German Study: Laboratory Accident Most Likely Cause of Coronavirus Pandemic


Feb 18, 2016
Sometimes I wonder if the west is looking for an excuse to start a war with China, the perfect false flag for contemporary times would be coronavirus, their has been no reason or logic for lockdowns this excessive, public anger is growing as lives are being ruined, real easy then to get public support for a war with China if they are at fault for covid19 ,like I said it’s possible America planted it there, who knows for sure.

The media posturing around China tells me something is up, claiming Biden is soft on China is laughable, it’s the start of a dialectic.

The study highlights how the chinese had been modifying coronaviruses for years to make them more infectious to humans, what’s interesting is the Americans have also been doing this for years, I posted studies on here highlighting this, they created a mousse that could carry a human protein so it could be infected with coronavirus creating a forced selection scenario.

"Professor Dr. Roland Wiesendanger, a leading German nanotechnology expert and three-time recipient of the prestigious European Research Council Advanced Grant, has completed a one-year, hundred-page study on the origin of the novel coronavirus, Sars-Cov-2. Professor Wiesendanger concludes that “both the number and quality of the circumstantial evidence point to a laboratory accident at the virological institute in the city of Wuhan as the cause of the current pandemic.”

In the following, SPR provides an English translation of the official German press release of the University of Hamburg. The hundred-page German study by Prof. Wiesendanger can be found here.

SPR would like to add the following information: The two most recent global pandemics were the 1977 ‘Russian flu’ and the 2009 ‘swine flu’. In both of these cases, modern genetic research indicates that a lab escape was the most likely origin of the pandemic virus (see here and here). Yet in both cases, the World Health Organization (WHO) initially excluded this possibility (see here and here)".

  • Unlike previous coronavirus-related epidemics such as SARS and MERS, to date, well over a year after the outbreak of the current pandemic, no intermediate host animal has been identified that could have facilitated the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 pathogens from bats to humans. Therefore, the zoonotic theory as a possible explanation for the pandemic has no sound scientific basis.
  • The SARS-CoV-2 viruses are surprisingly good at coupling to human cell receptors and penetrating human cells. This is made possible by special cell receptor binding domains combined with a special (furin) cleavage site of the coronavirus spike protein. Both properties together were previously unknown in coronaviruses and indicate a non-natural origin of the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen.
  • Bats were not offered at the suspected fish market in the center of Wuhan city. However, the Wuhan City Virological Institute has one of the world’s largest collections of bat pathogens, which originated from distant caves in southern Chinese provinces. It is extremely unlikely that bats from this distance of nearly 2,000 km would have naturally made their way to Wuhan, only to cause a global pandemic in close proximity to this virological institute.
  • A research group at the Wuhan City Virological Institute has been genetically manipulating coronaviruses for many years with the goal of making them more contagious, dangerous and deadly to humans. This has been documented in the scientific literature by numerous publications.
  • Significant safety deficiencies existed at the Wuhan City Virological Institute even before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, which have been documented.
  • There are numerous direct references to a laboratory origin of the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen. For example, a young female scientist at the virology institute in Wuhan is believed to have been the first to become infected. There are also numerous indications that as early as October 2019, the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen spread from the virological institute to the city of Wuhan and beyond. Furthermore, there are indications that the virological institute was investigated by the Chinese authorities in the first half of October 2019.

The current coronavirus pandemic is not only dominating the current headlines, but will be with us for many years to come – not least because of the social and economic impact. For months, dealing with and managing the corona crisis has understandably been at the forefront of issues in politics and the media. However, the critical science-based examination of the question of the origin of the current pandemic is already of great importance today, because only on the basis of this knowledge can adequate precautions be taken to minimize the probability of similar pandemics occurring in the future,” says Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger.

The study was completed in January 2021 and initially distributed and discussed in scientific circles. The publication is now intended to stimulate a broad discussion, particularly with regard to the ethical aspects of so-called “gain-of-function” research, which makes pathogens more infectious, dangerous and deadly for humans. “This can no longer remain a matter for a small group of scientists, but must urgently become the subject of a public debate,” says the study’s author.


Feb 18, 2016
This is American ,Peat mentioned him in an interview, Ralph baric -


Mar 15, 2014
What is the date of the supposed lab accident? Because there was likely a COVID-related illness going around vaping teenagers in August 2019.


