Do not buy Philips Respironics CPAP machines!

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Mar 29, 2016
No, it all happened gradually in high school and twenties. two upper teeth and 4 wisdom teeth pulled.
I had braces from middle school to end of high school. I didn't snore much then.
Not really sure when the actual condition began but for sure mid twenties I was every night snorer unable to breathe well through my nose in the day
Regular doctors and doctors from the nose/ear/throat clincs just give me nasal sprays and allegra.
The sleep clinic I visit told me to try out the cpap for a few months to half a year to see if I want to continue that.
Offered to do some mouth pieces but I dont wanna do that.
They do referrals for the mandible surgery but he advised against it. it's very invasive procedure and will change your face and might solve one problem to cause other problem.
looking into some dentists that specialize in palette widening and the such.
the cpap is working well for now. waking up is a difference between night and day.
working on posture helps a bit too but that's a long road. lots of sitting for work and no matter how much massage trigger point stretch work i do, it is hard correct bad habits.

basically mouth is too small. tounge cant fit. face is jacked up. machine is helpful.
your issue came about over the years then.

and attempts to fix your nose breathing didn't work by experts didn't work.

I think it's a good decision not to have surgery and cpap is a good fill-in for your condition as i don't think you were being treated my modern medicine which I personally feel is a lot like voodoo. although I know little of voodoo but voodoo may be better to be fair.

I used to wonder why when I breathe i breathe only thru one hole. The other hole was stuffy all the time. I don't remember exactly what I did but I was able to eventually get my nose to breathe well using the two nostrils. Perhaps it was by just irrigating with saline solution with a neti pot. Or it was by spending some time during the day blocking my working nostril and forcing my stuffy nostril to breathe. It certainly helped also that I used to have allergic rhinitis a lot and maybe I got better with my breathing when I didn't have allergic rhinitis anymore. I may be snoring a lot then but I may just not know it and do I had no desire to fix something I didn't know was wrong.

But getting back your ability to breathe thru your nose should be a personal project of yours. Since your nose has been out of practice, it takes a lot more effort but since it is a natural function it may not be as hard as you'd imagine. I would not want to go back to a doctor, as their approach would not improve and likely to get worse given the control of dogmatic medical complex over any innovation that makes the patient restore the nature in them and become free from devices and medication and surgical intervention.


Mar 29, 2016
i tape my mouth and use a cpap machine with extended dead space and blocked off co2 blow-off port on the mask. i have a seperate co2 blow-off port connected to the air tube, but further down the line, so I rebreathe the exhaled co2 in the dead space.

so in my case, cpap either increases or has no effect on co2 levels. but you are exactly correct that… using cpap without extended dead space, which 99.999% do and all doctors recommend, yes it crashes co2 levels.

Funny how CO2 is disregarded by the respiratory therapists. And people rely on them for guidance. As wrong as the climate science hoaxsters on CO2.
sleep apnea specifically uars (upper airway resistance syndrome)

my airway and mouth anatomy is bad so it makes it difficult to breathe when all the muscles relax during sleep.

Sleep apnea patients are usually just morbidly obese people with the excessive fat in their throat, mouth and nasal, blocking their airways.

uars and sleep apnea are the same but people with sleep apnea don’t react to the airway restriction until co2 builds up from not breathing.

people with uars do react when breathing is obstructed, causing arousals leading to fragmented and broken sleep.

If there's UARS, have the "experts" really looked into the cause and capably tried to fix the problems? the causes as enumerated here don't seem like rocket science to eliminate:

  • Allergic reactions in which the trachea or throat swell closed, including allergic reactions to a bee sting, peanuts, antibiotics (such as penicillin), and blood pressure medicines (such as ACE inhibitors)
  • Chemical burns and reactions
  • Epiglottitis (infection of the structure separating the trachea from the esophagus)
  • Fire or burns from breathing in smoke
  • Foreign bodies, such as peanuts and other breathed-in foods, pieces of a balloon, buttons, coins, and small toys
  • Infections of the upper airway area
  • Injury to the upper airway area
  • Peritonsillar abscess (collection of infected material near the tonsils)
  • Poisoning from certain substances, such as strychnine
  • Retropharyngeal abscess (collection of infected material in the back of the airway)
  • Severe asthma attack
  • Throat cancer
  • Tracheomalacia (weakness of the cartilage that supports the trachea)
  • Vocal cord problems
  • Passing out or being unconscious

Or are they doing an "Ivermectin" on you?
my root cause is anatomical mainly, probably caused by lack of strong chewing force on the jaw during childhood.

philips is encrypting all data so you can’t access tidal volume, respiration rate, minute vent, sleep apnea events, etc or view any charts, graphs or statistics.
It's nice to have tidal volume data. It would be very helpful to have the data to monitor your progress in healing.

