Grandma Colorectal Cancer Metastatic to the Liver

Den Sha Otoko

Nov 29, 2022
Hi, my grandmother recently went to the hospital to do a blood transfusion due to anemia. The doctor initially thought she had micro rectal bleeding, there is no visible blood in the stool and her bowel movement is normal (no signs of obstruction). So they performed a CT scan. However, the scan reveals possible colon cancer which may have already spread to the liver. My grandma is in her late 80s and has type 2 diabetes and hypertension but is otherwise healthy and active (She can take care of herself fine and doesn't need any assistance).

The hospital surgeon suggests immediate colonoscopy and biopsy to confirm if it's cancerous, then possibly surgery or chemo therapy afterward. I think even biopsy might be too much for her given her age. But everybody else in the family 'believe in the doctor' and wants her to go through the procedures. My grandma on the other hand doesn't want to stay a moment longer in the hospital and wants to go home. She's not against the idea of biopsy but she said if it's already metastasized and spread to the liver, she rather do nothing.

My grandma is about 4′ 8″ and weighs about 65 pounds. Other than the metformin and ACE inhibitors doctors prescribe her, she also takes vitamin B1 250mg, B2 100mg, B12 1000mcg, E 500IU and 50mg of aspirin daily. She stopped aspirin a few month ago after her blood test showed low hemoglobin. I did some research on the forum and found vitamin D, B3, B1 to be therapeutic for cancer. I am thinking of giving her:

30000IU of vitamin D
1g of B3
A few drops of progest E I got recently.
Up her B1 dosage to 750mg
Maybe 2mg of cyproheptadine, but I afraid it might cause constipation and increase her endotoxin

Anyways, any advice / suggestion / comment will be appreciated.


Feb 4, 2019
Anyways, any advice / suggestion / comment will be appreciated.
I guess the first bit of advice would be to listen to Grandma's wishes. If she doesn't want to go through with traditional cancer treatment, then her wishes should be honored.

From my perspective, one of the best ways to treat colorectal and/or liver cancer or other issues is to use therapeutic retention enemas. You can use all kind of anti-cancer agents that will easily migrate all the way up to the liver/gall bladder. Most people are averse to enemas, but people the age of your grandma were more familiar with enemas that most people today. -- Best to you and your Grandma!


Jul 13, 2014
a relative of mine had colon cancer which spread to liver and lungs. my brother swears by the daily aspirin for saving her- shes made a full recovery- cancer free 4 years later.
Den Sha Otoko

Den Sha Otoko

Nov 29, 2022
Thanks Layne. Today the gastroenterologist came to see her and he was respectful of my grandma's decision to not go through with surgery and chemo. This might be the best outcome.

This is the first time I heard of therapeutic retention enemas, probably need to do some more research on it and see if there is a clinic that performs it near where we live.

Also, thanks ddjd for suggesting aspirin. Great to know it can cure colon cancer, I will try to encourage her to take aspirin again.


Apr 17, 2017
A 67-year-old female patient with metastatic colorectal cancer showed a significant and durable response after treatment with irbesartan at a dose of 150 mg/day.


Feb 4, 2019
This is the first time I heard of therapeutic retention enemas, probably need to do some more research on it and see if there is a clinic that performs it near where we live.
Hi @Den Sha Otoko -- The ideal would be to learn how to do them without clinical assistance, as it sometimes should be done more than once a day. Don't know if your Grandma is up to that or not. But if so, the link below will take you to a good starting point on doing all kinds of different therapeutic enemas. I myself have been adding methylene blue and vitamin C to my regular coffee enemas, and find them to be gently energizing. Good luck to your Grandma!



Jun 4, 2016
a relative of mine had colon cancer which spread to liver and lungs. my brother swears by the daily aspirin for saving her- shes made a full recovery- cancer free 4 years later.
Thats what I was thinking as well. I would use at least 300 mg aspirin a day buffered with baking soda
Den Sha Otoko

Den Sha Otoko

Nov 29, 2022
Thanks for the recommendations guys. I encouraged my granny to take some aspirin again, but she doesn't want to since she's a bit anemic due to the cancer in her colon is causing bleeding. I gave her vitamin K2, need to take some time to see if that helps.

I told her about therapeutic retention enemas, she don't seem too keen on the idea. She's not very open minded...

It took some convincing but shes now taking 20000 UI of vitamin D and increased her B1 and B3 intake. So hopefully, this will slow/stop the cancer progression.


Jun 4, 2016
Thanks for the recommendations guys. I encouraged my granny to take some aspirin again, but she doesn't want to since she's a bit anemic due to the cancer in her colon is causing bleeding. I gave her vitamin K2, need to take some time to see if that helps.

I told her about therapeutic retention enemas, she don't seem too keen on the idea. She's not very open minded...

It took some convincing but shes now taking 20000 UI of vitamin D and increased her B1 and B3 intake. So hopefully, this will slow/stop the cancer progression.
Don't forget about carrot salad or other alternatives, like well cooked mushrooms or bamboo shoots. Walmart has canned bamboo shoots in their asian section. Works well.


