Gelatin Needs To Be Used As Religiously As Sugar

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5487
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Deleted member 5487

Gelatin seems to be under rated on this fourm.

The importance of protein cannot be understated, but nothing changed my metabolic rate/health like consuming copious amounts of beef gelatin.

This is after 18 months of peating, gelatin was the key all along.

2-3 Large table spoons with every meal and I eat 5 times a day. Alongside collagen in orange juice during/after working out.

Here's what happened.

1) I was able to cold turkey quit nicotine with zero effort. I mean without thinking about it. My habitual use was 2-5 nicotine products a day (dip/cig) to nothing. I noticed that gelatin kills the desire to consume nicotine after a protein heavy meal, which I assume has to do with tyrophan. And tobaccos effect on increasing T3.

2) Cortisol seems to dropping drastically as my hairline is begenning to grow back, those small venus hairs are popping up everywhere

3) Calcified/chrome temples where there is hair loss is starting break up and losen up

4) Metabolism is picking up, since I am not rely on stress hormones/nicotine. I am getting leaner

Gelatin is awesome and I believe people should experiment with much higher doses.
taurine can also be very useful

If cost is an issue.

NOW gelatin is 40% the price of Great lakes, and it mixes better and dissolves better without clumps.


Feb 6, 2016
maryland, USA
I think people, like you said, overlook the importance of massive amounts of gelatin. I feel so much better when i drink several cups of broth a day. I've heard it said that it used to be commonplace for every home/inn to have an almost perpetual broth pot, which could contain any number of different animal parts along with veg.


Apr 21, 2018
30% of the protein content is what Peat recommends

Started doing this never looked back. It’s costly but then you start dropping every other supplement off and you’re actually saving money


Mar 9, 2014
Gelatin seems to be under rated on this fourm.

The importance of protein cannot be understated, but nothing changed my metabolic rate/health like consuming copious amounts of beef gelatin.

This is after 18 months of peating, gelatin was the key all along.

2-3 Large table spoons with every meal and I eat 5 times a day. Alongside collagen in orange juice during/after working out.

Here's what happened.

1) I was able to cold turkey quit nicotine with zero effort. I mean without thinking about it. My habitual use was 2-5 nicotine products a day (dip/cig) to nothing. I noticed that gelatin kills the desire to consume nicotine after a protein heavy meal, which I assume has to do with tyrophan. And tobaccos effect on increasing T3.

2) Cortisol seems to dropping drastically as my hairline is begenning to grow back, those small venus hairs are popping up everywhere

3) Calcified/chrome temples where there is hair loss is starting break up and losen up

4) Metabolism is picking up, since I am not rely on stress hormones/nicotine. I am getting leaner

Gelatin is awesome and I believe people should experiment with much higher doses.
taurine can also be very useful

If cost is an issue.

NOW gelatin is 40% the price of Great lakes, and it mixes better and dissolves better without clumps.

can i ask how much you weigh? how much body fat do you have roughly? also whats your calorie intake daily? i just want to assess so i can eat the equivalent amount for my body type.


Jul 13, 2014
Gelatin seems to be under rated on this fourm.

The importance of protein cannot be understated, but nothing changed my metabolic rate/health like consuming copious amounts of beef gelatin.

This is after 18 months of peating, gelatin was the key all along.

2-3 Large table spoons with every meal and I eat 5 times a day. Alongside collagen in orange juice during/after working out.

Here's what happened.

1) I was able to cold turkey quit nicotine with zero effort. I mean without thinking about it. My habitual use was 2-5 nicotine products a day (dip/cig) to nothing. I noticed that gelatin kills the desire to consume nicotine after a protein heavy meal, which I assume has to do with tyrophan. And tobaccos effect on increasing T3.

2) Cortisol seems to dropping drastically as my hairline is begenning to grow back, those small venus hairs are popping up everywhere

3) Calcified/chrome temples where there is hair loss is starting break up and losen up

4) Metabolism is picking up, since I am not rely on stress hormones/nicotine. I am getting leaner

Gelatin is awesome and I believe people should experiment with much higher doses.
taurine can also be very useful

If cost is an issue.

