Glycine side effects. Could someone explain?


May 31, 2018
Update after 6 days of using powdered glycine from bulk supplement.
I've reduced the glycine to 500mg and took it during the day in a smoothie. I didn't have any of the sleeping problems or hearing voices.

Problems still remain. It seems I cannot get enough sleep and I always feel tired and groggy when I wake up. Slightly less water retention after lowering the dose but still somewhat present. My eczema is getting worse and my skin is more dry. My nose is clogged. I feel noticeably more fatigued. My ears are more clogged and I have some pus coming out of my eyes (It seems like it is the same gelatin like substance which constitute glycine/gelatin). My eyes are also more dry. Also my nails are getting weirder.
The only positive from the supplement is having morning wood.

I don't feel like I should continue. I might try it one more time as soon as my skin calms down but I would use something like 100mg.
I've asked Ray about my struggles and he said:
"A large amount of any amino acid can interfere with protein synthesis." &
"Chemically pure substances are often disturbing to tissues."

A lot of your symptoms really sound like Salicylate Sensitivity/Intolerance.
UG Krishnamurti
Sep 28, 2020


May 31, 2018
Interesting point since I cannot tolerate aspirin - my tinnitus increases and I get kidney pain. And it seems that "exogenous glycine increases the rate of formation of salicyluric acid" .
But then again I seem not to have problems to Salicylate from food. I eat lot's of blueberries, wild blueberries and other berries, cucumber, spinach etc...

Salicylates, like Histamine, are "buckets" and we each have our tolerance level until our "bucket" gets over-filled, then we react. I'm not saying you have it, but your list of symptoms really sounds like it. I can eat huge trigger foods once I've gone through the hell of a filled bucket. But eventually it catches up with me and takes weeks to empty again.
UG Krishnamurti
Sep 28, 2020
Salicylates, like Histamine, are "buckets" and we each have our tolerance level until our "bucket" gets over-filled, then we react. I'm not saying you have it, but your list of symptoms really sounds like it. I can eat huge trigger foods once I've gone through the hell of a filled bucket. But eventually it catches up with me and takes weeks to empty again.
Interesting really. I'll have to look more into it. Histamines are on my "To research list" for a long time and then I can figure out how salicylates fit into the picture.
Btw how do you "empty the bucket"? Just stop eating the trigger foods?


May 31, 2018
Interesting really. I'll have to look more into it. Histamines are on my "To research list" for a long time and then I can figure out how salicylates fit into the picture.
Btw how do you "empty the bucket"? Just stop eating the trigger foods?

Yes, but they are in almost EVERYTHING. Used as a preservative in almost all products as well, so it's not just food. When my levels are really high, I overreact to perfumes, detergents, ALL scented things which are toxic anyways, but are high in Salicylates. Baking Soda really is so helpful, as well as activated charcoal and other things. The bucket can take 3 weeks to go back down after a "spell".


May 31, 2018
Interesting really. I'll have to look more into it. Histamines are on my "To research list" for a long time and then I can figure out how salicylates fit into the picture.
Btw how do you "empty the bucket"? Just stop eating the trigger foods?

BTW, dehydration on any level is a huge enemy. For both histamine and salicylate levels.


May 31, 2018
Thanks for your input. Glycine specifically made me extremely dehydrated.

Yes, for some reason my levels for Sodium/Potassium/Magnesium are all messed up. I did 2 hair tests and that confirmed it. My lips will get indented sometimes they are so dehydrated. I drink enough water, so it's a bad level of stuff. Just started taking a new Magnesium powder today actually, will see what happens as Mag was something I could never take before. Im also taking tiny pinches of sea salt throughout the day starting today. Lots of water as well.
UG Krishnamurti
Sep 28, 2020
Just want to let you know that after experimenting with glycine I decided to wait a few days and experiment with home made gelatin.
I have to say these are one of the worst experiment I've ever had in my life.

I've started noticing some similar and some worse symptoms compared to glycine.

