How To Lose Fat Safely

Nov 21, 2015
As you may know, I have discussed how I am losing fat slowly and how I believe most fat loss is dangerous unless it is very slow.

I don't know why it is dangerous but my observation in working with a lot of people is that over time, almost everyone who loses weight ends up getting cancer or some other problem.

Now, I am not talking about a 22-year-old here.

I'm talking about older people who have a slow metabolism and have metabolic issues already. But they are brainwashed like everyone that losing weight is the holy Grail and the answer to all their problems. In reality, losing weight is probably deadly to most of them. They lose a lot of lean mass, and end up very sick or dead.

Anyway, I am middle-aged and I went from around 215 to about 202 over the past year. And over the next year I plan to be around 185. Sorry for you metric folk, but these are pounds.

The secret is this in my opinion: The body really does have a set weight. It wants to stay there. Homeostasis.

However, when you lose some weight through calorie restriction, you can then stabilize at that lower weight and your body will want to stay at that new lower weight, as that will become your new set weight.

BUT NOT IF YOU LOSE TOO FAST. If you lose too fast, it is just easy to get it all back because your body never adjusts to a lower set weight. I think you need about two or three weeks or a month or even six weeks to settle into a new set weight.

So basically losing pounds is a matter of lowering your set weight step-by-step. Not in a gradual way but in an incremental way. Like a stair step.

Go from 202 to 200. Stay at 200 for a month then go to 198. And so forth. That's my approach and I think that it is safe and also effective.

Now that my set weight is a bit lower, whenever I go out to eat or things that would've caused me to gain weight, I just don't gain weight anymore and I stay around 202.

In any event, losing weight slowly is safe and I think may be 1 pound or maybe 1 1/2 pounds a month is probably about right.

If you are extremely obese, which I am not, then you might be better off losing two or 3 pounds a month but even that would probably be very stressful and dangerous. And you must lose and then stabilize, lose and then stabilize, for it to be safe AND permanent.


Mar 7, 2017
+1 :D

This is what losing 100lbs in 100 days looks like. Mainly potato + low carb + caloric restriction.


Nov 21, 2015
I read most of his book about it. He was in mortal danger before he started this. Lost around 1 pound per day.

Another person started the potato diet when he did, and didn't stay on it because it was causing too many health problems, as I recall in the book.

Not sure where his health is these days.


Jun 12, 2013
I read most of his book about it. He was in mortal danger before he started this. Lost around 1 pound per day.

Another person started the potato diet when he did, and didn't stay on it because it was causing too many health problems, as I recall in the book.

Not sure where his health is these days.
He looked better in the "before" imo.

EH, what sort of exercise do you do, and how important do you think it is for your weight loss?


Apr 30, 2015
+1 :D

This is what losing 100lbs in 100 days looks like. Mainly potato + low carb + caloric restriction.



He looks so much better on the left. I am sure he was not happy with himself though. Upholding the kind of lies he sprouted definitely makes you want to eat some extra donuts.


Mar 7, 2017
I read most of his book about it. He was in mortal danger before he started this. Lost around 1 pound per day.

Another person started the potato diet when he did, and didn't stay on it because it was causing too many health problems, as I recall in the book.

Not sure where his health is these days.

I've listened to nearly every episode of his radio show/podcast up until the last year, and noticed something odd.

Many of his health issues were never discussed publicly until he started the diet.

He was on several blood-pressure meds, claimed to get physically ill on a regular basis after eating a large meal (to the point of nearly vomiting), and was losing his hair.

Keep in mind that he's a notoriously open guy, so it seems odd that he wouldn't discuss these issues given how much time he spent on air/podcast. He was even open about dying his hair, but never a word (that I can remember) about hair-loss.

He appears to be a very honest guy, so I wonder if he just found a new cult with Ray Cronise/Joel Fuhrman, and adjusted the rest of his life to fit.

Interesting side note: In the 1980's while working off-Broadway w/Teller, his regular breakfast was an entire bottle of Hershey's Choc Syrup chased by a can of Coke.


@ecstatichamster Great to hear! I think you are on the right track, and with all the extra stresses of life, adding a powerful starvation stress is likely to cause problems.
Slow and steady is likely to dramatically lower the yo-yo effect of weight loss/weight gain and lower the heavy desire for a binge session, which typically eventually leads to the weight that was lost, added back, with some interest.
Once again, a good quality vitamin E is a very potent protector of those stored PUFA, as well as a fully saturated fat ( hydrogenated coconut oil )
Can keep things running high and help keep liberated PUFA from slowing the metabolism down, halting or slowing fat loss. :):


May 30, 2017
Maybe lifting weights, eating allot (as much as you need/want) of carbs and protein, doing things to boost metabolism and health, taking protective supplements, and going very low fat until your body recomps itself. May take a while, may not, depending on the person.


