Forced Into Fat-Burning Mode, Microglia Gobble Up Plaques, Protect Neurons


Apr 17, 2017
As Aβ plaques accumulate in the brain, microglia are increasingly called upon to clean up the mess. This relentless phagocytic feasting requires enormous amounts of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate, but by boosting glycolysis, the microglia fail to provide enough ATP, according to a study published October 6 in Nature Metabolism. Scientists led by Jie Zhang, Xiamen University in China, reported that hexokinase 2 (HK2)—a pivotal enzyme in glucose metabolism—ramps up in microglia in the Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain. Curiously, deleting or inhibiting HK2 in mouse models of amyloidosis boosted microglial ATP production. The cells mustered the extra energy by transforming into fat-burning machines, the scientists found. They cranked up expression of lipoprotein lipase and other lipid metabolism genes. These lipid-utilizing microglia were supreme consumers of Aβ plaques and other neuronal debris, and spared AD mice from memory loss. The findings support the idea that metabolic shifts and functional states in microglia are intimately intertwined.
  • In the AD brain, microglia boost expression of the glycolytic enzyme hexokinase 2.
  • Blocking HK2 in mice improved microglial phagocytosis and plaque clearance.
  • HK2 inhibition switched on lipid metabolism, boosting ATP production.
“This new report is an exciting new addition to a growing number of studies implicating the regulation of microglia metabolism as a central driver in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis,” commented Lance Johnson of the University of Kentucky in Lexington.

Russell Swerdlow of Kansas University Medical Center in Kansas City wrote that the study answers important questions while raising many others. “I certainly hope it will help to further focus the field on the relevance of energy metabolism in AD, whether it is in neurons, astrocytes, or microglia.” (See full comment below.)

Glucose metabolism wanes in the brain with age, and even more so in neurodegenerative disease. As an energy-hogging organ, the brain consumes vast amounts of glucose, both via the fast-burning path of aerobic glycolysis in the cytosol, then via the slower, more lucrative burn of oxidative phosphorylation, which churns out even more ATP within the mitochondria. Yet cells also have an energy source that is wholly independent from glucose–fatty acids. Derived from the processing and oxidation of lipids, these provide another substrate for energy production via oxidative phosphorylation, and a slew of studies have implicated lipid processing and metabolism as central in microglial function and AD pathogenesis (Aug 2019 news; Nov 2021 news; Sep 2022 conference news).

As Aβ plaques and other pathological insults build up in the brain with age, how do microglia rally their metabolisms to respond? First author Lige Leng and colleagues addressed this by first looking for expression of hexokinases, which catalyze the first rate-limiting step of glycolysis, namely converting glucose into glucose-6-phosphate. One isoform of this enzyme—HK2—was elevated in postmortem brain samples from people with AD, and in the 5xFAD mouse model of amyloidosis. The researchers pinned most of this uptick on microglia. Notably, in 5xFAD mice and in the human AD brain, microglia surrounding plaques expressed the highest levels.

Was this revved HK2 expression helpful, or harmful? To find out, the researchers conditionally deleted HK2 from microglia in wild-type and 5xFAD mice at 5 months of age, then examined them over the following two months. Wild-type animals suffered no obvious ill effects. The 5xFAD had a lower Aβ plaque load, more synaptic proteins, and better memory than 5xFAD controls. Leng found that their microglia extended processes, transforming from a hunched, amoeboid shape into a ramified one resembling microglia in wild-type mice. Two hexokinase inhibitors—Lonidamine or 3-BromoPyruvate (3-BP)—had similar effects. In 5xFAD mice, and in cultured, human embryonic stem cell-derived microglia, 3-BP improved microglial phagocytosis, ramped up lysosomal degradation of internalized Aβ peptides, and dampened microglial secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

How might hobbling glycolysis improve microglial function? Surprisingly, the scientists found the 3-BP-treated cells had more ATP, not less. In contrast, neurons or astrocytes suffered an energy deficit when glycolysis was blocked. To investigate why only microglia thrived, Leng examined their metabolomes and transcriptomes. Microglia treated with 3-BP as well as Aβ42 peptides ramped up lipid metabolism, producing more fatty acids, triglycerides, and acylcarnitine, while lactate, a product of glycolysis, declined.