I've had some kind of neck stiffness which hasn't resolved up till today. It's been like a week.
I have increased tinnitus, joint pains, bone pain, also more dryness, feeling sick every day (having fever) and shivering. Today was better in that area.
I also developed some kind of Transverse myelitis (which I've had before couple of times). I basically cannot look down because of the inflammation in the spinal cord.
And my skin has also gone completely crazy, Almost the same as when I supplemented D3. I also experience some fungal skin issues on my scalp - which I had since childhood but was mostly in remission - getting worse.

I feel like gelatin/glycine through some mechanism converted to glutamate or did something to excite the cells causing excitotoxicity, Which than caused influx of calcium which was extracted from my bones, lowering my immune system, activating all sorts of crap in my body and wrecking havoc.

I've tried using some H1 and H2 histamine blockers but they didn't do much. Progesterone too.
I think If I find and understand the mechanism as to why this happened I could find the answer to lots of my struggles. It seems that it has to do with amino acids and neurotransmitters which are out of balance and glycine/gelatin are pushing them in the undesirable direction.

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
Pure glycine, a 500mg dose, produces an effect for me that i will call pre-anxious or some sort of odd feeling. I've only tried it twice but am somewhat certain.

Some of us have discussed this before in another thread or two, i mentioned that i now mix glycine into collagen powder and it makes the negative effect go away for me.

Am wondering if you should follow Redsun's lead and research glutamate. There may be something down that road that can mitigate the negative effects you've had. If you feel like experimenting then consider having some chamomile tea, even without the glycine supplement. If you haven't had it in a while then start slow and monitor it's effects.


May 31, 2018
Just want to let you know that after experimenting with glycine I decided to wait a few days and experiment with home made gelatin.
I have to say these are one of the worst experiment I've ever had in my life.

I've started noticing some similar and some worse symptoms compared to glycine.

I've had some kind of neck stiffness which hasn't resolved up till today. It's been like a week.
I have increased tinnitus, joint pains, bone pain, also more dryness, feeling sick every day (having fever) and shivering. Today was better in that area.
I also developed some kind of Transverse myelitis (which I've had before couple of times). I basically cannot look down because of the inflammation in the spinal cord.
And my skin has also gone completely crazy, Almost the same as when I supplemented D3. I also experience some fungal skin issues on my scalp - which I had since childhood but was mostly in remission - getting worse.

I feel like gelatin/glycine through some mechanism converted to glutamate or did something to excite the cells causing excitotoxicity, Which than caused influx of calcium which was extracted from my bones, lowering my immune system, activating all sorts of crap in my body and wrecking havoc.

I've tried using some H1 and H2 histamine blockers but they didn't do much. Progesterone too.
I think If I find and understand the mechanism as to why this happened I could find the answer to lots of my struggles. It seems that it has to do with amino acids and neurotransmitters which are out of balance and glycine/gelatin are pushing them in the undesirable direction.

Your symptoms ALL sound like Salicylate Sensitivity/Intolerance. Gelatin is VERY, VERY high in Salicylates. If I take something high in Salicylates, my neck gets crazy stiff. I took 1 dose of Quercetin once and my neck got so stiff I went to my chiropractor and told him "This is going to be LOUD" and sure enough it was an insanely hard and loud adjustment. I can only GUESS that my bones inflamed or something weird. You have nothing to lose to just research Salicylate Sensitivity/Intolerance. At least count it out if nothing else.

See if baking soda helps you, at least your stomach if you have any distress.
UG Krishnamurti
Sep 28, 2020
Your symptoms ALL sound like Salicylate Sensitivity/Intolerance. Gelatin is VERY, VERY high in Salicylates. If I take something high in Salicylates, my neck gets crazy stiff. I took 1 dose of Quercetin once and my neck got so stiff I went to my chiropractor and told him "This is going to be LOUD" and sure enough it was an insanely hard and loud adjustment. I can only GUESS that my bones inflamed or something weird. You have nothing to lose to just research Salicylate Sensitivity/Intolerance. At least count it out if nothing else.

See if baking soda helps you, at least your stomach if you have any distress.
Once again, it make sense. I'm just not sure until I research it a bit further. I have to finish researching about calcium metabolism, PTH and fungal metabolism. When I do, I'll try to connect the dots regarding this specific problem. Really thanks for your input.

