Experience On Escaping learned Helplessness/Gut Issues through Anti-serotonin Drugs Cyproheptadine/Ondansetron


Mar 15, 2023

Unfortunately, I have been struggling with depression, severe gut issues (despite all tests coming back normal), and a pituitary tumor (causing high prolactin and low T). Despite my best efforts with optimizing my metabolic rate with diet, lifestyle, and supplementation I haven't seen any improvement.

In the past I had taken cabergoline to lower my prolactin levels (Went from 77 to 13). But even when that happened I still had major gut issues, low T, and depression. And as soon as I went off the cabergoline my prolactin skyrocketed back up..

But all this tells me I most likely stuck in that high serotonin state keeping estrogen and prolactin high as well. And I need to break the cycle. Especially since I have a history with antidepressant use before I found Ray's work.

It feels like I'm in that learned helplessness state and I believe lowering serotonin is probably my way out. I'm currently taking Bromocriptine 5 MG for the tumor as I know it has additional anti-serotonin benefits cabergoline does not. Does anyone have any experience escaping this learned helpless situation with anti-serotonin drugs like cyproheptadine/ondansetron and at what dosages? And has anyone combined them to enhance reducing serotonin? I have a feeling my serotonin is extremely high because I don't feel anything from low doses of cypro and only when I reach the 20+ mg range I begin to notice some benefit.

Thanks everyone!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Has anyone got any experience with this issue for this new member?
Yes, thank you for the alert. I will reply in more detail this afternoon.
Nov 21, 2015
I find people have had success with deprenyl. 1mg under the tongue 2 - 4 times per day. Check it out with your doctor.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA

Unfortunately, I have been struggling with depression, severe gut issues (despite all tests coming back normal), and a pituitary tumor (causing high prolactin and low T). Despite my best efforts with optimizing my metabolic rate with diet, lifestyle, and supplementation I haven't seen any improvement.

In the past I had taken cabergoline to lower my prolactin levels (Went from 77 to 13). But even when that happened I still had major gut issues, low T, and depression. And as soon as I went off the cabergoline my prolactin skyrocketed back up..

But all this tells me I most likely stuck in that high serotonin state keeping estrogen and prolactin high as well. And I need to break the cycle. Especially since I have a history with antidepressant use before I found Ray's work.

It feels like I'm in that learned helplessness state and I believe lowering serotonin is probably my way out. I'm currently taking Bromocriptine 5 MG for the tumor as I know it has additional anti-serotonin benefits cabergoline does not. Does anyone have any experience escaping this learned helpless situation with anti-serotonin drugs like cyproheptadine/ondansetron and at what dosages? And has anyone combined them to enhance reducing serotonin? I have a feeling my serotonin is extremely high because I don't feel anything from low doses of cypro and only when I reach the 20+ mg range I begin to notice some benefit.

Thanks everyone!
In addition to @ecstatichamster’s reply I’m wondering if you have ever tried a small dose of P-5-P? It really helped me when my pituitary tumor was causing me issues.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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