Hair Loss/ Dandruff Diet Log


New Member
Mar 15, 2022
Hello, I'm coming off of following a carnivore/low carb diet for close to three years. My hair had been thinning since a couple of years before that, and it has plagued me because my confidence is being lost with it. I noticed hardly any dandruff and the shedding stopped on keto, but with keto came thyroid problems among other things such as no sex drive and lethargy, etc. Anyway, I've started experimenting my diet according to Ray's teachings as well as posts on this forum. I am not dogmatic so some things I try you may not agree with. But I want to update this thread periodically to track my own progress or worsening of symptoms so that others may learn from what I'm doing and also so we can just discuss our own protocols and help each other out.

Anyway as of the past three days my scalp has been suffering from being very dry. My diet until ~a week ago has been beef, fruit, fruit juice, skim milk (milk fat increases dandruff and gives me acne). Dairy was historically a culprit in worsening my skin and dandruff so I've ordered a calcium carbonate supplement and cut it out for the time being to see if that benefits me at all. The past two days I also tried eating dates, figs, and raisins, because they're cost effective for the calorie density. But something about them makes me insanely constipated and it definitely affected my skin, probably the worst of anything yet. I suspect it's the histamine content like some have stated, but it could be the fiber content. So dried fruit will be eliminated completely for me. Going forward I need some more consistency in my diet to establish a baseline of symptoms. I suspect that drinking fruit juice isn't helping me either so I may cut that out as well.

I already supplement 5,000IU Vit D/500mg Mag/ recently 120mcg K2/ (Soon the calc. carbonate when it arrives). I'm thinking meat + clams a few times per week (Oysters are too expensive here) + weekly 250g liver + fruit (mostly pineapple +orange) + white rice + broccoli (based on posts by Elephanto) would be a decent place to start my diet going forward.

If anyone has suggestions for me that would be great, or feel free to post your current routine and if it works or not for your hair/scalp. I'm thinking of tracking my own progress here weekly or so to give things time to manifest.


Jan 30, 2021
I have never taken calcium as a supp. I take very high doses of Mg and have for a couple of decades, to get my RBC Mg test in the middle of the range. My calcium is always ok without a supp and I have not ingested dairy at all for a very long time except for grass fed butter and the very occasional goat milk cheese.

I had lost hair over the last ten years, receding hairline, not all that concerned about it. But after getting floxed I started taking iodine to try to help get rid of the fluoride (and it appears to be helpful) and my hair grew back in. Some of it the original color before I went white. I would say that obviously I was deficient in iodine before I got floxed, or I would not have had that hair loss in the first place.


Nov 27, 2016
I have never taken calcium as a supp. I take very high doses of Mg and have for a couple of decades, to get my RBC Mg test in the middle of the range. My calcium is always ok without a supp and I have not ingested dairy at all for a very long time except for grass fed butter and the very occasional goat milk cheese.

I had lost hair over the last ten years, receding hairline, not all that concerned about it. But after getting floxed I started taking iodine to try to help get rid of the fluoride (and it appears to be helpful) and my hair grew back in. Some of it the original color before I went white. I would say that obviously I was deficient in iodine before I got floxed, or I would not have had that hair loss in the first place.


Which iodine product/brand in what form, liquid or pill?
How much you took per day?
If it was the liquid form that you took, did you take it transdermaly or ingested it?
In how much time(weeks or months?) did you regrow your hairline? Did it completely regrow ?
Are you still taking it?
Did you take any other supplements when you took the iodine?

Thank you


Jan 18, 2020
Taurine/ insone/ aspirin seem to be negating itchiness in my left temple which is caused by hypo and its yhe area where i was loosing hairs over years
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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