
Dec 8, 2019
^no it wasn't, various local brands here. Sam-e also made me hyperventilate and it also raises serotonin. I hate this supposedly happy hormone!

Cypro's no longer offered on sale here in Bulgaria. Anyone based in Sofia or nearby having some?


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
That's a very good question.... I have not seen any research that suggests so.

@Hans Have you bro?
Not specifically. Cypro inhibits lipid peroxidation and lowers ROS, so if anything, it would spare vitamin E.


Jan 18, 2020
Hi all, do you think Cyproheptadine will be effective in reversing cortisol resistance/downregulation of cortisol receptors?, i suffer from insomnia caused by chronic stress.

As you many of you know, Ray Peat has mentioned cyproheptadine as a possible option for correcting certain physiological processes that have been derailed after years of eating PUFA, being exposed to chronic stress, toxins, endotoxin, battling chronic diseases, etc.
As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, whenever a substance displays a wide variety of protective/curative effects via multiple "pathways", it suggests that the theory behind it is probably correct. In the case of cyproheptadine and Ray Peat, the theory is that histamine, serotonin, cholinergic mechanisms, estrogen, prolactin, growth hormone, cortisol, etc. work in a direction that destabilizes the organism and causes damage. Here are some of the amazing findings I have been compiling on cyproheptadine that add more ammo to Ray's views:

1. Cyproheptadine may have strong anti-cancer properties:
Unexpected remission of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with lung metastasis to the combination therapy of thalidomide and cyproheptadine: report of... - PubMed - NCBI
Cyproheptadine displays preclinical activity in myeloma and leukemia. - PubMed - NCBI

2. Cyproheptadine may treat autism:
Cyproheptadine in the treatment of autistic disorder: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. - PubMed - NCBI
Cyproheptadine in treatment of autism. - PubMed - NCBI

3. Cyproheptadine may treat schizophrenia. This raises serious questions if schizophrenia is "caused by excessive dopamine" as the current mainstream dogma holds since cyproheptadine would in theory increase dopamine and its effects:
Effects of the 5HT antagonist cyproheptadine on neuropsychological function in chronic schizophrenia. - PubMed - NCBI
Cyproheptadine in treatment of chronic schizophrenia: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. - PubMed - NCBI

4. Cyproheptadine may treat depression and other similar mental issues:
Treatment of depression with cyproheptadine. - PubMed - NCBI
Cyproheptadine for prevention of neuropsychiatric adverse effects of efavirenz: a randomized clinical trial. - PubMed - NCBI
Effect of cyproheptadine treatment on conditioned avoidance response in female rats. - PubMed - NCBI

5. Cyproheptadine may be heart-protective (Ray said that anti-serotonin drugs like ondansetron protect the heart):
Cyproheptadine prevents pergolide-induced valvulopathy in rats: an echocardiographic and histopathological study. - PubMed - NCBI
[Protective effects of cyproheptadine on myocardial reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts]. - PubMed - NCBI

6. Cyproheptadine may protect the brain from the damage caused by BOTH ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke:
Effects of cyproheptadine on TXB2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha plasma levels in rabbits with hemorrhagic shock. - PubMed - NCBI
Protective effect of cyproheptadine in a gerbil model of cerebral ischemia. - PubMed - NCBI
Cyproheptadine reduces or prevents ischemic central nervous system damage. - PubMed - NCBI

7. Cyproheptadine may protect the brain in a very generalized way by increasing cholesterol and phospholipids:
Brain cholesterol and phospholipid levels in cyproheptadine treated albino rats. - PubMed - NCBI

8. Cyproheptadine may protect from endotoxin:
Anti-endotoxic shock effects of cyproheptadine in rats. - PubMed - NCBI
Anti-shock effect of cyproheptadine in rabbit. - PubMed - NCBI

