End Of My Rope, Very Distraught. Need Hormonal Experts Advice


Mar 29, 2014
From my own experience, I had some slow healing joint injuries finally heal when I had a period with more generous nutrition after a period of what I think had been undereating. Joints also involve collagen.
I had a different skin issue that responded to very small zinc supplements (20mg/week). I'd rather have eaten a dozen oysters a week, but couldn't afford them and/or couldn't get them.

:( makes me want to die so disgusting
It's just some scarring.
It would be nice if the skin was in better shape, but if the rest of you can recover health, this is not the end of the world, even if it feels sad.
I'm sure you are beautiful with this too.
But maybe the skin can improve as well, with good conditions/nutrition and time.

What sort of diet choices and supplements specifically are perfect for Collagen synthesis?
As a general thing for healing, I'd be thinking generous. In vitamins, minerals, balanced protein, sugars from fruit, some saturated fat, enough calories to have some to spare for healing, ...
Have you read any/much of Peat's articles? www.raypeat.com

I'm no expert, so don't take this as expert advice, just as thoughts. I'm not sure how old and tall you are, but I think if I were in your shoes, and this were my top priority issue, I'd consider:
  • At least 2500 cals/day, more if hungry. Include fruit/juice that agrees with you, eg OJ. Include milk and/or cheese if they agree with you.
  • At least 80g protein/day. Get some of that as gelatine (eg make fruit juice jellies) or gelatinous broths.
  • Minimise PUFAs (esp. seed oils), in favour of saturated fats.
  • Use cronometer.com or similar to check getting plenty of minerals and vitamins, and supplement to fill gaps. (But ignore their restrictive calorie suggestions - they are unlikely to be enough)
  • Pay attention to getting enough calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium (salting food to taste is often a good guide).
  • Consider topical supplements of fat-soluble vitamins, eg idealabs estroban. Maybe apply topically round the target area.
  • Consider supplementing B-vits, again, maybe idealabs energin, or read up on useful amounts and excipients to avoid.
  • Consider going after extra high vit-C foods, or supplementing vit-C in some form. Peat has warned of vit-C supplements being prone to lead contamination, so there is a concern there.
Other tactics:
  • Use a saturated fat-based moisturiser on large areas of your body to help protect your skin and reduce the need for rapid turnover. This to make more resources available to heal the damaged part.
  • Get a bit of sun on your body regularly.


May 3, 2015
"What sort of diet choices and supplements specifically are perfect for Collagen synthesis?"

Linus Pauling found that heart disease could be reversed by taking lysine and vitamin C, as these create collagen. Without enough collagen the arteries become lined with cholesterol and plaque!

Foods rich in lysine are fish, dairy and meat.

However arginine competes with lysine so avoid foods with more arginine than lysine...

That is, minimise peanut butter, tofu, wheat, rice, corn, almonds, walnuts, coconut meat...

Pretty much avoid all seeds including nuts, grains, peas and beans!

Tomato seeds ingested with tomato should be ok as they should pass through your digestive system intact - unless you have put them through a nutribullet!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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