"Happiest" Countries Are Simply Gobbling Up Anti-depressants (SSRI)


Sep 28, 2016
At the risk of beating a horse to death :)

No I am saying things that make you happy and things that make your life meaningful have overlap, but happiness and meaning are distinct concepts and there are many things that give you meaning (and prevent suicide as a consequence) but do not increase levels of happiness.
Very true. Often times one's sense of purpose may impede on one's happiness, as is evident by a soldier. That being said I do not believe that happiness is as important as a sense of purpose, even if such a purpose has negative effects on health. But you are welcome to disagree :)


Sep 28, 2016
You did strike a nerve. That's true. I read the entire thread and you later speak on Clinton's mental health.. so I made a not too big logical leap to determine you were referencing her. I'm so tired of the anti-Clinton/pro Trump rhetoric on this site. I never said the supps or drugs mentioned here have that affect, simply that demeaning someone for taking something you don't support is hypocritical. In the end all people are looking to feel better and can only make decisions about what they can take to achieve that based on the info available to them. Not everyone, especially not people with high profile/powerful positions, have the time to biohack or obsess about nutrition and health.
And really how objective could a mental health test really be? It's better to determine if one is stable by their actions and how they perform in their day to day lives.
Might your opinions on Trump and Clinton be heavily influenced by popular media? Mainstream media and most industries in general are heavily invested in the Clinton campaign hence why they are trying so hard to elect her. Trump was dumb or brave and didn't dip his toes into traditional political corruption because he already had his own money. But little did he realize that the industries of America deem who will be elected president via media and voter manipulation. Not just via generous donations. Your opinion regarding Trump or Hillary is not your own but one that is carefully crafted by the world's least notorious propaganda campaign. Only on a forum consisting mostly of intellectuals will you see those that can peer through veils of lies and distortions. Hence why there is so much anti Hillary pro Trump rhetoric on this site.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
You did strike a nerve. That's true. I read the entire thread and you later speak on Clinton's mental health.. so I made a not too big logical leap to determine you were referencing her. I'm so tired of the anti-Clinton/pro Trump rhetoric on this site. I never said the supps or drugs mentioned here have that affect, simply that demeaning someone for taking something you don't support is hypocritical. In the end all people are looking to feel better and can only make decisions about what they can take to achieve that based on the info available to them. Not everyone, especially not people with high profile/powerful positions, have the time to biohack or obsess about nutrition and health.
And really how objective could a mental health test really be? It's better to determine if one is stable by their actions and how they perform in their day to day lives.

I am neither anti-Hillary nor pro-Trump :):
I am neither pro-Hillary nor anti-Trump :):

As a (legal) foreigner who can't vote I try to stay out of the political life as much as possible and focus on more practical matters. Many candidates on both sides have visible and quite easily diagnosable mental issues. A friend of mine is a psychiatrist and treats some high-profile people in DC. Of course, her profession may have clouded her judgment but according to her nobody in a position of power is sane. It's just not possible given what these people do every day and the drugs they take. If anything, the SSRIs they take are usually given simply as a brake on their lunacy to prevent them from acting it out in the real world. For that, SSRIs are pretty good but they worsen the underlying pathology and as soon as the wacko skip a single dose they turn into one of those mass shooters.
So, all I am saying is that if I were a voter I would support a petition for presidential candidates undergoing at least as rigorous examination as the one required to be a professional truck driver (in some US states). You don't want your next president to be wackier than the 18-wheeler driver bypassing you aggressively on the highway, right? It seems like something both sides of the isle would endorse give how they think the other side is completely bananas.


Sep 9, 2015
Might your opinions on Trump and Clinton be heavily influenced by popular media? Mainstream media and most industries in general are heavily invested in the Clinton campaign hence why they are trying so hard to elect her. Trump was dumb or brave and didn't dip his toes into traditional political corruption because he already had his own money. But little did he realize that the industries of America deem who will be elected president via media and voter manipulation. Not just via generous donations. Your opinion regarding Trump or Hillary is not your own but one that is carefully crafted by the world's least notorious propaganda campaign. Only on a forum consisting mostly of intellectuals will you see those that can peer through veils of lies and distortions. Hence why there is so much anti Hillary pro Trump rhetoric on this site.