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Feb 18, 2016
What is the date of the supposed lab accident? Because there was likely a COVID-related illness going around vaping teenagers in August 2019.
"There are also numerous indications that as early as October 2019, the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen spread from the virological institute to the city of Wuhan and beyond".

Anything interesting in the midwest like labs etc?
Was the midwest effected much by coronavirus early on?


Jul 25, 2013
There is no deadly new virus. It's all statistical games, renaming other causes of death "covid", using a bogus test. That's why, for instance, the flu is gone worldwide. The lab story is propaganda for people who know something's fishy. But the goal of the lab story is to keep you in fear of a non-existent threat so that you will comply.


Nov 21, 2012
Yet, here on Dutch tv virologists,who went to China to 'explore it', claim that it didnt came from a lab but from animals. So the anti meat agenda can be pushed more onto us.


Feb 18, 2016
Yet, here on Dutch tv virologists,who went to China to 'explore it', claim that it didnt came from a lab but from animals. So the anti meat agenda can be pushed more onto us.

Yep, it’s hitting many issues with one stone, it’s like a script.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Nice research work from Prof. Roland Wiesendanger. Some may argue that he is not a virologist but he doesn't claim to be one, he states that in his report, he shows evidence from published scientific work, that the lab in Wuhan was involved in coronavirus manipulations and gain of function research. One fact that I didn't know was that the Peter Daszak from EcoHealth Alliance, how collaborated with the Chinese Wuhan researcher Zheng-Li Chi, received millions of dollars of funding from Dr. Anthony Fauci. Daszak then dismissed the lab origin hypothesis as 'conspiracy theory'. Conflict of interest?


Feb 18, 2016
Nice research work from Prof. Roland Wiesendanger. Some may argue that he is not a virologist but he doesn't claim to be one, he states that in his report, he shows evidence from published scientific work, that the lab in Wuhan was involved in coronavirus manipulations and gain of function research. One fact that I didn't know was that the Peter Daszak from EcoHealth Alliance, how collaborated with the Chinese Wuhan researcher Zheng-Li Chi, received millions of dollars of funding from Dr. Anthony Fauci. Daszak then dismissed the lab origin hypothesis as 'conspiracy theory'. Conflict of interest?

What does "conspiracy theory" even mean at this point, there is a continual conspiracy by the ruling class to oppress the peasants, fauci and Bill Epstein Gates paws are all over this everywhere you look.


Mar 2, 2021
The whole created-in-a-lab notion is nothing more than Hollywood spy-thriller fiction. It is meant to be an uncovered conspiracy that reinforces the Germ Theory that older folks cling to like it was their religion.


Jun 13, 2019
The whole created-in-a-lab notion is nothing more than Hollywood spy-thriller fiction. It is meant to be an uncovered conspiracy that reinforces the Germ Theory that older folks cling to like it was their religion.

this article written in 2015. I think you underestimate government efforts of germ warfare.


Jun 13, 2019
But there is no evidence of a deadly virus. The statistical games and abuse of PCR make this obvious.
it may not be deadlier than years past but coronaviruses and other viruses still exist, but theyre constantly mutating as well so It doesn't really make sense to desingate one strain as a "novel" virus. still, I don't think its far fetched to think a military would release an engineered strain of a virus in china or Iran or some place for political purposes, and as shown in that article labs and the NIH have been engineering different viruses for "research" for a long time now


Jul 25, 2013
it may not be deadlier than years past but coronaviruses and other viruses still exist, but theyre constantly mutating as well so It doesn't really make sense to desingate one strain as a "novel" virus. still, I don't think its far fetched to think a military would release an engineered strain of a virus in china or Iran or some place for political purposes, and as shown in that article labs and the NIH have been engineering different viruses for "research" for a long time now
They may do that at some point. But there's no evidence of a lab-created virus, or any "novel" virus, killing people at this time. I may have misunderstood what you were getting at, come to think of it.


Mar 2, 2021
There have been too many lies for there to be any credibility in the notion of a floating pathogen that lands on a man and then he gets sick.
However, there has been sufficient evidence that toxins will make a man sick.
Could it be there viruses are not pathogens but rather the body's response to poisons?

