Cortisol, Adrenalin and thiamine deficiency - an impasse


Jun 9, 2021
I have only posted twice before in 2021, but have been reading ever since and trying to work it out for myself. I feel very defeated this morning and so here I am again, reaching out to anyone who might be able to help (as so many of you did previously, thank you).

I am thinking of the concept of high-calorie malnutrition (having read so much of what Mostly Lurking has posted here). I came here seeking a way to refeed after a lifetime of anorexia and under-eating enough to cause serious harm to my metabolism and anxiety off the scale, day-in, day-out. I have been focussing on taking in energy/eating sugars with the hopes that this would reduce surges in cortisol and adrenalin. My stress hormones NEVER turn down. My diet has therefore been high in honey, fruit (including ripe bananas, I am afraid through lack of any other sweet-enough fruits available in the UK and having to consider foods low in oxalates, which cuts out dried fruits). I have recently been compelled (from hunger and a desire) to eat condensed milk.

Without a doubt I was thiamine-deficient when I joined this forum 18 months ago. I am seriously so now and very very worried. I experience much worsening peripheral neuropathy, pretibial oedema (which I understand is quite an accurate way of diagnosing thiamine deficiency?), extreme tightness in calves and other muscles such that walking up and down stairs is now difficult, as is walking full stop. I am also going through a phase of quite bad sciatica (which I am sure must also be related to my deficiency state). Not to mention so many of the other dysautonomia symptoms so clearly stated by Dr. Lonsdale in Hormones Matter.

I am underweight for my height (43 kg, 5 ft 4 inches) and have a raging hunger which I cannot satiate - night or day. This is very scary for someone with a history of anorexia which has now morphed into extreme orthorexia. I know some may say, just go away and eat, but that is not so helpful to me at the moment because I can only eat if I have a plan, a plan which I can trust is helping to heal and replete my depleted body. I am searching for that plan, but in doing so, I have only made my situation very seriously worse. I really do not want to experience a heart attack due to my thiamine deficiency, as well as everything else. I have been working on the theory that before all else the body needs energy/calories. I think I have read Kelj say that many times when she has been talking about her courageous recovery journey and I think Peatfield also. But now I have exacerbated an thiamine deficiency. My impasse.

Mostly Lurking, if you are there, I have heard you say that Ray Peat has talked about the sugar in 1 quart OJ and 2 quarts milk to be sufficient. I cannot drink OJ because, since starting to eat more calories (from milk, honey, fruit etc), I have developed very bad laryngopharyngeal reflux and GERD. I feel sure that the greatly heightened stress of the last six months has exacerbated these symptoms. I have read many threads here talking about thiamine being central to the digestive and absorptive process so thiamine pops up again. So I have substituted OJ with melon and bananas and pears. After that I am left with 2 quarts milk (I am actually drinking about 2.5 quarts daily). This is just not enough, even though on good days I make 2000 calories. I go to bed hungry (but acid makes me constantly hungry anyway, such that that hunger is like a pain) I have no idea what else to eat now to increase my caloric intake, whilst not making me more thiamine deficient and reflux worse.

On many occasions I have tried to take thiamine. I have been using Energin (about 20 drops daily), so some thiamine there. I have tried to add on to this 25 up to 100 mg Thiamine HCL. I am extremely sensitive to all oral supplements (hence Energin). I thought I was perhaps doing okay with 100 mg Thiamine HCl but only managed it for about 4 days in a row and it does give me a headache every dosage. I have recently tried to replace Energin with Pure Encapsulations B Complex Plus, but I am not sure if this is not making the peripheral neuropathy even worse (too much B 6 maybe and I really do not understand about folic acid and B 12, which this supplement includes)

This morning I rubbed in my 20 drops Energin and about 45 mins later, I took 100 mg thiamine HCL. Within 10 minutes, I experienced a considerable swelling in my knee (pretibial) which was very scary and again made walking difficult. Thiamine is supposed to help with this not make it worse, I thought. I have read about the thiamine paradox but I am too nervous and confused to work my way through it. All I do is end up stopping thiamine and then feeling anxious for stopping it. I do take magnesium as listed below. And it is this latest tibial scare which has brought me here today. I have no idea which way to turn and feel paralysed with fear.

I have just eaten some oat bran, not because I wanted it and also knowing that I do not do starches very well at all, but just because I am afraid to eat foods which are devoid thiamine, but, of course, what good would that miniscule bit of thiamine do me when I am so deficient? How do others get around this thiamine problem when not eating legumes, nuts, seeds etc., I wonder. I am just acting out of blind fear now.

You will all think me neurotic and perhaps I am, but I only want to do the best for myself so that I can join society as a useful human being, instead of being so tired and overwhelmed by stress around food.

Thank you anyone who has stuck through this ramble.

I shall just give you a typical day's worth of food in case that should help.