Similarly, transcriptomics indicated that microglia had cranked up expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism, signaling a shift in their prime source of ATP from glucose to lipids. Upregulation of one gene in particular—lipoprotein lipase (Lpl)—explained much of the enhanced lipid processing in response to the HK2 blockade. Primarily expressed by microglia in the brain, lpl processes lipids into fatty acids. Its upregulation has been identified in microglial gene expression signatures in AD as well as other neurodegenerative diseases (Loving and Bruce, 2020).

To understand how HK2 expression relates to lipid processing and microglial transcriptional states, the scientists analyzed data from a prior, single-cell RNA sequencing study of an APP knock-in mice model of amyloidosis (Sala Frigerio et al., 2019). In short, they found that microglia expressing the least HK2 expressed the most Lpl, and the strongest DAM signature. In all, the findings suggest that the switch to fat-burning mode would go hand in hand with a transition into disease associated states, which many researchers now view as beneficial (Sep 2022 conference news). As such, the authors proposed HK2 inhibition as a potential therapeutic strategy for AD.

Flipping the Fat Switch. In the AD brain, or in a mouse model of amyloidosis (left), microglia rev up expression of HK2, deriving much of their ATP from glycolysis. Blocking HK2 (right) switches microglia to lipid metabolism, which produces more ATP and enhances phagocytosis and reduces release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. [Courtesy of Choi and Mook-Jung, News and Views, Nature Metabolism, 2022.]

To Swerdlow, the findings highlight a fundamental point about metabolism: that the pathways that make or break energy are all interconnected. “If you alter one, others will change, and glucose, amino acid, and fatty acid-fueled bioenergetics are intertwined.” Swerdlow added that microglia are known to have different functional states that are determined by their bioenergetic infrastructures, including mitochondrial phenotypes. “In that regard, I would have liked to have seen data that informed the state of mitochondria in the microglia assessed,” he wrote.

In an editorial accompanying the paper, Inhee Mook-Jung and Hayoung Choi of Seoul National University College of Medicine made a related point. They noted that the health of mitochondria will be pivotal to the success of any lipid-metabolism promoting therapy, because fatty acid oxidase, the rate-limiting enzyme for metabolism of fatty acids, resides within these powerhouse organelles.

If lipids provide the best fuel for favorable microglial functions, why do microglia increasingly rev up expression of HK2 in the face of amyloidosis? While that remains unanswered, Zhang speculated that microglia, like other cells in the brain, sense waning glucose metabolism and ramp up HK2 to compensate.

Mark Mattson of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore noted that the 5xFAD mice used in the study were fed a high-carb diet. “To begin with, they were not in a lipid-using state,” he said. In this glucose-dependent context, microglia may upregulate HK2 as a compensatory response to protect their own survival, he suggested. He wondered if HK2 would have ramped up to the same extent had the mice had been given a ketogenic diet or fed intermittently—both scenarios that promote a shift from glucose to lipid metabolism in the brain. “Under these conditions, perhaps HK2 inhibition would not have provided an added benefit,” he predicted.

The Aβ-induced uptick in HK2 expression observed by Leng dovetails with previous observations that microglia revitalize their use of glycolysis in response to Aβ accumulation (Baik et al., 2019). Other studies have found that while the brain gradually shifts from fast-burning glycolysis to the slower, more productive process of oxidative phosphorylation with age, some regions— for example, the Aβ-plaque prone default mode network—may rekindle glycolysis in response to growing stresses (Aug 2017 news; Sep 2010 news).

Leng’s findings also jibe with a recent report that microglia contribute substantially to signals on FDG-PET scans, which measure glucose uptake in the brain (Oct 2021 news).

Róisín McManus of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases in Bonn noted that Leng’s findings also resonate with studies implicating activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome in instigating glycolysis in microglia (Finucane et al., 2019). Aβ oligomers and aggregates are well-known triggers of the inflammasome, suggesting that the glycolytic shift seen in Aβ-exposed microglia could be facilitated by this inflammatory pathway (Lučiūnaitė et al., 2019). "Because HK2 depletion or inhibition was so effective at reducing Aβ pathology, this would have extensive downstream consequences, reducing long-term microglial activation by removing the very trigger (i.e. Aβ) that chronically activates these cells," she wrote (comment below).—Jessica Shugart



Oct 18, 2021
These lipid-utilizing microglia were supreme consumers of Aβ plaques and other neuronal debris, and spared AD mice from memory loss.
I'm too lazy to look it up ATM, but this is kinda puzzling to me as I'm pretty sure there are other studies where Aβ plaques were cleaned up by one mechanism or another but the memory impairment remained unchanged, leading to the conclusion that the Aβ plaques themselves were just another side effect of the underlying Alzheimer's process, but not causative in any way.


