escape into fantasy with books, daydreaming, ruminating, etc.
Yes, their reality is fulfilling. They don't need any change and most likely don't contribute to any significant (positive) change.

Overthinking nerds are a different subject.
Those are the people in pain who do not wish to learn.

But for some people, eventually, pain makes them question things and give them drive for a better reality.


Sep 25, 2018
What you talk about has actually been proven (at least in childhood), here's the study:
Both mentally challenged and near genius to genius boys had low salivary testosterone levels while boys with average to slightly above average intellect had high T.


Jun 25, 2017
Need good amount of preformed DHA, phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol, etc (brain) when estrogen isn't naturally up to increase their synthesis.

Another reason all raw egg diet is ideal for pregnancy, save the fact that many are allergic.


Jun 22, 2021
I feel the same way to an extent. When my health was just ok or going downhill before peating I would say I was "booksmart", but a ******* loser I guess I would say - I was a ******* pseudo-intellectual spending all my free time playing piano and chess and memorizing useless information to impress people. I was one of those c*nts who spent a lot of money on clothes and shoes to impress people and I was a happy slave to a 9-5 and did what I was told in school and work and my miserable corporate job - I did "well" in these endeavors, but I don't think it was because I was smart - I think it was because I liked being told what to do.

Since peating I truly don't give a sh*t. I quit my career, never showed up to other interviews, made like 3 websites that I'm pouring my savings in so I never have to work again - I'm so damn cheap now I won't spend money unless if it's to buy my food and supplements. I do FAR better with women, negotiations in general, talking to people and have increased in size considerably - people seem to respect me a lot more as well. It's crazy how different I look and act to my previous self and I have so much more DRIVE now, but none of that pseudointellectual BS I was on before peating


Aug 9, 2019
I think they just have less drive bro. They haven't experienced a lot of darkness and things are just good the way they are.

Really all you need to be happy is good food, good sex and a good physiology.
If that's pretty much all you've ever known, why go anywhere else?

Our pain can be a blessing in disguise brother. We can use it for great things.


Apr 15, 2015
Why is it that it seems like men who tend to have a proper childhood and puberty, who grow into healthy, robust, athletic men in their 20s, tend to be more basic and without intellectual inclinations?
You see this the typical jock stereotype.
A lot of men gifted with good jawlines, mesomorph body types, who exude a lot of masculinity are just "basic" and they lack intellectual depth.
Perhaps that enjoying a rich social and sexual life just makes one fulfilled that he doesn't feel the need to meditate about the world, read books and all that. And honestly it's not fair.
Play ball, bully the nerds, party, get lots of ***** in high school and college, lift weights and that's about it.

Almost always, the guys with higher IQ tend to be on the autism spectrum to some degree. They tend to have little muscle mass and / or little interest in their physical appearance. They tend to have lackluster sexual lives. They tend to be less genetically gifted, less handsome.

This is of course a big generalization, but this myth must have started from somewhere.

I personally have worked a lot to develop a muscular body and improve my looks. And it definitely improved my life. I have more sexual success, I've become more assertive, more cocky. It is turning me more into a "jock". I have less interest to read books.
It must be the Testosterone at play here.
yeah, I also heard that Ray likes spending time with women (instead of books/internet) and has been bullying geeks (those PhD anti-sugar and pro-vaxers) in his free time since he increased his testosterone.
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May 10, 2018
I feel the same way to an extent. When my health was just ok or going downhill before peating I would say I was "booksmart", but a ******* loser I guess I would say - I was a ******* pseudo-intellectual spending all my free time playing piano and chess and memorizing useless information to impress people. I was one of those c*nts who spent a lot of money on clothes and shoes to impress people and I was a happy slave to a 9-5 and did what I was told in school and work and my miserable corporate job - I did "well" in these endeavors, but I don't think it was because I was smart - I think it was because I liked being told what to do.

Since peating I truly don't give a sh*t. I quit my career, never showed up to other interviews, made like 3 websites that I'm pouring my savings in so I never have to work again - I'm so damn cheap now I won't spend money unless if it's to buy my food and supplements. I do FAR better with women, negotiations in general, talking to people and have increased in size considerably - people seem to respect me a lot more as well. It's crazy how different I look and act to my previous self and I have so much more DRIVE now, but none of that pseudointellectual BS I was on before peating
Your story also rings true to me. I remember thinking I was intelligent many years ago memorising useless pieces of information that I knew other wouldn’t. Now I’ve worked on my health I realise how a) unhealthy I was and b) unintelligent I was.


