Hyper/Hypothyroidism And Taste


Jun 18, 2015
Is There Any Effect on Smell and Taste Functions with Levothyroxine Treatment in Subclinical Hypothyroidism?

"Smell and taste tests were made with interrogation with the patients and similar testing methods which we have used. Dysosmia was seen on 39% of patients while dysgeusia was 50% before treatment. This study indicates that taste and smell deficits are common in hypothyroid patients and these deficits could be reversed with treatment."

Dysosmia - Wikipedia
Dysosmia can be classified as either parosmia (also called troposmia) or phantosmia. Phantosmia refers to the perception of an odor when there's no actual odorant present.

It has been reported in parosmia cases that patients can identify triggering stimuli. Common triggers include gasoline, tobacco, coffee, perfum, fruits and chocolate.[4]

Dysgeusia - Wikipedia
"Another primary cause of dysgeusia is zinc deficiency. In order to work properly, taste buds rely on calcium receptors.[9] Zinc “is an important cofactor for alkaline phosphatase, the most abundant enzyme in taste bud membranes; it is also a component of a parotid salivary protein important to the development and maintenance of normal taste buds.”[9]"

"...It is still controversial which mechanisms are playing a role for taste and smell loss in hypothyroidism patients. Different studies revealed that hypothyroidism has effects at multiple points of the gustatory and olfactory perceptual pathways. Receptors, central olfactory and gustatory areas, high order cognitive systems are all targets of hypothyroidism. The currently investigated effects could be related to lesions at one or several levels. "

"Sensitivity for “bitter” was significantly decreased in hypothyroid patients compared to controls. Importantly, this deficit was remedied during the 3-months treatment period. Recent work by Clark et al. [18] indicated that tasting of bitter compounds would modulate thyrocyte function and T3/T4 production. Thus, the present findings could be the result of a complex network between taste and thyroid functions."


"..The intensity and hedonic responses were evaluated using "category scaling" for 7 concentrations of glucose, sodium chloride, citric acid and quinine sulphate. The intensity and hedonic values decrease in hyperthyroidism for salt and bitter solution, and sourness is perceived as more unpleasant. In hypothyroid subjects intensity and hedonic value decreases for sweetness, the pleasant responses to salt and bitter increase, though intensity perception decreases for bitter solutions."

"The hyperthyroids rated sourness more unpleasant than control which was statistically significant as compared to hypothyroids, .."

"Decreased taste responses for glucose in hypothyroid subjects were compared with rats rendered hypothyroid in our experimental study also shows the decrease in consumption for sweet solution. While no perception changes for sweet taste have been reported in thyroixin treated rats."

"In hyperthyroidism, salt solutions are perceived as more unpleasant than usual at higher concentration. Such a change is also associated with a decrease in intensity perception. In hypothyroids, only the hedonic tone increases. These changes are reflected in the animal experiment too, where rats consume more salt solution in hypothyroidism and less in hyperthyroidism (19), are not contradictory to an earlier observation by Fregley et al (20) that hypothyroid rats show a preference for saline."

" The answer to these findings may be in the known abnormalities of cortisol metabolism and observation by Taylor and Fregley (21) that hypothyroid rats are less responsive to administered aldosterone."

"In hypothyroidism, the bitter solution was rated as less intense (reversal threshold) and also less unpleasant than usual. In hyperthyroidism, however,an opposite change in hedonic response i.e. intensification of unpleasantness was observed without concommitant change in intensity perception. MaConnel et al (12) also emphasized that the most commonly observed taste deficit in patients of hypothyroidism was the loss of taste for bitter stimuli."


So It is clear when there is sufficient active TH there is a strong Aversion towards smoking , strong pungent tastes, coffee, acids, bitter tastes (green vegetables) etc..and "normal" cravings for sweet and salt.

Interesting thing about salt and acids cravings in hyper/hypothyroidism.

This can explain why when body is sick and stressed (thyroid is not sufficient )it naturally avoids foods that will do more harm than good in such situations and certain tastes such as bitterness becomes more tolerant because many drugs and medications naturally are bitter or pungent. Or many cases where hypothyroid people are self medicating with coffee and smoking. Interesting to think also why too much sugar craving increase during stress and hyperthyroidism? Or in fact in hypo state it decreases to "unnatural levels" for a good reason.

What about excessive intense sugar cravings? According to second study its correlated with hyperthyroidism. But according to Peat It is good when thyroid is low or in chronic stress, as a medication but according to this in hypothyroid state sugar cravings decrease.

I think it decreases for a good reason.

