Daughter bit on the face from dog. Help with scar remedies


Mar 11, 2021
Hello all, I’m beside myself at the moment in writing this. My 9 year old daughter was bit on her cheek and under her eye by a friends dog last night. She needed 7 stitches. I’m praying for fast healing so she can be her joyful carefree self again. However I want to try and minimize her scarring as much as possible on her face. Do you have any remedies you recommend for scars? Any and all insight is welcomed I feel overwhelmed in searching. Thank you 🙏🏻
As others above have suggested - raw honey - morning and night under a bandaid.

Once it's healed, if there is still a light scar use vitamin e to keep fading it.

Make sure she's eating plenty of bone broth, collagen and fruits, juices and sugars to help her heal.


Mar 11, 2021
Hello all, I’m beside myself at the moment in writing this. My 9 year old daughter was bit on her cheek and under her eye by a friends dog last night. She needed 7 stitches. I’m praying for fast healing so she can be her joyful carefree self again. However I want to try and minimize her scarring as much as possible on her face. Do you have any remedies you recommend for scars? Any and all insight is welcomed I feel overwhelmed in searching. Thank you 🙏🏻
As others above have suggested - raw honey or manuka would be a very strong recc. Id do it morning and night under a fresh bandaid.

IMO oil on the cut is going to inhibit the glucose availability of the honey high fat diets impedes cellular respiration of glucose - I don't have studies to back it up re the effect topically, but my guess is topically it would do the same. Ideally you want the damaged cells taking up as much sugar as possible to promote healing, so I'd focus on that first if it were me, and keep the oil out of it.

From what ive read vit e is good for fading existing scars. I would use that after the wound has closed from using honey to keep it fading.

Make sure she's eating plenty of bone broth, collagen and fruits, juices and sugars to help her heal. Congee made with some sort of broth would be a good healing staple too. Ea
Nov 21, 2015
Progest-E and a little lidocaine would be applied topically and the wound sealed to the outside so it remains moist. Sorry about your child's bite, that is awful.

Dr. Peat described a finger that was cut off, and put back in place and held with a cigar tube, sealed, with progesterone added and it healed perfectly as I recall.

We had someone here with a bad burn, who used progesterone and lapodin. The photos are extraordinary.

T3 is also very helpful in healing this quickly and not leaving a scar. I have seen studies that showed insulin is also.



Jan 25, 2018
I am sorry to hear Nicki, you are in the right place. I once asked a friend who is a skin physician what is good for minimising scars - I was looking for some expensive and esoteric answer. She simply said rosehip oil or lanolin. A guy I worked with had his head go through a window in an automobile accident - I asked why can't I see scarring, he said he used lanolin after it happened.

Brian Douglas

Jan 29, 2022
Hello all, I’m beside myself at the moment in writing this. My 9 year old daughter was bit on her cheek and under her eye by a friends dog last night. She needed 7 stitches. I’m praying for fast healing so she can be her joyful carefree self again. However I want to try and minimize her scarring as much as possible on her face. Do you have any remedies you recommend for scars? Any and all insight is welcomed I feel overwhelmed in searching. Thank you 🙏🏻
Proteolytic enzymes are key. You actually want to wait on these until the wounds have healed. The topical vitamin E is grand but the enzymes will actually dissolve the scar tissue. Taken on an empty stomach at least 2 hours before food.


Nov 5, 2021
My first choice would be Manuka honey. Here is my second degree burn from last year in late June, that healed with the scab falling off at around five weeks. I used Manuka honey in the beginning and a little Progest-E for any pain, and continued the Progest-E for the scarring for a couple more months and I have no scar from it.

“Many studies have found that sucrose is less fattening than starch or glucose, that is, that more calories can be consumed without gaining weight. During exercise, the addition of fructose to glucose increases the oxidation of carbohydrate by about 50% (Jentjens and Jeukendrup, 2005). In another experiment, rats were fed either sucrose or Coca-Cola and Purina chow, and were allowed to eat as much as they wanted (Bukowiecki, et al, 1983). They consumed 50% more calories without gaining extra weight, relative to the standard diet. Ruzzin, et al. (2005) observed rats given a 10.5% or 35% sucrose solution, or water, and observed that the sucrose increased their energy consumption by about 15% without increasing weight gain. Macor, et al. (1990) found that glucose caused a smaller increase in metabolic rate in obese people than in normal weight people, but that fructose increased their metabolic rate as much as it did that of the normal weight people. Tappy, et al. (1993) saw a similar increase in heat production in obese people, relative to the effect of glucose. Brundin, et al. (1993) compared the effects of glucose and fructose in healthy people, and saw a greater oxygen consumption with fructose, and also an increase in the temperature of the blood, and a greater increase in carbon dioxide production.