May 11, 2022
Recently, the first drug of it's kind was approved by the FDA for the treatment of dementia. The drug effectively removed Aβ plaques from brain tissue. The results were ZERO improvement in dementia symptoms with a cascade of side effects, most notably brain bleeds and inflammation.

The Aβ plaques hypothesis is no longer valid. It's like comparing Aβ plaques to tombstones, as the cause for dead people. Just because they're present doesn't mean they're the trigger.


Sep 24, 2016
I remember reading publications about SCFA-based experiments with microglia that seemed promising for mental/neuronal/brain health. Propionates, Butyrates.


Jan 30, 2021
I have noticed that if I eat sugar, I have noticeable memory lapses. If I don't eat sugar, I do not have this problem (and it's sugar, not carbs.) AD runs in my family; others who got it were alcoholic. I don't drink and I have every intention of minimizing sugar consumption for the rest of my life. I am 73.


Oct 18, 2021
I have noticed that if I eat sugar, I have noticeable memory lapses. If I don't eat sugar, I do not have this problem (and it's sugar, not carbs.) AD runs in my family; others who got it were alcoholic. I don't drink and I have every intention of minimizing sugar consumption for the rest of my life. I am 73.
Are you me? I've recently realized the same thing. With me though it's specifically the fructose part of sugar (which of course sucrose is half comprised of). I've experimented a good bit and have determined glucose or complex carbs are fine and cause me no issues, but after eating a few bananas it's like I have Alzheimer's for weeks, and I'm not even fifty. I've seen 3 neurologists and none of them have a clue. Initially I thought it was all carbs and spent 8 miserable years at near zero carbs per day.
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Dec 14, 2019
The Land of Oz
Are you me? I've recently realized the same thing. With me though it's specifically the fructose part of sugar (which of course sucrose is half comprised of). I've experimented a good bit and have determined glucose or complex carbs are fine and cause me no issues, but after eating a few bananas it's like I have Alzheimer's for weeks, and I'm not even fifty. I've seen 3 neurologists and none of them have a clue. Initially I thought it was all carbs and spent 8 miserable years at near zero carbs per day.
Interesting, I have upped my sugar consumption since being on here whilst decreasing my simple and complex carbs and feel my memory, energy, motivation have all improved significantly. (currently eating at least one banana/day)


Oct 18, 2021
Interesting, I have upped my sugar consumption since being on here whilst decreasing my simple and complex carbs and feel my memory, energy, motivation have all improved significantly. (currently eating at least one banana/day)
I've no doubt that my experience is atypical.


Feb 3, 2020
My brain is much more sharp with lower carbohydrate intake.

Beta-oxidation may not produce as much CO2, but fatty acids oxidation produces much more ATP than glucose oxidation. (96-108 ATP units from fat vs. 36 ATP from glucose)

I think that beta oxidation improves cognition by supplying more ATP to the brain.


Aug 10, 2018


May 11, 2022
My brain is much more sharp with lower carbohydrate intake.

Beta-oxidation may not produce as much CO2, but fatty acids oxidation produces much more ATP than glucose oxidation. (96-108 ATP units from fat vs. 36 ATP from glucose)

I think that beta oxidation improves cognition by supplying more ATP to the brain.

Do you have any sources you can post to support this claim about ATP production? When I recently dug into the literature, I recall reading that glucose oxidation produces slightly more ATP than fatty acids. Also, the brain can only use glucose and ketones as an energy substrate for ATP production, not fatty acids to generate energy. When people are eating zero carb, I dont believe its the fat providing any ATP to the brain, but ketones are.

I wonder if people who do poorly with sugars are simply insulin resistant in their brains. I've seen people throw around the term diabetes type 3 for dementia as of late. Strangely though, I've also read/heard that fructose doesn't require insulin to pass into cells for utilization like glucose does, which means if the above is correct (and it may not be), insulin sensitivity or lack thereof should have no impact on efficient fructose utilization, which it sounds like some of the above have, dealing with extreme brain fog for weeks after eating bananas.

It's actually hard to believe that it's the sugar from bananas and not something else....


Oct 18, 2021
Do you have any sources you can post to support this claim about ATP production? When I recently dug into the literature, I recall reading that glucose oxidation produces slightly more ATP than fatty acids. Also, the brain can only use glucose and ketones as an energy substrate for ATP production, not fatty acids to generate energy. When people are eating zero carb, I dont believe its the fat providing any ATP to the brain, but ketones are.

