Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help me?


Jun 25, 2013
Hey all! I'm posting here because I really just recently got into Dr. Peat's stuff, and I'm fascinated. I would like to begin by giving some information on myself and asking some questions. Please bare with me if this takes awhile.

Right Now: I have been meticulously researching nutrition/physiology/'bio-hacking' to solve my own problems as well as increase my subjective well-being and performance in life (more on my 'problems later). When I read/research, I take it far. If a blogger/author includes a bunch of citations, I go and read those citations. I take frequent classes through Coursera to challenge my brain and increase my knowledge and understand these authors/gurus/MD's/etc. better. So awhile back I started adopting more or less of a paleo diet to rid myself of psychological problems I caused myself that I will touch upon in a moment. I started out gluten-free and it helped a lot. I was vegetarian and trying to lose weight I didn't need to (should've actually tried gaining weight like I'am now). This lead me to paleo after buying some books and listening to some seminars.

Long story short this lead me to the art of 'bio-hacking' through Tim Ferriss and Dave Asprey (of the bulletproof exec). I eventually was introduced to the Bulletproof Diet (Dave/Lana Asprey), The Epi-Paleo Diet and associated protocols (Dr. Jack Kruse) and The Perfect Health Diet (Paul Jaminet, PhD and his wife). For reasons I will touch upon in a second and probably more important post, I have almost NO cash for 'healthy' foods, which has lead me to become a bit of a better bio-hacker. I've learned how to make exercise more difficult using leverage and positioning, and learned how to find cheaper sources of food. Right now I've been trying to eat a diet closer to what's advocated in this (if you're interested): http://www.jackkruse.com/brain-gut-6-epi-paleo-rx/ essentially he takes us back 65million years ago, rather than paleo which is like 2.5million, and how we developed a larger brain and gets into how DHA and other nutrients have quantum effects. The diets pyramid looks like this, from the base on up: (1)shellfish, oysters being the best (2) Crustaceans (3) Fatty fish (4) Organ meats of grass-fed/wild/pastured animals, typically ruminants (5) skeletal meat of grass-fed/wild animals (6) low o6 nuts/seeds if your labs/genetics/needs justify it. He recommends sea veggies over land veggies, and then other random things. Dr. Kruse also says that EMF avoidance and Fluoride play a bigger part than diet - many people at his boards do interesting thing with their water such as get RO water and run it through magnetic fields and structured piping, then put it out in the sun, then drink it. Oh, I forgot, Dr. Kruse does stress that context is always key and not to always necessarily do what he does, he encourages people to get genetic testing done and other things because that will affect diet/supplementation. My diet has been becoming more and more fish heavy, following a cyclical ketogenic nature, both because it's easy to build muscle while staying lean, and because the ketones actually help with the problems I will go on to describe (although I'm open to Dr. Peat's diet and how it can help me).

History: *18 years old* I was born anemic and rushed off to be put under a heat lamp before my parents could even see me for much time at all. As a young child I had to get iron shots weekly (I believe, maybe 2x a month...?). I would get sick frequently up until very recently (when I started changing my diet/activities), and it would take me much longer to fight off bugs other people would in short amounts of time. I frequently got sore throats. Even more frequently I would get stomach aches, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. My sleep was terrible as a child, and that is one of the things I regret the most. Even during high school, when I was on the football and wrestling team, I would sleep 5hrs a night and then go to school and right after school have 2-3hr practices and 12-16hr wrestling tournaments on the weekends. I also pulled lot's of 'all-nighters' in my history, playing video games with my younger brother/best friends all night. Many times I stayed up over 24hrs.

I will touch upon this in my second post on my younger brother and his health problems, but my life has been equivalent to a stressful fu***ng mad box (whatever that is, lol). Money problems all my life; constant moving; evictions; power/cable/water being turned off; low amounts of food; constant fighting; switching schools - luckily in the same area though; brothers health problems; no real relatives/outside family....yada yada yada. In highschool I started using various substances. I in fact started to hookah first, even though I was firmly against cigarettes/cigars, then proceeded to smoke weed. I went through a phase where all the research I now do on 'bio-hacking' and nutrition and even spirituality and philosophy, I would then do on drugs through sites such as erowid and bluelight. It at least served me well to know what I was doing and certain contraindictions and how to prolong highs and how to not screw myself up and what not. Junior year I started going to concerts and that's when I started using things like MDMA, ketamine, and others. I tripped before that on LSD and Psilocybin, and I firmly believe those were great experiences and wish I could repeat them once a year in an ideal environment with ideal people, but I first need to 'heal' myself. This is where it gets weird. I went to a concert and accidentally smoked what I believe to be PCP or embalming fluid. I took a hit of a spiked cigarette for some reason (never smoked cigarettes in my life) and was already on other substances. That whole weekend was drug fueled, using DXM, mdma, and many others, and then that deliriant at the concert whethere it was PCP or something else just destroyed my brain. The rest of the night I couldn't properly formulate sentences and I was almost tripping.

