Attention! Low Fat Causes Dry Skin


Apr 8, 2020
Lowering my fat causes my skin (hands and face) to become extremely dry.

I notice dryness immediatly, as I come from a very high-fat carnivore diet where my skin was always fairly well moisturised because of the high fat intake.

I thought I was allergic to coconut oil (which I'm not, I was out too long in the sun and that caused a sunburn including hives) and this apparently lowered my fat intake so drastically that it made my skin super dry.
I have no idea how much I'm consuming in terms of grams of fat.
But I noticed that my skin gets dry and my facial skin and hair are less smooth, I'm less warm (which is probably also due to thyroid-benefits of coconut oil), my mood is worse and I'm more fatigued even though lower fat should increase insulin sensitivity.

I honestly have no idea what all these extremes are about. They just never seem to work for me.
Traditionally, people go for carbs and fatty cuts of meat, so why would that be bad right?

Just a heads up for people experiencing dry skin problems from lowering their fat too much.
Aug 21, 2018
Maybe having more sugars like 500+ grams per day would kick in palmitic acid production to solve this problem.


Nov 5, 2017

The skin is generally a reflection of the gut and fat lubricates the gut while water hydrates it

Too much salt can also dry the skin by pulling fluids away from the peripheral tissue and into the gut

Carbs and meat can both be problematic because they both feed bacteria that can inflame the gut and compound the problem. The easiest solution is to eat oily foods and make sure you digest them properly, which is easy if you pay attention to your tongue and stomach after meals. If you're not digesting everything, you need to stimulate your stomach prior to meals.


Jun 25, 2017
How much fat per day (percent and grams)? How are you getting in fat-soluble vitamins? What about vitamin B6 (need at least 10 mg supposedly if low PUFA) and zinc? CRON-o-meter screenshot?


Nov 22, 2017
Don't worry about precise quantities. Try eating a bit more fat for a week and see how that goes.
Vitamin A deficiency (or too much) can also cause dry skin. You have to experiment.


Feb 23, 2020
Reducir mi grasa hace que mi piel (manos y cara) se vuelva extremadamente seca.

Noto la sequedad de inmediato, ya que vengo de una dieta carnívora muy rica en grasas en la que mi piel siempre estuvo bastante bien hidratada debido al alto consumo de grasas.

Pensé que era alérgico al aceite de coco (que no lo soy, estuve demasiado tiempo al sol y eso me provocó quemaduras solares y urticaria) y esto aparentemente redujo mi consumo de grasas tan drásticamente que dejó mi piel muy seca.
No tengo idea de cuánto estoy consumiendo en términos de gramos de grasa.
Pero noté que mi piel se seca y mi piel facial y cabello son menos suaves, tengo menos calor (lo que probablemente también se debe a los beneficios del aceite de coco para la tiroides), mi estado de ánimo es peor y estoy más fatigado a pesar de La reducción de grasa debería aumentar la sensibilidad a la insulina.

Sinceramente, no tengo idea de qué se tratan todos estos extremos. Simplemente nunca parecen funcionar para mí.
Tradicionalmente, la gente prefiere los carbohidratos y los cortes de carne grasosos, entonces, ¿por qué sería malo, verdad?

Sólo un aviso para las personas que experimentan problemas de piel seca por reducir demasiado su grasa.
I'm on the same boat. I would appreciate any update.
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