COVID vaccines now causing AIDS(no joke)


Mar 18, 2021
The real question is how do they determine whether the virus they have detected is active, dead, or just broken up pieces of the dead virus. This would be the real question as to whether that person, has, did have, or is recovering from infection.
The next question would be how do they treat the disease if the person has tested positive for the virus in an early detection scenario?

This is not really relevant to the thread's topic as long as they apply the same methodology (flawed or not) to both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. It is aggregated data per 100k population.

Why are there significantly more "cases" in the vaccinated? Is the body still producing spike proteins long after the vaccine administration and giving "false positives" on tests? The reason why CDC lowered the cycle threshold?
Or is it because most of the unvaccinated are incrementally achieving long lasting herd immunity naturally whereas the vaccine efficacy incrementally wanes off?
Or are they really getting AIDS?

The UK now uses Ronapreve (a combination of monoclonals administered by IV) and this is the reason they have so few deaths despite the huge number of cases. The gov calls it a "groundbreaking new treatment". I believe it has to be administered in the first 72hrs from a positive test to be effective. Monoclonal antibodies are basically vaccines minus clots & myocarditis. It's the same antibodies and the half-life is 30 days, meaning they offer protection for several months, exactly how the vaccines were designed too.


Feb 18, 2016
As far as I know, only the US CDC lowered the threshold count for the vaccinated.

Someone asked Public Health England about it, and this was their reply:

They did not give a specific answer in regards to the vaccinated. There seems to be multiple test kids, multiple laboratories, and each test manufacturer has specific cycle threshold recommendation.
Leaving it up to test center to decide the cycle threshold, it’s not like they will be inclined to lower it, if they do covid will be over and their profits gone, this is how fascism begins.


Mar 18, 2021
Leaving it up to test center to decide the cycle threshold, it’s not like they will be inclined to lower it, if they do covid will be over and their profits gone, this is how fascism begins.

I have taken a closer look at the UK data.

I don't believe there is any "worsening of the immune system" or progression to AIDS.

Probably the data is being manipulated through PCR tests or outright falsified, and here's why.

On Page 15 of each of the weekly reports we have the Deaths by vaccination status table.


These death rates are per 100,000 people who tested positive for COVID-19.

This means that it is very convenient to have more vaccinated people who test positive for COVID-19, because this would bring down the "death rate" among the vaccinated and maintain the appearance of vaccine efficacy.


Also, suspiciously high number of tests.


And very unnatural curve.



Jul 13, 2014
I’m watching a documentary on the AIDS Epidemic. It is simply startling how many similarities it shares with Covid.

• Fear used to control to populace.
• Alternative opinions and voices were silenced.
• Massive push for widespread testing.
• People segregated from society.
• Drugs known to work were withheld.
• Dangerous and Experimental drugs were pushed.
• Massive protests for civil rights.
• Big Pharma made billions from the “treatments”.
• The CDC/MSM drove the narrative.
• FDA fast-tracked approval for multiple unsafe drugs.
• Protestors (in 1982, mind you) chanting “Fauci why are you killing us?”.
• Fauci was dead center.

This ***t is flat out blood-chilling in it’s similarities. These sick ***** used AIDS/HIV as the trial run for [their] later plans (Agenda 2030, Covid).

Homosexuals were an easy target at the time, so that is who [they] went after. The exact same way us “Anons” are an easy/manufactured target right now.



Nov 9, 2017
I’m watching a documentary on the AIDS Epidemic. It is simply startling how many similarities it shares with Covid.

• Fear used to control to populace.
• Alternative opinions and voices were silenced.
• Massive push for widespread testing.
• People segregated from society.
• Drugs known to work were withheld.
• Dangerous and Experimental drugs were pushed.
• Massive protests for civil rights.
• Big Pharma made billions from the “treatments”.
• The CDC/MSM drove the narrative.
• FDA fast-tracked approval for multiple unsafe drugs.
• Protestors (in 1982, mind you) chanting “Fauci why are you killing us?”.
• Fauci was dead center.

This ***t is flat out blood-chilling in it’s similarities. These sick ***** used AIDS/HIV as the trial run for [their] later plans (Agenda 2030, Covid).

Homosexuals were an easy target at the time, so that is who [they] went after. The exact same way us “Anons” are an easy/manufactured target right now.


Evil repeats itself again except on a grander scale.


Jan 23, 2017
I’m watching a documentary on the AIDS Epidemic. It is simply startling how many similarities it shares with Covid.

• Fear used to control to populace.
• Alternative opinions and voices were silenced.
• Massive push for widespread testing.
• People segregated from society.
• Drugs known to work were withheld.
• Dangerous and Experimental drugs were pushed.
• Massive protests for civil rights.
• Big Pharma made billions from the “treatments”.
• The CDC/MSM drove the narrative.
• FDA fast-tracked approval for multiple unsafe drugs.
• Protestors (in 1982, mind you) chanting “Fauci why are you killing us?”.
• Fauci was dead center.

This ***t is flat out blood-chilling in it’s similarities. These sick ***** used AIDS/HIV as the trial run for [their] later plans (Agenda 2030, Covid).

Homosexuals were an easy target at the time, so that is who [they] went after. The exact same way us “Anons” are an easy/manufactured target right now.


AIDs was for practice, to test and tweak strategies on a small population that nobody cared about, giving the evil doers excellent cover. What they learned from that they are applying to play the real game: world-wide injection of billions of people.


Aug 4, 2020
I’m watching a documentary on the AIDS Epidemic. It is simply startling how many similarities it shares with Covid.

