Fasting to heal when all else has failed?


Oct 6, 2020
Hey guys! So I thought I would jump in here as I used to be quite the avid faster. My longest water only fast was 88 hours. For over a year in my early 40s, I would fast for about 40 hours once a week. Lots and lots of 48 hour fasts... But I never did try dry fasting.

Anyway, I had to stop that lifestyle because it effectively shut down my gonadal system and I didn't have a period for over 2 years. That said, I did notice that my digestion improved and I lost belly fat during that time that I have never regained.

Also whenever I was fasting, my sleep sucked and it was extremely difficult to get any at all after 1:00 a.m. and I was freezing cold all the time!

I think that men can handle fasting better than women absolutely, however I think that men are also experiencing decreased sex hormones it just doesn't show up as obviously as it does for women.

During my year of fasting I developed two rather deep and annoying periodontal pockets. When I quit fasting I began to use methylene blue drops in the pockets and within a few months they healed up.

I've done water fasting before getting into the whole ray peat thing. It was terrible. Woudn't do it again. Altought only one attempt on dryfasting thus far ... it seems realy realy different to me. Woudn't compare the two to be honest. Its also alot shorter while being more intense. Which also translates to getting nutrients/food back in again way sooner than on water fasts which i appreaciate alot.

Ironicly my tooth decay and receeding gums worsen immensely with methylene blue. Our bodys are all so different i suppose.

I found a full text webpage on the phoenix protocol for thoose interested about some dryfasting information. I think it explains it fairly well/simple.


May 4, 2022
@LadyRae The thing about fasting is that its not to be a never ending thing. The majority of the time, one should not be fasting. I do a fast, then I resume my normal eating. Each body has a sweet spot where optimal autophagy will be activated. The key is in finding that zone where one will get great autophagy and then replenishing and thriving with nourishing foods.

Btw, you will probably avoid most if not all cancers in your lifetime from that extreme fasting you did. Records indicate that holocaust survivors had much lower cancer rates.

And then there's the epigenetic study from Sweden that showed populations that had substantially longer lifespans during famines, and lower lifespans when there was no famine. The benefits (and conversely the lower lifespans) were passed down to the 2nd generation as well.


May 4, 2022
I've done water fasting before getting into the whole ray peat thing. It was terrible. Woudn't do it again. Altought only one attempt on dryfasting thus far ... it seems realy realy different to me. Woudn't compare the two to be honest. Its also alot shorter while being more intense. Which also translates to getting nutrients/food back in again way sooner than on water fasts which i appreaciate alot.

Ironicly my tooth decay and receeding gums worsen immensely with methylene blue. Our bodys are all so different i suppose.

I found a full text webpage on the phoenix protocol for thoose interested about some dryfasting information. I think it explains it fairly well/simple.
I've also got a pdf of the book, The Phoenix Protocol for anyone interested.


Mar 20, 2021
@LadyRae The thing about fasting is that its not to be a never ending thing. The majority of the time, one should not be fasting. I do a fast, then I resume my normal eating. Each body has a sweet spot where optimal autophagy will be activated. The key is in finding that zone where one will get great autophagy and then replenishing and thriving with nourishing foods.

Btw, you will probably avoid most if not all cancers in your lifetime from that extreme fasting you did. Records indicate that holocaust survivors had much lower cancer rates.

And then there's the epigenetic study from Sweden that showed populations that had substantially longer lifespans during famines, and lower lifespans when there was no famine. The benefits (and conversely the lower lifespans) were passed down to the 2nd generation as well.
Certainly good news! I was always extremely careful coming out of a fast, no overeating and I was very planned and meticulous about it. That helped a lot
Nov 21, 2015
I have found fasting valuable sometimes, but only when I also use fruit juice, eat some olives, and drink coffee with collagen and sugar. I think the fasting works by reducing endotoxin loads. I do it if I don't feel well and it works. But I don't believe in water fasts.
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