Euphoric After Last Email [Methylene Blue, H. Pylory]


Aug 18, 2013
I just want to post here about the mood I am in since the email I received last night from Doctor Peat.

I am euphoric. People, I can not tell you how worried I was about myself over Thanksgiving. I have never felt so ill in my life. I went to the doctor really just for a checkup. I had not been feeling well for two months but my expensive insurance was running out, so I figured I had better get one more blood draw before I went.

The doctor ordered some tests. My iron counts were *worse* than they had been before and I also had a newly discovered POSITIVE ANA TEST with positive anti-ssb which scared me to freakin DEATH. The doctor told me to go see a neurologist, a rheumatologist, a gastroenterologist, and an endocrinologist. What???? I can't afford all that!

In the meantime I was starting to feel worse and worse and worse. I was sick to my stomach and had a terrible, terrible ear infection. My son came home for the holidays and I was too dizzy to stand up, could not eat or carry on a conversation very well. I was so sick.

Since I could really do nothing else but do a powerdrill into positive ANA online I did a tour of the general horror of my health situation. A positive ANA will show up in cancer as well as Lupus, a positive ANA with my symptoms could be sjogrens, it could be a MALT lymphoma ( don't ask me how I got there, I don't remember); and I finally realized the ear infection could be sjogrens, and then a parotid gland swelled up. I was too sick to go to the doctor anyway anymore and I didn't want to talk to her about all these procedures I was supposedly supposed to have.

Finally I came to two things. One was, I probably have a virus. Two was, I probably have H. Pylori or at least given my symptoms it would be the easiest thing to treat. If I have EBV and h. pylori the next thing I could potentially have would be a MALT lymphoma ( just take my word for it, I've put in the time here).

The problem is, going to get the viral/ANA thing treated would mean going back to the doctor and getting more tests and finding more wrong things. The nearest appointment to see a rheumatologist was Jan 5; the expense of that visit would have eaten up my deductible for an entire year.

Getting my H. Pylori treated by a doctor would mean a full upper and lower GI series to rule out cancer. In addition to the pain and misery of that it would cost a crapton of money also, even though the cost of the triple therapy h. pylori treatment if they just *gave it to me* would have been roughly fifty bucks.

Somewhere in the middle of this, I got a Saturday appointment and got antibiotics for my ear infection. It took four hours to be able to think straight and one day before I was actually walking around feeling like there was some sort of common thread to the experiences of being myself. My stomach felt tons better.

H. Pylori. But the seven day course wasn't enough. I probably need to do triple therapy, which means I need to source drugs. Plus I needed an antiviral to help with that positive ANA thing. I was looking for an antimalarial like Plaquenil that I could actually take legally.

I finally wrote to Doctor Peat. It took me that long to ask him because I wanted to organize what I needed to know before I wrote to him. He's got to be insanely busy and I didn't want to ask him a question that would probably go nowhere since it was not fully formed enough.

What I asked him was: are there safer antivirals?
Also: Can I take minocycline with Plaquenil if I order both from an unnamed place?

Do you know that man wrote me back in ONE HOUR with the answer?

I almost wanted to cry. Yes, there is a safer antiviral that is completely appropriate and it is called METHYLENE BLUE. It is an *earlier antimalarial* that is extremely nontoxic and I can order it on Amazon. Can you BELIEVE that? I've barely slept, I am nearly insane with gratitude.

And I am just overwhelmed with how absolute SUCK our healthcare system is. Really it makes me sick. Really it *has* made me sick.


Nov 23, 2014
Can you please post the exact quotes of his answer (and preferably the exact quote of your question)? Because antiviral and antimalarial are two different things (one is against viruses, the others against protozoa, which are eukaryotes and similar in structure than human cells). That would help avoid any confusion, thanks.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
messtafarian: thanks for your story :) You'd be very interested (I'm sure) to hear Dr. Peat's newest interview on KMUD regarding Nitric Oxide. He talks a lot about METHYLENE BLUE during that interview: ... ritalk.mp3

Also, did he recommend a specific dose to you??

On a side note regarding Methylene Blue, I wouldn't take it if you are currently using SSRI's (which I hope you are not!!). It seems there are negative drug interactions between the two.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
Thanks for that link, lindsay. A fascinating interview. He said that 100 years ago methylene blue was used to treat malaria, 100mg five times a day did not produce any adverse reaction. In a recent study about depression 15mg was used successfully.

