Don't Know How Much Longer I Have. Can't Take The Constant, Unrelenting, Unexplainable; Anguish


Jul 29, 2015
Interesting, i don't remember any trauma that i can thing of but alot of my symptoms are psychosomatic/mental now thatbi think of it. I developed extreme OCD, I wash my hands about 80 times a day after touching anything "i dont know where it's been" , it's like an automatic reaction a defense mechanism because of all of my symptoms, i think "what if it's some kind of chemical or contaminate that I've come in contact with that is causing this? Which causes my brain to go down several different possible scenarios and causes anxiety and ocd. I won't tpuch any chemicals unless i know thevexwct properyies etc, i won't leave any food/drin k unintended, even around people i should seemingly trust, in fear of being poisoned. A lot ofbtime i thought my father was poisoning me, then later i went to stsy with my mother and slowly thought she was poisoning me. My brain comes up with these scenarios as an aswer to my symptoms, it's like "doctors say you're perfectly healthy, someone's poisoning you! You've come into contact with some deadly chemical!" You have to wash your hands 200,000,000 times and turn the sink off with a paper towel or you'll die!" I was never like this before...never. either the physical issues are causing this extreme anxiety/ocd or the extreme anxiety ocd is causing the physical symptoms. Doctors just say i have anxiety and keep going. No way mere "anxiety" can make you feel like you're dying 24/7, no way.
What is preventing you from trying thyroid medication, other than your "normal" lab results ? Being constantly anxious and missing eyebrow hair would give me enough reason to give it a shot.


Oct 29, 2015
TSH @ 3.1 is way too high. Now is the time to stop trying to sort things out and get some thyroid. I can't emphasize this enough. Where do you live? In Canada I need a doctor's prescription. Elsewhere it's pretty easy to get the glandular. Haidut's lab is one possible place. Anxiety only becomes part of the equation when you don't get the help you need.


Nov 7, 2017
What is preventing you from trying thyroid medication, other than your "normal" lab results ? Being constantly anxious and missing eyebrow hair would give me enough reason to give it a shot.
Because i want to fix wjatever is wrong with me without intervention from something "unnatural" first. I want to make sure it's not a diatary deficiency of some sort...etc


Oct 29, 2015
Do you eat meat? Thyroid glandular is on par with that. I wasted too much time and spun my wheels with dietary adjustments. Just follow what is suggested here and get some glandular. You will look back and say why didn't I try this sooner!


May 3, 2015
I'm not going to keep stuffing myself when i already have discomfort from constipation. You understand? No matter what i eat, no matter how much or how little my stools come out in tiny balls. I have to fix the constipation first...
You may be eating the right number of calories but the mix of macros or fibres could be wrong for you.

Some people beat constipation and IBS by going fruit only for a few weeks. Some by going paleo.

You will need to test yourself.

Sure you may have great discipline in getting to appointments on time, completing assignments etc.

I am suggesting you put as much effort and respect into your food.

If scrambling eggs is too complicated, what about eating a boiled egg or a raw egg?

Maybe you have no control over your diet? Are you in the army or does a family member cook for you?

Do you only eat at Drive Thru's?

What are you eating?
Last edited:


Feb 13, 2016
I just re-read some of Peat's old articles and saw that he says most of estrogen's effects are due to the fact that it causes over-hydration, and I also remembered that I used to feel like this sometimes back when I was trying to avoid soda/OJ and as a result drank only water.

Maybe a simple thing to try in addition to what I mentioned in my older post would be to replace all water with juice/sodas/milk and also increase salt intake to avoid over-hydration and thus counteract estrogen's effects. Should be quick and easy to test.


Oct 29, 2015
Absolutely, this is a good place to start. It would be great if after a few days things changed completely, for the better. I know that reducing water was a small part of correcting things for me.


May 10, 2017
possibly h.pylori concerning the acid reflux and other systemic parasitic infections. this can be from lowered immunity from viral load or simply stress/mental anguish. get tests done. ziNC carnosine for h.pylori. lauric acid such as brain octane oil is antimicrobial and really helps me mentally. I have also seen great results with low dose naltroxene to boost immunity and overall well being. also a friend keeps telling me to get an ozone generator for my house and ozonated water, BUT I have not tried personally. best of luck!


Nov 7, 2017
I got magnesium Glycinate yesterday and it's helping a bit so far. Magnesium citrate triggered my gyno (srs). Magnesium Glycinate works fine, i wonder why.


Nov 7, 2017
it was cold outside and after about 2 hours i could barely move my hands. Is this normal? i asked my friends and their hands were fine. another hypo symptom?


Mar 2, 2017
Alot, especially when i joined the Air Force, which i was seperated from do to some of the issues mentioned above.
If you've had an anthrax so called vaccination I believe this is the problem mate. Everyone who gets it breaks down just like you. Your constipation is purely due to the amount of toxins in your body and things can turn nasty inside you because of this. Do coffee enemas , pure organic coffee, a quart at a time and start with one per day, 4 tablespoons per one quart of PURE distilled water. Do not use any other kind. You'll see a difference in a few weeks. You can get the equipment in your store for colon washes for about 15 dollars.


