HELP! Low Body Temp - But Burning Skin!


Oct 20, 2014
Ok, so my under-arm body temp is currently 36.4C (97.5F). It doesn't get much higher than this. In mornings it's 35.6C (96.1F). On a side note is under-arm or oral the best way to measure? Because they give different readings - oral is about 0.4C higher.

ANYWAY the issue is, I don't have a fever BUT MY SKIN FEELS LIKE ITS BURNING. Normally, it's just my face that feels burny but currently my arms and hands feel burny too. So so hot.... uGHhhhhhhhh.... and my head... I just have this constant low-grade tension headache..... and the tension in my neck/shoulders... it never goes away. IT. NEVER. GOES. AWAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

My neck and shoulder tension is the worst and most chronic thing... it's always there. I massage it, I rub oils into it, I take epsom baths, and moments later it comes back. The only thing that helps is codeine but I gave that up a week ago cause it makes me too lazy and blissed out. I had some withdrawal effect, yes, but I feel like burny sensation is something else, I have never heard of hot skin as a withdrawal effect.

I feel so hot and burny... but am I sweating? NO. I never sweat. Sweating isn't my style.

Could this be dehydration?... I feel like I've been drinking reasonable amounts of water.... like 4-5 glasses a day not counting other liquids such as Tea and OJ (2 cups tea, 1 glass OJ is normal). It is getting into summer here though maybe I need even more than this. I mean, my piss looks alright... it's yellow. Not orange or anything. ****.... I just feel so achey and tense and burny.... fuuuuuuck.....

Please offer your wisdom.


Dec 21, 2013
Maybe from the opposite of dehydration.
You could do a test, stopping the water and get a lot more salt and more OJ instead.
Drinking water could cause lower body temp.
When you don't sweat, it sounds as a sign of hypothyroid, and hypo people tend to loose salt.

CO2 would probably be good against tensed muscles, and you seem to be pretty stressed/hyped.
OJ would yield more CO2 hopefully, and also lower cortisol and other stressors.
When one is in a good state, mind is very calm but full of energy. To me, it feels like the tension, headache and hyped up mind is related to the same origin.

Things that hopefully helps raise CO2:
OJ, calcium, salt, bag breathing.


Feb 24, 2013
My son gets that sensation. For him it usually happens pre sweat or when he's eaten something his liver doesn't commercial jello with the dyes. Your skin is your largest organ and is an extension of your liver. An overloaded liver detoxes through the skin. More sugar and potassium and try to break a sweat, if you can. My aunt doesn't sweat, she just gets seriously over heated if the temperature gets too far above 80*.


Oct 20, 2014
Hi thanks so much for drawing my attention to CO2. I will experiment with this.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
My skin stayed very hot similar to what you describe years ago when I was on an ADHD medicine. In hindsight for me personally I think it was related to stress hormones (from the drug).


Oct 20, 2014
No I'm not taking B6 - Should I be? I mean, I eat foods that contain it. I don't supplement anything though with the exception of using transdermal magnesium oil. I have found most supplements do nothing. I really am reluctant to spend any more money on supplements. I have spent so much already on stuff that does nothing and I have no money left.

I also have never-ending air hunger. I feel constantly breathless even while resting. I have been examined by doctors and they cant find anything wrong with my breathing. In fact they can't find anything wrong with me at all. On paper I'm totally fine. I don't know what the hell they learn in Med School but they sure haven't been able to help me.

I definitely don't feel fine. Everything is just so messed up... my mind is messed up... I can't think straight and I need to be able to think straight so I can heal myself... isn't that a funny catch-22 - I need to be healthy so I can figure out how to get healthy! BECAUSE NOBODY ELSE CAN FIGURE IT OUT. NOBODY SEEMS TO KNOW JACK ***t ABOUT HEALTH. Is Ray Peat truly a good healer? Can he truly heal me? I've been following his diet as much as I can realistically. If I follow it too closely though it's hard to get enough calories to stop my constant weight loss... I'm dropping about a kilo a month and that's eating as much as I can without making myself feel sick. A kilo a month may not sound like much but I'm already skinny and I don't really want to lose weight at this point.

I'm sick of trying these random protocols that don't work.

Going to a doctor is basically paying $50 for them to say "I don't know, let me refer you to someone else who also doesn't know".

My sleep is never good. Nightmares, 3am wakeups, I wake up aching all over... tense... exhausted... nauseaus... I wish it were possible to turn dreams off... I am so sick of dreams... they make it feel like I haven't even slept! It doesnt even feel like sleep, it just feels like phasing out of this reality into another reality, living that life, then phasing back into this reality again. HOW IS THAT RESTFUL!??!?

My body is clearly very stressed for some reason, and it's starting to affect my mental health. Like, the bodily stress is so intense its starting to mess with my head.

I know this is just straight up ranting at this point but I'm just so frustrated. I really hope Peat is The Way. Because so many times I thought I had found The Way, only to be fooled. I hope this is not another one of those times.

So I guess I will do what you say and drink more orange juice and eat more cheese and breath in paper bag. I hope to Christ this actually works...


Oct 3, 2012
Do you take any thyroid medication? What's your pulse like?

I get that burning, tense, breathless feeling a lot and I've been dx'd hypothyroid, and my temps weren't even as low as yours. It does feel like a stress response in my case.


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Going from your symptoms and reading through your previous posts, I would dare to say that you are suffering from protein deficiency and/or iron deficiency. Probably just protein deficiency though, although both protein/iron deficiency can easily go hand in hand. :2cents

To hard rules I've come to know about Peating is:

1) Cut out all PUFA from your diet as reasonably possible.