By the way, Nature is a corrupt journal.


Feb 18, 2016
More on the "Chinese virus" origins.
I think there is a propaganda pump from China claiming the CDC accidentally released the virus so they are now countering this, a year ago you were attacked and band from all social media outlets for making statements like this, canceled then but not today. ???

Former CDC director Robert Redfield says he believes COVID-19 'escaped' from a Wuhan lab and started spreading as early as September 2019​

  • Robert Redfield, the former CDC director, says he believes COVID-19 'escaped' from a lab in Wuhan, China
  • He said the virus may have been circling since September 2019
  • Redfield made the comments in a CNN interview on Friday but stressed it was his 'opinion'
  • It is the first time Redfield, who was appointed CDC director by President Trump, has stated publicly that he believes COVID-19 originated in a lab
  • The debate about the origins have COVID-19 has been ongoing for the past year and has resulted in rising tensions between the US and China
  • US investigators have been blocked from going to China in a bid to investigate the virus and its origins
  • Trump first started speculating that China may have released the virus in lab 'mistake' early last year
  • Dr Anthony Fauci told a White House COVID briefing on Friday that Redfield's comments about the Wuhan lab were just an opinion


Aug 17, 2016
More on the "Chinese virus" origins.
I think there is a propaganda pump from China claiming the CDC accidentally released the virus so they are now countering this, a year ago you were attacked and band from all social media outlets for making statements like this, canceled then but not today. ???

Former CDC director Robert Redfield says he believes COVID-19 'escaped' from a Wuhan lab and started spreading as early as September 2019​

  • Robert Redfield, the former CDC director, says he believes COVID-19 'escaped' from a lab in Wuhan, China
  • He said the virus may have been circling since September 2019
  • Redfield made the comments in a CNN interview on Friday but stressed it was his 'opinion'
  • It is the first time Redfield, who was appointed CDC director by President Trump, has stated publicly that he believes COVID-19 originated in a lab
  • The debate about the origins have COVID-19 has been ongoing for the past year and has resulted in rising tensions between the US and China
  • US investigators have been blocked from going to China in a bid to investigate the virus and its origins
  • Trump first started speculating that China may have released the virus in lab 'mistake' early last year
  • Dr Anthony Fauci told a White House COVID briefing on Friday that Redfield's comments about the Wuhan lab were just an opinion


Jan 15, 2016
More on the "Chinese virus" origins.
I think there is a propaganda pump from China claiming the CDC accidentally released the virus so they are now countering this, a year ago you were attacked and band from all social media outlets for making statements like this, canceled then but not today. ???

Former CDC director Robert Redfield says he believes COVID-19 'escaped' from a Wuhan lab and started spreading as early as September 2019​

  • Robert Redfield, the former CDC director, says he believes COVID-19 'escaped' from a lab in Wuhan, China
  • He said the virus may have been circling since September 2019
  • Redfield made the comments in a CNN interview on Friday but stressed it was his 'opinion'
  • It is the first time Redfield, who was appointed CDC director by President Trump, has stated publicly that he believes COVID-19 originated in a lab
  • The debate about the origins have COVID-19 has been ongoing for the past year and has resulted in rising tensions between the US and China
  • US investigators have been blocked from going to China in a bid to investigate the virus and its origins
  • Trump first started speculating that China may have released the virus in lab 'mistake' early last year
  • Dr Anthony Fauci told a White House COVID briefing on Friday that Redfield's comments about the Wuhan lab were just an opinion
So you don't think it has anything to do with Fort Detrick