Ever since then I started suffering from panic attacks and anxiety - both of which I never had before. I started having headaches and migraines - never had a migraine before. My migraines took on what I believe to be the occipital lobe of my brian causing visual illusions. Multi-colored 'blob's I would see; objects I would look at would 'shimmer' or appear to shake or vibrate; these are distinct as they're not hallucinations, but 'illusions' according to online readings. I started reading Oliver Sacks and he at least reassured me that people have had worse - people have appeared to be diagnosed with 2D vision from migraines, and see even worse things. I think I also had/have HPPD - hallucinogenc post perceptual disorder. This event also lead me to have an increase in visual snow and eye floaters - both of which I had as a child but not as bad as now. I was more emotionally and stress-sensitive. I wouldn't even drive a car because sometimes I would get anxious, and therefore I never wanted to endager anyhow and restricted myself. Oh, I also had to stop using because if I ever smoked marijuana, I would get HYPER INTENSE pressure in my head - it would feel like my head was going to collapse from intra-cranial pressure. The only thing that would stop it was rubbing my temples (I feel as that was just psychosomatic relief). The highs wouldn't outweigh the odd sensations and increase 'illusions' and anxiety. I've been just focusing on increasing my health, well-being, happiness, longevity, and 'performance' right now. I can't even remember the last time I used anything, even a small sip of alcohol.

Where I'm At Now: Studying to get my associates degree at my local college - in psychology but I really enjoy learning about everything; Taking courses through Coursera - everyone who wants to learn should look into this. It offers free courses from colleges online through skype/video calls/video lectures/etc. and you can actually earn college credits, credentials, and certifications. I've been taking courses on genetics and performance nutrition. I'm also working to become a manager at McDonald's, really just for extra credits and money as me and my family need all we can scrape together due to my brothers illnesses. I'm going to start doing martial arts again. It is my dream to compete at an elite level in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I would try and do MMA but I have very logical reasons against doing so - a history of concussions; that event at the concert; plus the trauma to the head decreasing longevity. I'm fine with doing grappling oriented martial arts and eventually competing. I had a great history as a wrestler and if I didn't move so much I would have ended up wrestling for my varsity team as a sophomore. Right now I've been trying to follow a 'healthier' diet (what is healthy anyhow?), really digging Dr. Jack Kruse' work. Been doing Cold Thermogenesis, finding ways to get cheap fish (can get frozen wild caught fish for like $4 a pound, sometimes even $2), and learning about this so called chemically reduced state, the Pentose Phosphate Pathway. In a way, Dr. Kruse and Dr. Peat talk about the same things - semi-conduction and cellular nanotubes; progesterone; radiation; a new consciousness; and so on. They just have different ideas on temperatures, PUFAs, and carbs.

In essence, I was wondering how a Dr. Peat oriented diet could help me, if it can at all. It seems as though it can quite a bit. I'm big on how diet impacts my performance - athletic, cognitive (can I learn quicker? Can I concentrate better than anyone could imagine?), sexual (Dave Asprey has information on this, lol), subjective well being (do I have a lot of 'happy hormones?). I know from making simple changes such as going gluten-free, that diet directly impacts your well being. Well, for anyone interested in reading this and getting back to me, it will be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you all so much!


Aug 9, 2012
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

So what's bothering you right now?

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

BigPapaChakra, :welcome

For what it's worth, on the subject of biohacking: both my bloodwork and mental function improved moving from a Perfect Health Diet + some mild nootropics (creatine, ginkgo biloba) to a Peat-style approach.

I don't know much about Kruse, but you might be interested in this comparison between a quote from him and a Peat-ish approach to metabolism.


