Hair analysis results (very high LEAD if correct)


Jan 6, 2019
Well if your body is rejecting it then that needs to be respected, no doubt. If it was me I would probably continue taking the Ca and would try to add more magnesium rich foods to the diet. Not a fan of leafy greens but in that instance some cooked leafy greens would probably make it into my diet. Meat has quite a bit of bio-available magnesium so good to remember that too.
Yeah. Are you saying that you would continue taking calcium in the high doses that are typically prescribed for four lows? It seems that after some point the extra calcium tends to cause a certain sense of dizziness, though I haven't fully confirmed the causality yet.


Forum Supporter
Jul 29, 2023
Yeah. Are you saying that you would continue taking calcium in the high doses that are typically prescribed for four lows? It seems that after some point the extra calcium tends to cause a certain sense of dizziness, though I haven't fully confirmed the causality yet.
Let me just clarify something here: I have never reacted to any supplement and have sometimes used very large doses of various things, so am not as sensitive as some. So yes I would take the larger does but would probably go for a middle of the way option for a client or someone that is noticing potential reactions, like in your case. When in doubt, titrate gradually and take notes. Also we have to keep in mind that nutrients can oppose/antagonise each other, often in ways we can't foresee. Erring on the side of caution is wise, even if it means the program will take longer to do its thing..

Also those prescriptions for certain patterns aren't always exactly what is right for you. A hair test can go into temporary four lows for a while but the person may be getting better and changing the program may not be warranted. Sometimes certain metals can raise or lower the macrominerals and give false-positives, per se. Rule number one is don't treat the test result. This is what I don't like about some folks that think they can look at the lab test and know exactly what the person needs, even if they haven't spoken to them and asked them any questions. Health history and lifestyle details are often more informative. Case in point, I recently saw a near "perfect" hair test on a lady that has a heck of a lot of health issues. If all we use is the labs, we would say she is fine, but clearly she's not.

Not to ramble too much, but I guess the bottom line would be to listen to your body and experiment in small increments and keep a record as that can come in handy down the line to make connections you otherwise wouldn't have made.


Feb 3, 2020
I personally cannot handle magnesium supplements. Just 200-300mg per day (split across the day after meals) seem to flatline my daytime cortisol and lead to a crash.

I made this mistake a hundred times and I did it again in the last days and it wrecked my energy again.

A week ago, I always woke up early and on time, motivated and energized, got ***t done during the day. But in the last days I took small doses of magnesium throughout the day and just 1-2 days in I started to oversleep, was too exhausted to get up, but not exhausted enough to really sleep, just wanting to be in bed all day and let the day pass. It‘s a bad state to be in.

Thankfully after eating a few kiwis, drinking some coconut water with a good amount of salt I got myself „back online“

I‘m sure if I‘d get a HTMA done I would be in four lows too. :D


Jan 6, 2019
@chrstn4o thanks for your replies.

@youngsinatra was this glycinate by any chance? If so, it's likely the glycine. I get the same reaction from it. Taurate is a similar story. I think magnesium itself should give a relaxed focus in most cases.

If you're able to do regular daily things you probably and fortunately aren't in four lows. It's an awful condition with several distressing symptoms. I can't walk for more than 10 minutes a day or I will lose sleep and experience feelings of suffocation for the rest of the day for example.


Mar 22, 2022
Hair tests are fake. You can send the same hair to different labs and get largely varying results.



Forum Supporter
Jul 29, 2023
Hair tests are fake. You can send the same hair to different labs and get largely varying results.

Different labs use different techniques and chemicals to process samples. You cannot send the same hair sample to two different places, so each sample will be different to a degree.


Feb 3, 2020
@chrstn4o thanks for your replies.

@youngsinatra was this glycinate by any chance? If so, it's likely the glycine. I get the same reaction from it. Taurate is a similar story. I think magnesium itself should give a relaxed focus in most cases.

If you're able to do regular daily things you probably and fortunately aren't in four lows. It's an awful condition with several distressing symptoms. I can't walk for more than 10 minutes a day or I will lose sleep and experience feelings of suffocation for the rest of the day for example.
I pretty much get the same response to all the magnesium forms I tried so far - whether it’s topical magnesium chloride or sulfate or oral magnesium malate, glycinate, chloride and oxide.