But it was mostly about nitric oxide. He said he knew of six ways NO was damaging and methylene blue fixed all of them. It is a three ringed molecule and similar to the quinones.

Definitely need a transcription to get all of it.


Nov 6, 2014
I am working on this transcript already, should be done mid-month. Sheila


Aug 18, 2013
Henry: Dr. Peat did say that MB was protective because of its protective action against Nitric Oxide -- and yes, I did listen to the interview after I read this. It was a breakthrough moment. I love RP :)

No dosages. I have to figure that part out for myself. I am not taking any SSRIs but I am on two ACE inhibitors and as far as I can tell there is no contraindication listed.


Mar 29, 2014
Hi messtafarian, I have no experience or knowledge of ACE inhibitors beyond the wikipedia page, but is there any possibility that they have been contributing to how bad you've been feeling lately?

"Common adverse drug reactions include: hypotension, cough, hyperkalemia, headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and renal impairment.[12][13] ACE inhibitors might increase inflammation-related pain, perhaps mediated by the buildup of bradykinin that accompanies ACE inhibition."


Aug 18, 2013
I hadn't looked into that too closely because when I talked to Dr. Peat about it he said they were both good drugs. My blood pressure was going insane last summer and I felt much more secure on them than off of them. Actually those first visits last summer for my thyroid and blood pressure are how I ended up in the medical maze. My heart is hypertrophied, but maybe one day I'll be able to get off of them.


Mar 29, 2014
messtafarian said:
... when I talked to Dr. Peat about it he said they were both good drugs.
That's reassuring. :)


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
messtafarian, can you let us know what those two drugs were that Peat said were good? :hattip


Aug 18, 2013
Oh -- sure Charlie -- what he said in the email was "Lisinopril has some good effects".


Oct 21, 2013
I thought H. Pylori could be diagnosed with a breath test? Were they recommending the scopings due to other symptoms, or have they figured out a way to fleece a common ailment?


Aug 7, 2014
[ moderator edit: posts moved from Methylene Blue ]

messtafarian said:
Ewlevy1, I have not read any personal accounts of anyone using methylene blue to treat depression and it is not currently ever conventionally prescribed for depression. Doc Peat would probably say that one great thing to do to improve mood would be to lower serotonin in the bowel by eating grated carrot, or even by taking an antagonist to serotonin.

I am not entirely sure if I would say that MBlue would treat depression satisfactorily because it is an MAOI inhibitor and thus preserves serotonin ( and dopamine) in the brain. This is brilliant for Parkinson's and Alzheimer folks because they are deficient in dopamine and they would hypothetically feel relief right away.

If you are depressed, what we think around here is that you actually could use less serotonin, not more, so before you go off drinking MBlue for depression, maybe try grated carrot, thyroid, sugar, and b vitamins :).

Here is what I do now:

Thyroid - 2 grains of dessicated a day
Pregenenolone - 1-2 pinches a week
Progest e - rarily at all anymore
Niacinamide - 1000mg a day
Red Light Therapy - 60 minutes a day
Epsom salt baths - 2x a week - 5lbs each bath
20grams of amino acids mixed in with my shake during workout (milk, oj, gelatin, salt)
2 tbsp of baking soda a day..1 pre workout and 1 post workout

1/2 gallon of fat free milk a day
1 pint of ice cream a day
1/2 gallon of OJ a day
1 carrot a day
1 potato a day
35grams of gelatin a day
2 eggs a day
1-2 oz of cheese a day
5oz of Liver once a week
5 oz of shrimp 2x a week
5oz of cod once a week
8oz of pasteur raised pork a week
8oz of grassfed beef a week
8oz of chicken a week
1 oz of butter a day
Only using coconut oil when I cook more tbsp
1 cantalope a week
2 cups of coffee a day (8 oz each)

I've been on this regimen for 9 months. My temps use to be in the 95s and now in 98s...pulse in 60s and now in 80s. Let me know your thoughts!



Aug 18, 2013
Wow, you do a lot of stuff, Ewlevey1. More than I do. Your diet looks perfect, actually better than mine :). I would only maybe suggest taking aspirin because you might still be shedding PUFA still and, well, I'm just a big fan of aspirin.

