First anti-aging pills to hit shelves in 2028


Sep 3, 2017
First anti-aging pills to hit shelves in 2028, expert predicts

Pills that can help a person reverse the effects of aging could be on the market in the next five years, according to an expert.

Sam Altman, 37, was revealed to have funded biotech startup Retro BioScience to the tune of $180million last month. He is the latest in a long line of Silicon Valley billionaires to throw their considerable wealth behind the science of aging.

Amazon's Jeff Bezos is reported to have invested $3billion in life-extension startup Altos Labs. PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel invested in the Methuselah Foundation, which has the goal of making '90 the new 50'.

With all these resources being thrown at curing aging, Andrew Steele, the author of the 2020 book 'Ageless: The new science of getting older without getting old', believes pills to prevent aging may be on pharmacy shelves within five years.

He points to existing medications — such as the diabetes tablet metformin - that could be retooled as anti-aging treatments in the 'very, very near term'.


Jan 6, 2019
The notion that you can prolong life without supporting the foundational mineral balance and working to reverse the accumulated heavy metal load seems preposterous. At best, you will buy a few more years of health without adding new years to lifespan. Peat's experience with preg & D HEA paints a good picture of how this will go: an initial anti-aging effect that gradually diminishes as the processes of aging overwhelm the effect of the drug.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
First anti-aging pills to hit shelves in 2028, expert predicts

Pills that can help a person reverse the effects of aging could be on the market in the next five years, according to an expert.

Sam Altman, 37, was revealed to have funded biotech startup Retro BioScience to the tune of $180million last month. He is the latest in a long line of Silicon Valley billionaires to throw their considerable wealth behind the science of aging.

Amazon's Jeff Bezos is reported to have invested $3billion in life-extension startup Altos Labs. PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel invested in the Methuselah Foundation, which has the goal of making '90 the new 50'.

With all these resources being thrown at curing aging, Andrew Steele, the author of the 2020 book 'Ageless: The new science of getting older without getting old', believes pills to prevent aging may be on pharmacy shelves within five years.

He points to existing medications — such as the diabetes tablet metformin - that could be retooled as anti-aging treatments in the 'very, very near term'.

The fact that they are looking into re-purposing cancer chemotherapy (cytotoxic) drugs and metformin as "anti-aging" therapies is pretty telling, and it won't achieve much. A lot of rich people have been pouring a lot of money into anti-aging for decades, with zero success. As long as those efforts are based on absurd theories of health/medicine, then not much will come out of them...other than more publicity for the rich investor/sponsor.
One of the few people doing anti-aging well seems to be Jeff Bezos, whose doctors recognized that a lot of symptoms of middle age (belly, sagging skin, poor libido, low metabolism), etc were due to testosterone deficiency and put him on TRT, with great results. He looks better now than 10-15 years ago.
"...Testosterone is having a moment. At once a molecular vector for toxic masculinity and a health-optimizing supplement for middle-aged tycoons eager to project vigor, “T” is perhaps the most discussed hormone around. I blame Jeff Bezos, who has apparently aged in reverse since founding Amazon. After a tight-shirted appearance at the 2017 Sun Valley conference, his transformation from dweeby online-book-salesman to Vin Diesel-clone-with-alpha-swagger was unmistakable. Was he getting some hormonal help? Fast-forward a few years and he has acquired a hot Latina girlfriend and blasted himself into space in a giant metal penis."

I think he said in an interview once that he also took (or still takes?) thyroid and aspirin. Quite Peaty, I'd say. Would not be surprised if a lot of those hotshots have their people read forum like this one and extract good tips. Nick Fuentes recently said he adheres to the Ray Peat diet, which virtually guarantees he has done a Google search and knows about (and probably reads) this forum. A lot of those rich business people know good ideas are always coming from "fringe" sources, so I'd not be surprised if we see more things mentioned here plastered all over MSM as the "next big thing" in diet/health.
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Mar 9, 2022
United States
A lot of those rich business people know good ideas are always coming from "fringe" sources, so I'd not be surprised if we see more things mentioned here plastered all over MSM as the "next big thing" in diet/health.
Bear Grylls seems to know Saladino, and talked in a recent GQ interview about some dietary changes. The interviewer mentioned Peat by name which was very unusual.
I’m not super strict. I changed my mind-set away from vegetables are great to realizing we’ve had millions of years of evolution where we’re designed to eat meat and milk and eggs. And fruit—sweet, bright colors—and a lot of honey. It’s made eating a lot more fun. I have combinations of eggs fried in butter, greek yogurt with honey and berries. Before I’d think, “Oh, I have to have a salad.” It’s a revolution to me.
I’ll make a burger from grass-fed mince, with cheese and an egg on top, cooked in tallow, fry some white rice in it. A scoop of bone marrow, and a massive tub of Greek yogurt, and honey and berries. If I was to have a treat, I’d have some cocktails and a sourdough pizza. Maybe a good British roast, sticky toffee pudding. And freshly squeezed orange juice. I found eating like this, I have fewer cravings.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Bear Grylls seems to know Saladino, and talked in a recent GQ interview about some dietary changes. The interviewer mentioned Peat by name which was very unusual.

Nice! Thanks for sharing. It seems Peat is truly going mainstream.


May 31, 2018
Whether the pills work or not, after this plandemic, and the already evilly-excited touted next one, people will buy anything to feel better and reverse the aging most of us went through from the torturous stress we've all been through the last 3 years. BTW, where TF did 3 years fly by??


Mar 4, 2019
The fact that they are looking into re-purposing cancer chemotherapy (cytotoxic) drugs and metformin as "anti-aging" therapies is pretty telling, and it won't achieve much. A lot of rich people have been pouring a lot of money into anti-aging for decades, with zero success. As long as those efforts are based on absurd theories of health/medicine, then not much will come out of them...other than more publicity for the rich investor/sponsor.
One of the few people doing anti-aging well seems to be Jeff Bezos, whose doctors recognized that a lot of symptoms of middle age (belly, sagging skin, poor libido, low metabolism), etc were due to testosterone deficiency and put him on TRT, with great results. He looks better now than 10-15 years ago.
"...Testosterone is having a moment. At once a molecular vector for toxic masculinity and a health-optimizing supplement for middle-aged tycoons eager to project vigor, “T” is perhaps the most discussed hormone around. I blame Jeff Bezos, who has apparently aged in reverse since founding Amazon. After a tight-shirted appearance at the 2017 Sun Valley conference, his transformation from dweeby online-book-salesman to Vin Diesel-clone-with-alpha-swagger was unmistakable. Was he getting some hormonal help? Fast-forward a few years and he has acquired a hot Latina girlfriend and blasted himself into space in a giant metal penis."

I think he said in an interview once that he also took (or still takes?) thyroid and aspirin. Quite Peaty, I'd say. Would not be surprised if a lot of those hotshots have their people read forum like this one and extract good tips. Nick Fuentes recently said he adheres to the Ray Peat diet, which virtually guarantees he has done a Google search and knows about (and probably reads) this forum. A lot of those rich business people know good ideas are always coming from "fringe" sources, so I'd not be surprised if we see more things mentioned here plastered all over MSM as the "next big thing" in diet/health.
I found a recent pic of Jeff Bezos, and at 59 he looks late 30s/early 40s!!


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