Jun 25, 2013
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

@Kiran: Still all the same symptoms and problems - only to a lesser degree. I'm no longer heat sensitive nor having migraines or headaches, although I'm still extremely photosensitive and experience those 'visual illusions' that I described, just less frequently. My anxiety goes up and down - I haven't had any bouts that felt as if I were on the verge of having a panic attack for no reason lately, but I still get extremely anxious about random things sometimes. So really all the same psychological-type symptoms, although I believe that they arise from biological reasons. I researched a little on PCP and embalming fluid, and they fall under the class of drugs known as deliriants. Well, drugs under these class act as 'anticholingerics', blocking cholingerics and affecting the brain for a long time. If it was PCP, it may take years or even decades to 'get out of my brain'. Maybe shorter since I've gotten into all this nutrition/bio-hacking/etc.

@Dan Wich: Thanks for the link. As you can see that is one of their differences I spoke about - temperature. If you read Dr. Kruse' material, that is all contextual, though. He believes it won't matter that your body temp is going down because you will (1) radiate heat form being 'cold adapted' by using cold thermogenesis, and (2) it is actually a sign of a good thyroid - it isn't slowing down and becoming damaged, it is slowing down because it is using less energy and thus becoming more efficient. Ron Rosedale speaks about this as well. He's also all into the cold because there is strong evidence we came from our pre-human ancestors during the ice-ages were there was minimal or zero-carbs unless you lived at the equator, and we needed a strong mammalian dive reflex to go and get fish (hence why it is a seafood heavy diet). I've seen some other paleo blogger who is an archaeologist and anthropologist blog about this and there is substantial evidence. The questions I have is about our further evolution... Just because our pre-human ancestors developed a large brain from iodine and DHA and lead to the paleo-era humans who further developed it from other means (brains/end-trails/movement/etc.) doesn't necessarily mean we need all the same things now almost 65mil years from the PQ era. He then comes back and shows evidence of our de-evolution from grains and improper sleep and EMF. Very Fascinating.

So you came from Perfect Health Diet? Could you comment on the specificity of the benefits you've received from Dr. Peat's diet? What do you think is the absolute best bang for your buck in terms of Dr. Peat's diet and/or protocols (lighting/bag breathing/etc.)?


Nov 30, 2012
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

One of the best things you can do for your long term health is to understand the negative impact of polyunsaturated fats. Peat's work encompasses much more than that but just getting the PUFAs out will help a lot.


Jun 25, 2013
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

@himitsu: Wow, thank you, lol. When my funds are better I'm definitely going to purchase that, because even though my health, well-being, and performance are all increasing (slowly), I'm definitely open to any ideas. That's why I'm here, the work that I've read from Dr. Peat is absolutely fascinating and I'm willing to accept alternative theories to my current beliefs. Thanks again.

@Gretchen: It's funny, because you have the same username as a member at Dr. Kruse site who posts a lot. The reason I'm kind of thinking that I would still even be able to consume PUFAs if I were to adopt a more Dr. Peat oriented diet because (1) Dr. Peat himself, according to Danny Roddy, said that Iodine/Iodide can protect PUFAs from oxidation and make them more stable, and (2) That is a major part of Dr. Kruse argument for a diet absolutely loaded in seafood - the iodine and other trace elements in seafood, then he makes a strong argument towards people becoming cold adapted, in which case protects us from visceral fat build up from o3's. That's why I think I would be able to adopt some of Dr. Peat's ideas (raw carrot salad; more carbs; no fructose/sucrose phobia) but incorporate some of Dr. Kruse (eat lot's of oysters and shrimp and krill if I can find them at an asian market; drink as MUCH structured water as possible; avoid EMFs and eat/sleep at consistent times). Definitely have more than I even imagined to dig into now.

For anyone interested, what do you think is the best Dr. Peat oriented bang for my buck, whether dietary or some other protocol he advocates? Preferably one that would even help if I continued to eat a modified paleo (epi-paleo/Bulletproof) diet. The one that really strikes me is lighting, because Dr. Kruse is also into artificial light/light therapy/red lights/etc. I was thinking about switching all the lights in my bedroom to amber to aid with sleep - I already have blue-light blocking glasses and f.lux installed. Thanks again everyone!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

BigPapaChakra said:
For anyone interested, what do you think is the best Dr. Peat oriented bang for my buck, whether dietary or some other protocol he advocates?

