Does anyone have an appendicitis cure ?


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois

I've been suffering from lower right abdomen pain for a few weeks now. It started when i started eating mashed potatoes and i would get bloated after. I cut out the starch and have been doing just orange juice, milk, oysters, and cheese, but the pain has persisted and is not going away. I should mention also that I was chewing baby aspirin pills for a few weeks before stopping two days ago out of fear that it may have caused or is exacerbating the problem. I went to the doctor this morning and he is thinking it's my appendix and wants me to go to the hospital to get a ct-scan ($3000), and he's already telling me that it may require surgery and that it may need to be removed. I asked him if we could try a less invasive approach first like antibiotics but he insists that that would be dangerous--although he said that the hospital may give me antibiotics anyway. Unfortunately, I don't have any antibiotics--so if you are in the Chicagoland area and think you can hook me up with some then please let me know--and am looking now for any other option that may be feasible at this point in time. I've read the other threads on appendicitis--there aren't many--and have gathered that oregano and garlic may be a good option. I've had gas with garlic before though so i question that solution. Anyway, I'm kind of in a bind right now and am looking toward this community for some help, so any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions would be appreciated.


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Mar 2, 2021
I had appendicitis twice and the first time it went away because I was able to be away from WiFi connected laptops for about 9 days.
When it came back five months later I wish I had known about fasting because I wound up in the hospital and had to go under the knife.


Jun 21, 2018
Hello, I have cured my own appendicitis. It will take a few days of fasting but it will work.

You need to juice 2 large tomatoes and add 1.5-3 tablespoons lemon juice, along with 2-4 tablespoons of raw honey. Mix this all together and it results in a very sweet, tasty drink. Drink this mixture 3-5 times per day. Nothing else.

It will eliminate the infection and sooth the tissue. You need to stop eating solid food.


Aug 17, 2018

I've been suffering from lower right abdomen pain for a few weeks now. It started when i started eating mashed potatoes and i would get bloated after. I cut out the starch and have been doing just orange juice, milk, oysters, and cheese, but the pain has persisted and is not going away. I should mention also that I was chewing baby aspirin pills for a few weeks before stopping two days ago out of fear that it may have caused or is exacerbating the problem. I went to the doctor this morning and he is thinking it's my appendix and wants me to go to the hospital to get a ct-scan ($3000), and he's already telling me that it may require surgery and that it may need to be removed. I asked him if we could try a less invasive approach first like antibiotics but he insists that that would be dangerous--although he said that the hospital may give me antibiotics anyway. Unfortunately, I don't have any antibiotics--so if you are in the Chicagoland area and think you can hook me up with some then please let me know--and am looking now for any other option that may be feasible at this point in time. I've read the other threads on appendicitis--there aren't many--and have gathered that oregano and garlic may be a good option. I've had gas with garlic before though so i question that solution. Anyway, I'm kind of in a bind right now and am looking toward this community for some help, so any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions would be appreciated.


Somebody on the forum posted this about how he cured appendicitis. I saved it just in case for future needs but no idea of it works or doesn't.

I'll tell you exactly what I did.

1. I water fasted for 3-7 days, along with epsom salt flushes to completely evacuate my bowls.
2. The last 2-3 days of the water fast, I ate a lot of crushed garlic 3x per day, nothing else.
3. On the final day of the water flush, I did back-to-back coffee enemas and released a huge parasite (rope worm, on video too).


May 21, 2015
Have you tried searching the forum and wiki or learning about antibiotics?


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
Hello, I have cured my own appendicitis. It will take a few days of fasting but it will work.

You need to juice 2 large tomatoes and add 1.5-3 tablespoons lemon juice, along with 2-4 tablespoons of raw honey. Mix this all together and it results in a very sweet, tasty drink. Drink this mixture 3-5 times per day. Nothing else.

It will eliminate the infection and sooth the tissue. You need to stop eating solid food.

Somebody on the forum posted this about how he cured appendicitis. I saved it just in case for future needs but no idea of it works or doesn't.

I'll tell you exactly what I did.

1. I water fasted for 3-7 days, along with epsom salt flushes to completely evacuate my bowls.
2. The last 2-3 days of the water fast, I ate a lot of crushed garlic 3x per day, nothing else.
3. On the final day of the water flush, I did back-to-back coffee enemas and released a huge parasite (rope worm, on video to

Somebody on the forum posted this about how he cured appendicitis. I saved it just in case for future needs but no idea of it works or doesn't.

