How I've Raised My Temperatures


Apr 9, 2015
I was taking psyllium for years and years and having issues if I didn't. Getting off that psyllium was difficult. Now I am experiencing frequent stomach aches, not sure why. But I'm experimenting with proteolytic enzymes which may be the reason. I am trying to fix frequent headaches. But my digestion has vastly improved. I use a little carrot salad each night on an empty stomach. I have about 2 bowel movements per day and do not soil the toilet paper.
You eat the carrot salad at the end of the day? I usually eat mine first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee.


Mar 2, 2016
I think using smaller amounts of T3 has been helpful. I take BSP T3 and dilute it in a few tablespoons of water, and sip on it throughout the day. I also take a few drops of T4 for balance.
how many drops do you take a day? oddly, the bsp t4 gives me energy & the bsp t3 does nothing or makes me tired. i took it directly on my tongue & drank water. i'd take 2 drops of t4 & 1 or 2 drops of t3. like you, i've tried all the thyroid products. i always end up back to my thiroyd just because i know it keeps my tsh low, but i don't feel great on it.
Nov 21, 2015
how many drops do you take a day? oddly, the bsp t4 gives me energy & the bsp t3 does nothing or makes me tired. i took it directly on my tongue & drank water. i'd take 2 drops of t4 & 1 or 2 drops of t3. like you, i've tried all the thyroid products. i always end up back to my thiroyd just because i know it keeps my tsh low, but i don't feel great on it.

3 drops a day of T3 at this point


Jun 16, 2015
I am hoping that over the next few months I can raise my temperatures a little more, and end up with a higher metabolism that will result in my losing weight.

I sometimes seem to fall into a rut where it is very difficult to keep my temperature up for a long amount of time. One thing I found that helps is to constantly but slowly sip on something sugary - like orange juice. What I think might be going on is that my liver is still not good at storing much glycogen. I come from a background of endurance sports and too much drinking, and my understanding is that those things will wreck your liver's ability to store glycogen. When glycogen runs out then temps will drop. Taking smaller amounts of sugar more frequently has helped me. Not sure if that helps or is relevant for you, but thought I'd mention it. Good luck!


New Member
Dec 31, 2016
It's difficult to say exactly what happened.But I will tell you the quick story.

When I started Peat inspired dieting, I was in the 96's, even 95 sometimes upon waking up.

Nothing really seemed to help, and I gained about 25 pounds in a few months.

I'm still near an all-time high weight of about 207. But strangely, my waist is still a 36. My apologies for people in metric land.

I definitely have a bigger belly, and not sure why.

But this is about temperatures. I've been using red light all over my body including my thyroid, and I start when I wake up. In my temperatures on waiting are now around 97.1 to 97.3. That's much higher than before.

With a red light, it bounces up to about 98.1. And stays there all day.

I feel warm now most of the time, even a little sweaty, which is a brand-new experience.

I am taking a small amount of T3 and T4 this is my third time each time I stop before because it wasn't really helping. I am also using androsterone and pansterone...

so I can't say for sure what it is that is raising my temperatures. I am more careful about staying warm at night, making sure that I am very warm when I'm sleeping. I think that helps a lot.

Other things I've noticed is that I'm sneezing much less than I used to. I used to wake up every day in the morning and sneeze and sneeze, but that is much better.

My gut generally feels a lot better. I have a healthy bowel movement once or twice a day.

I am hoping that over the next few months I can raise my temperatures a little more, and end up with a higher metabolism that will result in my losing weight.

One thing that Steve, the temperature reset guy, said recently in an email to me is that temperature gain seems to come in increments of .6 Fahrenheit. And that is actually been my experience. So my next stop should be a jump of .6°, which would be to around 98.7 or so, we will see.

So to sum up, I think what is help me is, making sure I am warm at night, and getting under the lights and exposing myself including my thyroid to strong red light in the morning, and to strong light all day. This quickly warmed me up and keep you warmer, and it seems to have become a more permanent thing.


New Member
Dec 31, 2016
I tried the Steve Richfield reset method in April 2014 after 56 years of bronchitis which was getting worse year after year. Since that date I have not had any 'colds' or bronchitis. I am now entering my third winter without ANY symptoms. My mean temp was 36C and now it is 36.8C after one shower reset. I have studied and tried various health alternatives in the last 25 years and the temp reset has been by far the most successful protocol by far. The increased temp has also sharpened my thought processes. It is worth a try!
Nov 21, 2015
I tried the Steve Richfield reset method in April 2014 after 56 years of bronchitis which was getting worse year after year. Since that date I have not had any 'colds' or bronchitis. I am now entering my third winter without ANY symptoms. My mean temp was 36C and now it is 36.8C after one shower reset. I have studied and tried various health alternatives in the last 25 years and the temp reset has been by far the most successful protocol by far. The increased temp has also sharpened my thought processes. It is worth a try!

that is fantastic and encouraging to hear. So can you describe your reset a little bit?