Just one question. Do you think salicylate in pure glycine and gelatin is in the same extent?
The problem I have with this theory is that when I take aspirin I have kidney pain which I didn't have when taking glycine or gelatin, which could suggest something else is in play.

Some studies suggested that it would be good to take glycine and/or charcoal in case of salicylate poisoning so wtf :D


Mar 5, 2017
Once again, it make sense. I'm just not sure until I research it a bit further. I have to finish researching about calcium metabolism, PTH and fungal metabolism. When I do, I'll try to connect the dots regarding this specific problem. Really thanks for your input.

Just one question. Do you think salicylate in pure glycine and gelatin is in the same extent?
The problem I have with this theory is that when I take aspirin I have kidney pain which I didn't have when taking glycine or gelatin, which could suggest something else is in play.

Some studies suggested that it would be good to take glycine and/or charcoal in case of salicylate poisoning so wtf :D

I have a similar response to glycine or collagen hydrolysate. In fact, I took it 3 weeks or so ago and feel disturbed ever since. Now very small things push me over the edge and I cant figure out what it is? Maybe it is actually salicylate sensitivity. I also get similar things like the rash, stuffed ear wax buildup (extreme sometimes, was very extreme when I was doing things very Peaty a couple years ago like OJ and Milk), extremely disturbed sleep and disturbed dreams, feeling bloated and feeling like my face and body looks more estrogenic, the list is long ... things still don't seem fully normal again and again, I feel like I am very easily pushed over the edge again where things are feeling like ***t ...
UG Krishnamurti
Sep 28, 2020
I have a similar response to glycine or collagen hydrolysate. In fact, I took it 3 weeks or so ago and feel disturbed ever since. Now very small things push me over the edge and I cant figure out what it is? Maybe it is actually salicylate sensitivity. I also get similar things like the rash, stuffed ear wax buildup (extreme sometimes, was very extreme when I was doing things very Peaty a couple years ago like OJ and Milk), extremely disturbed sleep and disturbed dreams, feeling bloated and feeling like my face and body looks more estrogenic, the list is long ... things still don't seem fully normal again and again, I feel like I am very easily pushed over the edge again where things are feeling like ***t ...
I remember when I was on Medical Medium protocol more than 2 years ago I was feeling pretty stable mentality (more then ever before) but I had extreme ear pressure and wax buildup. I was drinking celery juice every day and eating mostly - if not only - fruits. When I transitioned to Peating I was eating some cheese and some meat with boiled kale etc and I was better. The problems was when I consumed lots of sweet-sour OJ. I didn't have much problems with sweet Valencia OJ.

But the thing I found out really helps with my ears clogging up and wax buildup was cynoplus and/or cynomel. It resolves the problem after a week or so.
The problem I have with supplementing it is I feel it disturbs my calcium metabolism and I start bleeding easily when I eat or drink high calcium foods. Probably because it lowers PTH which in my case rises because I have crohn's disease and my calcium absorption is impaired because of the damaged intestines.
So what I would suggest to you is try go mostly fruitarian for a few weeks while taking 1/4 cynoplus every day - I'm positive it will help you,


May 31, 2018
Once again, it make sense. I'm just not sure until I research it a bit further. I have to finish researching about calcium metabolism, PTH and fungal metabolism. When I do, I'll try to connect the dots regarding this specific problem. Really thanks for your input.

Just one question. Do you think salicylate in pure glycine and gelatin is in the same extent?
The problem I have with this theory is that when I take aspirin I have kidney pain which I didn't have when taking glycine or gelatin, which could suggest something else is in play.

Some studies suggested that it would be good to take glycine and/or charcoal in case of salicylate poisoning so wtf :D

Yes, but glycene made me feel awful that night. I think it raised my Glutamate. Hideous. Was up all night when glycene is supposed to make you sleep better.