9. Cyproheptadine may stimulate the immune system:

10. Cyproheptadine may have anti-endorphin action similar to naltrexone:

11. Cyproheptadine may suppress prolactin, growth hormone, aldosterone, ACTH, TSH, and cortisol:

12. Cyproheptadine may suppress prostaglandin synthesis and effects (similar to aspirin):

13. Cyproheptadine may be helpful in the treatment of "alcoholism":

14. Cyproheptadine may be helpful in the treatment of "psoriasis":

15. Cyproheptadine may be helpful in the treatment of decompression sickness:

16. Cyproheptadine may be helpful in restoring fertility in old age:

17. Cyproheptadine may be helpful in treating myopathy (muscle weakness):

I am sure there are other studies with similar findings but I just wanted to share my findings so far. In my opinion, this is very strong evidence that Ray's ideas are on a VERY right track.


do you think Cyproheptadine will be effective in reversing cortisol resistance/downregulation of cortisol receptors?, i suffer from insomnia caused by chronic stress
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Mar 17, 2017
I took 0.5mg in the morning for 3days with no gloggy feeling and yesterday I took an another 0.5mg in the evening which gave me insomnia.
and this morning I took 0.5mg and been feeling gloggy,feeling pressure in the heart.


Feb 7, 2017
I took 0.5mg in the morning for 3days with no gloggy feeling and yesterday I took an another 0.5mg in the evening which gave me insomnia.
and this morning I took 0.5mg and been feeling gloggy,feeling pressure in the heart.

My wife can only take a dab on 1 drop (.5mg) of @haidut product. A full drop will knock her out!

I on the other hand do really well with .5mg and it really keeps my gut clear.


Mar 17, 2017
Yes I also use idealab's one. and taking it for gutproblem.
I've found that taking cypro in the morning helps me to sleep better at night but If I take it right before the sleep or couple hours before the sleep,It makes me harder to sleep.


Jun 1, 2017
Would a week of say 4-6mg be safe for stomach inflammation without affecting dopamine levels too much? I intend on dropping my dose to .5 mg before I come off. Purchased the product last Friday and I have taken anywhere from 4-6mg before bed.

Thanks all!! I get the consensus that .5-2mg is safe


Forum Supporter
Mar 26, 2016
Would a week of say 4-6mg be safe for stomach inflammation without affecting dopamine levels too much? I intend on dropping my dose to .5 mg before I come off. Purchased the product last Friday and I have taken anywhere from 4-6mg before bed.

Thanks all!! I get the consensus that .5-2mg is safe

If you can get benefits at 0.5mg, there is no need to go higher. Unless that is you want to become a zombie!

Higher doses are not pleasant at all.


Forum Supporter
Mar 26, 2016
Here's my experience with Cyproheptadine:

This drug is life changing, for me.

But not like many other drugs. In fact, its never something I actively looked forward to taking. Instead, I actually looked forward to what it does following its use.

I am not proud to say I have needed this drug to return to my normal self. But its one of the only reliable things for me, and if it wasn’t for some random guy on a forum that told me about it, guess what, 3 years later, I’d still be NUMB.

Eg. How I feel on the withdrawal of the drug.

It makes me feel so fearless and numb on the drug, as in, I can’t feel any emotions, and my appetite goes through the roof. My energy in the gym is ***t on cypro, I feel weak and miserable. No motivation, no life, no vigor, just blah - existence. During this grim days, after using cypro over 25 times in the past 7 months - I know that the rebound is ALWAYS worth it.
This rebound comes EVERY SINGLE TIME…. 4 days AFTER a single 1mg dose. That is, if I take it on a sunday night at 5pm, I will feel like ***t for 3 days and then on day, I get this REBOUND, where my PSSD disappears and this last for a few days on. HOW?!?!?!?

But never did I ever think that there would be a drug that is to be used to RECALIBRATE the brain over time, to recover from this enduring PSSD. It feels like it reconnects that cosy/soft spot of the brain that is required to FEEL music, to feel hot water on skin, to be cosy on the couch, imagine living a life where you can no longer even enjoy relaxing, or having a hot bath, because there’s no emotional response to it, there’s no depth. This is what PSSD has been for me.
But, when the cypro wears off, you feel your YOUNG self re-emerging and all of a sudden FEELINGS come back.
My logic and verbal fluency improve on cypro.