I might not be in four lows, yes, but definitely slow oxidation (I have very high parasympathetic dominance and very low sympathetic tone) and likely have some mildly depressed adrenal function.

So far the only thing that helped me significantly was taking thyroid, lots of salt, mineral water, vitamin C rich foods, a few very low-dosed B vitamins + avoiding zinc-rich foods and zinc supplements, because these tend to kill everything for me.


Jan 6, 2019
I pretty much get the same response to all the magnesium forms I tried so far - whether it’s topical magnesium chloride or sulfate or oral magnesium malate, glycinate, chloride and oxide.

I might not be in four lows, yes, but definitely slow oxidation (I have very high parasympathetic dominance and very low sympathetic tone) and likely have some mildly depressed adrenal function.

So far the only thing that helped me significantly was taking thyroid, lots of salt, mineral water, vitamin C rich foods, a few very low-dosed B vitamins + avoiding zinc-rich foods and zinc supplements, because these tend to kill everything for me.
Yeah, that does sound like slow ox. C, B and thyroid all boost oxidation rate. Zinc depresses the adrenals even further and lowers na/k ratio (a so called vitality ratio that measures the electric potential of your cells), which could be why you don't like it. A combination of copper and manganese is used to achieve the opposite, so you could see if you like that. You will know that you have gone too far to the opposite direction when you become impatient and irritable. At that point switching back to zinc will feel like a breath of fresh air.

Hair tests are fake. You can send the same hair to different labs and get largely varying results.
Done right, they are reliable and can accurately predict what's going on in your body and what kind of symptoms you are dealing with. I'm in a condition that is characterised by stasis in that my cellular magnesium and calcium aren't supposed to move much or at all. An inaccurate testing method would give wildly different readings on each test. Yet the levels of these two have remained almost identical in the four tests I've taken since last year. That being said, I wouldn't trust other labs to give accurate readings than ARL and TEI.


May 13, 2015
I used a ARL (analytical research labs) hair test, and the professional Im working with told me Im very high in lead, so i started a lead detox program. I spoke with another professional recently and he wasn't familiar with this type of test, and suggested i do a blood test (quicksilver scientific brand) to check for the assumed high lead.

Here are my results... and love any feed back in general. Thanks

Ive definitely had some health issues and if these results point to anything I can fix , that is always a good thing.
To me, the mercury is more worrisome than the lead. Do you have amalgam fillings?

I have both mercury and also lead toxicity although my symptoms have all resolved via taking high dose thiamine hcl. Heavy metals (lead and mercury) are attracted to sulfur. The thiamine molecule includes a sulfur component and the thiamine molecule is destroyed by the heavy metal bonding to the sulfur. This causes a thiamine deficiency.

The symptoms of lead poisoning and the symptoms of thiamine deficiency match. Supplementing with enough thiamine resolves the symptoms. There is evidence that lead poisoning can be resolved via thiamine supplementation.

"Thiamine (2–4 mg/kg per day, SC) alleviates clinical manifestations and reduces tissue deposition of lead. Combined Ca-EDTA and thiamine treatment appears to produce the most beneficial response."

I've tried pretty much every type there is, same results. The only way to take more is to skip it for a few days, which makes sense because the deficit will be greater.
(referring to magnesium)
Supplementing thiamine will improve your tolerance for magnesium.



Jan 6, 2019
Supplementing thiamine will improve your tolerance for magnesium
Thanks, but as said, I become able to take huge amounts of magnesium whenever I take a break from supplementing any. Then, once the stores have been topped up again, the body will reject further supplementation. Thiamine didn't have an effect on this. I don't see it as an issue as much as an intended feature.


Jan 2, 2019
To me, the mercury is more worrisome than the lead. Do you have amalgam fillings?

I have both mercury and also lead toxicity although my symptoms have all resolved via taking high dose thiamine hcl. Heavy metals (lead and mercury) are attracted to sulfur. The thiamine molecule includes a sulfur component and the thiamine molecule is destroyed by the heavy metal bonding to the sulfur. This causes a thiamine deficiency.

The symptoms of lead poisoning and the symptoms of thiamine deficiency match. Supplementing with enough thiamine resolves the symptoms. There is evidence that lead poisoning can be resolved via thiamine supplementation.