May 10, 2018
yeah, I also heard that Ray likes spending time with women (instead of books/internet) and has been bullying geeks (those PhD anti-sugar and pro-vaxers) in his free time since he increased his testosterone.
Of course the theory doesn’t work completely, but there is something true to the stereotype of higher T in the formative years, at least in my experience and how it’s portrayed in movies etc.


Feb 18, 2016
It’s probably DHT throwing allopregnenolone off, certain hormones probably drive glucose utilization rates in certain areas.
The trick is to achieve a balance of sorts or be dynamic, testosterone and DHT should assist with spatial awareness, intelligence is necessary to acquire resources more so for men.
Estrogen conversion via testosterone can also lower glucose tissue utilization influencing brain charge and perceptive capacity overall, send you into a more hibernation primitive state, this will reduce the desire to discover more about the world and keep you in primal mode with, we are designed to search and discover.

The primary drive is not sex, it’s secondary, the primary drive is resources like, food, water and shelter, this allows you the energy for sex, meditating about the world is a form of resource aquisition, because men and women before have meditated about the world we have the resource abundance we have now that allows us the luxury of playing sports and leisure time in general. The primary drive therefore requires intelligence, this explains why the brain in humans is so big relative to our body size.

The reality is if contemporary society broke tomorrow and descended into anarchy, many of gym bro types won’t last, anarchy requires a balance of intellect and physicality, if I had to gamble on how many gym bros would last versus nerdy high IQ types I would bet on more of the high IQ types to last longer. Keep in mind contemporary society is more complex than the past.

An example in contemporary society would be the nerdy types have us all locked inside because of covid with gyms closed and sports curtailed, who’s winning here? Many gym bros and faux alpha types are hysterical on twitter that we are all going to die, the high IQ nerd realizes we are all going to die either way.
They may also be carrying out genocide which means many gym bros are dying soon, who’s alpha here?

I don’t deny cope exists but most of the high IQ types don’t do cope for the most part, they view reality in all its glory, they are inclined strongly to behave how they do, I think many people misconstrue behaviors like introversion or intense parroting as high intelligence, it’s isn’t and could be seen as cope, many of the new woke types live in permanent cope, they lack looks and intelligence, they suppress this.

Spare a thought for those who have the looks, height and intelligence, they exist, it can be extremely difficult for men like this to find a women, as in for kids/family, they get sex but the thoughts of starting a family with a reality TV watching pop culture stream of conscious type is difficult even if she is flawless looking, they are a magnet for women like this, I can assure you this is torture for men in this position because of the drive for sex conflicting with drive for intelligent discovery.


Aug 9, 2019
It’s probably DHT throwing allopregnenolone off, certain hormones probably drive glucose utilization rates in certain areas.
The trick is to achieve a balance of sorts or be dynamic, testosterone and DHT should assist with spatial awareness, intelligence is necessary to acquire resources more so for men.
Estrogen conversion via testosterone can also lower glucose tissue utilization influencing brain charge and perceptive capacity overall, send you into a more hibernation primitive state, this will reduce the desire to discover more about the world and keep you in primal mode with, we are designed to search and discover.

The primary drive is not sex, it’s secondary, the primary drive is resources like, food, water and shelter, this allows you the energy for sex, meditating about the world is a form of resource aquisition, because men and women before have meditated about the world we have the resource abundance we have now that allows us the luxury of playing sports and leisure time in general. The primary drive therefore requires intelligence, this explains why the brain in humans is so big relative to our body size.

The reality is if contemporary society broke tomorrow and descended into anarchy, many of gym bro types won’t last, anarchy requires a balance of intellect and physicality, if I had to gamble on how many gym bros would last versus nerdy high IQ types I would bet on more of the high IQ types to last longer. Keep in mind contemporary society is more complex than the past.