NOW gelatin is 40% the price of Great lakes, and it mixes better and dissolves better without clumps.
This one?
Now Foods, Real Food, Rindergelatine-Pulver, 1 lb (454 g)


Dec 17, 2017
Queensland Australia
I love the powdered gelatine, I buy a 1kg bag each fortnight for about $35 (family of 4). Apart from a bit of improvement in my joints I’m not sure I could pinpoint any great improvement in health to it. I think it’s great for cooking though and I think of it as food rather than a supplement.

I make a tough jelly/jello with fruit juice or cordial concentrate (110g gelatine to a litre of liquid). I set it in an old ceramic lasagne dish and cut into 1 inch slices to have with meals. I’m thinking of putting taurine in my next batch but last time I did it I think it may have affected the texture.

I have the courser stuff and hydrate it before dissolving (10-20 mins+ in a little cold liquid) which makes it easy to dissolve. I add a good 50 or so grams to any anything that even looks a bit saucy (Napoli sauce, ground beef, gravy, chopped liver, etc) and it adds an amazing velvety texture. It used to form gluey lumps before I discovered hydrating it first.


May 20, 2017
30% of the protein content is what Peat recommends

Started doing this never looked back. It’s costly but then you start dropping every other supplement off and you’re actually saving money

which gelatin are you using?


I want to love gelatin but it gives me headaches. Is there a solution ?


Apr 21, 2018
I want to love gelatin but it gives me headaches. Is there a solution ?

You should try collagen peptides. Try to find a brand which specifically lists the molecular weight; lower kDa is better. Gelatin absorption is meh IME

Unfortunately I get mine in Europe since my family is there and I travel back and forth; haven’t really searched for an alternative in North America

Deleted member 5487

30% of the protein content is what Peat recommends

Started doing this never looked back. It’s costly but then you start dropping every other supplement off and you’re actually saving money

Yeah that probably what my consumption comes out too.

Seriously I bet people consume like 10% of the protein as gelatin on here. Like mabey a few tblspoons at best. That needs to be quadrupled

After extensive experimenting. I am convinced that thyropthpan even in milk and eggs is the devil itself when it comes to thyroid and stress hormones.


Oct 15, 2016
Gelatin gives me awfuk neck, upper back tensions and headaches, it's hard to overlook those, at least a few others reported a similar effect and attributed to glutamate I think.
You should try collagen peptides. Try to find a brand which specifically lists the molecular weight; lower kDa is better. Gelatin absorption is meh IME

Unfortunately I get mine in Europe since my family is there and I travel back and forth; haven’t really searched for an alternative in North America
Which one do you use?


Apr 21, 2018
Gelatin gives me awfuk neck, upper back tensions and headaches, it's hard to overlook those, at least a few others reported a similar effect and attributed to glutamate I think.
Which one do you use?



Deleted member 5487

Do you know if it is hydrolyzed? It does not say on the package, but it says to mix in cold water and consume immediately.

No I don't believe so. Its labelled gelatin and has all the properities of it.

Deleted member 5487

Oxtail stew consistently makes me feel awful.

Intresting. The more gelatin I eat the better I feel.

I may just need the stabilizing/ sedative effects, since regual protein like egg whites/milk can make me sweat and give me anxiety due to the tyrosine/trytrophan even with paired with copious amounts of carbs

Deleted member 5487

Sick individuals are experiencing both high levels of PUFA and FFA, stress hormones..etc. But all that is paired and enhanced by bad ammino acids floating around also.

So drinking a lot of milk and meat are mimicking the effects of stress that peat wrote about.

Which is why I am convinced gelatin is crucial

Expecially when experimenting with it during/after working out and how the stress response and recover time were drastically reduced due to the blunting of the liberated tyrophan via cortisol
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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