2) Be sure to get adequate protein in your diet daily.

A good rule of thumb and Ray Peat has alluded to this is to get 25% of your daily caloric intake from good, quality protein. The range he seems to most suggest is 80-150+ grams of protein/day. 80 grams for a sedentary hypothyroid person to 150 grams for a somewhat sedentary euthyroid person. Even more (150+ grams) for an active euthyroid person. :2cents

Here's a useful link on protein deficiency symptoms, causes, etc., etc. It's also useful to figure out if you're a "Real Vampire" or not, lol. :lol: (beware that this person's recommended protein intake is inadequate ((mainstream RDA)) according to Ray Peat)

Here's the link where Ray Peat alludes to 25% of daily caloric intake as good, quality protein.


Mar 29, 2014
I know about needing brain to function so you can figure out how to restore health so your brain can function.
Many of us have tried a few other things before we landed here.
Personally, I have had benefit of what I've learned from Peat and this forum, and I expect my diet to always be influenced by this, but my primary issue has not really improved yet. I figure that means either degeneration has gone so far that the best I can hope for is to slow it down, or hopefully that I just haven't found the most helpful combination of tactics yet. There is also the possibility that after another couple of years of PUFA restriction the relief of that load on the body will allow more recovery. I'm not close to giving up, though I feel discouraged from time to time. While I have asked for help here and people have been generous with ideas, I don't expect that anyone else is going to be able to provide THE answer. It's just too complex, and we are all different. Peat's ideas give a way for me to start learning how things work in general - I still have to figure out how to apply the ideas to me.

What Peat provides through his articles and interviews is a lot of information about how our physiology works, and the kinds of effects various stressors can have, and a bunch of measures that can be restorative in some contexts. I don't believe there is a single simple precise diet that will work to restore everyone for everyone, and he has not proposed one either.
If you haven't yet, I'd recommend reading his articles and/or listening to his interviews. There are a whole lot in a subforum here, or you can read articles straight off his web site. You may start to get an idea of what informs a lot of the discussion on this forum, and you may come a cross something that speaks directly to your situation.

It does sound like your body is under stress, and it doesn't sound like much fun. I think you are young(?), so the odds are good that you will be able to find a way to turn things around recover.

I can't remember if you have laid out your health history and what you currently eating etc in detail - if you've already described, you could chuck in a link. You don't have to tell anything if you don't want to, but the more info you give, the more there is for others to have ideas about.
Have you run your diet through cronometer to check for outstanding deficiencies?
How many calories are you eating?
When did your weight loss start, and what do associate it with?
How's your digestion?
Are you getting plenty of sunlight?
From all the drs you've seen, do you have the results from a bunch of tests? TSH? others?
Have you checked through a list of hypothyroid symptoms?
What have you tried so far to address CO2? Do you habitually breath through your nose or mouth? Using chest or diaphragm?
Nov 26, 2013
Maybe it's that TSH or stress dumping phase? If you truly can't get enough calories you can drink pure sugar but I don't think you are at that point.


Nov 10, 2014
The liver ideas were correct, it's part of the problem, maybe the cause (3 am is the end of the liver cycle in tcm). When the liver is overloaded (aka plugged up) bile is not releasing and the lymphatic system overloads as well. Over time these toxins get stored throughout the body. The burning sensation is also known as a pitta imbalance in ayurvedic medicine. Theoretically some of the Peat diet ideas like orange juice and ice cream will help, but there are a lot of other things within ayurveda you can do as well that are not in the peat repertoire.

Anemia is also something to look at. The plugged liver can also cause or be associated with oxygen hunger as the blood is never cleaned properly, and excess bilirubin can mimic or be related to this syndrome - even if it does not show up on bloodwork.


Oct 20, 2014
Thanks so much for giving me ideas guys.

I've calmed down a bit now. I just get a bit overloaded and frustrated because it seems like there is just too much to know about health, every expert has their pet theory on the causes of disease, the best medicines to take, which foods are good, etc. And without being an expert in biochemistry myself I just have to guinea pig their ideas to see if they're true or not.

I will put my diet into cronometer and post result later along with more info. I probably don't get quite enough protein. I just find it fills me up way too much and makes it hard to eat much else. I definitely get enough iron though, I know this from blood test.

As for thyroid test I had it done a while back, they said it was normal. I guess I should ask for a copy of the test myself and see just how normal "normal" is.


Jan 3, 2014
Like many here I can also relate to needing a clearer head to help fix symptoms like struggling to think clearly! One other suggestion is to look into histamine for the burning. Which I think may be related to low blood sugar which takes us back to the liver and ties in with 3 am wakeups and low protein. There are articles on flushing and rosacea that may help. Don't despair. I too will never follow anyone's pet theory again , but recommendations based on how the body actually works - that's a different matter entirely!


Nov 8, 2013
Hello. I know that the feeling of breathlessness (or "air hunger") is common in hypothyroidism and relieved by proper thyroid supplementation (for me, Thiroyd alleviated my air hunger).
Thyroid supplementation/medication would also help with low body temperature--it's quite wonderful for warming you up---but thyroid medication takes time to see the effects and adjust the dosage.
Burning skin is an interesting (albeit painful) symptom---for me, it was linked to low B12---but just supplementing with B12 wasn't enough--even though I took it for months; I had to take an active form of B12 called Methylcobalamin (Metafolin)---and along with that take Methylfolate, and a small amount of Lithium to get the methylb12 into my cells---all of that helped relieve the burning sensations.
Unfortunately, no matter how well I was eating (Peating) it could not alleviate B12 deficiency--I needed to supplement with a high-quality active B12.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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