Hyperthermia And Immunity In "Spontaneous" Tumor Regression


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Those would not be air quotes in case it was a conversation, I have self-respect.

- Immunity over inability: The spontaneous regression of cancer

"Spontaneous tumor regression is a phenomenon that has been observed for hundreds if not thousands of years. Although the term spontaneous implies “without any apparent cause,” a review of reports demonstrates that regression generally coincides with acute infections.[1] Savarrio et al claimed to report the first ever case of spontaneous regression of a neoplasm of the oral cavity of the subset of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas known as Ki-1 anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). King et al. reported a case of complete spontaneous regression of metastatic cutaneous melanoma with parotid and neck lymph node metastases.[9]"

"The phenomenon of spontaneous regression is also known as St. Peregrine tumor. Peregrine Laziozi (1265–1345), a young priest, was afflicted with cancer of the tibia requiring amputation of the leg; the lesion grew to a point where it broke through the skin and became severely infected. Miraculously, by the time his operation was due his physician was astonished to observe that there were no signs of the tumor. St. Peregrine's tumor never returned.[7,10] Although numerous cases of spontaneous tumor regression have been published over the last several hundreds of years, such reports have become rare in the current medical literature;[1] virtually all of these reports note regression concomitant with infections including diphtheria, gonorrhea, hepatitis, influenza, malaria, measles, smallpox, syphilis, and tuberculosis as well as various other pyogenic and nonpyogenic infections. Observation of this non-specific effect led to the emergence of active cancer immunotherapies by the 1700s.[1,11]"

"In 1891, a young bone surgeon at New York Memorial Hospital began his search for a new approach to cancer treatment, after the loss of his very first patient to cancer. Serendipitously, he discovered the record of an immigrant patient who presented with an egg-size sarcoma on his left cheek.[10] The sarcoma was operated on twice and still recurred as a 4.5-inch grape-like cluster below his left ear. The extensive wound after surgery could not be closed and skin grafts were unsuccessful. Ironically, this failure to close the wound would play a key part in the patient's eventual cure. The tumor progressed and a final operation only partially removed the tumor; the wound became severely infected with erysipelas by Streptococcus pyogenes and the patient developed a high fever. Little could be done to stop the infection, yet surprisingly, after each attack of fever the ulcer improved; the tumor shrank, and finally disappeared completely. On a subsequent review, the patient, still bearing a large scar from his previous operations, had no trace of cancer and claimed excellent health since his discharge– 7 years previously.[10,12]

Coley [the one and only] suspected that somehow the infection was responsible for the miraculous cure. He later realized that the patient's activated immunity in response to the acute infection was the key factor in cancer regression. He decided to put his theory to the test and infected his next 10 patients with erysipelas.[12,13] Problems with this approach soon became apparent; sometimes it was difficult to induce an infection, other times there was a strong reaction and the disease regressed. However, occasionally, the infection was fatal. Due to its unpredictability, he developed a vaccine containing two killed bacteria, the Gram-positive Streptococcus pyogenes and the Gram-negative Serratia marcescens. Experimental work at the time suggested that the latter bacteria increased the virulence of the former.[14] In this way, he could simulate an infection with inflammation, chills, and fever without worrying about the risks of an actual infection. This vaccine became known as “Coley's toxins.Coley stressed that the technique of administration and the ability of the vaccine to induce mild to moderate fever was of paramount importance in the regression of cancer.[15,1] He successfully used his vaccine, in treating a man bedridden with an inoperable sarcoma involving the abdominal wall, pelvis, and bladder. The sarcoma regressed completely and the patient was followed up until his death from a heart attack 26 years later.[16]"

"Coley's immunotherapy regimen was so outstanding that even when applied to patients in their final stages of disease, some remarkable recoveries were obtained, with patients often outliving their cancer.[17,18]"

"Martha Tracy who formulated many of Coley's vaccine observed that the most effective formulation was the one that induced both local and systemic reactions.[19]"

"[..]inducing a fever was essential."