Severe PUFA restriction and thyroid supplementation.


Jun 25, 2013
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

What about lighting? I haven't started digging deep enough yet but I've seen information from Dr. Peat on amber lights, red lights, and incandescent lighting. When/how do I utilize these? Information from Dave Asprey and Dr. Kruse recommend people to sleep in complete darkness and avoid artificial light after sun down (use amber lights/use blue-light blocking glasses); but I believe I have seen things that from Dr. Peat even recommending the use of some lights prior to/during sleep. Really confused, lol.

I'm going to look more into PUFAs and rather than just listen to Dr. Peat/Kruse, I'm going to look up some of their hardest hitting blogs/newsletters/articles and look at the actual citations. Dr. Kruse makes a superb argument for consuming tons of o3's from shellfish, but then I understand what's up with lipid peroxidation/PUFA oxidation/metabolism suppression/etc. I could actually see the blending of both of their protocols - I could eat Dr. Peat recommended sea food a couple times a week rather than daily (oysters/shrimp), but stop avoiding fructose/sucrose (especially because I can source cheap organic, non-processed cane sugar) and consume other things like raw carrots and some more fruit.

I don't know if I'd get into thyroid supplementation because (1) only 18yrs old (2) would rather just consume some sweetbreads than take a pharmaceutical or supplement. Any other 'best bangs for my bucks', lol?

Thanks for everyone who has responded thus far, and I hope to see more comments. Thanks!


Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

For what is worth, when I adopted some of Peat's ideas (unconsciously) without PUFA restriction, for example high sugar/fructose intake, I got worse. I don't expect significant results from anyone who doesn't avoid all significant sources of polyunsaturated fats regularly.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

I found T3 and red light to be the biggest bangs for the buck, but I was already restricting PUFA.

One powerful tool would be to monitor your body temperature and pulse throughout your experiments (there's a guide here). You might notice the same pattern I did, with stressors (bad sleep, emotional stress, too much physical exertion, etc) consistently dropping your body temperature. I tend to think that supports Peat's view of metabolism more than Kruse's, though as I said, I'm not very familiar with his work.


Jun 25, 2013
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

Currently listening to all of Dr. Kruse' old podcasts right now before going and printing his most thought provoking blogs, which after I read and annotate, then look through the associated citations given, I will be delving full force into Dr. Peat's work. The way he spoke about neo-Darwinism and education and the state of the medical world in some of his posts just fascinated me. I actually completely agree with him on PUFAs and he gives literal, real-world examples, the thing is I think Dr. Kruse has a good counter-argument being that a cold environment and iodine protect against any negative effects of PUFAs. If anyone is willing to answer some concise and direct questions, that'd be amazing.

(1) Dr. Peat is tea and coffee friendly, no? Since being low on funds I haven't been consuming it, but I'd love to start consuming Upgraded Coffee/Bulletproof Coffee again (look up Bulletproof Coffee - mycotoxin free, histamine free mechanically processed coffee beans)
(2) What about fluoridated/chlorinated/etc. water? Does Dr. Peat discuss this ever? Dr. Kruse has fantastic blogs on quantum biology and how water directly affects the semi-conduction of our body, thus why even Reverse Osmosis water isn't ideal (although much better) - it is often recommended to drink coherent/live water, processed through a structured filter and possibly with additional magents.
(3) What is this idea with bag breathing/hyperventilation for enhanced CO2? Would this be beneficial a couple times a day? Some doctor who studies Dr. Peat's material just made an account of at Dr. Kruse' site and started posting Dr. Peat material and stating he does the bag breathing while doing cold thermogenesis...

Thanks again, everyone.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

BigPapaChakra said:
(1) Dr. Peat is tea and coffee friendly, no?
Peat is a big fan of coffee for magnesium, caffeine, preventing iron absorption, and probably several other reasons. I think I remember him having some mixed feelings on tea.

BigPapaChakra said:
(2) What about fluoridated/chlorinated/etc. water?
I'm not sure about this one. I know a lot of Peat-fans avoid flouride at least, but I can't find Peat saying much about it with a cursory search. Maybe he mentions it in some of his audio interviews.