Not wanting to drag this thread off on to a political slant but it's super condescending to think that if you support Hillary you are just blinded by propaganda. People make up their minds for all sorts of reasons, just because someone doesn't support your preferred candidate does not make you their intellectual superior. In fact it's that kind of 'I know better than you' attitude that causes real issues in society. Most evil in this world is perpetrated by people who 'know what's good for you' /rant :)


Sep 1, 2013
I'm not Aussie and haven't lived there but I suspect this ssri attitude is everywhere.

Back to 'Happiness' and the great depression...
A friend attempted suicide Saturday morning and thankfully (from my perspective at least) was not successful. It has been a numbing 48 hrs or so as more and more information comes to light and navigating our way through the system so to speak is interesting and tricky because there is a dual diagnosis. Apparently, he had been on Prozac for some time and at some point had taken up an ice habit as well - of which there is an enormous problem in this country (particularly in rural areas). Point being SSRI use is rampant and cuts across all divides.


Back to 'Happiness' and the great depression...
A friend attempted suicide Saturday morning and thankfully (from my perspective at least) was not successful. It has been a numbing 48 hrs or so as more and more information comes to light and navigating our way through the system so to speak is interesting and tricky because there is a dual diagnosis. Apparently, he had been on Prozac for some time and at some point had taken up an ice habit as well - of which there is an enormous problem in this country (particularly in rural areas). Point being SSRI use is rampant and cuts across all divides.
Tough @moss. Sending you good thoughts.


Sep 28, 2016
Not wanting to drag this thread off on to a political slant but it's super condescending to think that if you support Hillary you are just blinded by propaganda. People make up their minds for all sorts of reasons, just because someone doesn't support your preferred candidate does not make you their intellectual superior. In fact it's that kind of 'I know better than you' attitude that causes real issues in society. Most evil in this world is perpetrated by people who 'know what's good for you' /rant :)
I'm sorry for coming off that way (though I meant it against both Hillary and Trump, it was an attack on media more than anything else), need to work on my humility. I feel that modern day media is distorting the minds of the people, which is true but I also fail to consider that others may have educated opinions unadulterated by such propaganda that support the same person the media is promoting. I just can't help but see Brave New world every time I turn on the TV lol.


Sep 9, 2015
Compare those 2 statements.

but here I go anyways! LOL

My apologies :)

I'm sorry for coming off that way (though I meant it against both Hillary and Trump, it was an attack on media more than anything else), need to work on my humility. I feel that modern day media is distorting the minds of the people, which is true but I also fail to consider that others may have educated opinions unadulterated by such propaganda that support the same person the media is promoting. I just can't help but see Brave New world every time I turn on the TV lol.

Love that book! Way more relevant to modern day than 1984.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Just curious- given the opportunity, would you become a US citizen?

I am ambivalent on the citizenship issue. It is legal procedure and it has its consequences, both good and bad. I think being an American is a state of mind and not so much being a citizen of this country. So, in a sense I was and am an American in order to have come and stayed in this country. In other words, people become Americans before they come and in order to come to this country, not so much people become Americans after they come to this country.
Makes sense?


I am ambivalent on the citizenship issue. It is legal procedure and it has its consequences, both good and bad. I think being an American is a state of mind and not so much being a citizen of this country. So, in a sense I was and am an American in order to have come and stayed in this country. In other words, people become Americans before they come and in order to come to this country, not so much people become Americans after they come to this country.
Makes sense?
Have you checked how long you can remain in US on a Green Card? They have changed the rules lately. My husband is going through the process now and it seems after only 10yrs. you decide if you will be a landed immigrant or citizen.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Have you checked how long you can remain in US on a Green Card? They have changed the rules lately. My husband is going through the process now and it seems after only 10yrs. you decide if you will be a landed immigrant or citizen.