Oct 16, 2015
O wow I had the same exact thing as you for a while. Got bit by a brown recluse twice then went on insane antibiotics. I almost died twice through the journey and got serotonin syndrome and extreme endotoxin poisoning through the journey twice as well. Had the dizzy feeling as well but sometimes I would get extreme excitotoxicity to where I felt like my brain was melting. I even hallucinated before due to it. All those terrible symptoms are gone now but Im not 100 percent better yet, maybe 80 or 90. My advice is the following: colostrum and lots of it (10 grams a day is a good amount), vitamin k, D, and A. vitamin k is the most important of the fat solubles as it reduces the inflammation endotoxin causes. Vitamin A and D can cause issues when improperly dosed, avoid oral application too as your stomach cant handle much. Lots of tea and some coffee seems to help me. You have a leaky blood brain barrier as well and caffeine seems to help with that. Though be very observant with the caffeine as if you have too much lactic acid in your blood from it it could give you mild acidosis, as you probably have a lot of D lactic acid producing bacteria in your stomach. Also don't drink overly acidic coffee, make your own coffee with alkaline water. Start taking Align probiotic, it is one of the only ones that works but go easy on the probiotics at first, with your impaired immune system and leaky gut you can have bad reactions to too much bacteria, a condition akin to sepsis. Don't consume any sugar that is not from a fruit or raw honey. Fruits and honey can improve the microbiome, pure sugar will worsen it. Get plenty and I mean plenty of sun exposure. Wake up in the early morning and walk back inside when it gets dark. Find ways to work outside. Get good sleep, at first it will be impossible to sleep well due to your condition but do everything you can to have good sleep patterns, don't eat before bed too. Do a 24 hour fast once a week, it really jolts your immune system and helps improve gut microbiome. Prolonged periods of undereating is bad for this condition but short fasts are great. Gelatin and glutamate are iffy. They can help the gut repair but they can also cause glutamate toxity in the brain if you have a leaky blood brain barrier and worsen the condition. If you notice really bad head symptoms magnesium as an Epsom salt bath (don't take it orally) can help. Avoid weed, alcohol, nicotine, wheat and other grains, cheap meats, nightshades including potatoes, pill capsules and fillers, and too much protein, or at least pay attention to which protein sources aggrevate you. Try taking a bath and rubbing baking soda on your skin, if you feel better you probably are producing a lot of lactic acid which is causing the fatigue, this is all due to the gut microbiome though.
Don't worry about death, you can feel 10 times worse and not die...Though you might wish it to be so at that point.

Which brand of colostrum do you recommend?


Oct 17, 2016
@LambdaAlpha I've heard this story before, and if you don't have post-traumatic stress I'll eat my hat.

You'd be surprised what a wide variety of symptoms it can cause (due to the natural fluctuation of the autonomic nervous system being disrupted). The anxiety, panic, GERD, IBS, exhaustion... are very common.


Look into the work of Peter Levine. There's a lot of good stuff on Youtube.

Hmm this is me. Never thought of it this way at all! Will look into healing trauma!


Dec 21, 2014
Interesting, i don't remember any trauma that i can thing of but alot of my symptoms are psychosomatic/mental now thatbi think of it. I developed extreme OCD, I wash my hands about 80 times a day after touching anything "i dont know where it's been" , it's like an automatic reaction a defense mechanism because of all of my symptoms, i think "what if it's some kind of chemical or contaminate that I've come in contact with that is causing this? Which causes my brain to go down several different possible scenarios and causes anxiety and ocd. I won't tpuch any chemicals unless i know thevexwct properyies etc, i won't leave any food/drin k unintended, even around people i should seemingly trust, in fear of being poisoned. A lot ofbtime i thought my father was poisoning me, then later i went to stsy with my mother and slowly thought she was poisoning me. My brain comes up with these scenarios as an aswer to my symptoms, it's like "doctors say you're perfectly healthy, someone's poisoning you! You've come into contact with some deadly chemical!" You have to wash your hands 200,000,000 times and turn the sink off with a paper towel or you'll die!" I was never like this before...never. either the physical issues are causing this extreme anxiety/ocd or the extreme anxiety ocd is causing the physical symptoms. Doctors just say i have anxiety and keep going. No way mere "anxiety" can make you feel like you're dying 24/7, no way.
I was also diagnosed with OCD. My therapist thinks it's because of the PTSD and that makes a lot of sense to me.

You don't have to get in a major accident to have PTSD. It depends on how your body interprets an event. It could also be something that happened earlier than you can remember. A common story I've heard poking around on the net is that a person will be working in therapy and their body will begin to tremble (sometimes intensely), and suddenly they will have a vision of a traumatic event that happened to them. Their body will then be able to complete the action it was unable to complete during the event, such as running.


Mar 10, 2016
You need a LOT more magnesium to fix the constipation, and probably a lot more vitamin B to not feel like crap. Are your knuckles chronically dry?

