FSH - Low Estrogen - Infertility/amenorrhea HELP

Aug 1, 2019
Hello everyone,

My last resort before I start being treated with synthetic hormones. Any advice would be appreciated!

I’ve ahd hormonal imbalances since I was a teenager, and now that it got a bit stronger the only option conventional doctors have is to put me on estrogen (estreval) and synthetic progesterone (Provera).

I have been eating Peaty diet for the last year, i did have a few eating disorders in the past (low carb, keto, calorie restriction, IF and whatever else..) , but now I’m finally feeling well and well fed, gained 10 lbs (I’m about 134 lbs 5’6”).

I have been diagnosed Pcos when I was 14 yo (even though completely regular testosterone levels), I never got a period unless induced by progesterone injections, after that I and took the birth control for 12 years. Then I stopped and refused to take it, but to get periods I was given Prometrium 100mg for 10 days every month and it worked perfectly for years until i was 33. Now I'm 36 and I haven’t had my period for almost 3 years. I moved from Italy to Los Angeles 4 years ago, looks like stress and some diet restrictions, different type of food in here made my imbalances even worse.
But my prolactin FSH LH Tsh T4 T3 in normal ranges but on the lower side, low estrogens, low progesterone. I'm also taking ProgestE according the leaflet for months already.

Now doctors says if I want to get pregnant either they have to give me gonadotropin injections or for now just to make me bleed (I have very low estrogen levels, or better estradiol) i have to take estradiol pretty high dosage, since my estrogen levels are too low it cause my uterus lining to be very thin (therefore no period bleeding) , and I don’t make enough FSH to ovulate.

They want to put me on Estrace (orally and vaginally) and 2 weeks Provera (synthetic progesterone) to make me bleed. I already took their estrodial in the past for 3 months before, but it didn’t help absolutely in nothing, still no period or any changes or benefits.

Is there any other option for me to make me get my period back, or induce ovulation, make my uterus lining thicker?

Any ideas how to avoid taking estrogen or any specialist that would take a different approach than prescribing conventional estrogens?
I’ve been to 4 doctors and same results.

I would greatly appreciate any help and advice.
Thank you so much!


Jun 13, 2019
when you say you are feeling well fed, how much are you eating? I’ve heard of some girls who have restricted their eating and lost periods, and to recover they were stuffing bagels and cream cheese, whole milk, and eggs and pretty much any craving they had (ice cream is a big one) and it took them gaining 60 or so pounds (don’t remember the exact amount, but it was HIGH) before their period returned. How many calories are you eating and generally what do your macros look like.
Aug 1, 2019
when you say you are feeling well fed, how much are you eating? I’ve heard of some girls who have restricted their eating and lost periods, and to recover they were stuffing bagels and cream cheese, whole milk, and eggs and pretty much any craving they had (ice cream is a big one) and it took them gaining 60 or so pounds (don’t remember the exact amount, but it was HIGH) before their period returned. How many calories are you eating and generally what do your macros look like.

My problem I never had my period, even when I was a teenager, but I was reacting on progesterone, but now even this doesn't work and my estrogen levels dropped. I eat I would say about 2000 kcal, pretty sedentary work, doesn't workout hard, and around 50% carbs, 25% protein and 25%fats


Jun 13, 2019
My problem I never had my period, even when I was a teenager, but I was reacting on progesterone, but now even this doesn't work and my estrogen levels dropped. I eat I would say about 2000 kcal, pretty sedentary work, doesn't workout hard, and around 50% carbs, 25% protein and 25%fats

Ohh I see I missed that part. apologies. I’m not qualified to speak on hormones that never develop, but my gut instinct would be that some sort of hormone therapy may be required. I think if your looking for a 100% completely natural solution your best bet would probably be testing for any micronutrient deficiencies, and making sure you have adequete fat soluble vitamins. have you had your cholesterol checked? genetic low cholesterol could be a factor. Also stress reduction and avoiding foods with phytoestrogens and phytic acid will be crucial. definitely no soy flax seeds etc, but i’m sure you know that if your eating peaty. If I may ask, were you a stressful child, and do you happen to know whether you were formula fed by any chance as a baby?
Last edited:


Jun 13, 2019
My problem I never had my period, even when I was a teenager, but I was reacting on progesterone, but now even this doesn't work and my estrogen levels dropped. I eat I would say about 2000 kcal, pretty sedentary work, doesn't workout hard, and around 50% carbs, 25% protein and 25%fats

Also many on this forum would say your calories are way too low for a women who also has a past of restrictive eating. do you have any hunger/craving that you limit yourself on?
Aug 1, 2019
Ohh I see I missed that part. apologies. I’m not qualified to speak on hormones that never develop, but my gut instinct would be that some sort of hormone therapy may be required. I think if your looking for a 100% completely natural solution your best bet would probably be testing for any micronutrient deficiencies, and making sure you have adequete fat soluble vitamins. have you had your cholesterol checked? genetic low cholesterol could be a factor. Also stress reduction and avoiding foods with phytoestrogens and phytic acid will be crucial. definitely no soy flax seeds etc, but i’m sure you know that if your eating peaty. If I may ask, were you a stressful child, and do you happen to know whether you were formula fed by any chance as a baby?

yes I did have some traumas, rather when I was a bit older tho. I am guilty of eating tons of pufas until about 1, 5 years ago, as they were recommending flax seeds and all kind of seed cycling to get my period back, which probably got my things even worse. I did suffer from micronutrient deficiencies but all caught up now.