"Thiamine (2–4 mg/kg per day, SC) alleviates clinical manifestations and reduces tissue deposition of lead. Combined Ca-EDTA and thiamine treatment appears to produce the most beneficial response."

(referring to magnesium)
Supplementing thiamine will improve your tolerance for magnesium.


Sorry for the delay in responding, Im traveling now...
so you're saying.... just take thiamine?
You are taking thiamine and your symptoms are gone? I honestly dont know what my symptoms are... Ive possibly had the lead and mercury levels like this for a while so.. this is just normal for me... :/


May 13, 2015
Sorry for the delay in responding, Im traveling now...
so you're saying.... just take thiamine?
You are taking thiamine and your symptoms are gone? I honestly dont know what my symptoms are... Ive possibly had the lead and mercury levels like this for a while so.. this is just normal for me... :/
Do you have amalgam fillings?

I've had a high burden of heavy metals for a very long time (longer than 60 years). Mercury is much more serious than lead. Lead can be more easily removed from the body. Heavy metals interfere with oxidative metabolism. One way they do that is they are attracted to the sulfur component of the thiamine molecule and rip the molecule apart rendering the thiamine useless for the body's needs. The symptoms of lead poisoning and thiamine deficiency are very similar and supplementing with thiamine relieves the symptoms.
Dr. Derrick Lonsdale has said that thiamine supplementation chelates lead out of the body. See here: Autism Research Connections #3: A Conversation with Dr. Derrick Lonsdale
"SB: That’s great, and I also recall that TTFD I believe there were some studies you mentioned – or in some of your research where it had protective capabilities against lead and some heavy metals if I am recalling correctly?

"DL: That’s correct. Yes. It’s interesting because thiamine actually the mechanism is not by any means clear, but it clears the lead through the liver. It goes through the bialary system. So the lead comes out in the stool. Not in the urine, and what people are looking for is lead in the urine and they should be looking for it in the stool if they use thiamine. Well of course nobody is using thiamine because they don’t know about it, but I would have loved to have got in touch with the people in Flint and tell them that the kids that have lead poisoning all they need is 100 milligrams of thiamine a day and that will ease the lead out of their systems."

-end paste-

I've read that like lead, mercury is also attracted to sulfur so the same concept of thiamine's ability to chelate lead might apply. The smell some people get from taking thiamine has to do with its sulfur component. Sulfur is very important for the body's detox system.

I definitely feel a whole lot better (like healthy/normal) since I started high dosing thiamine hcl. I did try to take the TTFD type of thiamine but I was very low in glutathione (from the stress of the heavy metals) so I could not tolerate the TTFD. Taking thiamine hcl has normalized my glutathione level which tells me my internal physical stress level has been lowered. I chose to follow Dr. Costantini's protocol because he always used thiamine hcl for his Parkinson's Disease patients (with success!). I don't know if a much lower dose of TTFD would provide the same amount of sulfur that 2 grams of thiamine hcl would, or if the TTFD is working to remove the heavy metals in some other way.

I believe Ray Peat was correct about the need to focus on optimizing oxidative metabolism in order to be healthy and to have enough energy to heal. I follow Peat's recommendations and eat a nutrient rich diet that is as devoid of PUFA as possible. I cook all my own food at home; I do not eat out in restaurants or at social gatherings. I got my thyroid medication optimized with the help of a great endocrinologist who requires blood testing every 6 months. I high dose thiamine hcl (1 gram, 2Xday); thiamine is a cofactor for several enzymes necessary for oxidative metabolism to happen correctly. I have also addressed my estrogen dominance by taking progesterone. I also take about 75-100mg of pregnenolone. And 100mg niacinamide 4Xday, and about 40mg riboflavin 4Xday, and 3/8teas of magnesium glycinate 2Xday (=400mg magnesium), and 10,000iu of D3 1Xday. I drink OJ and milk and consume gelatin and eggs daily.

"Mercury is incredibly heavy, about 1000 pounds for one cubic foot. A bowling ball made of mercury would weigh about 600lbs. Mercury easily makes and breaks bonds with other elements. In the ground mercury is naturally bound to sulfur. The 8th most common element in the human body is sulfur, and the body uses sulfur to make detox compounds like Glutathione and Alpha-Lipoic Acid, to help detox itself from toxins like mercury."