I'll tell you exactly what I did.

1. I water fasted for 3-7 days, along with epsom salt flushes to completely evacuate my bowls.
2. The last 2-3 days of the water fast, I ate a lot of crushed garlic 3x per day, nothing else.
3. On the final day of the water flush, I did back-to-back coffee enemas and released a huge parasite (rope worm, on video too).
Thanks for your reply. So he's consuming the Epsom salt to create a laxative effect? I'm worried now that perhaps there may be a blockage in my gut due to the lack of fiber. Therefore I'm waiting until i get a bowel movement before trying that approach.

I am not sure if i hope for that to be the case, but i guess another part of this puzzle is that yesterday and the day before i had flaky poop that floated indicating the presence of bacteria. I'm guessing that that could be from the inflamed appendix but i just couldn't know for sure unless i fart out the $3000 for a ct scan.

Also, if he pooped out a rope worm which is really funny by the way, then was it really appendicitis? I am currently fasting and am consuming a little bit of water and apple cider vinegar.


Jun 21, 2018
Somebody on the forum posted this about how he cured appendicitis. I saved it just in case for future needs but no idea of it works or doesn't.

I'll tell you exactly what I did.

1. I water fasted for 3-7 days, along with epsom salt flushes to completely evacuate my bowls.
2. The last 2-3 days of the water fast, I ate a lot of crushed garlic 3x per day, nothing else.
3. On the final day of the water flush, I did back-to-back coffee enemas and released a huge parasite (rope worm, on video too).
That ironically is me. Yes, my old method will work, but its very intense and invasive. I prefer the tomato + lemon + honey juice mixture I posted earlier in this thread.


Jun 30, 2020

I've been suffering from lower right abdomen pain for a few weeks now. It started when i started eating mashed potatoes and i would get bloated after. I cut out the starch and have been doing just orange juice, milk, oysters, and cheese, but the pain has persisted and is not going away. I should mention also that I was chewing baby aspirin pills for a few weeks before stopping two days ago out of fear that it may have caused or is exacerbating the problem. I went to the doctor this morning and he is thinking it's my appendix and wants me to go to the hospital to get a ct-scan ($3000), and he's already telling me that it may require surgery and that it may need to be removed. I asked him if we could try a less invasive approach first like antibiotics but he insists that that would be dangerous--although he said that the hospital may give me antibiotics anyway. Unfortunately, I don't have any antibiotics--so if you are in the Chicagoland area and think you can hook me up with some then please let me know--and am looking now for any other option that may be feasible at this point in time. I've read the other threads on appendicitis--there aren't many--and have gathered that oregano and garlic may be a good option. I've had gas with garlic before though so i question that solution. Anyway, I'm kind of in a bind right now and am looking toward this community for some help, so any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions would be appreciated.


Get your doctor to prescribe antibiotics. This has been studied in a few countries now and it works ok for apendicitis. You will find links to the studies across the forum. Get on antibiotics right away as appendicitis is nothing to play with. As you can imagine, the pain from the inflammation can come quickly and you need to be on top of it as it can kill you if it explodes. I found relief from antibiotics within 24 hours from the anitibiotics. If the pain gets worse or you get other symptoms like a high fever, you need to remove it. It is possible to have appendicitis without any other symptoms.

Extra careful if you have appendecolith as it is more serious. Only a scan will know if it is a stone blocking.

I cured my appendicitis with antibiotics and some other molecules. I have a thread here if you want to see my regimen. You can find it here on RPF.

Fasting was used back in the day, however, I am
not aware of any studies in this treatment but that does of course not mean it doesn’t work.


Feb 27, 2020

I've been suffering from lower right abdomen pain for a few weeks now. It started when i started eating mashed potatoes and i would get bloated after. I cut out the starch and have been doing just orange juice, milk, oysters, and cheese, but the pain has persisted and is not going away. I should mention also that I was chewing baby aspirin pills for a few weeks before stopping two days ago out of fear that it may have caused or is exacerbating the problem. I went to the doctor this morning and he is thinking it's my appendix and wants me to go to the hospital to get a ct-scan ($3000), and he's already telling me that it may require surgery and that it may need to be removed. I asked him if we could try a less invasive approach first like antibiotics but he insists that that would be dangerous--although he said that the hospital may give me antibiotics anyway. Unfortunately, I don't have any antibiotics--so if you are in the Chicagoland area and think you can hook me up with some then please let me know--and am looking now for any other option that may be feasible at this point in time. I've read the other threads on appendicitis--there aren't many--and have gathered that oregano and garlic may be a good option. I've had gas with garlic before though so i question that solution. Anyway, I'm kind of in a bind right now and am looking toward this community for some help, so any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions would be appreciated.