I could buy a capnograph for $250 to get tidal volume data but still it would only be for a few seconds and I would not be able to monitoring my tidal volume for the entirety of my sleep. Still, it's not necessary as I get a lot of useful data already from my O2ring and my sleep app.

I don't know why Philips wants to encrypt the data for their own use. Maybe making the data open will cause more deaths? Hmmm... don't they have waiver forms for that? Or maybe it's really about patients learning that with the data they can for a change start doing something to eliminate their dependence on CPAP and the drugs used for their condition.
Yes, I wore an appliance that i adjusted weekly for a couple years.
What appliance was that? It seems to have worked for you. Glad you don't have to wear it anymore.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Funny how CO2 is disregarded by the respiratory therapists.
Not disregarded but thought of as only a waste product and a problem!
What appliance was that? It seems to have worked for you. Glad you don't have to wear it anymore.
A dentist custom made it for me in the late 90’s. It’s one of two somewhat positive experiences I’ve had with doctors in my entire life.


Mar 29, 2016
A dentist custom made it for me in the late 90’s. It’s one of two somewhat positive experiences I’ve had with doctors in my entire life.
Glad you're able to cross paths with them. I'm just as blessed and I'm thankful for them.


Nov 27, 2016
If there's UARS, have the "experts" really looked into the cause and capably tried to fix the problems? the causes as enumerated here don't seem like rocket science to eliminate:

  • Allergic reactions in which the trachea or throat swell closed, including allergic reactions to a bee sting, peanuts, antibiotics (such as penicillin), and blood pressure medicines (such as ACE inhibitors)
  • Chemical burns and reactions
  • Epiglottitis (infection of the structure separating the trachea from the esophagus)
  • Fire or burns from breathing in smoke
  • Foreign bodies, such as peanuts and other breathed-in foods, pieces of a balloon, buttons, coins, and small toys
  • Infections of the upper airway area
  • Injury to the upper airway area
  • Peritonsillar abscess (collection of infected material near the tonsils)
  • Poisoning from certain substances, such as strychnine
  • Retropharyngeal abscess (collection of infected material in the back of the airway)
  • Severe asthma attack
  • Throat cancer
  • Tracheomalacia (weakness of the cartilage that supports the trachea)
  • Vocal cord problems
  • Passing out or being unconscious
all those are viable causes of sleep apnea and uars, but fixing the root cause is a lot harder than just giving someone a cpap machine.

make no mistake, i think cpap machines are stop-gap technology that will be replaced as soon as something better is released.


Mar 29, 2016
all those are viable causes of sleep apnea and uars, but fixing the root cause is a lot harder than just giving someone a cpap machine.

make no mistake, i think cpap machines are stop-gap technology that will be replaced as soon as something better is released.
I believe it's not as hard as you imagine.

But it's my experience talking though. I'd been so dependent on doctors until one day I decided to see a naturopath. Dr. Bhardwaj would make me approach my issue not from an instant cure perspective. We did many things that did not address the main reason I went to see him, my keloids. But I wasn't disappointed as it improved my blood sugar problem greatly. I never had flu afterwards, an unintended but pleasant side effect of my treatment.

Then when I developed high blood pressure, I went back to see naturopathic doctors. Alas, they couldn't lower my high blood pressure. So, the next 20 years and counting I would spend finding the cure.

I never took prescription medication, and my blood pressure over the years would increase steadily from normal to 240/160. This would have made me give up by running to the safety of prescription medication.

