Did You Pick Out Your Own Doctor Or Were You Given One and...


Sep 5, 2012
Are you happy, have a good lasting bond, or are you thinking of switching and for what reason?
25 years ago I walked into a neiborhood clinic, got seen though not right away, and remained with her for 20 years.
Nowadays it's such a hassle. Not only are you a number but so is this new mysterious doc.. So read the "patient reviews"
and the myriad of choices you and your coverage have to make.
'Took me 6 weeks to see a new PC - they cancelled at the last minute - re-scheduled 3 weeks later - I come in again and
they're not accepting new patients. So I gave up


May 13, 2015
Are you happy, have a good lasting bond, or are you thinking of switching and for what reason?
25 years ago I walked into a neiborhood clinic, got seen though not right away, and remained with her for 20 years.
Nowadays it's such a hassle. Not only are you a number but so is this new mysterious doc.. So read the "patient reviews"
and the myriad of choices you and your coverage have to make.
'Took me 6 weeks to see a new PC - they cancelled at the last minute - re-scheduled 3 weeks later - I come in again and
they're not accepting new patients. So I gave up
I'm sure things are different in different parts of the planet. I'm in a small town in Texas. None of the doctors in my town would accept me as a new patient because I'm Medicare age. Even though I was willing and happy to pay in cash for a doctor I like. Concierge physicians have set up shop to avoid some of the Obamacare hassle but the ones in this town are either full up or are totally clueless imbeciles (based on my personal unfortunate experience). The one new doctor in town (in with the hospital clinic) interviewed me by phone and declined to take me because I take prescription desiccated thyroid medication and he refused to go along with that even though I get the prescription via my endocrinologist.

So I enlarged my search area. I found a concierge doctor who is about 50 minutes away from here by car. I decided to give him a try because he was willing to prescribe Ivermectin for me (this was in 2021) and confided to me that he was not covid vaccinated AND he was fine with the prescription desiccated thyroid medication. I am terrified of doctors and have a very hard time trusting them because of horrible past experiences. I think this one thinks I'm nuts but he hasn't thrown me out yet so my situation is better than it was.


Aug 17, 2018
Never 'married' to a certain doctor. When I don't like them, I get rid of them. Too bad they are all indocrinated.

It does help to find a good primary doctor who has good judgement and can refer you to knowledgeable specialists that otherwise you wouldn't find.


Sep 5, 2012
I'm sure things are different in different parts of the planet. I'm in a small town in Texas. None of the doctors in my town would accept me as a new patient because I'm Medicare age. Even though I was willing and happy to pay in cash for a doctor I like. Concierge physicians have set up shop to avoid some of the Obamacare hassle but the ones in this town are either full up or are totally clueless imbeciles (based on my personal unfortunate experience). The one new doctor in town (in with the hospital clinic) interviewed me by phone and declined to take me because I take prescription desiccated thyroid
I'm sure things are different in different parts of the planet. I'm in a small town in Texas. None of the doctors in my town would accept me as a new patient because I'm Medicare age. Even though I was willing and happy to pay in cash for a doctor I like. Concierge physicians have set up shop to avoid some of the Obamacare hassle but the ones in this town are either full up or are totally clueless imbeciles (based on my personal unfortunate experience). The one new doctor in town (in with the hospital clinic) interviewed me by phone and declined to take me because I take prescription desiccated thyroid medication and he refused to go along with that even though I get the prescription via my endocrinologist.

So I enlarged my search area. I found a concierge doctor who is about 50 minutes away from here by car. I decided to give him a try because he was willing to prescribe Ivermectin for me (this was in 2021) and confided to me that he was not covid vaccinated AND he was fine with the prescription desiccated thyroid medication. I am terrified of doctors and have a very hard time trusting them because of horrible past experiences. I think this one thinks I'm nuts but he hasn't thrown me out yet so my situation is better than it was.
I'm sure things are different in different parts of the planet. I'm in a small town in Texas. None of the doctors in my town would accept me as a new patient because I'm Medicare age. Even though I was willing and happy to pay in cash for a doctor I like. Concierge physicians have set up shop to avoid some of the Obamacare hassle but the ones in this town are either full up or are totally clueless imbeciles (based on my personal unfortunate experience). The one new doctor in town (in with the hospital clinic) interviewed me by phone and declined to take me because I take prescription desiccated thyroid medication and he refused to go along with that even though I get the prescription via my endocrinologist.