The MercuryFreeKids site promotes the Albert Wilking protocol to detox mercury; I have not followed this protocol and cannot vouch for it.

This link goes to an article about the Andy Cutler protocol to detox mercury; I have not followed this protocol and cannot vouch for it. There is discussion about hair analysis that you may find helpful. This is Boyd Haley's Emeramed website. My environmental dentist has explained to me that this product is the only one that safely chelates mercury out of the body. Unfortunately, the FDA has refused to approve this product and has sat on the submission for over 14 years. There are knockoffs; they are not safe.

Last edited:


May 13, 2015

No I dont have amalgam fillings...
Great news!! I got a whole lot sicker after getting my amalgams removed the wrong (dangerous) way.

Here's info about sources for mercury:
(from here) Sources — Mercury Free Kids


MOM - Mercury crosses the placenta. If your mom had dental fillings, she gave you mercury.

Mercury fillings are dangerous in the mouth, they are dangerous taking them out, and they are dangerous once they are gone. Once those fillings are gone, the body can dump it's mercury load, and that can move a person from being chronically mercury poisoned, to being acutely mercury poisoned.
Mercury is dangerous in the mouth, dangerous taking it out, and dangerous once it is removed. You will have a mercury redistribution after the fillings of mercury are gone, because the body will release the mercury in your cells. You can go from having a chronic case of mercury poisoning, to having an acute case of mercury poisoning very quickly.
If you are doing the exercise CARNIVAL RIDE OF TOXINS, and you are emailing me your list of toxins, be sure to include answers to the following.

Do you have amalgam fillings now?
How many amalgam fillings do you have now?
What year were your amalgams first placed in your mouth? How old were you?
Have you had amalgam fillings removed? When were they removed?
Were your amalgam fillings removed 'safely' from your mouth?
Do you have amalgam fillings, and also have other kinds of metals implanted into your body?

Vaccines - Many vaccines contain mercury. Do not believe otherwise! By law vaccines can be called 'MERCURY FREE' even if they contain mercury!
Mercury destroys brain neurons.


Vaccines contain adjuvants like mercury and aluminum. No one knows the exact effects these two metals have upon fully developed adults, much less upon the neurodevelopment of a growing child. However, the truth is, they will effect us, some of differently, and some more than others.
Any corporation, governmental authority, scientist, or individual claiming they know the 'science' around the study of mercury poisoning, dental fillings, or vaccines is LYING. The definition of Science requires we can test the results, and when there are too many variables, we can not test the results. In a laboratory we can control all of the variables, but in the real world we cannot. Who knows if little Johnny played with cadmium paints, then was in his father's garage where there are two broken lightbulbs, and the family just installed wall to wall carpeting with a coal fly ash backing. What will the effect be upon him, with his own unique genetics and load of toxins be if we inject him wtih 25mcg of mercury? No on knows. We can calculate averages, but this is not science. For example, it is possible that 10% of people receiving a vaccine have adverse reactions, that 3% of boys receiving vaccines develop autism, and 90% of people with more than 12 dental fillings have diabetes. The study of the effects of mercury, or vaccines on people is a mathematical study of statistics, not science. When someone says there was a scientific study done on vaccines, you now know that's impossible, because we can't control all of the variables.

Imported cosmetics - Especially eyeliner
Imported cosmetic bleaching agents Skin whitening - Wikipedia
Antiseptics Be highly suspect of any odd sounding ingredient. Thiomersal - Wikipedia

Eating predatory fish - Methylmercury is readily bioaccumulated by top predators. That means you.

Coal - This includes coal miners exposed to coal dust and those breathing the emissions of coal plants. Incidentally, coal is the basis of the pharmaceutical industry. Any big-pharma product may be tainted with mercury.