Raspberry leave tea...but I'm not sure how many times a dsy you should be drinking it


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
Get your doctor to prescribe antibiotics. This has been studied in a few countries now and it works ok for apendicitis. You will find links to the studies across the forum. Get on antibiotics right away as appendicitis is nothing to play with. As you can imagine, the pain from the inflammation can come quickly and you need to be on top of it as it can kill you if it explodes. I found relief from antibiotics within 24 hours from the anitibiotics. If the pain gets worse or you get other symptoms like a high fever, you need to remove it. It is possible to have appendicitis without any other symptoms.

Extra careful if you have appendecolith as it is more serious. Only a scan will know if it is a stone blocking.

I cured my appendicitis with antibiotics and some other molecules. I have a thread here if you want to see my regimen. You can find it here on RPF.

Fasting was used back in the day, however, I am
not aware of any studies in this treatment but that does of course not mean it doesn’t work.
Thanks so much for the reply. Yes, I am aware of the gravity of the situation. I asked my doctor to prescribe me antibiotics but he refused and said that that could be dangerous. He then went on to tell me that the hospital may prescribe me antibiotics after they conduct the CT scan and milk me for a $5000 hospital bill


Jun 30, 2020
Thanks so much for the reply. Yes, I am aware of the gravity of the situation. I asked my doctor to prescribe me antibiotics but he refused and said that that could be dangerous. He then went on to tell me that the hospital may prescribe me antibiotics after they conduct the CT scan and milk me for a $5000 hospital bill
I did a CT scan, that is prudent If you have a really sore appendix. Sorry to hear about the high costs.

I have the antibiotics I used in my other thread. Appendicitis usually gets worse quickly in my experience, so perhaps be sure that is what it is if you go the CT scan route.

Of course antibiotics are not dangerous, not doing anything is dangerous.

If it gets worse, you need to surgically remove it. The costs and risks become nuts otherwise.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
You have to be really careful, it is extremely dangerous if the appendix ruptures, people can die from it.

Don't wait too long, if the symptoms won't subside then surgery is the only option.


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois

I have not yet gone to the hospital for the CT-scan. I applied for Medicaid and am hoping to get approved. In the meantime, I tried a 36 hour fast at the outset, and it didn't really seem to alleviate the pain. I ended up eating, a soup consisting of a little organic grassfed groundbeef, salted to taste, some organic chicken bone broth, a little bit of collagen powder, and some apple cider vinegar. I supplement with 10,000 IU vitamin D3 orally, and 100mcg K2 capsule orally. I take Trazodone at night for my insomnia, and I noticed that it actually makes the pain go away. I noticed that when I chew the Trazodone that it numbs my mouth a bit, so it's probably doing something similar in my stomach, and I wonder if the physical numbing property of the Trazodone is also linked to it being a serotonin antagonist.

Also, I have been mincing a few cloves of garlic, letting it sit for about ten minutes, and drinking it down with some water. It's supposed to be a mild and natural antibiotic. It seemed to work the first few times, but now I don't know anymore. I have been supplementing with Oregano Oil as well. I was hesitant to do the carrot salad because I had not had a bowel movement in the time that I had been fasting, but I eventually did, so I ruled out some sort of gas build-up or constipation and started with carrot salad. Not to be lewd, but my anus seems very tight, and squeezing out the poop was fairly uncomfortable despite the poop being normal size. Also, the poop did not seem too abnormal i.e. there was no blood or flakiness, and it came out clean so wiping was easy.

Some more background information that may be relevant is that I am coming off of a keto diet and fasting focused lifestyle which I had been on for nearly four years. I was doing OMAD for a time and was stuffing myself each evening with 8 eggs, meat, cheese, and olive oil or butter, and would force myself to drink an entire kale smoothie on top of all of that. There were some nights that I was so stuffed that I had to wait to be able to fall asleep at night. At this time I was also supplementing with Potassium Citrate and Magnesium Citrate from Bulk Supplements and about 20,000 IU Vitamin D3. I later found out that you are supposed to take K2 with the D3 as well. Two summers ago, I would lay out in the sun in the morning and basically take a nap for an hour or so. These were very relaxing but perhaps I developed some kind of vitamin D toxicity.