So i thought that good explanation for this is that since really fructose part of sugar mimics T3 and decreases the need for active TH(or its conversion) . In hyper state craving increases as a type of brake in order to lover conversion to T3 while in hypo craving is weaker to prevent further drop in T3 and accumulation of cholesterol? In one period where I suspect I was in a mild hyper state I was eating crazy amounts of sugar and little by little I become sick of it . I think actually it slowed down conversion of T4 - T3(and accumulated cholesterol) and i lost unnaturally high appetite for a good reason to stop that.

I was thinking a lot recently about action of fructose to increase cholesterol by acting like T3 and actually slow down the conversion and thus increase cholesterol .

Maybe excesive sugar (Fructose ) craving can be also classified as a type of medicine or self medication for acute stress or hyper state.

So intense craving for sweet and sugar in times of acute stress is understandable and "normal" but I found that amounts of sugar needed for acute stress is not particularly high as in " hyper state".

I now think about this and why certain proteins increase my sugar cravings. Ok besides possible inflammatory characteristic of certain proteins one part is cortisol from sudden drop in blood sugar from protein ?

It is actually acute cortisol, stress and inflammation or only hyperthyroidism that are causing excessive sugar craving as a way of self medication ? In hyperthyroidism sensitivity to cortisol also can be high right? And in a state of chronic cortisol elevation and hypo state sugar craving actually diminishes greatly for mentioned reasons.

Also in the morning upon waking when cortisol is at its highest or after other stressful activity/excercise i have intense sugar craving but not so during the day unless i have huge protein intake which is inducing acute cortisol and stress? If I eat starch during the day and not so much proteins and verry little fat my sugar cravings exists but they are not excessive.

If this is true than how we are supposed to have very high sugar(fructose ) craving and ingest majority of carbs with sucrose all the time if we have normal TH levels and avoid frequent acute stress or if we are not hyperthyroid ?

Also one intresting thing about fruits and other plants connected to that part in quote about dysosmia...(, tobacco, coffee, perfum, fruits and chocolate)...bitterness and acids ...many people under stress or in illness have lowered perception for strong tastes for exact reason to be able to self medicate.
....many plants produce fruits but many are poisonous or not so good for consumption in large quantities even mild ones because of the many toxic chemicals , wax, terpenes, acids etc. in them and also in my culture(and others) traditionLy Fruits were considered more as a supplemental food and sometimes as a medicine not as A huge part of the diet or majority of calories?

What do you think about this ? At least it is a good reminder that Taste and cravings should not be neglected.
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Mar 15, 2014
How would you say this relates to protein cravings?

I've always craved protein, but I've never craved sugar. Even when I fit the description of "high thyroid", I don't crave sugar; I simply crave protein less (but still way more than sugar). I have mild cravings for salt.

I feel great eating sugar, it's just that I have never craved it even once in my entire life. I crave starch more, but I worsen if I eat a lot of starch. Anecdotally, I do have a mild desire (but not craving) to eat sucrose when I consume muscle meat.

Interestingly, I also crave fat more than carbs, starch over sucrose, PUFA over SFA, and muscle meat over gelatin. It seems like "cravings" in general are a primitive and unhealthy state of desire, even outside of nutrition (sex, enjoyable activities, etc).
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Jun 18, 2015
How would you say this relates to protein cravings?
As i mentioned I also think that when you increase protein sugar cravings go up. Is it from pure inflammation or acute stress from blood sugar or maybe there is something to the thermogenic veffects of proteins. Maybe protein cravings go down in hypo state? .. For a good reason?

I feel great eating sugar, it's just that I have never craved it even once in my entire life. I crave starch more, but I worsen if I eat a lot of starch
I ate in one period very huge amounts of sucrose from fruit, honey and I got very sick of that much sweetness and my digestion slowed a bit. I think it had somethimg to do with liver and mentioned mechanism of fructose to act as a T3 and its ability to increase cholesterol and possibly reduce actuall conversion from t4-3. I didn't have that problem when eating more starch but problem with a lot of starch is (physical) heaviness on stomach not with digestion, insulin(blood sugar), or something in the intestines...at least for me.

Interestingly, I also crave fat more than carbs, starch over sucrose, PUFA over SFA, and muscle meat over gelatin. It seems like "cravings" in general are a primitive

Cravings can be good to watch as a signal of whats going on in the body but I agree that it is more like chaotic state to just follow them and expect that everything will be right.


Mar 27, 2018
I have weak taste buds, likely due to my hypothyroidism.

-I always craved salt and had to SALT heavily. I never ingested salt in the form of potato chips or crap like that, only salt I added
-In addition, I would always overload my food with pungent herbs like oregano, black pepper, basil, and even turmeric.
-I used condiments like KETCHUP and MUSTARD with some vigor, going through a squeeze bottle of ketchup every few days.
-Also used sauces like soy sauce and fish sauce, as well as salad dressings (usually just vinegar + olive oil and some lemon juice).
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