"The greatest value of Coley's Toxins is evident in the lives of patients who received the therapy. Rather than surviving additional years with cancer, many of these patients lived the rest of their lives without cancer.[23,24]"

"The last recorded use of Coley's Toxins anywhere in the world was in China in the 1980s as a primary therapy for cancer in an adult male who had terminal liver cancer involving large tumors in both lobes of the liver; he received 68 injections of Coley's Toxins in 34 weeks. By the end of this course of treatment, all of the tumors had completely regressed.[25]"

"The primary cancer therapies, namely, surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, widely accepted and practiced have their own pitfalls. The risks, deficiencies, cost, specialized skills, and medical ethics are often associated with these procedures. Even surgery, the most acceptable of the three in treatment of most tumors, has resulted in an ethical dilemma. Every time an incision is made into cancerous tumor, with even the least invasive type of incision called the needle biopsy, there is a risk of spreading the disease due to cancer cells entering the bloodstream or becoming implanted in the surrounding tissue. There are at least 10 published cases of tumors arising along the route taken by a biopsy needle.[26] Surgical excision usually done with an intention to cure also removes the protective barrier or the wall, body builds itself to protect itself from cancer metastasis. Surgery and the subsequent healing process greatly increases the risk of death by metastasis in certain cancer patients by disrupting tumor integrity, facilitating metastasis, directly seeding the tumor, inducing local angiogenesis, immune suppression, and enhancement of tumor growth.[33] Surgical stress also greatly enhances metastasis by increasing the expression of proteinases in the target organ of metastasis, metastasis being the primary concern of fatality in cancer patients.[34]"

"Spontaneous regression is a well-authenticated and natural phenomenon. Its study may lead us to a better understanding of the natural history of neoplastic disease which so commonly progresses but rarely regresses.[37] The comparative rarity of spontaneous regressions today may result from the immunosuppressive nature of conventional cancer therapies.[1] The spontaneous healing of cancer, after having been the subject of many controversies, is now accepted as an indisputable fact. The percentage of spontaneous regression as quoted by Boyers is 1 in 80,000 and 1 in 100,000 by Bashford; it may be subjected to criticism but proves a remarkable fact that cancer is not an irreversible process.[38]"

"The disturbance of tumor such as biopsy and surgical procedures cause a greatly increased number of cancer cells to enter the bloodstream, while most medical intervention (especially chemotherapy) suppresses the immune system. This combination is a recipe for disaster. It is the metastases that kill, while primary tumors in general, and those in the breast in particular, can be relatively harmless. These findings have been confirmed by recent research which shows that surgery, even if unrelated to the cancer, can trigger an explosive spread of metastases and lead to an untimely end.[39]"

"Though all of us develop cancer cells in our life time, not all of us develop cancer. The proportion of risk of cancer varies from person to person and the individuals’ exposure to common febrile infections as shown by epidemiologic studies. What helps the majority safe guard against cancer? Do acute infections have a direct and spontaneous role in the prevention and regression of cancer?[43]"

"As early as 1899, British cancer researcher D’Arcy Power observed, “Where malaria is common, cancer is rare.”[44] Between 1929 and 1991, at least 15 investigations including 8 case–control studies examined the link between infectious disease and cancer and all but one have found that a history of infectious disease reduces the risk of cancer.[41,28]"

"Since spontaneous regression is often associated with a previous history of acute infections and fever, it is likely that fever-causing pathogens have a beneficial role to play in activating and stimulating the immune defenses which battle the invading pathogens as well as gain a new-found recognition of cancer cells and attack them vigorously. Fever whether natural (acute infections) or induced (Coley's Toxins) stimulate a multitude of cascading, interlinking, and complex pathways of the immune system simultaneously releasing numerous products in the right quantity and qualities to combat the disease which may not be humanly possible to reproduce in vitro. This may explain why single cytokine therapy or immune products don’t give desirable results in cancer therapy, besides being expensive, toxic, and at times fatal due to the unnatural challenge they pose to the human system.[40,10]"

"Unfortunately, even during cancer immunotherapy, an acute febrile reaction is often regarded as an unwanted symptom rather than an integral and healing component of the immune response.[1]"

"Pyrogenic substances and a more recent use of whole body hyperthermia to mimic the physiologic response to fever have successfully been administered in palliative and curative treatment protocols for metastatic cancer.[40]"

"Acute infections and fever provoke an immediate and effective immune response that can fight infectious agents as well as cancer at the same time; similarly Coley's Toxins were a highly effective anticancer treatment because they worked by stimulating a powerful immune response."