Yes, charcoal also gets rid of Salicylates as well as baking soda and a few other things, I just didn't do the whole list because the info is out there, and you haven't looked up the symptoms of S.I. yet :)
UG Krishnamurti
Sep 28, 2020
Yes, but glycene made me feel awful that night. I think it raised my Glutamate.
Exactly. Which is strange if you look at Ray's message (Which probably understand the chemistry almost perfectly). If that is the case for some reason, than glutamate creates excitotoxicity which causes of influx of calcium into the cell creating lots of degenerative problems. That's why I lean towards this theory more so than salicylates but I will definitely explore all the avenues since I'm most positively totally clueless.

you haven't looked up the symptoms of S.I. yet
  • Respiratory Arrest
  • Apnea
  • Dyspnea
  • Aspiration pneumonitis
  • Deafness
  • Tinnitus
  • Asystole
  • Hypotension
  • Encephalopathy
  • Seizures
  • Coma
..."Nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, and tinnitus are the earliest signs and symptoms of salicylate toxicity. Other early symptoms and signs are vertigo, hyperventilation, tachycardia, and hyperactivity. As toxicity progresses, agitation, delirium, hallucinations, convulsions, lethargy, and stupor may occur."

The only thing which I had from this list is tinnitus... (and halluciantions if you take into the account me hearing voice on the first day of using glycine xd)
I feel like people experience this only after really high dosing the aspirin for months. I cannot comprehend how would just 8 days of moderate glycine and gelatin use create salicylate toxicity. But It could be as far as I'm concerned.


May 31, 2018
Exactly. Which is strange if you look at Ray's message (Which probably understand the chemistry almost perfectly). If that is the case for some reason, than glutamate creates excitotoxicity which causes of influx of calcium into the cell creating lots of degenerative problems. That's why I lean towards this theory more so than salicylates but I will definitely explore all the avenues since I'm most positively totally clueless.

  • Respiratory Arrest
  • Apnea
  • Dyspnea
  • Aspiration pneumonitis
  • Deafness
  • Tinnitus
  • Asystole
  • Hypotension
  • Encephalopathy
  • Seizures
  • Coma
..."Nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, and tinnitus are the earliest signs and symptoms of salicylate toxicity. Other early symptoms and signs are vertigo, hyperventilation, tachycardia, and hyperactivity. As toxicity progresses, agitation, delirium, hallucinations, convulsions, lethargy, and stupor may occur."

The only thing which I had from this list is tinnitus... (and halluciantions if you take into the account me hearing voice on the first day of using glycine xd)
I feel like people experience this only after really high dosing the aspirin for months. I cannot comprehend how would just 8 days of moderate glycine and gelatin use create salicylate toxicity. But It could be as far as I'm concerned.

I guess you need to look up the food list that makes Salicylate levels rise if you have such an issue clearing them.

If you only have the tinitus, then it's not your issue I don't think. I have rashes, bruise easily, itch like mad, get vertigo, high hsalicylates lowers nitric oxide so that's what causes apnea whwn it gets really bad, etc.
UG Krishnamurti
Sep 28, 2020
I guess you need to look up the food list that makes Salicylate levels rise if you have such an issue clearing them.
I just went through few studies [this one being pretty extensive] where they researched almost all the foods known to man and no one mentioned gelatin. That means there probably isn't any. They did talk about all kinds of meat and shown that they contain no salicylates or some negligible amount which probably further confirms the fact that there's not much (or any) salicylate in gelatin or glycine.

So there we go. The problem I experience probably comes down to some amino acids and/or neurotransmitter imbalance/issue and not salicylates. But thanks for suggesting.


May 31, 2018
I just went through few studies [this one being pretty extensive] where they researched almost all the foods known to man and no one mentioned gelatin. That means there probably isn't any. They did talk about all kinds of meat and shown that they contain no salicylates or some negligible amount which probably further confirms the fact that there's not much (or any) salicylate in gelatin or glycine.

So there we go. The problem I experience probably comes down to some amino acids and/or neurotransmitter imbalance/issue and not salicylates. But thanks for suggesting.

No problem, just thought it was an avenue to explore and see.

I hope you find your answers. Life's too short for any of us to suffer like we do.
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