350 mls goat's milk (1/2 semi skimmed /1/2 full fat and the same each time I drink it), with half tsp sugar!
1 large poached egg
120 g melon

Mid morning:
Breakfast repeated

100 g ground beef with fat skimmed off (too rich otherwise)
180 g pears
350 mls milk (as above)
2 large tsps condensed milk

Mid afternoon
350 mls goat's milk
1 1/2 bananas (about 140 g)

180 g pears
40 g carrot salad (without vinegar)
30 g Feta cheese (low fat)
(some days 50 g prawns or 100 g cod or 1 large kidney instead of cheese)
350 mls goat's milk
2 tsp condensed milk

(twice per week 1 oz liver)

I try to stop eating by 7.30 but invariable the reflux makes me so ragingly hungry that I have to succumb and have:
300 mls goat's milk
1 banana

And I still go to bed so hungry

I wake always at 2.00 a.m. I try to lie out my hunger but often I get up and have 2 large tsps of honey and some beef stock from my lunchtime ground beef.

I take a mixture of magnesium oxide (I have extreme constipation without it and very loose stools with it), magnesium carbonate (I think this is constipating as is magnesium glycinate) and I sit with my feet in Epsom Salt footbaths twice every day and use topically 20 drops of magnesium chloride.

I have no life because all I can think of is food. It is as if my house is burning and so there is no way that I can go out and have fun. I have to sort out the fire in my house first. Except that I am not sorting it out. I am only getting worse.

Again, I thank you so much for all I have learned from this forum and for anyone who feels able to respond to me again today.

Best wishes


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I’m going to tag @mostlylurking. If it were me I’d not worry too much about eating things like legumes or nuts at this point and just focus on finding what helps you get enough calories. Best wishes.


Jun 9, 2021
I’m going to tag @mostlylurking. If it were me I’d not worry too much about eating things like legumes or nuts at this point and just focus on finding what helps you get enough calories. Best wishes.
Thank you Blossom. Yes, not getting enough calories is so stressful. I think you have been there yourself, if I remember rightly, so I know you know!


Sep 13, 2012
Thank you Blossom. Yes, not getting enough calories is so stressful. I think you have been there yourself, if I remember rightly, so I know you know!
Calories are always king, don't let anyone convince you otherwise they proved it with the Minnesota starvation experiment. The only time thiamine might need to be given is in the very beginning if refeeding syndrome becomes an issue. But they found that without enough calories nutrients don't matter. Your situation is not one of simple malnutrition but of calorie malnutrition. Any and all calories are needed even if it's pure sugar and fat like ice cream and donuts. That is how your body will heal. It can't heal on b vitamins. It will heal on calories. Please don't let this forum kill you with fear.


Mar 25, 2016
The daily diet you describe must seriously drive your metabolism to high levels which is a good thing for a healthy person.

Id recommend adding well cooked potatoes to your evening meal, smother them in butter, add plenty of salt and that will help increase calories from a vitamin dense food source. It will lessen the stress on your body and I suspect you'll sleep better too.

You might want to have a glass of orange juice with or after to limit endotoxin but even then, I wouldn't worry too much about the starch at this stage in your recovery.


May 13, 2015
I’m going to tag @mostlylurking. If it were me I’d not worry too much about eating things like legumes or nuts at this point and just focus on finding what helps you get enough calories. Best wishes.
Thanks @Blossom; I'll try to respond now.
I am thinking of the concept of high-calorie malnutrition (having read so much of what Mostly Lurking has posted here). I came here seeking a way to refeed after a lifetime of anorexia and under-eating enough to cause serious harm to my metabolism and anxiety off the scale, day-in, day-out. I have been focussing on taking in energy/eating sugars with the hopes that this would reduce surges in cortisol and adrenalin. My stress hormones NEVER turn down. My diet has therefore been high in honey, fruit (including ripe bananas, I am afraid through lack of any other sweet-enough fruits available in the UK and having to consider foods low in oxalates, which cuts out dried fruits). I have recently been compelled (from hunger and a desire) to eat condensed milk.
The problem with a diet high in sugars is that without thiamine, your body can't do much of anything with it, other than packing the calories into storage as fat. Because you can't efficiently burn the sugar, your cells don't get any benefit from the sugar (which they need and crave) so your liver gets the message to release more sugar which doesn't work either. I think you need to focus on getting more thiamine in you. At this point, you probably need to supplement thiamine as getting enough from your diet alone is pretty much impossible.

