Explanation Of Why Allergies Are So Bad And Fatal Today

Nov 21, 2015
I was listening to Ray Peat about allergies, really a fascinating interview:

He said that mild allergies can kill people with anaphalactic shock. But if they have high blood sugar, they are able to not have a problem even with very serious allergens so long as they have high blood sugar. 300 level can protect against even serious toxins.

A mention of snakebite and Dr. Peat said drinking a Coke could make it quite a lot better.

I then dived into studies and found that since 1925 at least, we've known that serious poison allergen challenges (endotoxins too) cause the liver to dump glycogen and this protects against the allergen.

But if you have a fatty liver, or low glycogen stores, from PUFA damage, then you won't have the reserve in your liver and you may die from the allergen.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Our immune system has much to do with the way we deal with allergens, etc. (obviously), that's one reason some people get relief when they do low dose naltrexone therapy.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
There are plenty of reasons. One could be the added iron filings causing leaky gut. Another could be PUFA rich diet enhancing stress responses and causing deranged immunity. One could be the constant EMF damage stressing the bodies. One could be the increasing amount of early age vaccinations.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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