I wonder if people who do poorly with sugars are simply insulin resistant in their brains. I've seen people throw around the term diabetes type 3 for dementia as of late. Strangely though, I've also read/heard that fructose doesn't require insulin to pass into cells for utilization like glucose does, which means if the above is correct (and it may not be), insulin sensitivity or lack thereof should have no impact on efficient fructose utilization, which it sounds like some of the above have, dealing with extreme brain fog for weeks after eating bananas.

It's actually hard to believe that it's the sugar from bananas and not something else....
It's not brain fog for me. My problem solving abilities are tested all day every day and thankfully remain razor sharp. It's my memory that's the problem. I can be completely unable to recall having a conversation with someone 3 days ago. Not just forget some of the contents of the conversation but have ZERO recollection of speaking with the individual on the subject matter mere days before. Thankfully this almost entirely goes away after a few weeks being fructose free.


May 11, 2022
It's not brain fog for me. My problem solving abilities are tested all day every day and thankfully remain razor sharp. It's my memory that's the problem. I can be completely unable to recall having a conversation with someone 3 days ago. Not just forget some of the contents of the conversation but have ZERO recollection of speaking with the individual on the subject matter mere days before. Thankfully this almost entirely goes away after a few weeks being fructose free.
Very interesting and you're convinced for sure it's specifically and only fructose?


Mar 29, 2016
Microglia, if I'm not mistaken, are macrophages specialized for the brain. They are not neurons. It's neurons dying and getting less and less in number that has to do with AD. Whatever microglia does isn't going to bring the neurons back. This doesn't change the fact that neurons need sugar for energy, and that they died for want of sugar and/or inefficient sugar metabolism.
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Feb 3, 2020
Do you have any sources you can post to support this claim about ATP production? When I recently dug into the literature, I recall reading that glucose oxidation produces slightly more ATP than fatty acids. Also, the brain can only use glucose and ketones as an energy substrate for ATP production, not fatty acids to generate energy. When people are eating zero carb, I dont believe its the fat providing any ATP to the brain, but ketones are.

I wonder if people who do poorly with sugars are simply insulin resistant in their brains. I've seen people throw around the term diabetes type 3 for dementia as of late. Strangely though, I've also read/heard that fructose doesn't require insulin to pass into cells for utilization like glucose does, which means if the above is correct (and it may not be), insulin sensitivity or lack thereof should have no impact on efficient fructose utilization, which it sounds like some of the above have, dealing with extreme brain fog for weeks after eating bananas.

It's actually hard to believe that it's the sugar from bananas and not something else....

„Acetyl-CoA generated by the beta-oxidation pathway enters the mitochondrial TCA cycle, where is further oxidized to generate NADH and FADH2. The NADH and FADH2 produced by both beta oxidation and the TCA cycle are used by the mitochondrial electron transport chain to produce ATP. Complete oxidation of one palmitate molecule (fatty acid containing 16 carbons) generates 129 ATP molecules.“


May 4, 2019

„Acetyl-CoA generated by the beta-oxidation pathway enters the mitochondrial TCA cycle, where is further oxidized to generate NADH and FADH2. The NADH and FADH2 produced by both beta oxidation and the TCA cycle are used by the mitochondrial electron transport chain to produce ATP. Complete oxidation of one palmitate molecule (fatty acid containing 16 carbons) generates 129 ATP molecules.“

Or put simply, burning 1 g carb yields 4 kcal and burning 1 g fat yield 9 kcal :cool:

I also enjoy eating a lot of animal fat, really warms me up when its cold outside.


May 11, 2022

„Acetyl-CoA generated by the beta-oxidation pathway enters the mitochondrial TCA cycle, where is further oxidized to generate NADH and FADH2. The NADH and FADH2 produced by both beta oxidation and the TCA cycle are used by the mitochondrial electron transport chain to produce ATP. Complete oxidation of one palmitate molecule (fatty acid containing 16 carbons) generates 129 ATP molecules.“
Thanks! What if we equate calories though since fat is the most calorically dense at 9 cal/gram whereas carbs and protein have 4?


Aug 10, 2018
All true, but bear in mind that even though fat yields more ATP per molecule (increasing with chain length), fat burns slower (also proportional to chain length), which means that carbs actually yield more ATP than fat per unit of time. Burning fat also requires more oxygen. This is vital when mountain climbing, for example, where oxygen may be at a premium...
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