Your stress hormones are activated because your cells are in need of successful oxidative metabolism which appears from your story is not happening. Eating more sugar won't help as long as you are thiamine deficient.
Without a doubt I was thiamine-deficient when I joined this forum 18 months ago. I am seriously so now and very very worried. I experience much worsening peripheral neuropathy, pretibial oedema (which I understand is quite an accurate way of diagnosing thiamine deficiency?), extreme tightness in calves and other muscles such that walking up and down stairs is now difficult, as is walking full stop. I am also going through a phase of quite bad sciatica (which I am sure must also be related to my deficiency state). Not to mention so many of the other dysautonomia symptoms so clearly stated by Dr. Lonsdale in Hormones Matter.
I agree with your assessment that you are thiamine deficient. You have lots of symptoms that point to thiamine deficiency. I used to have bad sciatica too, it hurts. Then I developed pretty severe scoliosis. Both resolved via high dose thiamine.
I am underweight for my height (43 kg, 5 ft 4 inches) and have a raging hunger which I cannot satiate - night or day. This is very scary for someone with a history of anorexia which has now morphed into extreme orthorexia. I know some may say, just go away and eat, but that is not so helpful to me at the moment because I can only eat if I have a plan, a plan which I can trust is helping to heal and replete my depleted body. I am searching for that plan, but in doing so, I have only made my situation very seriously worse. I really do not want to experience a heart attack due to my thiamine deficiency, as well as everything else. I have been working on the theory that before all else the body needs energy/calories. I think I have read Kelj say that many times when she has been talking about her courageous recovery journey and I think Peatfield also. But now I have exacerbated an thiamine deficiency. My impasse.
You have a raging hunger because your oxidative metabolism is not working. I'm pretty sure that the people who know me think I'm suffering from "extreme orthorexia" too. I've decided I'd rather not hurt so I don't worry what other people think about me anymore.

I agree with Ray Peat that concentrating on high nutrient foods is the ticket. This means dairy, eggs, gelatin, liver (4 oz is a serving 1Xweek), shellfish, orange juice now, and some soft ripe juicy fruit when you've gotten the thiamine problem corrected. It is very important to understand that the amount of thiamine that you are getting into your circulation needs to be enough to process the sugar on the cellular level.
Mostly Lurking, if you are there, I have heard you say that Ray Peat has talked about the sugar in 1 quart OJ and 2 quarts milk to be sufficient. I cannot drink OJ because, since starting to eat more calories (from milk, honey, fruit etc), I have developed very bad laryngopharyngeal reflux and GERD. I feel sure that the greatly heightened stress of the last six months has exacerbated these symptoms. I have read many threads here talking about thiamine being central to the digestive and absorptive process so thiamine pops up again. So I have substituted OJ with melon and bananas and pears. After that I am left with 2 quarts milk (I am actually drinking about 2.5 quarts daily). This is just not enough, even though on good days I make 2000 calories. I go to bed hungry (but acid makes me constantly hungry anyway, such that that hunger is like a pain) I have no idea what else to eat now to increase my caloric intake, whilst not making me more thiamine deficient and reflux worse
Have you tried putting a little pinch of baking soda into the glass of orange juice to buffer the acid in it? Melons, bananas, and pears do not have the nutrients that orange juice does.

Thiamine is required to burn not only glucose but also fat at the cellular level. Beriberi can be fatal. Do you have a physician? If yes, tell them that you fear you have beriberi and ask for help. You may need to get thiamine by injection or by IV for a period of time to get yourself in a better place.
On many occasions I have tried to take thiamine. I have been using Energin (about 20 drops daily), so some thiamine there. I have tried to add on to this 25 up to 100 mg Thiamine HCL. I am extremely sensitive to all oral supplements (hence Energin). I thought I was perhaps doing okay with 100 mg Thiamine HCl but only managed it for about 4 days in a row and it does give me a headache every dosage. I have recently tried to replace Energin with Pure Encapsulations B Complex Plus, but I am not sure if this is not making the peripheral neuropathy even worse (too much B 6 maybe and I really do not understand about folic acid and B 12, which this supplement includes)
Energin "is a mix of high purity B vitamins in 20% ethanol":
Each serving (25 drops) contains:
Thiamine HCL (Vitamin B1): 50 mg
Riboflavin-5-Phosphate (Vitamin B2): 15 mg
Niacinamide (Vitamin B3): 100 mg
D-Panthenol (Vitamin B5): 50 mg
Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (Vitamin B6): 6 mg
Biotin (Vitamin B7): 1 mg

I have no idea what putting thiamine hcl into a base of 20% ethanol would do to its viability. Judging from what alcohol does to people's thiamine status I'm guessing that might not be a great idea, but I'm no expert.

Please note that relying on a mix like this removes the options of changing the percentages. I'm taking 2000mg thiamine hcl/day (orally) and 90mg niacinamide 4Xday = 360mg/day. This equals about 5.5 times more thiamine hcl than niacinamide on a daily basis; the Energin mix equals twice as much niacinamide as thiamine. Thiamine hcl taken orally is notoriously inefficient getting absorbed through the intestinal wall so it is difficult to make a comparison with what works for me and Energin.

About Pure Encapsulations b-complex:
Thiamin (as thiamin HCl) (B1)
100 mg​
Riboflavin (as vitamin B2 and 60% riboflavin 5'
phosphate (activated B2))
12.7 mg​
Niacin (as niacinamide and 8% inositol hexaniacinate
(no-flush niacin))
108 mg​
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl and 40% pyridoxal 5'
phosphate (activated B6))
16.7 mg​
Folate (as Metafolin, L-5-MTHF)
400 mcg​
Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin)
400 mcg​
400 mcg​
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate) (B5)
100 mg​
This product has 100mg thiamine hcl. This type of thiamine does not absorb through the intestinal wall very well. This is why I am taking 2000mg/day of it. According to Dr. Costantini, in order to get the equivalent of a 100mg injection of thiamine hcl per week, you have to take 2000mg of thiamine hcl orally everyday for a week. If your intestine is not in great shape (happens in a thiamine deficiency), you will have worse absorption success than that.