An example in contemporary society would be the nerdy types have us all locked inside because of covid with gyms closed and sports curtailed, who’s winning here? Many gym bros and faux alpha types are hysterical on twitter that we are all going to die, the high IQ nerd realizes we are all going to die either way.
They may also be carrying out genocide which means many gym bros are dying soon, who’s alpha here?

I don’t deny cope exists but most of the high IQ types don’t do cope for the most part, they view reality in all its glory, they are inclined strongly to behave how they do, I think many people misconstrue behaviors like introversion or intense parroting as high intelligence, it’s isn’t and could be seen as cope, many of the new woke types live in permanent cope, they lack looks and intelligence, they suppress this.

Spare a thought for those who have the looks, height and intelligence, they exist, it can be extremely difficult for men like this to find a women, as in for kids/family, they get sex but the thoughts of starting a family with a reality TV watching pop culture stream of conscious type is difficult even if she is flawless looking, they are a magnet for women like this, I can assure you this is torture for men in this position because of the drive for sex conflicting with drive for intelligent discovery.
Wow. Interestingly put


Oct 19, 2019
It’s probably DHT throwing allopregnenolone off, certain hormones probably drive glucose utilization rates in certain areas.
The trick is to achieve a balance of sorts or be dynamic, testosterone and DHT should assist with spatial awareness, intelligence is necessary to acquire resources more so for men.
Estrogen conversion via testosterone can also lower glucose tissue utilization influencing brain charge and perceptive capacity overall, send you into a more hibernation primitive state, this will reduce the desire to discover more about the world and keep you in primal mode with, we are designed to search and discover.

The primary drive is not sex, it’s secondary, the primary drive is resources like, food, water and shelter, this allows you the energy for sex, meditating about the world is a form of resource aquisition, because men and women before have meditated about the world we have the resource abundance we have now that allows us the luxury of playing sports and leisure time in general. The primary drive therefore requires intelligence, this explains why the brain in humans is so big relative to our body size.

The reality is if contemporary society broke tomorrow and descended into anarchy, many of gym bro types won’t last, anarchy requires a balance of intellect and physicality, if I had to gamble on how many gym bros would last versus nerdy high IQ types I would bet on more of the high IQ types to last longer. Keep in mind contemporary society is more complex than the past.

An example in contemporary society would be the nerdy types have us all locked inside because of covid with gyms closed and sports curtailed, who’s winning here? Many gym bros and faux alpha types are hysterical on twitter that we are all going to die, the high IQ nerd realizes we are all going to die either way.
They may also be carrying out genocide which means many gym bros are dying soon, who’s alpha here?

I don’t deny cope exists but most of the high IQ types don’t do cope for the most part, they view reality in all its glory, they are inclined strongly to behave how they do, I think many people misconstrue behaviors like introversion or intense parroting as high intelligence, it’s isn’t and could be seen as cope, many of the new woke types live in permanent cope, they lack looks and intelligence, they suppress this.

Spare a thought for those who have the looks, height and intelligence, they exist, it can be extremely difficult for men like this to find a women, as in for kids/family, they get sex but the thoughts of starting a family with a reality TV watching pop culture stream of conscious type is difficult even if she is flawless looking, they are a magnet for women like this, I can assure you this is torture for men in this position because of the drive for sex conflicting with drive for intelligent discovery.


Mar 17, 2021
Individualz who live a ''healthy normie'' lifestyle are healthy normies. What's so surprising?


Jul 31, 2020
this topic is very interesting,

another factor could be the fact that serotonin seems to be involved in neurogenesis, despite it being elevated when the energy status is deficient. So maybe the "autistic genius" stereotype is a combinantion of increased neurogenesis, and thus a somewhat enhanced cognition, and and other bad serotonergic characteristic such as antisocial, autistic, repetitive and rumating thinking. This might be just me spewing BS but throwing it out there.

My experience is that when i was an estrogenic b*itch in my early teens i was good at school and actually like studying science and computer, while when i started focusing more on increasing androgens (exercise, more sunlight, caffeine, subliminals) i started feeling way better mentally (more free thinking, less depressed and more social) but my grades fell hard because i stopped seeing the point in obsessing on certain topics etc.


Jun 7, 2016
I guess the intellect gets used to solve great problems that these men never face.
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