• Fear used to control to populace.
• Alternative opinions and voices were silenced.
• Massive push for widespread testing.
• People segregated from society.
• Drugs known to work were withheld.
• Dangerous and Experimental drugs were pushed.
• Massive protests for civil rights.
• Big Pharma made billions from the “treatments”.
• The CDC/MSM drove the narrative.
• FDA fast-tracked approval for multiple unsafe drugs.
• Protestors (in 1982, mind you) chanting “Fauci why are you killing us?”.
• Fauci was dead center.

This ***t is flat out blood-chilling in it’s similarities. These sick ***** used AIDS/HIV as the trial run for [their] later plans (Agenda 2030, Covid).

Homosexuals were an easy target at the time, so that is who [they] went after. The exact same way us “Anons” are an easy/manufactured target right now.


Curious on your thoughts on this @ddjd



May 25, 2020
a relative (early 70s) got cancer 3 months after 2nd vaccine. could be coincidence. It is spreading fast.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
So they know people have AIDS then.

Yeah, none of these drugs/therapies getting introduced is random. If there is an HIV drug in the proposed COVID-19 treatment cocktail it is either because the vaccine causes AIDS and they will use the drug to cover for that fiasco, or the HIV drug itself can do a lot of the same nasty things the vaccines can/do. So, if somebody is unvaxxed, gets COVID-19 and ends up in the hospital the system will say "see, we care so much about you even though you decided to not vaccinate. we will break our rules and agree to treat you, but only if you agree to take drug X. Otherwise, go home". Actually, scratch that last part about them asking you to take it. Informed consent has been suspended in most countries, so as long as this concoction gets even EUA it will be used on as many people they can get their hands on. I'd say, at this point, one's survival, fertility and general well-being is absolutely dependent on NOT going to the hospital or interacting with any health "professional". Whatever poison they have ready for us, can get administered in hospitals (or by individual doctors, privately) with zero questioning and repercussions. The medical system now openly tries to kill people, without even preparing them to be long-term chronically ill patients to be milked their whole lives for maintenance "treatments". First, they will kill 90% and the remaining 10% will be "lucky" to become those long-term chronically ill slaves.


Jul 25, 2020
Yeah, none of these drugs/therapies getting introduced is random. If there is an HIV drug in the proposed COVID-19 treatment cocktail it is either because the vaccine causes AIDS and they will use the drug to cover for that fiasco, or the HIV drug itself can do a lot of the same nasty things the vaccines can/do. So, if somebody is unvaxxed, gets COVID-19 and ends up in the hospital the system will say "see, we care so much about you even though you decided to not vaccinate. we will break our rules and agree to treat you, but only if you agree to take drug X. Otherwise, go home". Actually, scratch that last part about them asking you to take it. Informed consent has been suspended in most countries, so as long as this concoction gets even EUA it will be used on as many people they can get their hands on. I'd say, at this point, one's survival, fertility and general well-being is absolutely dependent on NOT going to the hospital or interacting with any health "professional". Whatever poison they have ready for us, can get administered in hospitals (or by individual doctors, privately) with zero questioning and repercussions. The medical system now openly tries to kill people, without even preparing them to be long-term chronically ill patients to be milked their whole lives for maintenance "treatments". First, they will kill 90% and the remaining 10% will be "lucky" to become those long-term chronically ill slaves.
Yes. We need to avoid all doctors and medical facilities. So far no one in my neighborhood is sick or is reporting Covid and most we know are not vaxxed although a few took it although almost all are complaining about the scam


Feb 18, 2016
Yeah, none of these drugs/therapies getting introduced is random. If there is an HIV drug in the proposed COVID-19 treatment cocktail it is either because the vaccine causes AIDS and they will use the drug to cover for that fiasco, or the HIV drug itself can do a lot of the same nasty things the vaccines can/do. So, if somebody is unvaxxed, gets COVID-19 and ends up in the hospital the system will say "see, we care so much about you even though you decided to not vaccinate. we will break our rules and agree to treat you, but only if you agree to take drug X. Otherwise, go home". Actually, scratch that last part about them asking you to take it. Informed consent has been suspended in most countries, so as long as this concoction gets even EUA it will be used on as many people they can get their hands on. I'd say, at this point, one's survival, fertility and general well-being is absolutely dependent on NOT going to the hospital or interacting with any health "professional". Whatever poison they have ready for us, can get administered in hospitals (or by individual doctors, privately) with zero questioning and repercussions. The medical system now openly tries to kill people, without even preparing them to be long-term chronically ill patients to be milked their whole lives for maintenance "treatments". First, they will kill 90% and the remaining 10% will be "lucky" to become those long-term chronically ill slaves.
Their pathological about harming people, it’s likely what you say, they can also get the unvaxxed on the digital passport this way.


Feb 18, 2016
another good reason to avoid owning a smartphone
True, when you step back from it you realize it’s benefit is overrated for the majority of people.


True, when you step back from it you realize it’s benefit is overrated for the majority of people.
How would you comfortably browse the internet then? Computers require monitor, mouse, and keyboard, to avoid EMF they must all be wired.


Feb 18, 2016
How would you comfortably browse the internet then? Computers require monitor, mouse, and keyboard, to avoid EMF they must all be wired.
A laptop, it’s better to have everything wired anyway, it’s not that difficult, get the right chair and it’s comfortable!
How can you not find comfort here, ideally high quality and expensive but will last you a lifetime, you can die in it.


A laptop, it’s better to have everything wired anyway, it’s not that difficult, get the right chair and it’s comfortable!
How can you not find comfort here, ideally high quality and expensive but will last you a lifetime, you can die in it.
I think laptops would expose you to more EMF than a smartphone on airplane mode since it uses more energy and the processing unit sits right against your body.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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