This morning I rubbed in my 20 drops Energin and about 45 mins later, I took 100 mg thiamine HCL. Within 10 minutes, I experienced a considerable swelling in my knee (pretibial) which was very scary and again made walking difficult. Thiamine is supposed to help with this not make it worse, I thought. I have read about the thiamine paradox but I am too nervous and confused to work my way through it. All I do is end up stopping thiamine and then feeling anxious for stopping it. I do take magnesium as listed below. And it is this latest tibial scare which has brought me here today. I have no idea which way to turn and feel paralysed with fear.
I think you need to find a physician to help you. I think you may need thiamine hcl by injection. Beriberi is a very serious situation.

Please note that thiamine deficiency affects the brain. It causes confusion and brain fog.

I have just eaten some oat bran, not because I wanted it and also knowing that I do not do starches very well at all, but just because I am afraid to eat foods which are devoid thiamine, but, of course, what good would that miniscule bit of thiamine do me when I am so deficient? How do others get around this thiamine problem when not eating legumes, nuts, seeds etc., I wonder. I am just acting out of blind fear now.
I do not believe that you are going to be able to solve the thiamine deficiency via food intake. I think you are going to have to supplement. There are choices you can consider. #1 is get help from a doctor. Tell them about your history and your symptoms and your belief that you have a serious thiamine deficiency. Beriberi is not as rare a disease at the internet says it is. Severe thiamine deficiency is not just caused by alcohol abuse. There are LOTS of ways to get into trouble with thiamine deficiency. Pharmaceutical prescription drugs, heavy metal poisoning, genetically weak enzyme affinity for thiamine are a few.

I want to suggest that you read this book: Parkinson's and the B1 Therapy. This book goes over the various way to supplement high dose thiamine. One of the options, that the author chose for herself, is sublingual 100mg thiamine hcl. This method is supposed to work as well as thiamine by injection. Detailed instructions are included for how to use the sublingual thiamine product. These instructions are not included with the product unfortunately. The sublingual product is ridiculously inexpensive. I plan to give it a try.
You will all think me neurotic and perhaps I am, but I only want to do the best for myself so that I can join society as a useful human being, instead of being so tired and overwhelmed by stress around food.
I don't think you're neurotic; I think you have a serious thiamine deficiency.
350 mls goat's milk (1/2 semi skimmed /1/2 full fat and the same each time I drink it), with half tsp sugar!
1 large poached egg
120 g melon
sounds fine. I'd increase the amount of milk though. Maybe add some gelatin too the milk to bump up the protein?
Mid morning:
Breakfast repeated
100 g ground beef with fat skimmed off (too rich otherwise)
180 g pears
350 mls milk (as above)
2 large tsps condensed milk
Drain the beef well. I remember that when I was thiamine deficient I could not digest meat because my stomach acid was low. I consumed a lot of milk with gelatin and a little fructose and vanilla which did work pretty well (tastes like melted Haagen-Dazs!).
Mid afternoon
350 mls goat's milk
1 1/2 bananas (about 140 g)
OK. Pretty starchy, bananas are high serotonin so they could be adding to your anxiety problem. I could not eat bananas (or pineapple) while I was thiamine deficient because they are high serotonin foods. After getting my thiamine problem straightened out, I can now eat bananas again without any problems.
180 g pears
40 g carrot salad (without vinegar)
30 g Feta cheese (low fat)
(some days 50 g prawns or 100 g cod or 1 large kidney instead of cheese)
350 mls goat's milk
2 tsp condensed milk
Sounds like a pretty good diet to me.
(twice per week 1 oz liver)
Can you increase the amount to 4 oz of liver?
I try to stop eating by 7.30 but invariable the reflux makes me so ragingly hungry that I have to succumb and have:
300 mls goat's milk
1 banana
I'd throw in another meal before bedtime. I usually have a glass of milk with gelatin, a little sugar, and vanilla. If I wake up at 2:00am (very rarely now), I have the milk with gelatin etc. again.
And I still go to bed so hungry
When you get your thiamine deficiency straightened out you will be able to satisfy the hunger.
I wake always at 2.00 a.m. I try to lie out my hunger but often I get up and have 2 large tsps of honey and some beef stock from my lunchtime ground beef.
I'd be making a vanilla milk. It knocks me right out.
I take a mixture of magnesium oxide (I have extreme constipation without it and very loose stools with it), magnesium carbonate (I think this is constipating as is magnesium glycinate) and I sit with my feet in Epsom Salt footbaths twice every day and use topically 20 drops of magnesium chloride.
Thiamine resolves digestive tract issues.
I have no life because all I can think of is food. It is as if my house is burning and so there is no way that I can go out and have fun. I have to sort out the fire in my house first. Except that I am not sorting it out. I am only getting worse.
Your body is hungry because your oxidative metabolism is not working. It has to have thiamine to work properly. At this stage you probably need high dose thiamine. You may need medical assistance with thiamine by injection for a while.
Again, I thank you so much for all I have learned from this forum and for anyone who feels able to respond to me again today.
You're welcome. I hope that you find this answer helpful.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thank you Blossom. Yes, not getting enough calories is so stressful. I think you have been there yourself, if I remember rightly, so I know you know!
You’re welcome. I’ve been there and if I had to do it over again I’d include supplements with adequate food. I understand that food comes first but just food alone for 2.5 years didn’t fix my deficiencies. I’m sure everyone is different of course but thiamine is one that is commonly used and often needed in recovery. I believe my situation would have gone much better if I had helped my body heal with some carefully selected vitamins and minerals.