So I enlarged my search area. I found a concierge doctor who is about 50 minutes away from here by car. I decided to give him a try because he was willing to prescribe Ivermectin for me (this was in 2021) and confided to me that he was not covid vaccinated AND he was fine with the prescription desiccated thyroid medication. I am terrified of doctors and have a very hard time trusting them because of horrible past experiences. I think this one thinks I'm nuts but he hasn't thrown me out yet so my situation is better than it was.
why do you think he thinks you're nuts?
and he refused to go along with that even though I get the prescription via my endocrinologist.

So I enlarged my search area. I found a concierge doctor who is about 50 minutes away from here by car. I decided to give him a try because he was willing to prescribe Ivermectin for me (this was in 2021) and confided to me that he was not covid vaccinated AND he was fine with the prescription desiccated thyroid medication. I am terrified of doctors and have a very hard time trusting them because of horrible past experiences. I think this one thinks I'm nuts but he hasn't thrown me out yet so my situation is better than it w


Sep 5, 2012
I'm sure things are different in different parts of the planet. I'm in a small town in Texas. None of the doctors in my town would accept me as a new patient because I'm Medicare age. Even though I was willing and happy to pay in cash for a doctor I like. Concierge physicians have set up shop to avoid some of the Obamacare hassle but the ones in this town are either full up or are totally clueless imbeciles (based on my personal unfortunate experience). The one new doctor in town (in with the hospital clinic) interviewed me by phone and declined to take me because I take prescription desiccated thyroid medication and he refused to go along with that even though I get the prescription via my endocrinologist.

So I enlarged my search area. I found a concierge doctor who is about 50 minutes away from here by car. I decided to give him a try because he was willing to prescribe Ivermectin for me (this was in 2021) and confided to me that he was not covid vaccinated AND he was fine with the prescription desiccated thyroid medication. I am terrified of doctors and have a very hard time trusting them because of horrible past experiences. I think this one thinks I'm nuts but he hasn't thrown me out yet so my situation is better than it was.
Why do you think he think you're nuts?


May 13, 2015
Why do you think he think you're nuts?
The eye rolling mainly. I've got medical issues that go back many years. Things like heavy metal poisoning (mainly lead), rheumatoid arthritis, joint deterioration, hypothyroidism, etc. I'm 73. I've tried to provide this new doctor with my medical records from the physicians who diagnosed me but have not been able to do so because those doctors are no longer practicing. Since I cannot provide the prior doctors' records and I look OK, my verbal medical history is questioned.

The rheumatoid arthritis resolved when I stopped the EDTA IV chelation treatments (for the lead poisoning), found Ray Peat & corrected my diet, found an endo who doubled my prescription desiccated thyroid dosage. I high dose thiamine hcl which resolved the lead poisoning symptoms so now my health is pretty good.

Evidently, if the diagnosis isn't included in the patient's computerized ObamaCare socialized medicine records, then the patient doesn't have it.

I suffer from severe White Coat paranoia which doesn't help matters. I always have high blood pressure at the doctor's office but otherwise my BP is normal.
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Apr 28, 2018
I'm sure things are different in different parts of the planet. I'm in a small town in Texas. None of the doctors in my town would accept me as a new patient because I'm Medicare age. Even though I was willing and happy to pay in cash for a doctor I like. Concierge physicians have set up shop to avoid some of the Obamacare hassle but the ones in this town are either full up or are totally clueless imbeciles (based on my personal unfortunate experience). The one new doctor in town (in with the hospital clinic) interviewed me by phone and declined to take me because I take prescription desiccated thyroid medication and he refused to go along with that even though I get the prescription via my endocrinologist.

So I enlarged my search area. I found a concierge doctor who is about 50 minutes away from here by car. I decided to give him a try because he was willing to prescribe Ivermectin for me (this was in 2021) and confided to me that he was not covid vaccinated AND he was fine with the prescription desiccated thyroid medication. I am terrified of doctors and have a very hard time trusting them because of horrible past experiences. I think this one thinks I'm nuts but he hasn't thrown me out yet so my situation is better than it was.
Love this. I find everything you said here identical to my sitch in Alaska. Clueless is the norm. If you want to get cancelled, just point out they are doing nothing towards healing, only drugs to ameliorate. Or let them know that you know they never had to take a nutrition class to graduate. I tried to advocate for a friend miserable with psoriasis after 2 appts her medico prescribed a mild topical steroid. 7 months later her whole body was inflamed and bloody from scratching. Her eyes nearly swollen shut with dark circles lack of sleep. Absolutely clueless. ONLY when that doctor repeated the same solution the 3rd appt was my friend ready to listen to me and start at the beginning---"everything wrong on the inside shows up on your largest organ the skin, on the outside". Ahem.
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