More than Just a Virus - Global Research
The Mind-blowing History at Fort Detrick - Global Research
Ten Questions for the U.S.: Where did the Novel Coronavirus Come From? - Global Research
Harvard medical school, in association with the military program centered at Fort Detrick, Fredericksburg, Maryland, was active in biological warfare in the 1940s, and I think it’s more plausible to see Gajdusek as a trouble-shooter for the biological warfare establishment, than as a biological researcher. One of his biographers has written that the idea of associating kuru with scrapie was suggested to him by a veterinarian, and that Gajdusek had responded by claiming to have experiments in progress to test that theory, four years before the experiments were actually made.
BSE - mad cow - scrapie, etc.: Stimulated amyloid degeneration and the toxic fats
[*Biographical side-lights: Guyton graduated from Ole Miss in 1939, got his medical degree from Harvard in 1943, where the department of bacteriology had a grant to study the polio virus, and where he worked with people “involved in the war effort,” and then from 1944 to 1946 was involved in germ warfare research, mainly at Camp Detrick. Camp Detrick had been established as the center for chemical and biological warfare research, and a test site was established in Mississippi in 1943. Guyton’s first paper was on aerosol research (published in 1946), and studies at that time were being done to improve the spreading of germs in aerosols. Bacterial aerosols were tested on the public in San Francisco, in 1950. Guyton’s Harvard colleagues established a polio research lab at Children’s Hospital Medical Center. When he left the navy, after working at Camp Detrick, Guyton resumed work at Mass General, and contracted polio before he finished his residency.]
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Feb 18, 2016
So you don't think it has anything to do with Fort Detrick

More than Just a Virus - Global Research
The Mind-blowing History at Fort Detrick - Global Research
Ten Questions for the U.S.: Where did the Novel Coronavirus Come From? - Global Research
Harvard medical school, in association with the military program centered at Fort Detrick, Fredericksburg, Maryland, was active in biological warfare in the 1940s, and I think it’s more plausible to see Gajdusek as a trouble-shooter for the biological warfare establishment, than as a biological researcher. One of his biographers has written that the idea of associating kuru with scrapie was suggested to him by a veterinarian, and that Gajdusek had responded by claiming to have experiments in progress to test that theory, four years before the experiments were actually made.
BSE - mad cow - scrapie, etc.: Stimulated amyloid degeneration and the toxic fats
[*Biographical side-lights: Guyton graduated from Ole Miss in 1939, got his medical degree from Harvard in 1943, where the department of bacteriology had a grant to study the polio virus, and where he worked with people “involved in the war effort,” and then from 1944 to 1946 was involved in germ warfare research, mainly at Camp Detrick. Camp Detrick had been established as the center for chemical and biological warfare research, and a test site was established in Mississippi in 1943. Guyton’s first paper was on aerosol research (published in 1946), and studies at that time were being done to improve the spreading of germs in aerosols. Bacterial aerosols were tested on the public in San Francisco, in 1950. Guyton’s Harvard colleagues established a polio research lab at Children’s Hospital Medical Center. When he left the navy, after working at Camp Detrick, Guyton resumed work at Mass General, and contracted polio before he finished his residency.]
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Possibly, the biggest researcher on coronaviruses is based in the USA, he has been strangely absent from the media hysteria.


Aug 17, 2016
So you don't think it has anything to do with Fort Detrick

More than Just a Virus - Global Research
The Mind-blowing History at Fort Detrick - Global Research
Ten Questions for the U.S.: Where did the Novel Coronavirus Come From? - Global Research
Harvard medical school, in association with the military program centered at Fort Detrick, Fredericksburg, Maryland, was active in biological warfare in the 1940s, and I think it’s more plausible to see Gajdusek as a trouble-shooter for the biological warfare establishment, than as a biological researcher. One of his biographers has written that the idea of associating kuru with scrapie was suggested to him by a veterinarian, and that Gajdusek had responded by claiming to have experiments in progress to test that theory, four years before the experiments were actually made.
BSE - mad cow - scrapie, etc.: Stimulated amyloid degeneration and the toxic fats
[*Biographical side-lights: Guyton graduated from Ole Miss in 1939, got his medical degree from Harvard in 1943, where the department of bacteriology had a grant to study the polio virus, and where he worked with people “involved in the war effort,” and then from 1944 to 1946 was involved in germ warfare research, mainly at Camp Detrick. Camp Detrick had been established as the center for chemical and biological warfare research, and a test site was established in Mississippi in 1943. Guyton’s first paper was on aerosol research (published in 1946), and studies at that time were being done to improve the spreading of germs in aerosols. Bacterial aerosols were tested on the public in San Francisco, in 1950. Guyton’s Harvard colleagues established a polio research lab at Children’s Hospital Medical Center. When he left the navy, after working at Camp Detrick, Guyton resumed work at Mass General, and contracted polio before he finished his residency.]
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good explanation from George Webb

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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