Jun 9, 2021
Calories are always king, don't let anyone convince you otherwise they proved it with the Minnesota starvation experiment. The only time thiamine might need to be given is in the very beginning if refeeding syndrome becomes an issue. But they found that without enough calories nutrients don't matter. Your situation is not one of simple malnutrition but of calorie malnutrition. Any and all calories are needed even if it's pure sugar and fat like ice cream and donuts. That is how your body will heal. It can't heal on b vitamins. It will heal on calories. Please don't let this forum kill you with fear.
That is so much what I wanted to hear, Sugarbabe. Thank you for confirming what my non eating-disordered self knows and screams at me every day, as it watches me hesitate and stress over what to eat and when and how. I have got myself down a very deep rabbit hole through trying to micro-manage with both physical and mental damage. But perhaps their is a way to address a likely B1 deficiency and benefit from repletion, as long as I keep in mind that without calories my health will continue to suffer. I assume that your forum name was chosen for a reason and that you have seen your own health turn around by focussing on calories from sugar (and fat). I am thinking this this bold approach has worked for you and brought you from a bad place. I do hope so. Thank you for seeing right into my anorexic/food-fearing self.


Jun 9, 2021
The daily diet you describe must seriously drive your metabolism to high levels which is a good thing for a healthy person.

Id recommend adding well cooked potatoes to your evening meal, smother them in butter, add plenty of salt and that will help increase calories from a vitamin dense food source. It will lessen the stress on your body and I suspect you'll sleep better too.

You might want to have a glass of orange juice with or after to limit endotoxin but even then, I wouldn't worry too much about the starch at this stage in your recovery.
Thank you for your suggestion. I have just eaten a baked potato for dinner this evening. I have not dared to do this in several years. It is sitting rather heavy and I think I should have added more fat and salt. I shall try to do better tomorrow!


Jun 9, 2021
You’re welcome. I’ve been there and if I had to do it over again I’d include supplements with adequate food. I understand that food comes first but just food alone for 2.5 years didn’t fix my deficiencies. I’m sure everyone is different of course but thiamine is one that is commonly used and often needed in recovery. I believe my situation would have gone much better if I had helped my body heal with some carefully selected vitamins and minerals.
Thank you so much for noticing my thread so quickly and knowing just the person to ask for help. Mostly Lurking's response is so supportive and directive; just what I need when in this state of panic.

I think you have just confirmed what I have said above to Sugarbabe - abundant calories and addressing thiamine deficiency so that those calories can be properly used would seem the best way to go. I am only sorry that you had to go the long way around to better health. It is really reassuring to have your confirmation of this approach. Thank you.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thank you so much for noticing my thread so quickly and knowing just the person to ask for help. Mostly Lurking's response is so supportive and directive; just what I need when in this state of panic.

I think you have just confirmed what I have said above to Sugarbabe - abundant calories and addressing thiamine deficiency so that those calories can be properly used would seem the best way to go. I am only sorry that you had to go the long way around to better health. It is really reassuring to have your confirmation of this approach. Thank you.
You’re most certainly welcome. We are here to help. The Minnesota experiment was very valuable but we have to remember it was done on young healthy men so while food itself was all they needed some of us may need more. Your inner guidance seems to be leading you in the right direction and I’m so glad you posted today. Please keep us updated.


Jun 9, 2021
Thanks @Blossom; I'll try to respond now.

The problem with a diet high in sugars is that without thiamine, your body can't do much of anything with it, other than packing the calories into storage as fat. Because you can't efficiently burn the sugar, your cells don't get any benefit from the sugar (which they need and crave) so your liver gets the message to release more sugar which doesn't work either. I think you need to focus on getting more thiamine in you. At this point, you probably need to supplement thiamine as getting enough from your diet alone is pretty much impossible.

Your stress hormones are activated because your cells are in need of successful oxidative metabolism which appears from your story is not happening. Eating more sugar won't help as long as you are thiamine deficient.

I agree with your assessment that you are thiamine deficient. You have lots of symptoms that point to thiamine deficiency. I used to have bad sciatica too, it hurts. Then I developed pretty severe scoliosis. Both resolved via high dose thiamine.