These metabolic effects have led several groups to recommend the use of fructose for treating shock, the stress of surgery, or infection (e.g., Adolph, et al., 1995).“ -Ray Peat

“Peroxide is naturally present in raw honey.
Hydrogen peroxide is an antibacterial substance that is sold in pharmacies. It is made naturally in honey by an enzyme called glucose oxidase, which is added to the plant nectar by bees.

Glucose oxidase is not active in full strength honey because of the honey’s high acidity. However, when the honey is diluted (for example by the release of body fluids from a wound) the honey becomes less acid, the enzyme becomes active, and hydrogen peroxide is produced.

Honey contains plant-derived factors
Some honeys have antibacterial action that appears to be caused by phytochemicals that are found naturally in the nectar that the bees collect. For example, honey made from the flowers of New Zealand’s mānuka trees seems to be particularly powerful at killing bacteria.

Methylglyoxal is thought to be the major contributor to mānuka honey’s non-peroxide antibacterial activity. The antibacterial activity of mānuka honey is graded and given a 'UMF" number — the Unique Mānuka Factor. You can look at some of the early research that contributed to this identification of the UMF compund in Hunting for honey's healing power.”


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When you mentioned that you used Progest-E for a few months to address scarring, did you initially have a scar that faded with the treatment, or did you experience no scarring as it healed?


Aug 17, 2016
I'm sorry to learn about your daughter's ordeal. All good suggestions here for reducing the scar. I've had dog and cat bites and the scars went away. I didn't do anything at all.

It seems that your friend does not know what a dog is. Or what a terrier is bred for.
The scotties are like the strong arm of the police with billy clubs who go in and smack down disturbances undiscriminately.
And they are tough rugged hunters and used for rat control. Awesome creatures. Great great dogs. But people don't know what or either why they have it.
Most dog owners are clueless and wonder why their dog doesn't act like a stuffed animal or a little human.
The motor patterns of small children triggers many dogs.
Your friend should have chosen a breed where the dogs instincts are bred out of them. Scotties are very much still close to their heritage.

Lemme guess. Your friend dresses it up in tartan and has it run around with little kids.
Have you ever peeled back the lip of a scotty? Forget pitbull terriers. A scottish terriers crazy teeth length indicate exactly what its for.

Mommies and daddies have to assume their friends do not know anything about dogs. That's the best bet.

Prayers for a speedy recovery.
Mar 10, 2021
When you mentioned that you used Progest-E for a few months to address scarring, did you initially have a scar that faded with the treatment, or did you experience no scarring as it healed?
It was a severe burn that my nurse friend expected some trouble with, caring for it myself. As the weeks went by he was really impressed with how fast it healed. I did initially have a really red scar, but nothing now. I have been taking MSM since about December, which probably further helped with the scarring. Children produce an abundance of MSM already so I didn’t recommend it.


May 13, 2015
Hello all, I’m beside myself at the moment in writing this. My 9 year old daughter was bit on her cheek and under her eye by a friends dog last night. She needed 7 stitches. I’m praying for fast healing so she can be her joyful carefree self again. However I want to try and minimize her scarring as much as possible on her face. Do you have any remedies you recommend for scars? Any and all insight is welcomed I feel overwhelmed in searching. Thank you 🙏🏻
Polyunsaturated fats in the diet should be completely removed. Do use coconut oil for cooking. The amount of scarring is directly related to how much polyunsaturated oil is stored in the body. But young children with high metabolism would be less susceptible to this issue and would heal quickly.

go here: bioenergetic search search for "Keloid"
this response will come up:



"scar tissue is so that a keloid, for example, is terrible scar tissue, very disorganized because of polyunsaturated fats in your circulation, disorganizing the healing. A baby in utero with no essential fatty acids in circulation and plenty of carbon dioxide will heal without any disorganized structures."

Also search on bioenergetic search for "wound".
"Yeah, in Africa when there was no antibiotic available and they had to do chest surgery, they simply filled up the chest hole with massive amounts of sugar and they discovered that it not only didn't get infected, but it healed basically without scarring. In the newsletter on diabetes, I mentioned some of the references where they find that packing a wound with sugar inhibits the formation of excess collagen and causes almost scarless healing. Well, honey never goes bad, right?"