"Fever plays a beneficial role when body's immunity is challenged, and helps in the natural destruction of cancer cells. Cellular damage occurs only at temperatures above 108°F, but much good is accomplished at lower temperatures.[16,46]"

"The recent 6-year Norwegian follow-up study on breast cancer in women [phew!] also accepts the fact of natural regression in one-fifth of the untreated cases that were followed up; the authors concluded that this may reflect the fact that these cancers are rarely allowed to follow their natural course.[48]"

"It is interesting to note that the current primary cancer management procedures neither harness the benefits of patients’ own immune system nor stimulate it to achieve tumor regression but actively suppress it; thus it does not run parallel to body's own defensive mechanisms but opposes its natural role. An ideal cancer management would involve the stimulation of the immune system, its complex effective and reproducible in vivo mechanisms that fight cancer. Acute infections are beneficial in the prevention and regression of tumors. In conclusion, childhood febrile infections can prevent cancer in adulthood. Asepsis, fever control, surgery, and immunosuppressive therapies are known to have an inverse relation to cancer regression, while acute infection, fever, and cancer vaccines by the virtue of immunostimulation induce regression of cancer even in the most advanced stage of disease and prove that cancer is not an irreversible process without a cure.[1,43]"​

- Spontaneous tumor regression
- Spontaneous regression of malignant tumors: Importance of the immune system and other factors (Review)

- Coley's Toxins: A Cancer Treatment History

"The make-up of Coley's Toxin's is remarkably simple. From 1894 until 1906, Coley's Toxins was made by Dr. B.H. Buxton of Cornell University. He soaked one pound of ground beef over night in 1000 cc of water. Then he boiled the beef for one hour before filtering it through cotton cloth. At that point, he added ten grams of peptone and five grams of sodium chloride, then tested the mixture with litmus to get the solution slightly alkaline. He boiled the solution for one hour, filtered it through filter paper, then boiled it again for a half-hour, once a day, three days in a row. The solution was then seeded with a live streptococcus solution and let stand for ten days. The solution was covered, but the growth needed air. The solution became cloudy. Then a few cc of the live Bacillus prodigiosus was added to the solution and allowed to grow for ten days more. At that point, the solution was heated for two hours at 58°C, and a bit of thymol was added. The vaccine was stored at 2°C to 4°C.

From 1906 until 1920, Dr. Martha Tracy — who had worked with Buxton — changed the way the vaccine was made. She grew the two bacteria separately. Then she did a nitrogen determination on the B. prodigiosus and, depending on what she found, she added a certain amount of Bacillus prodigiosus to the streptococcus growth. I do not like this way of making the vaccine. If one makes a mistake in doing the nitrogen determination and gets too much of the B. prodigiosus, the vaccine will turn very toxic. Making the vaccine as per Buxton, one will never get a toxic vaccine.

In 1990, I had a call from Don Carrow, MD in Tampa, Florida. Dr. Carrow wanted to know how to make Coley's Toxins. I sent him the above information, Rather than using beef broth, he used as a broth Difco AOAC, a product of Difco Laboratories in Detroit. In 1000 cc of water, he added 15 grams of Difco AOAC, 10 grams of Bacto peptone — another Difco product — five grams of sodium chloride and 100 grams of glucose, He got the ph from 7.1 to 7.2. Dr. Carrow then added a few cc of live streptococcus solution and let it stand at 36°C for ten days. He got the 1,000 cc to 25°C and seeded it with live Serratia marcescens and let it grow for another ten days. At that point, the vaccine was heated to 65°C for two hours to get a killed vaccine, and Carrow added 0.03 cc per cc of benzyl alcohol. The vaccine was stored at 2°C to 4°C. The 1,000 cc was then filtered through a seven micron filter with care taken not to remove the dead bacteria.

He had a cancer patient ready to treat with his Coley's Toxins. A 50-year-old nurse with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, this patient had a tumor under one arm that was the size of a football. He injected his Coley's Toxins into the center of that big tumor with a three inch long needle. Injections were done each day. These produced first shaking chills, then a fever of 104°F. I do not know how many injections were given, but the tumor was reduced to a flabby bag that was removed by surgery. The bag contained no cancer cells. Dr. Carrow reported in 2002, shortly before his own death, that the patient remained cancer-free."