BigPapaChakra said:
(3) What is this idea with bag breathing/hyperventilation for enhanced CO2? Would this be beneficial a couple times a day?
Also not something I'm an expert at, but I think it would be beneficial. It's definitely a big topic:

Whew, long list. You're lucky I'm interested in CO2 :lol:


Oct 14, 2012
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

(3) What is this idea with bag breathing/hyperventilation for enhanced CO2? Would this be beneficial a couple times a day? Some doctor who studies Dr. Peat's material just made an account of at Dr. Kruse' site and started posting Dr. Peat material and stating he does the bag breathing while doing cold thermogenesis...

Not hyperventilation, hypoventilation, breathe less.
I think bag breathing is kind of redundant, simply focus on reducing your breath, make the breath as slight and subtle as possible, ideally if you place a hand directly beneath your nose you should not be able to feel your breath, ideally if someone is looking at you they should not be able to perceive any breathing related movements.
Always breathe through your nose, mouth breathing is not a good idea.


Feb 7, 2013
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

pranarupa said:
(3) What is this idea with bag breathing/hyperventilation for enhanced CO2? Would this be beneficial a couple times a day? Some doctor who studies Dr. Peat's material just made an account of at Dr. Kruse' site and started posting Dr. Peat material and stating he does the bag breathing while doing cold thermogenesis...
Not hyperventilation, hypoventilation, breathe less.
I think bag breathing is kind of redundant, simply focus on reducing your breath, make the breath as slight and subtle as possible, ideally if you place a hand directly beneath your nose you should not be able to feel your breath, ideally if someone is looking at you they should not be able to perceive any breathing related movements.
Always breathe through your nose, mouth breathing is not a good idea.
Sorry, but I disagree with this.
RP recommends bag breathing to increase production of CO2.
It can be extremely stressful to try to focus on breathing less. It's like telling someone who has never meditated to sit still for 20 minutes and eliminate all thoughts.
Both are skills that take time and bag breathing is a useful tool to retrain oneself to breath correctly and increase production of CO2.
There are similar tools to help people learn to meditate and enter states of no mind.

Realizing that low thyroid people produce little carbon dioxide, it seemed to me that there might be a point at which the circulatory shut-down of unstimulated parts of the brain would become self-sustaining, with less circulation to an area decreasing the CO2 produced in that area, which would cause further vasoconstriction. Carbon dioxide (breathing in a bag, or drinking carbonated water, or bathing in water with baking soda) followed by thyroid supplementation, would be the appropriate therapy for this type of functional ischemia of the brain.”

This article by RP that Dan posted earlier is terrific for understanding RP's view on this topic.

Good stuff here as well.


Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

I've never tried bag breathing but just trying to breathe more slowly is helpful in some situations.


Oct 14, 2012
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

Sorry, but I disagree with this.
RP recommends bag breathing to increase production of CO2.
It can be extremely stressful to try to focus on breathing less. It's like telling someone who has never meditated to sit still for 20 minutes and eliminate all thoughts.
Both are skills that take time and bag breathing is a useful tool to retrain oneself to breath correctly and increase production of CO2.
There are similar tools to help people learn to meditate and enter states of no mind.

I'm not sure that I agree that breath reduction can be stressful, challenging perhaps, although perhaps if someone has particularly low energy, the challenge might be experienced as a stress, though surely not anymore stressful than continuing hyperventilation and hypocapnia, if so then bag breathing might be a useful short-term tool.
The reason I favour conscious breath reduction over bag breathing is because it requires greater conscious attention to your own physiology, nervous system, and state of mind, I think this greater level of attention is itself therapeutic.


Jun 25, 2013
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

Wow, thanks everyone. I'm going to dig into all those articles that you linked, Dan.
Thanks for the information on breathing/CO2 as well, everyone. So, in terms of bag breathing, how should I go about it? I've never even used that technique before for any therapeutic reason that there is besides CO2 and health. How exactly should I do it, how many times/how long, etc.?