Jan 15, 2017
I too am moving on to red light hopefully this week. Weird for me is that sometimes I can be warm, relaxed comfortable and have a light sweat going..i take my temp its barely 97.0-.2

I sweat at low temps. My body cannot keep warm in even 65 degree weather after a year of nutrient density adherence like peat stuff.

Other things are effected too so i am hoping this helps
Nov 21, 2015
now i sweat a lot but i crave warmth. It's not duty or something to remember, it's just SO good to be warm. I think this is a good sign.


Jan 3, 2014
My temps remain stubbornly quite low, 36.4/5 waking temp on average, for years. I am on thyroid, can't go higher (arrhythmia starts) but still have some hypo symptoms (insomnia, constipation, overweight amongst others). I sweat excessively day and night especially now the too short, too mild winter (too mild to be able to face using red light) is over. Body, head, face. This has made me hesitate to try the reset. Night sweats are helped by aspirin which also noticeably warms fingertips and helps sleep. So, "relatively" cold extremities at night are still an issue. (To clarify, I feel overall far too hot not cold, but when fingertips get warm from aspirin I sleep better and sweat less while sleeping). Worth a try on the reset anyway, do you think? I worry I'll explode from heat. Or drown ;)
Nov 21, 2015
@SQu high adrenaline will cause cold extremities and a warm core. I think cortisol too. Aspirin of course lowers cortisol.

Your waking temperature is not really low, by the way. Slightly low. Do you get up to 37-ish by the afternoon? What matters at first are objective temperatures. Also, when we take a temperature, oral or armpit, it only measures that local area.

For me, T3 and T4 didn't seem to raise my temperatures at all. I still take them. I think they are helping me raise temperatures.

I sleep with a cap on my head. Sometimes my feet seem cold when I go to bed also. I put on socks.

I'm not sure if this was part of my turning a corner, but riboflavin, like 400 milligrams or so, along with the other B vitamins for balance, may be responsible for helping me get warmer.


Sep 3, 2016
It's difficult to say exactly what happened.But I will tell you the quick story.

When I started Peat inspired dieting, I was in the 96's, even 95 sometimes upon waking up.

Nothing really seemed to help, and I gained about 25 pounds in a few months.

I'm still near an all-time high weight of about 207. But strangely, my waist is still a 36. My apologies for people in metric land.

I definitely have a bigger belly, and not sure why.

But this is about temperatures. I've been using red light all over my body including my thyroid, and I start when I wake up. In my temperatures on waiting are now around 97.1 to 97.3. That's much higher than before.

With a red light, it bounces up to about 98.1. And stays there all day.

I feel warm now most of the time, even a little sweaty, which is a brand-new experience.

I am taking a small amount of T3 and T4 this is my third time each time I stop before because it wasn't really helping. I am also using androsterone and pansterone...

so I can't say for sure what it is that is raising my temperatures. I am more careful about staying warm at night, making sure that I am very warm when I'm sleeping. I think that helps a lot.

Other things I've noticed is that I'm sneezing much less than I used to. I used to wake up every day in the morning and sneeze and sneeze, but that is much better.

My gut generally feels a lot better. I have a healthy bowel movement once or twice a day.

I am hoping that over the next few months I can raise my temperatures a little more, and end up with a higher metabolism that will result in my losing weight.

One thing that Steve, the temperature reset guy, said recently in an email to me is that temperature gain seems to come in increments of .6 Fahrenheit. And that is actually been my experience. So my next stop should be a jump of .6°, which would be to around 98.7 or so, we will see.

So to sum up, I think what is help me is, making sure I am warm at night, and getting under the lights and exposing myself including my thyroid to strong red light in the morning, and to strong light all day. This quickly warmed me up and keep you warmer, and it seems to have become a more permanent thing.

Any update on this? My temps are typically in the Mid 97's and i am trying to get to the mid 98's. I use t3 and some t4 before bed along with sporadic caffeine throughout the day.

Also - how is the weight loss coming?
Nov 21, 2015
I’m at 195 weight. Warmer temperatures in the low 98s during the day. Could be warmer but it’s been much better.


Apr 15, 2015
Other things I've noticed is that I'm sneezing much less than I used to. I used to wake up every day in the morning and sneeze and sneeze, but that is much better.
I am hoping that over the next few months I can raise my temperatures a little more, and end up with a higher metabolism that will result in my losing weight.
Just my 2 cents..
Somehow it coincided that I started sneezing after incorporating Ray Peat principles , like 5 years ago. I was attributing it to bad weather, pollen , like seasonal allergy , whatever... At the same time I increased dairy and coffee intake and every year it was getting worse and worse. Couple months ago I discovered Grant Genereux's Theory Of Vitamin A Toxicity and first I ditched dairy. My allergy (sneezing , runny nose) was relieved but it was still there... Like a month ago I stoppped drinking coffee and my allergy miraculously disappeared just next day... So I don't know what to believe anymore. Next think is to try again unsaturated fats just to discover that they are not so bad as Ray Peat thinks ...
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