Oct 11, 2015
Set point has to do with bile duct congestion and kidney function. Yes, it is true. All weight loss supplements are based around making the detox less harsh, though they can make it worse if abused ( which is very common lol ). There are a lot of parasites and toxins in fat cells. Not to mention that most "fat" is actually water. And that is also related to parasites in the gut or elsewhere because bacteria/fungi LOVE water. Think of a swamp or what have you. This is why you hear so often about Kalki-um aiding in weight loss.

Many weight loss attempts will trade toxins in fat cells for toxins as cholesterol stones in the liver, the latter being more problematic. This is why you can have someone lose weight and be in worse health. So be careful.


Apr 30, 2015
Set point has to do with bile duct congestion and kidney function. Yes, it is true. All weight loss supplements are based around making the detox less harsh, though they can make it worse if abused ( which is very common lol ). There are a lot of parasites and toxins in fat cells. Not to mention that most "fat" is actually water. And that is also related to parasites in the gut or elsewhere because bacteria/fungi LOVE water. Think of a swamp or what have you. This is why you hear so often about Kalki-um aiding in weight loss.

Many weight loss attempts will trade toxins in fat cells for toxins as cholesterol stones in the liver, the latter being more problematic. This is why you can have someone lose weight and be in worse health. So be careful.

What is kalki U’m?


Sep 16, 2017
Set point has to do with bile duct congestion and kidney function. Yes, it is true. All weight loss supplements are based around making the detox less harsh, though they can make it worse if abused ( which is very common lol ). There are a lot of parasites and toxins in fat cells. Not to mention that most "fat" is actually water. And that is also related to parasites in the gut or elsewhere because bacteria/fungi LOVE water. Think of a swamp or what have you. This is why you hear so often about Kalki-um aiding in weight loss.

Many weight loss attempts will trade toxins in fat cells for toxins as cholesterol stones in the liver, the latter being more problematic. This is why you can have someone lose weight and be in worse health. So be careful.

Do you do the liver flushes? I've always been skeptical of a low fat diet approach as the bile is a detoxification pathway for the body? So restricting an entire macronutrient seems odd to me (PUFA aside). But then, Peat says that the bile is estrogenic/serotonergic (which it sure will be when you consider what filth is in it). It's a confusing subject for me. I've done about five or six liver flushes, but became very uncomfortable with consuming that much olive oil.

I do coffee enemas occasionally.
Feb 4, 2015
It's not my intention to sound rude so don't take it that way. I'm just making a counter argument to your claims. I'm not saying I'm 100% right and that your 100% wrong. I'm just responding.

I think you're too emotional about this subject based on how you write about it and what you've said in this and this other thread:

Made my point. I’m out of here. Nobody seems to want to pay attention to difference in health between being fat vs losing weight.

That is a child-like response. You stomping your feet and throwing a temper tantrum because you're too emotional about this subject.

People disagree about it. Get over it. Do you. Do what you want to do. Take whatever action you choose. Don't get so upset over disagreements.

my observation in working with a lot of people

A lot of people? Who were these people? Are you a health consultant?

almost everyone who loses weight ends up getting cancer

Absolutely crazy thing to say. There is no evidence of that.

But they are brainwashed like everyone that losing weight is the holy Grail and the answer to all their problems.

This is what I mean about your emotions about this. You sound so angry.

Maybe they just want to lose body fat because THEY want to, not because they are "brainwashed." So you're brainwashed too by making this thread about you wanting to lose body fat?

They lose a lot of lean mass, and end up very sick or dead.

Another crazy thing to say. No evidence.

So basically losing pounds is a matter of lowering your set weight step-by-step. Not in a gradual way but in an incremental way. Like a stair step.

Go from 202 to 200. Stay at 200 for a month then go to 198. And so forth. That's my approach and I think that it is safe and also effective.

Now that my set weight is a bit lower, whenever I go out to eat or things that would've caused me to gain weight, I just don't gain weight anymore and I stay around 202.

In any event, losing weight slowly is safe and I think may be 1 pound or maybe 1 1/2 pounds a month is probably about right.