You have a raging hunger because your oxidative metabolism is not working. I'm pretty sure that the people who know me think I'm suffering from "extreme orthorexia" too. I've decided I'd rather not hurt so I don't worry what other people think about me anymore.

I agree with Ray Peat that concentrating on high nutrient foods is the ticket. This means dairy, eggs, gelatin, liver (4 oz is a serving 1Xweek), shellfish, orange juice now, and some soft ripe juicy fruit when you've gotten the thiamine problem corrected. It is very important to understand that the amount of thiamine that you are getting into your circulation needs to be enough to process the sugar on the cellular level.

Have you tried putting a little pinch of baking soda into the glass of orange juice to buffer the acid in it? Melons, bananas, and pears do not have the nutrients that orange juice does.

Thiamine is required to burn not only glucose but also fat at the cellular level. Beriberi can be fatal. Do you have a physician? If yes, tell them that you fear you have beriberi and ask for help. You may need to get thiamine by injection or by IV for a period of time to get yourself in a better place.

Energin "is a mix of high purity B vitamins in 20% ethanol":
Each serving (25 drops) contains:
Thiamine HCL (Vitamin B1): 50 mg
Riboflavin-5-Phosphate (Vitamin B2): 15 mg
Niacinamide (Vitamin B3): 100 mg
D-Panthenol (Vitamin B5): 50 mg
Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (Vitamin B6): 6 mg
Biotin (Vitamin B7): 1 mg

I have no idea what putting thiamine hcl into a base of 20% ethanol would do to its viability. Judging from what alcohol does to people's thiamine status I'm guessing that might not be a great idea, but I'm no expert.

Please note that relying on a mix like this removes the options of changing the percentages. I'm taking 2000mg thiamine hcl/day (orally) and 90mg niacinamide 4Xday = 360mg/day. This equals about 5.5 times more thiamine hcl than niacinamide on a daily basis; the Energin mix equals twice as much niacinamide as thiamine. Thiamine hcl taken orally is notoriously inefficient getting absorbed through the intestinal wall so it is difficult to make a comparison with what works for me and Energin.

About Pure Encapsulations b-complex:
Thiamin (as thiamin HCl) (B1)
100 mg​
Riboflavin (as vitamin B2 and 60% riboflavin 5'
phosphate (activated B2))
12.7 mg​
Niacin (as niacinamide and 8% inositol hexaniacinate
(no-flush niacin))
108 mg​
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl and 40% pyridoxal 5'
phosphate (activated B6))
16.7 mg​
Folate (as Metafolin, L-5-MTHF)
400 mcg​
Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin)
400 mcg​
400 mcg​
Pantothenic acid (as calcium pantothenate) (B5)
100 mg​
This product has 100mg thiamine hcl. This type of thiamine does not absorb through the intestinal wall very well. This is why I am taking 2000mg/day of it. According to Dr. Costantini, in order to get the equivalent of a 100mg injection of thiamine hcl per week, you have to take 2000mg of thiamine hcl orally everyday for a week. If your intestine is not in great shape (happens in a thiamine deficiency), you will have worse absorption success than that.

I think you need to find a physician to help you. I think you may need thiamine hcl by injection. Beriberi is a very serious situation.

Please note that thiamine deficiency affects the brain. It causes confusion and brain fog.

I do not believe that you are going to be able to solve the thiamine deficiency via food intake. I think you are going to have to supplement. There are choices you can consider. #1 is get help from a doctor. Tell them about your history and your symptoms and your belief that you have a serious thiamine deficiency. Beriberi is not as rare a disease at the internet says it is. Severe thiamine deficiency is not just caused by alcohol abuse. There are LOTS of ways to get into trouble with thiamine deficiency. Pharmaceutical prescription drugs, heavy metal poisoning, genetically weak enzyme affinity for thiamine are a few.

I want to suggest that you read this book: Parkinson's and the B1 Therapy. This book goes over the various way to supplement high dose thiamine. One of the options, that the author chose for herself, is sublingual 100mg thiamine hcl. This method is supposed to work as well as thiamine by injection. Detailed instructions are included for how to use the sublingual thiamine product. These instructions are not included with the product unfortunately. The sublingual product is ridiculously inexpensive. I plan to give it a try.

I don't think you're neurotic; I think you have a serious thiamine deficiency.

sounds fine. I'd increase the amount of milk though. Maybe add some gelatin too the milk to bump up the protein?


Drain the beef well. I remember that when I was thiamine deficient I could not digest meat because my stomach acid was low. I consumed a lot of milk with gelatin and a little fructose and vanilla which did work pretty well (tastes like melted Haagen-Dazs!).

OK. Pretty starchy, bananas are high serotonin so they could be adding to your anxiety problem. I could not eat bananas (or pineapple) while I was thiamine deficient because they are high serotonin foods. After getting my thiamine problem straightened out, I can now eat bananas again without any problems.

Sounds like a pretty good diet to me.

Can you increase the amount to 4 oz of liver?