What does this point to DrJ? I have this


Jun 16, 2015
@Liubo It would be hypothyroidism. Inability to retain magnesium, so muscles can't relax. Also inability to either extract or maintain vitamin B in the liver. Magnesium supplementation should generally fix dry skin problems because the 2+ cations (like magnesium) help 'pinch' the proteins in the cells together to retain water. Lack of magnesium means the more stressed skin (at the extremities, frequently rubbed against) cannot retain water.


Sep 15, 2017
Get a full panel blood test. Make sure to test for vitamin d3, b12, etc. Also check thyroid. I started on a strict diet of just sweet potatoes, white rice, fruit and lean meats. only water. Slowly I have added things in and taken things out. Now my diet is looking more peaty. but I would start with a really restrictive diet. basically sweet potatoes, lean meat, and almost nothing else would be one of the strictest starting point

From there, a whole foods multi, low dose vitamin d3/k2, and magnesium spray are all helped me

I too had digestive problems. Starting with the absolute strictest regimen and then expanding worked best


Sep 15, 2017
as for the mental health aspect; hypnotherapy and psychotherapy worked WONDERS. Hypnotherapy was really a game changer. I have spent most of my life miserable


Mar 29, 2014
Hmm, to the people suggesting i might be hypo, how would that be possible when my tsh came back normal and I'm very lean. 6'2 178-180 pounds 21.3 bmi, If anything I'm underweight.
It is completely possible to have low thyroid function and be underweight.Some people gain weight, others lose it. The medical profession seems to be a bit fixated on the weight gain symptom. If you read Peats articles on his site ( on thyroid, you can get more of a picture of why this can be missed by the mainstream system. You might want to read other articles there while you are at it.

Downregulating thyroid function is one way the body can adapt to chronic undereating/famine, so the body doesn't get burned up to fuel the metabolism.
TSH is the body's signal to stimulate the production of more thyroid hormone. In famine, TSH may not be high because the body may not 'think' it should have more thyroid hormone - ie it deliberately keeps thyroid hormones low to reduce catabolism.

Undereating/famine can lead to reduced transit time (and constipation) in an attempt to get as much as possible out of the food on the way through, as well as reduced function because of reduced metabolism. Constipation can have a number of downstream consequences - endotoxin, mood, physical congestion ...
If this is the case, I'd consider trying some aged cascara sagrada to relieve the constipation, and to allow you to increase your nourishment. Start cautiously till you figure out how much you need, so you don't overdose. It supposedly works by reducing gut inflammation (increasing lumen size and health) rather than just stimulating peristalsis.

Low metabolism can also make it harder for the body to retain all the minerals it needs to maintain healthy functioning homeostasis. This can mess with lots of things, including mood.
I'd consider going after lots of minerals in foods - fruit, veges etc. Remember that some people, esp with slower metabolism, seem to get slowed transit with large amounts of cheese etc, and magnesium often has the opposite effect.

I'm not saying these are all definitely happening to you, but maybe some part of the picture?

Hmm shouldn't i try to correct any nuteitional deficiencies first
Because i want to fix wjatever is wrong with me without intervention from something "unnatural" first.
I wouldn't call natural thyroid gland unnatural, but I do think it's wise to be cautious about supplementing it.
See what you can do with diet, and then consider whether to cautiously (read: start very small, monitor temps daily, watch other signs and symptoms, small increments 3-4 weekly) supplement thyroid - you need good nutrition to support the thyroid supps any way, and you definitely need to be better informed about it before you start experimenting, so you know what to look out for and how to not overdose.
That said, it might be that it turns out to be really helpful for you.

You can use cronometer or similar to get a rough idea what you are getting from your diet.
If low in any particular micros, consider supplementing.
Idealabs has some vitamins you can apply topically even if your digestion is not working, and Haidut has worked out what he thinks are balanced proportions and doses in them, so that's one possible option if you don't want to do lots of research to figure out what's optimal for starters.
Different people seem to fare better with different forms of Magnesium. By all menas try the Mg glycinate. You might want to try others too. SOme love Mg bicarbonate (have to make it up yourself, can't buy it in that form - there's a thread). Some love the transdermals - epsom salt baths, or Mg chloride topically (Mg oil). I use the latter and Mg carbonate, but would consider others.
Peat has pointed to some of the downsides of excessive excipients in supps.

Personally, I seem to do better if I keep regularly supplementing B-vits and Mg at least.

It's possible you could have an unidentified personal intolerance to something you are eating. That can mess badly with how you feel, and be hard for someone on the outside to see.

Is there a way you can record for yourself the good parts in your life so that you can remember them when you have the bad patches? When one is feeling down it can be hard to remember that actually for a while this morning/yesterday life seemed OK, and there is probably hope. :)


Dec 14, 2017
I haven't read through this thread so sorry if I'm repeating a previous suggestion, but heavy metals caused me loads of problems. Mine showed up as low T and hypothyroidism and doctors wanted to just fix those pieces. I didn't start getting better until I started chelating. Been chelating since May 17' and every month has been better and better. If curious, I'm doing the Cutler protocol
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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