It definitely has its side effects.
Ravenous appetite, minor headaches in the mornings, grogginess/sleepiness (This wears off after repeated use). Eventually, it leaves you feeling resilient and adaptable. Less triggered, much more in control and in tune with your mind, there’s no scatter feeling, you feel clear and hear your own voice, however, your background mind chatter is completely gone when conversing with other people.
Cypro definitely makes me feel clinically depressed the morning after using it. I feel like it sucks ALL the life out of me.

Stop thinking about the future. I find myself way more PRESENT on cypro.


Nov 21, 2019
@haidut , or whoever else may have a clear view on this point: how can someone retain the weight gain benefits after making a pause or quitting Cypro? How can one avoid loosing other gains as have happens to others in this thread?
Keep eating as much (despite less hunger?) or more, if cypro slowed your metabolism to the point it was interfering with weight. Isn’t it obvious?


Jun 1, 2017
Just a word of advice... i got off cypro as i ran out and i got a massive rebound in weight mostly water because i havent changed my calorie intake i am thinking it's a serotonin rebound hence increase cortisol thus increase estrogen.. i've gained roughly 5-10 lbs of water since getting off of cypro but it was an abdrubt stop no slowly titrating down to 0mg.

For the people who said that it makes you gain weight, only if you A.) take over 2mg it will lower dopamine thus probably increase prolactin so a bit of water weight and B.) if you eat more calories than you're burning. I lost a good amount of weight actaully on cypro as it lowers inflamation. Just sucked coming off because that rebound in water weight killed my self-esteem. Waiting for another bottle but i'll only be taking max 2mg daily mostly for my gut health and keep serotonin in check!


Jun 1, 2017
Wonder if stopping Cypro just exposes you're bodies state without the drug or if it does something to raise cortisol drastically. As mentioned above, when i got off cypro i gained around 5-10 lbs from water- calories remained the same and i'm a big believer of calories in vs calories out so that doesn't make sense why i'd gain so much weight. Other reasons are serotonin rebound which would make sense. Either way wonder if anyone's experienced this. I felt cushing like symptoms even though i do not have cushings disease- dosage was anywhere from 2mg to 6 mg over the course of 3 months.


Sep 21, 2017

How can I dilute this? In water? Ethanol?

I wan’t do try 0,1 mg at first. I've got 0,5 mg per drop in SFA and ethanol. Can I take one drop in 5 ml of vodka and then drink 1 ml?


Jan 25, 2014
Wonder if stopping Cypro just exposes you're bodies state without the drug or if it does something to raise cortisol drastically. As mentioned above, when i got off cypro i gained around 5-10 lbs from water- calories remained the same and i'm a big believer of calories in vs calories out so that doesn't make sense why i'd gain so much weight.

Water has 0 calories.

You can add or subtract 100 pounds of water from either side of the energy balance equation, and it won't change anything. Of course, 100 pounds of water still weighs 100 pounds. So, it would make a massive difference in weight in the real world. So, if you truly gained 10 pounds in water weight, the CICO equation would be meaningless.


Aug 12, 2019
I've been trying this again, I tried smaller doses in the past and then went up to 16mg in the space of a day and realized nothing was going to change in my symptoms.

This time Ive started with a big dose of 8mg 3 x a day. Last night I took 32mg in a single dose as a one-off. It didn't do ***t.

Im on day 4 and stress or anxiety has not been reduced one tiny bit. Is there even any point continueing to take it? I did read 1 or 2 posts that said they felt mood improvements after a month or two of taking it. Why would it take that long? I cannot understand. I could take it that long but Im worried about weight, but mostly worried about taking it that long and having nothing at all change. If I gained 20lbs but my anxiety went down, it would be worth it.

P.S. my dermatitus also flared up because of cypro (saw others mention it)
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