The insomnia symptoms started about a year ago and were accompanied with some kind of anxiety, a kind of generalized anxiety that I actually felt in my body and made me extremely uncomfortable. When trying to fall asleep, right when I was about to fall asleep I would spring up and gasp for air. Nowadays, while that doesn't happen anymore, I instead get a little rush of anxiety right at the moment I am about to drift off and I become self-aware--when you drift off you're supposed to be in your imagination. The Trazodone, however, even sometimes at just a third of the pill, gets rid of that little bout of anxiety and allows me to remain in my imagination to eventually fall asleep.

I am wondering if my past with developing anxiety/insomnia and my now suffering from acute appendicitis at the outset of starting the Ray Peat diet are connected in some way.
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Jan 26, 2020
There's plenty of evidence showing antibiotics being effective in mild-to moderate cases of appendicitis. Perhaps your healthcare provider isn't aware, is trying to push aggressive treatment (surgery), or trying to cover their **** from suing (if he doesn't recommend surgery and it ruptures and you die in worst case scenario, it could end up costly for them). You can get pet&vet abx legally in america. Fastings benefit for appendicitis comes mainly from starving the bacteria out of food, however it also is very effective at destroying the immune system. Garlic doesn't work as an antibiotic, even if it were to get through stomach acid you would need to eat kilos of it to get sufficient dosage. Oregano oil can be helpful yet very irritating, and getting it to the lower intestine is questionable. Most likely the years of OMAD and fasting caused the bacterial overload, because you simply cannot digest all your daily food at once, leaving alot of it for the bacteria to feast on.

I am not your doctor, not anyone's, but if you have to treat yourself, amoxi-clav is the safest option, tmp/smx+metronidazole is also effective, and ciprofloxacin+metronidazole is the most effective yet toxic, fluoroquinolones are nasty but effective antibiotics. If you end up in the hospital you're most likely going to get a fluoroquinolone and metronidazole.



Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
There's plenty of evidence showing antibiotics being effective in mild-to moderate cases of appendicitis. Perhaps your healthcare provider isn't aware, is trying to push aggressive treatment (surgery), or trying to cover their **** from suing (if he doesn't recommend surgery and it ruptures and you die in worst case scenario, it could end up costly for them). You can get pet&vet abx legally in america. Fastings benefit for appendicitis comes mainly from starving the bacteria out of food, however it also is very effective at destroying the immune system. Garlic doesn't work as an antibiotic, even if it were to get through stomach acid you would need to eat kilos of it to get sufficient dosage. Oregano oil can be helpful yet very irritating, and getting it to the lower intestine is questionable. Most likely the years of OMAD and fasting caused the bacterial overload, because you simply cannot digest all your daily food at once, leaving alot of it for the bacteria to feast on.

I am not your doctor, not anyone's, but if you have to treat yourself, amoxi-clav is the safest option, tmp/smx+metronidazole is also effective, and ciprofloxacin+metronidazole is the most effective yet toxic, fluoroquinolones are nasty but effective antibiotics. If you end up in the hospital you're most likely going to get a fluoroquinolone and metronidazole.

Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback. I was thinking of switching doctors anyways since this one doesn't seem to allow me to elaborate on my symptoms and is quick to jump to conclusions. He also interrupts me while I'm talking and will even talk over me. He walks with a little bit of a limp and is chubby, especially around the face and neck, so I suspect he is on the very SSRIs he tried prescribing me--or did rather, though I have not taken any.

Anyway, your analyses and conclusion seem to be pretty legit. I will look into those antibiotics, though I am guessing they will require a prescription. Currently, I have used up all of my paid sick time from work, but I have about a week available in paid vacation that I am sure I could use. If I switch doctors and find one that is willing to prescribe to me antibiotics, then this is a big win. My other option would be to make a purchase from an online farmacia in Mexico, which will get me the antibiotics, but the shipping takes 4-6 weeks, and if this gets any worse then I will be forced to admit myself to the ER; I suppose I will have to do my best to manage my symptoms.

On a side note, I have tried shining one of my 250 watt, 120 volt incandescent lights about a foot away from the affected area, and it feels very therapeutic. This of course is not a cure, but I suppose I will add it to my list of desperations.

Thanks again for your response,



Jan 26, 2020
Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback. I was thinking of switching doctors anyways since this one doesn't seem to allow me to elaborate on my symptoms and is quick to jump to conclusions. He also interrupts me while I'm talking and will even talk over me. He walks with a little bit of a limp and is chubby, especially around the face and neck, so I suspect he is on the very SSRIs he tried prescribing me--or did rather, though I have not taken any.