But I had no worsening health condition. No fever and flu for 20 years. No allergy for 5 years. No headaches. No gut issues. Good sleep. Good blood sugar regulation. No obesity. Overweight for a year but quickly resolved when I saw the effect of what I was taking (enzymes).

I did everything the naturopathic and the allopathic could offer. At the very least, I knew what won't work. I was ready to call it quits and move on.

But not until I tried using frequencies for healing. And isopathy based on pleomorphism and terrain theory.

And just this week I began to see real breakthrough. My bp began to go down and it's plumbing 170/110. Still a long ways from 120/80. But it's like seeing the light at the end of a long tunnel.

Just like the character of Tim Robbins at The Shawshank Redemption, you have to keep working it.

The doctors can't help you. They've been made impotent by the system. They're mere placeholders. You must take the initiative.

I'm only determined. I'm very ordinary and I'm not super smart either. I think you just need to get out of the mental block that you need a doctor to figure it out for you.


Dec 17, 2020
your issue came about over the years then.

and attempts to fix your nose breathing didn't work by experts didn't work.

I think it's a good decision not to have surgery and cpap is a good fill-in for your condition as i don't think you were being treated my modern medicine which I personally feel is a lot like voodoo. although I know little of voodoo but voodoo may be better to be fair.

I used to wonder why when I breathe i breathe only thru one hole. The other hole was stuffy all the time. I don't remember exactly what I did but I was able to eventually get my nose to breathe well using the two nostrils. Perhaps it was by just irrigating with saline solution with a neti pot. Or it was by spending some time during the day blocking my working nostril and forcing my stuffy nostril to breathe. It certainly helped also that I used to have allergic rhinitis a lot and maybe I got better with my breathing when I didn't have allergic rhinitis anymore. I may be snoring a lot then but I may just not know it and do I had no desire to fix something I didn't know was wrong.

But getting back your ability to breathe thru your nose should be a personal project of yours. Since your nose has been out of practice, it takes a lot more effort but since it is a natural function it may not be as hard as you'd imagine. I would not want to go back to a doctor, as their approach would not improve and likely to get worse given the control of dogmatic medical complex over any innovation that makes the patient restore the nature in them and become free from devices and medication and surgical intervention.

I should try irrigating a bit more.
I also should try a non starch diet for longer than 2 weeks to see if that helps at all.

It definitely is a personal project. I do find stretching and triggerpointing offers more instantaneous relief but my postural habits are so bad that any relief is undone pretty quickly.

Recently I have encountered a new problem and I am not sure if it is a result of cpap or not but my breathes have become quite shallow and its hard to deep breathe unless i make a concious effort. i do feel winded a lot of the time as well. My partner says I sleep without out sound now and sleep peacefully. I should perhaps get some sort of monitor to monitor it myself. I do get some data back from my monthly consultation to maintain my cpap rental. Ill ask for a printout next time and sharethem.


Mar 29, 2016
I should try irrigating a bit more.
I also should try a non starch diet for longer than 2 weeks to see if that helps at all.

It definitely is a personal project. I do find stretching and triggerpointing offers more instantaneous relief but my postural habits are so bad that any relief is undone pretty quickly.

Recently I have encountered a new problem and I am not sure if it is a result of cpap or not but my breathes have become quite shallow and its hard to deep breathe unless i make a concious effort. i do feel winded a lot of the time as well. My partner says I sleep without out sound now and sleep peacefully. I should perhaps get some sort of monitor to monitor it myself. I do get some data back from my monthly consultation to maintain my cpap rental. Ill ask for a printout next time and sharethem.
You're gonna be your own best doctor to fix your breathing issues and even have a better understanding than doctor experts as you yourself is the test subject to learn from.

Don't care that you are one small sample size and that you don't have the benefit of many test subjects to call what you discover 'evidence-based' medicine. And if you're so sick and you get better and cured, you may even become the foremost expert on it.

One thing you have going is that you can't sue yourself. You have more freedom to experiment that expensive trials don't. For one, you're testing on a human, and not on mice.

You're going to find that a lot of what you accept as true isn't really so. When you make yourself above the programming, you become the caveman that survived the dinosaurs instead of the miseducated product of a civilized system of high priests.

Good luck as you hitchhike thru the galaxy!
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