Clock Pendulums - Old clocks that have pendulums will most times have mercury contained withing. Do NOT lay the pendulums on their sides, they will leak mercury.
Elemental Mercury Releases Attributed to Antiques --- New York, 2000--2006

Sheetrock - Fabricated gypsum contains as much as 2 parts per million of mercury. If I did the math right this could mean a 600 square ft apartment might have 2 grams of mercury. Let me know if I'm wrong. Mercury contamination of drywall
The EPA says this is safe.
Coal Fly Ash Home Products
The concern for me is that the more surface area, the more porous a product, the more likely it is to off gas dangerous chemicals and toxins, especially mercury. Mercury is an incredibly volatile element, add a lot of surface area to it like in the case of carpet backing, and then add the friction of people walking on it, and we have a real problem. No one that I have found is measuring how much mercury is being released.
Golf Balls
Park benches made out of composite wood
Composite wood on your deck or favorite seashore boardwalk
Ebonite bowling balls
Snow and ice melt
Vinyl flooring
Plastic utensils and tool handles
Composite kitchen counters
Dog houses
Cattle feeders
Carpet backing
Mold - Mercury laced mold from gypsum products and cement walls. This is my newest theory. Mercury is bacteriostatic, not bacteriodical. That means moldew, mildew, viruses, and bacteria live where mercury resides; they just don't propagate.
Mining - Many communities and not just individuals are being poisoned by elements from mining including sulphur, cobalt, mercury, copper and lead. Many bring these contaminants home in their laundry, as well as contaminating their vehicles. This has lead to the contamination of their communities, homes and family. Imagine how many people have been poisoned from mining; it may be billions of people.
Old housing in the Barrio - Mercury is commonly used in Santeria religious rituals. It may be sprinkled throughout the house and is often sold at the local botanica. I believe the almost complete destruction of the Bronx is a result of Santeria mercurial poisoning.

Dentist Offices - and buildings that contain them.
Castner-Kellner Process
Through this antiquated industry mercury contaminates minimally 20% of the following products, some severely. I believe this industry is purposely disposing of mercury in end products rather than deal with toxic waste.

High Fructose Corn Syrup - HFCS
Citric Acid -
It's in almost every big company canned food, either this one or sodium benzoate.
Sodium Benzoate
Caustic Soda

See mercury contamination of these products here:

Microcrystalline cellulose - Be careful of binders or fillers added to your food or supplements. Mercury tainted caustic soda may have been used to 'digest' wood fibers to make the filler contained in your 'healthy' supplement.

The Castner-Kellner Process also produces chlorine.
Chlorine is used in municipal water systems, and to fumigate big grain silos, all of them, even giant silos filled with Monsanto product. Our wheat allergies may be mercury poisoning.
Chlorine is used to produce bleach.

Bleach - Clorox does not use bleach produced from the Castner-Kellner Process. V.P. Jim McCabe of Clorox reveals some bleaches are certainly tainted with mercury.
Bleached products including
White Rice
White Flour
White paper towels
White toilet paper
White napkins
White paper plates
Anything bleached white

Marcal's paper products appear to be the only big name paper products not tainted by mercury.

Old lumber - Mercury used as an insect repellant and killer. I learned this from Dan Olmsted's Age of Autism.
Acrylic sealant paints for mold and mildew
Plastics -
That interior new car smell and oily sheen is the off gassing of the coal industry's mercury tainted plastic.
Plastic piping. Any plastic that has a feeling of breaking down, like it's oiling up your hands. like it's disintegrating back to oil. They aren't going to remove mercury from such a cheap-throwaway product.
Vinyl chloride - linoleum. Vinyl floor tiles.
Cement/Concrete - mercury is a naturally occurring element in limestone.
CFL light bulbs - do not break them and stay away from places where they may have been broken!
Red Colors - Cinnabar has been used through the ages as a red coloring for inks and paints. Tattoo ink and inks or paints colored vermillion may have mercury.



Apr 28, 2018
Get rid of any cheap ceramic coffee cups and dishes. Especially any colored ones they all leach lead in goodly amounts. Especially if you use a dishwasher and or microwave. most are made in China. Invest in some vintage Pyrex, or Fireking or Corelle bowls and plates.


Jan 2, 2019
I work in construction... and unfortunetly I am pretty sure I got the heavy metal surplus from this.

I recall a time where I was having weird hot flashes at night and breathing weird etc... I am assuming this was due to my body having to deal with taking in way too much toxics... .

anyways, Im curious what the levels look like to anyone familair with heavy metal levels, and any thoughts on it. Im taking a pretty chill detox , just some simple suppolements, for now, and considering upping things a bit in a month or so... I really want to up grade my health, and metal state, a lot more than where Ive been last many years... this last comment is neither here nor there... just sharing I guess.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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