Anyway, your analyses and conclusion seem to be pretty legit. I will look into those antibiotics, though I am guessing they will require a prescription. Currently, I have used up all of my paid sick time from work, but I have about a week available in paid vacation that I am sure I could use. If I switch doctors and find one that is willing to prescribe to me antibiotics, then this is a big win. My other option would be to make a purchase from an online farmacia in Mexico, which will get me the antibiotics, but the shipping takes 4-6 weeks, and if this gets any worse then I will be forced to admit myself to the ER; I suppose I will have to do my best to manage my symptoms.

On a side note, I have tried shining one of my 250 watt, 120 volt incandescent lights about a foot away from the affected area, and it feels very therapeutic. This of course is not a cure, but I suppose I will add it to my list of desperations.

Thanks again for your response,

I'm not exactly sure about state restrictions, but I think fish, bird and veterinary antibiotics can be purchased without RX online. Switch doctors if possible, yours doesn't sound very nice.

Regarding your light experience, there's this dye called methylene blue, which combined with red light is a potent anti-microbial. I had a intestinal abscess and fistulae, which was too small to open with surgery, and the morons refused prescribe antibiotics, so I suffered with a latent infection for months on end. I found about methylene blue's antibacterial effects and with it I was able to clear 90% of the abscess & fistulae, however I used it without light, and had to do multiple cycles. The die-off was pretty severe. Our beloved haidut/georgi has actually done a study on it. The last 10% I cleared with pharma antibiotics that I was able to finally source. (PDF) Antibacterial Activity of the Original Dietary Supplement Oxidal® in Vitro

Get well soon! I know how frustrating it is to deal with these medical freaks and how stressful it is to be stuck between sick leave and vacation/unemployment.


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
I'm not exactly sure about state restrictions, but I think fish, bird and veterinary antibiotics can be purchased without RX online. Switch doctors if possible, yours doesn't sound very nice.

Regarding your light experience, there's this dye called methylene blue, which combined with red light is a potent anti-microbial. I had a intestinal abscess and fistulae, which was too small to open with surgery, and the morons refused prescribe antibiotics, so I suffered with a latent infection for months on end. I found about methylene blue's antibacterial effects and with it I was able to clear 90% of the abscess & fistulae, however I used it without light, and had to do multiple cycles. The die-off was pretty severe. Our beloved haidut/georgi has actually done a study on it. The last 10% I cleared with pharma antibiotics that I was able to finally source. (PDF) Antibacterial Activity of the Original Dietary Supplement Oxidal® in Vitro

Get well soon! I know how frustrating it is to deal with these medical freaks and how stressful it is to be stuck between sick leave and vacation/unemployment

I will check out the pet antibiotics and see if there are any available to me here in Chicago, Illinois. Also, I happened to order Oxidal last week before all this came up, and it literally just came in today. How would you suggest that it be used for its antibiotic effects? Should I rub it on my stomach or consume it orally with the raw carrot salad? Thanks again for all your help, and yes this past week has been a nightmare and I just want it to be over already. However, it has been eye opening and has prompted me to think that I should probably have a variety of antibiotics on hand should this occur to myself or a family member sometime in the future.
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Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
Another thing that I'm looking into is my stomach acid production, because when I was on the keto diet I consumed a tremendous amount of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice, so much so that I actually have destroyed some of my tooth enamel. I wonder if my stomach now produces less stomach acid, and it is possible that when introducing raw milk into my diet my stomach simply did not have the stomach acid to destroy some of the harmful bacteria. I am not sure if the reasoning behind this is sound, but you let me know what you think. Actually, something that may be important to note is that when I started eating the Ray Peat diet two to three weeks ago I started with mashed potatoes, and while I felt pretty good on mashed potatoes I also got pretty bad bloating and some gas.