Wow, did not know that. Do you have some more info on that? The only requirement I have heard about is the one about being in the USA for at least 6 months of every year. I definitely comply with that as I rarely leave for more than 2 weeks. But it is news to me that you can be forced to become a citizen of lose the green card at some point.


Feb 18, 2016
Back to 'Happiness' and the great depression...
A friend attempted suicide Saturday morning and thankfully (from my perspective at least) was not successful. It has been a numbing 48 hrs or so as more and more information comes to light and navigating our way through the system so to speak is interesting and tricky because there is a dual diagnosis. Apparently, he had been on Prozac for some time and at some point had taken up an ice habit as well - of which there is an enormous problem in this country (particularly in rural areas). Point being SSRI use is rampant and cuts across all divides.

Sorry to hear this.
It's interesting because Prozac was the one that increased allopregnenolone I think?
It's an example'of how short term the effects are,this plays a trick on those taking it if they feel the allopregnenolone effect initially they will not be perceptible to the effect wearing off,I have seen people taken this and be adamant it's the best thing,has changed their life,it's the usual speil they are using pop culture stars in countries now to talk about depression and subtly imply its chemical imbalance and how they take one pill per day that solves the chemical imbalance,your hear people taking this stuff Churn out the same spiel.


Wow, did not know that. Do you have some more info on that? The only requirement I have heard about is the one about being in the USA for at least 6 months of every year. I definitely comply with that as I rarely leave for more than 2 weeks. But it is news to me that you can be forced to become a citizen of lose the green card at some point.
My husband thoroughly researched it directly on the Gov website and is working with an immigration attorney. He is from Canada so perhaps rules are different AND he just got his conditional green card in March. You might be grandfathered into an older rule. It is definitely the case for him. After the condition is removed in 18 months. He can renew his green card for 10yrs. And then must decide his path: citizen or landed immigrant.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
My husband thoroughly researched it directly on the Gov website and is working with an immigration attorney. He is from Canada so perhaps rules are different AND he just got his conditional green card in March. You might be grandfathered into an older rule. It is definitely the case for him. After the condition is removed in 18 months. He can renew his green card for 10yrs. And then must decide his path: citizen or landed immigrant.

OK, thanks for the info. I will look into this very soon.


Nov 16, 2015
Might your opinions on Trump and Clinton be heavily influenced by popular media? Mainstream media and most industries in general are heavily invested in the Clinton campaign hence why they are trying so hard to elect her. Trump was dumb or brave and didn't dip his toes into traditional political corruption because he already had his own money. But little did he realize that the industries of America deem who will be elected president via media and voter manipulation. Not just via generous donations. Your opinion regarding Trump or Hillary is not your own but one that is carefully crafted by the world's least notorious propaganda campaign. Only on a forum consisting mostly of intellectuals will you see those that can peer through veils of lies and distortions. Hence why there is so much anti Hillary pro Trump rhetoric on this site.
Did you just essentially call me an idiot
that can't make up their own mind and is therefore duped by the media? Gimme a break. My decisions are based on the things trump has said and done and the miserable piece of ***t that he is. Additionally, Clinton has had a long, accomplished career and she is quite liberal (which I like). "The media" as you say does provide lots of informtiaon and depending on what you consider "the media" it's almost impossible to get information any other way. I guess you could read biographies to gather information? Idk. I don't buy the common conspiracy theorist knock on the media as the sum of all evils. So. I guess I don't agree with anything you said. Moving along.
Dec 25, 2014
Did you just essentially call me an idiot
that can't make up their own mind and is therefore duped by the media? Gimme a break. My decisions are based on the things trump has said and done and the miserable piece of ***t that he is. Additionally, Clinton has had a long, accomplished career and she is quite liberal (which I like). "The media" as you say does provide lots of informtiaon and depending on what you consider "the media" it's almost impossible to get information any other way. I guess you could read biographies to gather information? Idk. I don't buy the common conspiracy theorist knock on the media as the sum of all evils. So. I guess I don't agree with anything you said. Moving along.

This is completely off topic but: Is your name a reference to your physical size? If so how big are you?
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