The other thing I might suggest is that if you are shedding PUFA -- I just had a slight near-argument with RP about this in email because I was skeptical -- is to supplement Vitamin D. For some reason there are people who just do not absorb it as well and even while supplementing still can't build it up enough on their blood tests. I was telling him about these studies where the conclusion was that Vitamin D suppresses itself in response to stress and disease and that was why people were so low in D despite supplementation, and he basically said, you know, poppycock, those people are just eating wrong :).

So maybe try supplementing Vitamin D. Your diet is great so it might bring you some relief even though it could take a couple months.

I've seen studies about MBlue and depression, too; and I know that according to the studies it appears to work to improve mood -- also memory, clarity, etc. However this is exactly the type of study that came out about SSRI's and those were big news at one time. Doctors loooooved to try to give me that stuff and I would take it, and go insane, and stop taking it. I'm convinced it is terrible for you.

On the other hand, as a grassroots cure for mood and cognitive problems, MBlue is really gaining steam. If you read the thread I posted a couple posts up there are people who don't even care whether it's safe or not, they're just feeding their elderly parents MBlue at therapeutic doses because they are that desperate. There are sort of sporadic reports offering vague validation of improvement.

So I have really no doubt it will work but it makes me uncomfortable personally that people are just swallowing fish chemicals without any sort of medical support. Even though it is nontoxic and there are loads of studies on its safety and efficacy ( like at least 100 years' worth) I'm still researching before I take the plunge. I said, be careful out there :)


Jul 22, 2012
Ewlevy1 said:
messtafarian said:
Ewlevy1, I have not read any personal accounts of anyone using methylene blue to treat depression and it is not currently ever conventionally prescribed for depression. Doc Peat would probably say that one great thing to do to improve mood would be to lower serotonin in the bowel by eating grated carrot, or even by taking an antagonist to serotonin.

I am not entirely sure if I would say that MBlue would treat depression satisfactorily because it is an MAOI inhibitor and thus preserves serotonin ( and dopamine) in the brain. This is brilliant for Parkinson's and Alzheimer folks because they are deficient in dopamine and they would hypothetically feel relief right away.

If you are depressed, what we think around here is that you actually could use less serotonin, not more, so before you go off drinking MBlue for depression, maybe try grated carrot, thyroid, sugar, and b vitamins :).

Here is what I do now:

Thyroid - 2 grains of dessicated a day
Pregenenolone - 1-2 pinches a week
Progest e - rarily at all anymore
Niacinamide - 1000mg a day
Red Light Therapy - 60 minutes a day
Epsom salt baths - 2x a week - 5lbs each bath
20grams of amino acids mixed in with my shake during workout (milk, oj, gelatin, salt)
2 tbsp of baking soda a day..1 pre workout and 1 post workout

1/2 gallon of fat free milk a day
1 pint of ice cream a day
1/2 gallon of OJ a day
1 carrot a day
1 potato a day
35grams of gelatin a day
2 eggs a day
1-2 oz of cheese a day
5oz of Liver once a week
5 oz of shrimp 2x a week
5oz of cod once a week
8oz of pasteur raised pork a week
8oz of grassfed beef a week
8oz of chicken a week
1 oz of butter a day
Only using coconut oil when I cook more tbsp
1 cantalope a week
2 cups of coffee a day (8 oz each)

I've been on this regimen for 9 months. My temps use to be in the 95s and now in 98s...pulse in 60s and now in 80s. Let me know your thoughts!


That looks like a pretty good, close-to-optimal Peat diet, Ew.
Off the top of my head, and depending upon how much sugar is in those items,
Peat might like to see more fruit.
And the potato per day...not optimal.
But an optimal Peat diet--in my humble view--is a very difficult thing to maintain.
You are very close and it's great you're seeing results!
I don't think many of us Peatians adhere to this strict a Peat diet, truth be told.


Aug 7, 2014
messtafarian said:
Wow, you do a lot of stuff, Ewlevey1. More than I do. Your diet looks perfect, actually better than mine :). I would only maybe suggest taking aspirin because you might still be shedding PUFA still and, well, I'm just a big fan of aspirin.