Jun 17, 2021
a relative of mine had colon cancer which spread to liver and lungs. my brother swears by the daily aspirin for saving her- shes made a full recovery- cancer free 4 years later.
That’s amazing! Was it just aspirin or was there a big diet and lifestyle change plus supplements? I’d love to get a full list of things. Thanks


Jun 17, 2021
I guess the first bit of advice would be to listen to Grandma's wishes. If she doesn't want to go through with traditional cancer treatment, then her wishes should be honored.

From my perspective, one of the best ways to treat colorectal and/or liver cancer or other issues is to use therapeutic retention enemas. You can use all kind of anti-cancer agents that will easily migrate all the way up to the liver/gall bladder. Most people are averse to enemas, but people the age of your grandma were more familiar with enemas that most people today. -- Best to you and your Grandma!
Interesting. What anti cancer agents do you know of that can be used in enemas? I’m not familiar.


May 13, 2015
Hi, my grandmother recently went to the hospital to do a blood transfusion due to anemia. The doctor initially thought she had micro rectal bleeding, there is no visible blood in the stool and her bowel movement is normal (no signs of obstruction). So they performed a CT scan. However, the scan reveals possible colon cancer which may have already spread to the liver. My grandma is in her late 80s and has type 2 diabetes and hypertension but is otherwise healthy and active (She can take care of herself fine and doesn't need any assistance).

The hospital surgeon suggests immediate colonoscopy and biopsy to confirm if it's cancerous, then possibly surgery or chemo therapy afterward. I think even biopsy might be too much for her given her age. But everybody else in the family 'believe in the doctor' and wants her to go through the procedures. My grandma on the other hand doesn't want to stay a moment longer in the hospital and wants to go home. She's not against the idea of biopsy but she said if it's already metastasized and spread to the liver, she rather do nothing.

My grandma is about 4′ 8″ and weighs about 65 pounds. Other than the metformin and ACE inhibitors doctors prescribe her, she also takes vitamin B1 250mg, B2 100mg, B12 1000mcg, E 500IU and 50mg of aspirin daily. She stopped aspirin a few month ago after her blood test showed low hemoglobin. I did some research on the forum and found vitamin D, B3, B1 to be therapeutic for cancer. I am thinking of giving her:

30000IU of vitamin D
1g of B3
A few drops of progest E I got recently.
Up her B1 dosage to 750mg
Maybe 2mg of cyproheptadine, but I afraid it might cause constipation and increase her endotoxin

Anyways, any advice / suggestion / comment will be appreciated.
It's important to honor the patient's wishes.

Metformin blocks thiamine function. It is a dangerous drug because of that. If it was my grandmother, I'd look into getting her to stop the metformin. In addition, if she is willing, I'd like to suggest sublingual thiamine explained here. Sublingual thiamine is available here. This thiamine is absorbed under the tongue instead of being absorbed in the intestine. She could start off with a quarter of a tablet to learn the technique and get used to the taste.

If you research thiamine and cancer, you will learn that some think that thiamine encourages cancer growth (or, low levels of thiamine in the system?), while others believe that it inhibits cancer. Evidently, low dose thiamine (or, low levels of thiamine in the system?) might be problematic whereas high dose thiamine would be helpful. The sublingual thiamine delivers 100mg of thiamine into the bloodstream and is considered to be as effective as an injection of 100mg of thiamine hcl. It takes 2 grams of thiamine hcl taken orally for 7 days to equal to one 100mg injection of thiamine hcl.

Last edited:


Feb 4, 2019
Interesting. What anti cancer agents do you know of that can be used in enemas? I’m not familiar.

Hi @leeteeh -- I've read of "many" anti-cancer agents, but have not taken the time to catalog them somewhere, like in my bookmarks. But some of the top ones I recall are turmeric, Methylene Blue, coffee, various essential oils, cannibis oils, digestive enzymes, Vitamin C, and much more.

One of the best videos I've watched on retention enemas (the video focused on coffee enemas), is at this link. I started the video where he gives a description of the hepatic portal vein system, which provides literally a "super highway" for various compounds to go directly from the colon to the liver/gall bladder, and GI tract. A great thing to know if a person is dealing with any kind of GI tract cancer.

If you're really interested in using enemas for cancer treatment, be sure to look up "Gerson Therapy". Max Gerson sort of pioneered natural cancer treatment which involved drinking lots of fresh juices, and later on combining that with coffee enemas. He originally felt the coffee enemas greatly increased his cancer treatment by providing potent detoxification. It's recently been discovered that coffee itself has potent anti-cancer properties.

Lots of information online and on YouTube. I believe there's virtually a ZERO chance I'll ever have to deal with cancer, as I've become aware that there are a wide variety of effective preventative health measures that one can easily incorporate into their daily lives. I also believe many of these same tools that can be used to effectively (and quickly) treat cancer should it arise for an individual.
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