Jan 26, 2020
I will check out the pet antibiotics and see if there are any available to me here in Chicago, Illinois. Also, I happened to order Oxidal last week before all this came up, and it literally just came in today. How would you suggest that it be used for its antibiotic effects? Should I rub it on my stomach or consume it orally with the raw carrot salad? Thanks again for all your help, and yes this past week has been a nightmare and I just want it to be over already. However, it has been eye opening and has prompted me to think that I should probably have a variety of antibiotics on hand should this occur to myself or a family member sometime in the future.
Oxidal has quite little MB, only 100mg a bottle. Without light I needed at least 30mg a day, but 60mg was more effective. There are no studies on using MB as an antibiotic in humans with or without light so its still a speculation, some say 15mg with light, but I think pee color is a better indicator of tissue saturation, as oxidation statuses vary quite a lot. I used aquarium MB which is meant for fish and is quite cheap, king british. In america kordon is more common. Some think that fish grade contains heavy metals and a higher grade product should be used, while others say that fish are so sensitive to heavy metals that it couldn't contain much. I didn't really have a choice, as using such doses on a USP grade would be very expensive, and so far I only noticed the MAO-A inhibition together with the die-off from the bacteria being issues from the MB, but I guess you can't really notice heavy metals. But the issue is that MB mostly saturates the tissues, so it would be effective in tissue infections, possible in the appendix, but it doesn't clear bacteria in the lower intestinal tract, as it doesn't concentrate in the mucosa. You could put it on the carrot salad perhaps. One thing I've done is put oregano oil mixed with some olive oil or caprylic acid and on the carrots, and it does kill bacteria in the gi tract if done regularly. But in the end pharma abx are on their own level, if you can get some amoxiclav and cipro+metro for backup, that would be best. Having some antibiotics on backup is definitely useful, whether because you're uninsured, or in the case doctors just won't prescribe.

Another thing that I'm looking into is my stomach acid production, because when I was on the keto diet I consumed a tremendous amount of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice, so much so that I actually have destroyed some of my tooth enamel. I wonder if my stomach now produces less stomach acid, and it is possible that when introducing raw milk into my diet my stomach simply did not have the stomach acid to destroy some of the harmful bacteria. I am not sure if the reasoning behind this is sound, but you let me know what you think. Actually, something that may be important to note is that when I started eating the Ray Peat diet two to three weeks ago I started with mashed potatoes, and while I felt pretty good on mashed potatoes I also got pretty bad bloating and some gas.

Yeah the stomach acid can be downregulated with acid supplementation, but recovery doesn't take long. Lack of stomach acid has many causes and I think this thread contains some interesting information Causes of Hypochlorhydria
When your stomach acid is low a lot of things including raw milk can introduce pathogens, but your appendicitis has most likely been brewing for a long time before it got bad. Mashed potatoes give me bloating too for oddly long time, even if I make them from waxy potatoes and add butter.


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
Oxidal has quite little MB, only 100mg a bottle. Without light I needed at least 30mg a day, but 60mg was more effective. There are no studies on using MB as an antibiotic in humans with or without light so its still a speculation, some say 15mg with light, but I think pee color is a better indicator of tissue saturation, as oxidation statuses vary quite a lot. I used aquarium MB which is meant for fish and is quite cheap, king british. In america kordon is more common. Some think that fish grade contains heavy metals and a higher grade product should be used, while others say that fish are so sensitive to heavy metals that it couldn't contain much. I didn't really have a choice, as using such doses on a USP grade would be very expensive, and so far I only noticed the MAO-A inhibition together with the die-off from the bacteria being issues from the MB, but I guess you can't really notice heavy metals. But the issue is that MB mostly saturates the tissues, so it would be effective in tissue infections, possible in the appendix, but it doesn't clear bacteria in the lower intestinal tract, as it doesn't concentrate in the mucosa. You could put it on the carrot salad perhaps. One thing I've done is put oregano oil mixed with some olive oil or caprylic acid and on the carrots, and it does kill bacteria in the gi tract if done regularly. But in the end pharma abx are on their own level, if you can get some amoxiclav and cipro+metro for backup, that would be best. Having some antibiotics on backup is definitely useful, whether because you're uninsured, or in the case doctors just won't prescribe.

Yeah the stomach acid can be downregulated with acid supplementation, but recovery doesn't take long. Lack of stomach acid has many causes and I think this thread contains some interesting information Causes of Hypochlorhydria
When your stomach acid is low a lot of things including raw milk can introduce pathogens, but your appendicitis has most likely been brewing for a long time before it got bad. Mashed potatoes give me bloating too for oddly long time, even if I make them from waxy potatoes and add butter.
Thanks again for responding and offering new ideas.

I looked up the fish antibiotics, and I am going to make a trip to my local pet stores to see if they are available there. I felt very relieved earlier today, but the pain came back around 9 pm. Also, I am being told to take vitamin K with the antibiotics. Does this have to be vitamin K1, or can this be K2?
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