I'd throw in another meal before bedtime. I usually have a glass of milk with gelatin, a little sugar, and vanilla. If I wake up at 2:00am (very rarely now), I have the milk with gelatin etc. again.

When you get your thiamine deficiency straightened out you will be able to satisfy the hunger.

I'd be making a vanilla milk. It knocks me right out.

Thiamine resolves digestive tract issues.

Your body is hungry because your oxidative metabolism is not working. It has to have thiamine to work properly. At this stage you probably need high dose thiamine. You may need medical assistance with thiamine by injection for a while.

You're welcome. I hope that you find this answer helpful.
Thank you so very much for coming to my aid again, so quickly and for spending so much time addressing each of my issues in turn. This way I feel that I can begin to formulate a plan. I find plans are essential to reduce fear and anxiety and, of course, to monitor progress.

I have much more to say but I have suddenly realised that I am so tired because of the stress of my situation and a day in which I have tried so hard to get it right that I am really beyond writing more. I hope you do not mind if I finish here for tonight but I should be so pleased if I might speak with you more tomorrow. I feel quite overwhelmed by the support I have received from you and others. I think I just need to sign out for tonight - go have my little extra meal (milk as you suggest) before bed and then try to sleep. But tonight I shall go to bed with more hope that I might be able to save myself even yet (30-odd years down the line), than I have experienced in months. I want you to know that. Until tomorrow. Thank you.


May 13, 2015
Thank you so very much for coming to my aid again, so quickly and for spending so much time addressing each of my issues in turn. This way I feel that I can begin to formulate a plan. I find plans are essential to reduce fear and anxiety and, of course, to monitor progress.
I'm glad to try to help. Plans are good. Make the plan, then work the plan. The book I suggested is helpful in multiple ways. Multiple personal reports are included of people who worked to find their optimum dosage of thiamine hcl. These include details of symptoms that disappeared. It is an encouraging book. Although I've never been diagnosed as having Parkinson's Disease, the symptoms described by these people match the symptoms that I also had and that have gone away via thiamine hcl.

Hang in there. You will regain your health!

Here is a link to videos of some of Dr. Costantini's patients, before and after treatment. Dr. Costantini used thiamine hcl by injection for these patients. Each video is very short. I found it inspirational to see these patients' incredible recoveries. Some of these include short interviews (with subtitles) that are worth watching. Videos Parkinson's Patients before and after treatment - Ultima Edizione.Eu The patient, Maurizio, includes an interview; in it he says that he experienced the massive improvement within a week. Please watch the before/after. It's very encouraging. All of these videos are wonderful testaments to thiamine treatment.


Sep 13, 2012
That is so much what I wanted to hear, Sugarbabe. Thank you for confirming what my non eating-disordered self knows and screams at me every day, as it watches me hesitate and stress over what to eat and when and how. I have got myself down a very deep rabbit hole through trying to micro-manage with both physical and mental damage. But perhaps their is a way to address a likely B1 deficiency and benefit from repletion, as long as I keep in mind that without calories my health will continue to suffer. I assume that your forum name was chosen for a reason and that you have seen your own health turn around by focussing on calories from sugar (and fat). I am thinking this this bold approach has worked for you and brought you from a bad place. I do hope so. Thank you for seeing right into my anorexic/food-fearing self.
I know it's what you need to hear because I've been where you are. 95 lbs barely able to sustain the energy I needed just to get through my day because I was living on adrenaline. Recovery was long and hard and maybe I needed some extra b vitamins but food was the only thing and I'm telling you the ONLY thing that cured me. I've known two people who died from complications from anorexia. This is not something to mess around with on health forums. Health forums nearly killed me. You need food. Doesn't matter what it is. I healed on ice cream, pasta, cheese, fast food, grape juice, pastries whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it. And honestly I didn't have to stuff myself but I absolutely needed to conquer the fear that food would harm me. I know what foods I can't eat and lol they are mostly 'healthy foods'. I have an inability to sustain my energy and lifestyle eating 'healthy' and that is very common for people who have ever been fearful to eat and get very thin. I'm not thin anymore and I still need to eat whatever my body wants because my body will tell me when I'm using adrenaline I get numb tingly hands, weakness, bloating, blood sugar instability. This all clears up when I eat good meals. I've thought many times well maybe I'm just b vitamin deficient and if I used enough maybe it would clear up, but it doesn't, symptoms actually get worse. I get overstimulated and more hungry and shaky. I don't need anymore shakiness in my life. B vitamins can press on that gas pedal and if you are already running on adrenaline I honestly see no reason they would make things better. In fact I had one of the worst panic attacks of my life after using brewers yeast a few times. And I was doing it like a tea like Peat suggests. That led to two months of agoraphobia. I am still researching if high dose thiamine turns on the cholinergic system and that is why some people need a lot. That would be why it's useful for Parkinsons, but there in fact people who do not need more cholinergic stimulation. That would be me. I already dream vividly every night I already have good/lowish blood pressure, I already have great blood sugar. That suggest parasympathetic nervous system dominance, which acetylcholine promotes. Too much acetylcholine could therefore lead to even lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar. So I'd like to know for the folks who have studied thiamine does it stimulate acetylcholine? Because if so I will likely never try to use a lot ever again.