Feb 4, 2019
MSM cream. Can also dramatically reduce pain. Please don't underestimate what this relatively inexpensive product can do. It's changed many lives, for those with scars and/or pain.
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Oct 3, 2023
Thank you to everyone this is all so incredibly helpful. So thankful for you all!


Oct 3, 2023
One last thing
Not trying to correct but encourage or support

Although this is a huge deal to us moms

When addressing her
When applying the vitamin
When gently massaging
Remind her that this works
And everything is gonna be ok

Everything will be ok!

It takes time

But the bigger scar will be her fear of dogs moreso than the scar on her face

Reach out anytime

I’ve been there!
This means a lot thank you!


Oct 3, 2023
As others above have suggested - raw honey or manuka would be a very strong recc. Id do it morning and night under a fresh bandaid.

IMO oil on the cut is going to inhibit the glucose availability of the honey high fat diets impedes cellular respiration of glucose - I don't have studies to back it up re the effect topically, but my guess is topically it would do the same. Ideally you want the damaged cells taking up as much sugar as possible to promote healing, so I'd focus on that first if it were me, and keep the oil out of it.

From what ive read vit e is good for fading existing scars. I would use that after the wound has closed from using honey to keep it fading.

Make sure she's eating plenty of bone broth, collagen and fruits, juices and sugars to help her heal. Congee made with some sort of broth would be a good healing staple too. Ea
Thank you I agree! From what I’m seeing from most replies I will be doing Manuka honey while her stitches heal, focusing on overall health and then will try a combo of oils daily like vitamin e, rose hip and others suggested. Thanks so much!


Oct 3, 2023
My first choice would be Manuka honey. Here is my second degree burn from last year in late June, that healed with the scab falling off at around five weeks. I used Manuka honey in the beginning and a little Progest-E for any pain, and continued the Progest-E for the scarring for a couple more months and I have no scar from it.

“Many studies have found that sucrose is less fattening than starch or glucose, that is, that more calories can be consumed without gaining weight. During exercise, the addition of fructose to glucose increases the oxidation of carbohydrate by about 50% (Jentjens and Jeukendrup, 2005). In another experiment, rats were fed either sucrose or Coca-Cola and Purina chow, and were allowed to eat as much as they wanted (Bukowiecki, et al, 1983). They consumed 50% more calories without gaining extra weight, relative to the standard diet. Ruzzin, et al. (2005) observed rats given a 10.5% or 35% sucrose solution, or water, and observed that the sucrose increased their energy consumption by about 15% without increasing weight gain. Macor, et al. (1990) found that glucose caused a smaller increase in metabolic rate in obese people than in normal weight people, but that fructose increased their metabolic rate as much as it did that of the normal weight people. Tappy, et al. (1993) saw a similar increase in heat production in obese people, relative to the effect of glucose. Brundin, et al. (1993) compared the effects of glucose and fructose in healthy people, and saw a greater oxygen consumption with fructose, and also an increase in the temperature of the blood, and a greater increase in carbon dioxide production.

These metabolic effects have led several groups to recommend the use of fructose for treating shock, the stress of surgery, or infection (e.g., Adolph, et al., 1995).“ -Ray Peat

“Peroxide is naturally present in raw honey.
Hydrogen peroxide is an antibacterial substance that is sold in pharmacies. It is made naturally in honey by an enzyme called glucose oxidase, which is added to the plant nectar by bees.

Glucose oxidase is not active in full strength honey because of the honey’s high acidity. However, when the honey is diluted (for example by the release of body fluids from a wound) the honey becomes less acid, the enzyme becomes active, and hydrogen peroxide is produced.

Honey contains plant-derived factors
Some honeys have antibacterial action that appears to be caused by phytochemicals that are found naturally in the nectar that the bees collect. For example, honey made from the flowers of New Zealand’s mānuka trees seems to be particularly powerful at killing bacteria.

Methylglyoxal is thought to be the major contributor to mānuka honey’s non-peroxide antibacterial activity. The antibacterial activity of mānuka honey is graded and given a 'UMF" number — the Unique Mānuka Factor. You can look at some of the early research that contributed to this identification of the UMF compund in Hunting for honey's healing power.”


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Thank you for this! I’m showed these pictures to my daughter and she was amazed and encouraged. Thank you!
Mar 10, 2021
Thank you for this! I’m showed these pictures to my daughter and she was amazed and encouraged. Thank you!
She will heal great, especially if she tells her mind these positive things. The brain is in charge of everything. Let her know that I am sixty and most people my age would not have healed this well, but doing healthy things for yourself inside and out make a huge difference. She is young, so she will have an even better outcome.
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