If you are extremely obese, which I am not, then you might be better off losing two or 3 pounds a month but even that would probably be very stressful and dangerous. And you must lose and then stabilize, lose and then stabilize, for it to be safe AND permanent.

Ok. Just do that then. I don't understand the obsession and fear with the "LOSING TOO FAST" in caps and stuff.

You contradict yourself because you've said that people end up worse after losing the weight even if it's done slow but now you're just saying that it's fine as long as it's done slow? Which is it?

And for the adipose apologists here who that claim that Jillette "looked better" when he was fat, you should actually read his book. His was near death. Now he's not and much happier. The guy he worked with, Ray Cronise, is working on debunking the nonsense that fast wight loss is "bad" and that the metabolic rate "slows."

Last edited:


May 30, 2017
And for the adipose apologists here who that claim that Jillette "looked better" when he was fat

Could also just be the pictures and the day. Like a pretty good pic when he was fat and a bad picture when he was skinny.

Ron J

Oct 5, 2016
Many people look better in the before fat loss pictures due to the extra volume and skin plumpness added, which may make you appear healthier/younger. Being at the body fat that you are supposed to be revels your real appearance.


Oct 11, 2015
Do you do the liver flushes? I've always been skeptical of a low fat diet approach as the bile is a detoxification pathway for the body? So restricting an entire macronutrient seems odd to me (PUFA aside). But then, Peat says that the bile is estrogenic/serotonergic (which it sure will be when you consider what filth is in it). It's a confusing subject for me. I've done about five or six liver flushes, but became very uncomfortable with consuming that much olive oil.

I do coffee enemas occasionally.
Lower fat doesn't mean less bile turnover necessarily, although it can. One of the most important factors in bile acid production is glucose and thyroid. Actually high fat-low carb diets can be some the worst for bile flow because of this, with the caveat being that lowering bacterial/fungal counts ( which at least initially is seen on lower-carb diets ) will allow the bile ducts to dilate more ( they are constricted under stress ). Also, at a certain point bile acids may become less necessary so I am not knocking low-carb as a rule. I don't think bile is "good." It is a tool with a function. Anyway, there is a lot more to "liver flushing" than apple juice and epsom salts. Liver flushes can in fact make you much worse off, even if it is a productive/successful flush, simply because of the nature of cholesterol stones in the bile ducts and ignoring how the kidneys must come first.

Re: Bile acids being serotonergic/estrogenic, yes, most of the time. There are a lot of different types of bile acids and conjugations. TUDCA for example, is much less problematic than others ( See: TUDCA ). Regardless, when the bile is not being turned over regularly you will be poisoned by them sitting in the liver. Look up the symptoms of cholestasis and you will see what 95% of the population is suffering to varying degrees.


Jun 12, 2013
Lower fat doesn't mean less bile turnover necessarily, although it can. One of the most important factors in bile acid production is glucose and thyroid. Actually high fat-low carb diets can be some the worst for bile flow because of this, with the caveat being that lowering bacterial/fungal counts ( which at least initially is seen on lower-carb diets ) will allow the bile ducts to dilate more ( they are constricted under stress ). Also, at a certain point bile acids may become less necessary so I am not knocking low-carb as a rule. I don't think bile is "good." It is a tool with a function. Anyway, there is a lot more to "liver flushing" than apple juice and epsom salts. Liver flushes can in fact make you much worse off, even if it is a productive/successful flush, simply because of the nature of cholesterol stones in the bile ducts and ignoring how the kidneys must come first.

Re: Bile acids being serotonergic/estrogenic, yes, most of the time. There are a lot of different types of bile acids and conjugations. TUDCA for example, is much less problematic than others ( See: TUDCA ). Regardless, when the bile is not being turned over regularly you will be poisoned by them sitting in the liver. Look up the symptoms of cholestasis and you will see what 95% of the population is suffering to varying degrees.
To me, it's the bottom left pic that looks the best.

Michael, what do you think works to make the gallbladder healthy?
Nov 21, 2015
No I don't lift weights. I walk a few miles a day. I don't do physical exercise outside that.

I've never done the flushes or detoxes. Very suspicious of them in fact.

@michael94 how would I determine if I had parasites?


Jul 29, 2016
I read most of his book about it. He was in mortal danger before he started this. Lost around 1 pound per day.
Is this a critique or defense of Penn's weight loss success?
I think he was on at least 4 meds, with high blood pressure that put him in the hospital more than 1 time.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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