Well, I have so much 'homework' to do now. I'm trying to finish up Dr. Kruse' series on Leptin and go through ALL of his citations, but now I'm just simply captivated by Dr. Peat. I think it would be beneficial for me to get a grip for both of their ideas, though. I recently made a post about that here: http://forum.bulletproofexec.com/index. ... iscussion/ - all too often I see people saying Dr.Kruse/Peat/Paul/Dave Asprey said *blank* rather than just focusing on what makes them feel better physically, emotionally, and mentally (spiritually, perhaps, as well). I think both Dr. Kruse and Dr. Peat are on to some major things in the realm of lifestyle changes that can increase everything from longevity to subjective well-being, the only thing that worries me is some of their seemingly polar opposite ideas (shellfish = best food according to Dr. Kruse; Dr. Peat says avoid PUFAs, low-fat fish a few times a week).

Thanks again for everything so far everyone. For anyone willing to elaborate on what benefits they've received from Peat-style eating, whether blood tests or something subjective such as better cognition/mood, I'd love to hear that as well!


Jun 12, 2013
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

Welcome, BigPC.

the only thing that worries me is some of their seemingly polar opposite ideas (shellfish = best food according to Dr. Kruse; Dr. Peat says avoid PUFAs, low-fat fish a few times a week).

Dr. Peat likes shellfish too. I have it every week.

For anyone willing to elaborate on what benefits they've received from Peat-style eating, whether blood tests or something subjective such as better cognition/mood, I'd love to hear that as well!

Here's my intro and log so far:


Jun 25, 2013
Re: Hello! You all just blew my mind...... how can this help

Thank you, Peata. I'm going to read through your intro/log soon, thanks for posting it. I understand Dr. Peat is in favor of shellfish, specifically oysters, which is why I disagreed a lot with Danny Roddy when he made a comment about Dr. Kruse and Peat being nothing alike. They speak about a lot of the same things such as CO2, mitochondrial efficiency, cellular regeneration, light therapy, etc. They just have different ways of achieving what they aim to achieve. That being said, Dr. Kruse recommends a LOT of fish/shellfish. The top of his 'food pyramid' is shellfish followed by crustaceans followed by fatty fish (this is all before animals, vegetables, starches, etc.) I'm talking about .5-1.0lbs a day of seafood. He also views sea vegetables as super foods.

I go really deep into research when I do it. I finally just completed every blog in the Leptin series as per Dr. Kruse, and now I'm compiling citations on a pubmed account all on Leptin and orexins and other gut hormones that affect how we develop an appetite and partition calories. What I'm getting at is, after that, I will do the same for Dr. Peat's work on PUFAs and Fat's and Degeneration (title of one of his articles, I believe). If anyone were to convince me in high(er) carb dieting, it would be Dr. Peat and the generous members at these forums. I do believe I could combine some paleo/epi-paleo aspects and Dr. Peat's diet though. For instance, something like this:

Breakfast as per Dr. Kruse post-leptinRx: some protein, carbs, fat (which is okay in terms of Dr. Peat): Bulletproof Coffee with Butter, coconut or Upgraded MCT Oil + some salt and stevia in there; 2-4 eggs or small serving of shellfish (because it is low fat/low PUFA); side of mixed fruit or Orange Juice

Lunch: typically would skip until dinner, but falling more into lines of Dr. Peat - raw carrot salad with melted coconut oil, maybe some additional MCT Oil, Raw, organic ACV, salt; Maybe some black coffee

Dinner: Make a recipe out of Upgraded Chef, maybe lightly cooked grass-fed beef meat loaf with salt and various herbs; Coffee to absorb iron; Lot's of butter on top; a skinless potato, well-cooked and covered with butter, salt, grass-fed cheese; MAYBE some 85% dark chocolate

Therefore I'd be eating breakfast (recommended by both Dr. Peat and Kruse I believe), would not be snacking, not eating after dark, yet I'd be getting the sugars that Dr. Peat recommends (currently eat VLC 6 out of 7 days a week) and the raw carrot salad for eliminating estrogen and other reasons I'm not yet familiar with.

Since I'm not as familiar with Dr. Peat's work as many here *yet*, does anyone think it is possible to do a higher-fat version if one were to still avoid PUFAs and get carbs from fruits vs. starches? Dr. Kruse recommends eating seasonally as I said, maybe I could somehow eat a VLC Peat diet in winter, but all Peat favored foods, then ramp up carbs throughout summer. I KNOW this is not a carb restricted diet, I'm just pondering up ideas.

Thanks everyone for the responses! I'm really gracious for the information thus far. Can't wait to dig into more of Dr. Peat's work, especially on serotonin and CO2.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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