I am definitely open for hormonal therapy, but I'm not sure if synthetic estrogen or progestin is doing too good....
Aug 1, 2019
Also many on this forum would say your calories are way too low for a women who also has a past of restrictive eating. do you have any hunger/craving that you limit yourself on?

no more cravings ever since I eat carbs. Cholesterol levels perfectly in mid range
Aug 1, 2019
Ohh I see I missed that part. apologies. I’m not qualified to speak on hormones that never develop, but my gut instinct would be that some sort of hormone therapy may be required. I think if your looking for a 100% completely natural solution your best bet would probably be testing for any micronutrient deficiencies, and making sure you have adequete fat soluble vitamins. have you had your cholesterol checked? genetic low cholesterol could be a factor. Also stress reduction and avoiding foods with phytoestrogens and phytic acid will be crucial. definitely no soy flax seeds etc, but i’m sure you know that if your eating peaty. If I may ask, were you a stressful child, and do you happen to know whether you were formula fed by any chance as a baby?

As a child I may have been fed pretty toxic food, meaning from around 8 years old-23 yo (I'm 36 now), a lot of processed food etc but I don't think I was fed with formula (not 100% sure tho)


Jun 13, 2019
@haidut @tara are both pretty knowledgeable regarding hormones to take and diet /recovery. hopefully they see this.

From my personal experiences and what i’ve seen, the best food for women tend to be butter/cream, and a good quality red meat (not a high fat diet though, simply having those within a higher carb diet). those two are really good at regulating hormones, although you may need a special boost because of a lifelong problem of hormonal imbalance.

For now, I would try to search this forum/ray peats work to try and piece together your own symptoms as there is a lot of good info on here. You can search for key words to try and get relevant posts to more specific symptoms you have.


May 10, 2017
yes for more lower carb more animal foods helps. more animal fats cream, butter, red meat, chicken thighs, and some carbs here and there. This isnt peaty but also natural vitamin D foods salmon, shellfish, sardines.


Sep 12, 2015
Hello everyone,

My last resort before I start being treated with synthetic hormones. Any advice would be appreciated!

I’ve ahd hormonal imbalances since I was a teenager, and now that it got a bit stronger the only option conventional doctors have is to put me on estrogen (estreval) and synthetic progesterone (Provera).

I have been eating Peaty diet for the last year, i did have a few eating disorders in the past (low carb, keto, calorie restriction, IF and whatever else..) , but now I’m finally feeling well and well fed, gained 10 lbs (I’m about 134 lbs 5’6”).

I have been diagnosed Pcos when I was 14 yo (even though completely regular testosterone levels), I never got a period unless induced by progesterone injections, after that I and took the birth control for 12 years. Then I stopped and refused to take it, but to get periods I was given Prometrium 100mg for 10 days every month and it worked perfectly for years until i was 33. Now I'm 36 and I haven’t had my period for almost 3 years. I moved from Italy to Los Angeles 4 years ago, looks like stress and some diet restrictions, different type of food in here made my imbalances even worse.
But my prolactin FSH LH Tsh T4 T3 in normal ranges but on the lower side, low estrogens, low progesterone. I'm also taking ProgestE according the leaflet for months already.

Now doctors says if I want to get pregnant either they have to give me gonadotropin injections or for now just to make me bleed (I have very low estrogen levels, or better estradiol) i have to take estradiol pretty high dosage, since my estrogen levels are too low it cause my uterus lining to be very thin (therefore no period bleeding) , and I don’t make enough FSH to ovulate.

They want to put me on Estrace (orally and vaginally) and 2 weeks Provera (synthetic progesterone) to make me bleed. I already took their estrodial in the past for 3 months before, but it didn’t help absolutely in nothing, still no period or any changes or benefits.

Is there any other option for me to make me get my period back, or induce ovulation, make my uterus lining thicker?

Any ideas how to avoid taking estrogen or any specialist that would take a different approach than prescribing conventional estrogens?
I’ve been to 4 doctors and same results.

I would greatly appreciate any help and advice.
Thank you so much!
Have they ever talked about putting you on clomid?
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