"Another doctor, whom I'll call Doctor Y, has added a new dimension to the treatment of cancer with Coley's Toxins. He sets up an IV of Coley's Toxins in his office for his patients. He then shows the patients how to do the injections at home as self-medication and sends them home with a 20 cc bottle of Coley's Toxins. He instructs the patient to have rectal suppositories of Tylenol on hand, since rectal suppositories will terminate a reaction to Coley's Toxins quickly. The patient is to do an injection at about 8:00 AM. For an hour, he cautions, the patient will feel cold and may shake. Then the fever will come on and the pulse will increase to about 125. The patient is told to check temperature and pulse every hour. If the fever exceeds 104°F, or if the pulse exceeds 135, the patient should terminate the reaction with Tylenol. This will not happen often. The fever should end by 6:00 PM."​

Who knew that consuming commercial gelatin was in fact a cancer therapy..

@burtlancast @Obi-wan @Зевс


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
Are cancer rates lower in hot climates where people do not have air conditioning?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Thank you very much! This is extremely important!
Hopefully it inspires @Obi-wan to reconsider his avoidance of antioxidants. Sure their excess is bad, but some must be important. These people managed to heal their cancer with bouts of fever stress and I doubt the body can benefit from the sustained stress; those nutrients might even be required for a proper immune response. Just an opinion.


Bouncing on a trampoline increases white blood cell count for a while, and haidut posted about stretching reducing tumor size, so maybe a non toxic way might be regular trampoline bouncing, hot yoga, or spending time in a sauna regularly and stretching at other times. I bet red light would be helpful as well.

Increasing body temperature
Red light

Would be non dietary ways of treating cancer.


Jun 1, 2016
In light of @Amazoniac findings Steve Richfield's hyperthermic protocol sounds even more interesting. Those who had success with Steve Richfield's temperature reset report improvements that sound very much like low endotoxin/low serotonin. Besides, it is known that enzymatic activity is temperature dependent, viruses and bacteria are temperature sensitive. So what if hyperthermia shuts down enzymes that participate in serotonin/prolactin/estrogen production and activates enzymes that produce CO2, progesterone, DHEA? Or maybe does not activate the latter, but just shuts down the former? Serotonin is needed for cancer formation and serotonin induces hypothermia. Also Dr. Peat mentioned that birds body temperature being higher (about 105 degrees) may be the reason they can tolerate high PUFA consumptions without a rumen. Looks like hyperthermia may balance out serotonin and PUFA, that are required for cancer formation. Plus more red blood cells as per experiments Ray Peat was talking about: when rat's tail started producing red blood cells when tail's temperature was elevated. Plus intestinal bacteria dye off with elevated temperature, plus vasodilation and increased o2 delivery to the cells as in opposite to hypoxia when the temperature drops.
And if immune system is there to clear the debris, and hyperthermia is there to accommodate the process? The fever may not be needed (as in bacteria induced fever), only hyperthermia? There must be a way to rise body temperature to 100-104 degrees without the bacteria injections, it will not be comfortable for sure, but still maybe safer, considering that without bacteria associated fever, artificially induced hyperthermia may be even easier to control. Maybe rising body temperature to 100 degrees long enough and often enough (every day, for most part of the day) could have similar effects to those described above by @Amazoniac , like over a course of 1-2 months?
What if the mechanism is similar to that one described by @haidut :? Hyperthermia As Treatment For Depression
Last edited:


Nov 29, 2017
how effective would hot salt baths (epsom, baking soda, borax, sts) be if one would be willing to venture a guess?


