

Sep 5, 2015
The last couple of years i have found that the cause of my hives appears to be low cortisol.

Yes, this has been my experience as well. The trouble is: By avoiding coffee I can keep cortisol low and thus have good sleep and low stress, but at the cost of increased histamine (hives) and increased estrogen/bags under eyes. By drinking lots of coffe I can control the hives, keep estrogen in check (through high cortisol), but have a hard time falling + staying asleep, adrenalin problems, nightmares, cold water under skin (legs) and suppressed appetite.

Hmm.. How to keep the histamine (hives) in check while keeping cortisol in check? While I have made many improvements, this answer is yet to be found. I assume liver health is important and blood sugar regulation is crucial, but it be damn dificult :/

It probably all be rooted in sub-optimal thyroid (tsh just over 1) but no doctor acknowledges this - say it is spot on. yeah right. Tyromax actually did some great things - but I want to do this the way where I will not rely on that for good.


Oct 4, 2019
I have been getting hives all my life, usually 3 or 4 times a year. Never knew what caused it, only sugary foods were related to outbreaks.

The last couple of years i have found that the cause of my hives appears to be low cortisol.

When my cortisol is low anything that lowers it further causes allergies. Things like 7-keto Dhea, sugary foods, OJ, Magnesium can all cause me to break out.
Interesting I remember when I did long endurance riding, skin condition got better when I came back in and looked in the mirror....

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Some people respond good to vitamin d for hives. I had a hives outbreak a few years ago after cleaning out heating vents, and when reading this study, I did about 5 K units /day, and in about three days the hives disappeared. I then stopped the oral D, mostly because I use sunlight for my D production, and just waited to see if the hives came back, and if so, I would dose again, they did not.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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