Hello Everyone


Jan 30, 2021
Hi everyone, I've posted a few times on the forum already, but I somehow overlooked the meet and greet section, so I thought I would briefly introduce myself.

I stumbled across this forum around 2018 or 2019, and have been lurking ever since. The forum was my first exposure to the ideas of Ray Peat/the bioenergetic viewpoint, and in retrospect this was probably one of the most impactful discoveries of my life. Pre-Peating, I had driven myself into a terrible state of health via a stressful job and personal relationships, exhaustive weight training, intermittent fasting, cold showers, difficult-to-digest foods, etc. I felt terrible all the time, was freezing cold, and hadn't had a decent night's sleep in over a decade (I'm currently in my thirties). Most disturbingly, I seemed to have entered a downward cognitive spiral that I couldn't see a way out of.

Today, although I still spend a lot of time tweaking my diet and lifestyle to improve my metabolism, I've experienced a fairly astonishing improvement in my quality of life as a result of implementing bioenergetic principles. I still have bad periods if I eat the wrong food or take the wrong supplement, but my baseline state of health is vastly bettered. Words can hardly express what a blessing it is to finally emerge from a deeply stressed state, to feel the simple pleasure of eating a meal and have it digest properly, as warmth spreads outwards to my hands and feet.

Not infrequently, I experience a state of being which I truthfully didn't know was possible to attain, a mixture of quiet euphoria anchored in an unshakable calm. I feel like I'm a part of an incredibly beautiful and complex world, and that although I have the ability to accomplish anything, I don't need to do anything other than exist in the present moment. I have much more to write about my personal health journey, but in the interest of brevity I'll just say that my outlook on life has changed immeasurably over the past few years, as I find myself simply savoring every moment as it unfolds.

I was deeply saddened by Dr. Peat's recent passing, as I'm sure everyone here was, but I'm so thankfull we have voluminous records of his writings and interviews as well as those of other bioenergetic proponents. I'm also grateful to this form for providing a way to share notes with a like-minded community. I wish everyone a great start to 2023 and I look forward to talking with you here.



Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria


Mar 29, 2016
Great to have you here Blaine! May you continue to get better as you build on your capacity to develop as God intended you to be, and to be another light upon the darkness.

May you be constant in your quest and may you prosper in all the ways that you can be. With health as your foundation, there is not much that can make your poor.


Jan 30, 2021
Great to have you here Blaine! May you continue to get better as you build on your capacity to develop as God intended you to be, and to be another light upon the darkness.

May you be constant in your quest and may you prosper in all the ways that you can be. With health as your foundation, there is not much that can make your poor.
Thank you!
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