Sep 13, 2012

Just thinking of you @Tilly-J today if you ever want to reach out I'm available. I know how scary it is to have an eating disorder.


Jun 9, 2021
I'm glad to try to help. Plans are good. Make the plan, then work the plan. The book I suggested is helpful in multiple ways. Multiple personal reports are included of people who worked to find their optimum dosage of thiamine hcl. These include details of symptoms that disappeared. It is an encouraging book. Although I've never been diagnosed as having Parkinson's Disease, the symptoms described by these people match the symptoms that I also had and that have gone away via thiamine hcl.

Hang in there. You will regain your health!

Here is a link to videos of some of Dr. Costantini's patients, before and after treatment. Dr. Costantini used thiamine hcl by injection for these patients. Each video is very short. I found it inspirational to see these patients' incredible recoveries. Some of these include short interviews (with subtitles) that are worth watching. Videos Parkinson's Patients before and after treatment - Ultima Edizione.Eu The patient, Maurizio, includes an interview; in it he says that he experienced the massive improvement within a week. Please watch the before/after. It's very encouraging. All of these videos are wonderful testaments to thiamine treatment.
Hello again, I have in fact just finished reading the book you recommend. It was indeed interesting to hear how different the various thiamine repletion protocols can be, also a little confusing! In fact, I ordered the Superior Source sublingual B1 about a week ago, but the shipping is going to take another three weeks apparently!

I did also see my GP this morning. I went armed with the print out of the Hormones Matter document: Beriberi - The Great Imitator. Unfortunately, I lost my nerve and did not give it to him. I did say that I thought I might be very deficient in thiamine but my comment did not go anywhere. I am really cross with myself now for not being more assertive. He checked me out (somewhat superficially) for peripheral neuropathy and said that he thought my problems were related to hyperventilation and my ongoingly high levels of stress. He is right of course, but we did not discuss thiamine being a likely factor in these. I was so much hoping that he would come on board and work with me. So I shall have to try and muddle through. I have taken just 50 mg of thiamine today and some magnesium (reducing from my top level of 200 mg). Perhaps I should stick at that level for a few days at least and then move up by 50 mg increments.

Thank you very much for the comparisons, pros and cons of Energin versus the Pure Encapsulations B Complex Plus. I think you take the latter as a base line B complex still yourself? So you do not mind if it has quite a high level of B6 (I thought Dr. Peat suggests no more than 10 mg), folic acid and B12? Although I think I remember Dr. Constantini did have to use folic acid and B12 to help a woman he was treating who had paralysis of the legs even though (because?) she was taking thiamine in a high dose. Perhaps I should use this Pure Encapsulations product as my base line straight away and then, over time, tweak as necessary. Except I think that I must remember to eat enough (which is what I need to do to increase my weight and strength, of course) to offset the pro-metabolic effects of the additional B vitamins. It seems to be a fine and important balance that one must achieve. I am very ignorant about all this, but I continue to read and to learn as much as I am able. I so much admire your constancy to learn and experiment in a controlled way and your courage!

Thank you for your comments on my diet specifically. I will try adding a little sodium bicarbonate to OJ to reduce its acid-producing effects on my inflamed oesophagus. I should love to be able to drink OJ for its benefits over and above melon and pears. Have your teeth suffered by drinking OJ? Your Haagen Dazs-like milk sounds very nice and would be comforting to my troubled and hungry soul. Why do you use fructose rather than cane sugar or honey? And in what quantity? You said that you drank a considerable amount of milk when your stomach acid was low and other proteins difficult to digest. I crave milk but try to limit myself to about 2.5 litres. Sometimes I think my body is telling me dairy is really good for me, especially to heal a very porous spine and hips and I am tempted to drink more and eat more feta cheese.

Thank you so much.

It is good to think that thiamine in the correct dose might ease many of my digestive complaints (reflux, constipation), as well as reducing sciatic pains. I should be greatly reassured to see the neuropathy resolve itself. I used to be a dancer and a hiker and someone who just loves to move for joy and self-expression. All these things went out of the window several years ago and life has become dull. I mean I have become dull and only half my true self.


Jun 9, 2021

Just thinking of you @Tilly-J today if you ever want to reach out I'm available. I know how scary it is to have an eating disorder.
Oh, thank you so much for thinking of me today in this way. I should really like to do that, have some extra advice from you and perhaps ask you a bit more how you managed the recovery process yourself, if you would not mind that. What you have shared with me so far has been so comforting and freeing, but I have a way to go. I do believe that my heart and soul are in the right place, but constant fear and indecision and the need to never get it wrong exhaust me and upset every body system, both physical and emotional. As you sadly know, anorexia kills. If it were to kill me, I think I can honestly say that I tried. But I am old now (60!) so perhaps that would make a difference to you? And how would I make contact with you Sugarbabe without upsetting any threads? I am not very sure how to use forums such as this one correctly.
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