The other thing I might suggest is that if you are shedding PUFA -- I just had a slight near-argument with RP about this in email because I was skeptical -- is to supplement Vitamin D. For some reason there are people who just do not absorb it as well and even while supplementing still can't build it up enough on their blood tests. I was telling him about these studies where the conclusion was that Vitamin D suppresses itself in response to stress and disease and that was why people were so low in D despite supplementation, and he basically said, you know, poppycock, those people are just eating wrong :).

So maybe try supplementing Vitamin D. Your diet is great so it might bring you some relief even though it could take a couple months.

I've seen studies about MBlue and depression, too; and I know that according to the studies it appears to work to improve mood -- also memory, clarity, etc. However this is exactly the type of study that came out about SSRI's and those were big news at one time. Doctors loooooved to try to give me that stuff and I would take it, and go insane, and stop taking it. I'm convinced it is terrible for you.

On the other hand, as a grassroots cure for mood and cognitive problems, MBlue is really gaining steam. If you read the thread I posted a couple posts up there are people who don't even care whether it's safe or not, they're just feeding their elderly parents MBlue at therapeutic doses because they are that desperate. There are sort of sporadic reports offering vague validation of improvement.

So I have really no doubt it will work but it makes me uncomfortable personally that people are just swallowing fish chemicals without any sort of medical support. Even though it is nontoxic and there are loads of studies on its safety and efficacy ( like at least 100 years' worth) I'm still researching before I take the plunge. I said, be careful out there :)

Thank you for all the encouragement!

I actually do take aspirin occassionally...especially after eating pufas. I will consider vitamin d! I'm awaiting more confidence from different sources regarding MB.


Aug 7, 2014
narouz said:
Ewlevy1 said:
messtafarian said:
Ewlevy1, I have not read any personal accounts of anyone using methylene blue to treat depression and it is not currently ever conventionally prescribed for depression. Doc Peat would probably say that one great thing to do to improve mood would be to lower serotonin in the bowel by eating grated carrot, or even by taking an antagonist to serotonin.

I am not entirely sure if I would say that MBlue would treat depression satisfactorily because it is an MAOI inhibitor and thus preserves serotonin ( and dopamine) in the brain. This is brilliant for Parkinson's and Alzheimer folks because they are deficient in dopamine and they would hypothetically feel relief right away.

If you are depressed, what we think around here is that you actually could use less serotonin, not more, so before you go off drinking MBlue for depression, maybe try grated carrot, thyroid, sugar, and b vitamins :).

Here is what I do now:

Thyroid - 2 grains of dessicated a day
Pregenenolone - 1-2 pinches a week
Progest e - rarily at all anymore
Niacinamide - 1000mg a day
Red Light Therapy - 60 minutes a day
Epsom salt baths - 2x a week - 5lbs each bath
20grams of amino acids mixed in with my shake during workout (milk, oj, gelatin, salt)
2 tbsp of baking soda a day..1 pre workout and 1 post workout

1/2 gallon of fat free milk a day
1 pint of ice cream a day
1/2 gallon of OJ a day
1 carrot a day
1 potato a day
35grams of gelatin a day
2 eggs a day
1-2 oz of cheese a day
5oz of Liver once a week
5 oz of shrimp 2x a week
5oz of cod once a week
8oz of pasteur raised pork a week
8oz of grassfed beef a week
8oz of chicken a week
1 oz of butter a day
Only using coconut oil when I cook more tbsp
1 cantalope a week
2 cups of coffee a day (8 oz each)

I've been on this regimen for 9 months. My temps use to be in the 95s and now in 98s...pulse in 60s and now in 80s. Let me know your thoughts!


That looks like a pretty good, close-to-optimal Peat diet, Ew.
Off the top of my head, and depending upon how much sugar is in those items,
Peat might like to see more fruit.
And the potato per day...not optimal.
But an optimal Peat diet--in my humble view--is a very difficult thing to maintain.
You are very close and it's great you're seeing results!
I don't think many of us Peatians adhere to this strict a Peat diet, truth be told.

Do to my work schedule whole fruit has been difficult for me...however, overall I'm just not a bug fruit guy. And II love potatoes! One a day keeps me sanity. Thought peat loved potato protein and the resistant starch?
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