Jun 1, 2016
So I looked up whole body hyperthermia (incl. for cancer) and of course that has been done.
From the study @haidut links in depression thread Hyperthermia As Treatment For Depression
"The researchers then used a tent-like, whole-body hyperthermia device to raise the body temperatures of 15 of the patients to about 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit.
The patients got inside the tent-like device. Infrared lights and heating coils heated their chest and legs. Once their body temperature increased, the heat was turned off and the patients cooled down for one hour." And whole-body hyperthermia medical device exists, something like that one
and there was a doctor who created it as well In memoriam Dr. Martin Heckel
"In order to help him overcome this disability that was threatening his career, at the end of the 1950s he developed "from first-hand experience" a self-built infrared device for whole body hyperthermia, which he presented in "Strahlentherapie" in 1960." about Martin Heckel "In 1981, again after countless experiments on himself, he developed the technical principle of supplying heat by diffuse infrared reflection scattering with subsequent heat retention phase, which has been used to date in the heckel-HT2000(M) devices. He discussed the method in several publications and numerous presentations at home and abroad. In 1990 his monograph "Ganzkörperhyperthermie und Fiebertherapie" ["Whole body hyperthermia and fever therapy"] was published by Hippokrates-Verlag, Stuttgart." History of the treatment here History of Fever therapy and Hyperthermia "Wagner-Jaueregg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1927 for the (sometimes) successful treatment of dementia paralytica by malaria inoculation. He also reported improvements of depressive disorders using this method."
All that was before amazon started offering portable (tent-like) infrared saunas for $100-$200
The only questions left: head in or out? In the original Heckel's designs whole body including head were heated, in more recent devices only torso is heated. As i remember brain is able to regulate the temperature to some degree independently from the torso temperature, I may be wrong though. I also noticed in the video (i linked above) they measure body temperature (and pulse) using ear clap and head is not heated, so i guess ear temperature rises along with the torso temperature.


Jan 1, 2013

"As early as 1899, British cancer researcher D’Arcy Power observed, “Where malaria is common, cancer is rare.”[44] Between 1929 and 1991, at least 15 investigations including 8 case–control studies examined the link between infectious disease and cancer and all but one have found that a history of infectious disease reduces the risk of cancer.[41,28]"

Acute infections are beneficial in the prevention and regression of tumors. In conclusion, childhood febrile infections can prevent cancer in adulthood.​

Right there, there's an easy mass prevention method for cancer.

Infect yourself every 6 months for a few days, starting when you reach 30, and never catch prostate/colon/breast/ovarian cancer.

I like it.​


Jan 1, 2013
Also, since chronic infections protect against cancer, isn't the cause of increased cancer incidence throughout the past century due to the apparition of antibiotics ?

Food for thought.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
due to the apparition of antibiotics

...or vaccines. The incidence of cancer matches vaccine adoption curves much more closely than antibiotics. Keep in mind some antibiotics were shown to treat cancer, so I'd say the finger points more towards mass-scale public "health" campaigns like either vaccines or fluoridization of water, and especially pollution of water, food and air with environmental toxins such as synthetic estrogens, SSRI, etc.
There Is A Massive Conspiracy To Push Transsexuality On Kids


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Those would not be air quotes in case it was a conversation, I have self-respect.

- Immunity over inability: The spontaneous regression of cancer

"Spontaneous tumor regression is a phenomenon that has been observed for hundreds if not thousands of years. Although the term spontaneous implies “without any apparent cause,” a review of reports demonstrates that regression generally coincides with acute infections.[1] Savarrio et al claimed to report the first ever case of spontaneous regression of a neoplasm of the oral cavity of the subset of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas known as Ki-1 anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). King et al. reported a case of complete spontaneous regression of metastatic cutaneous melanoma with parotid and neck lymph node metastases.[9]"

"The phenomenon of spontaneous regression is also known as St. Peregrine tumor. Peregrine Laziozi (1265–1345), a young priest, was afflicted with cancer of the tibia requiring amputation of the leg; the lesion grew to a point where it broke through the skin and became severely infected. Miraculously, by the time his operation was due his physician was astonished to observe that there were no signs of the tumor. St. Peregrine's tumor never returned.[7,10] Although numerous cases of spontaneous tumor regression have been published over the last several hundreds of years, such reports have become rare in the current medical literature;[1] virtually all of these reports note regression concomitant with infections including diphtheria, gonorrhea, hepatitis, influenza, malaria, measles, smallpox, syphilis, and tuberculosis as well as various other pyogenic and nonpyogenic infections. Observation of this non-specific effect led to the emergence of active cancer immunotherapies by the 1700s.[1,11]"

"In 1891, a young bone surgeon at New York Memorial Hospital began his search for a new approach to cancer treatment, after the loss of his very first patient to cancer. Serendipitously, he discovered the record of an immigrant patient who presented with an egg-size sarcoma on his left cheek.[10] The sarcoma was operated on twice and still recurred as a 4.5-inch grape-like cluster below his left ear. The extensive wound after surgery could not be closed and skin grafts were unsuccessful. Ironically, this failure to close the wound would play a key part in the patient's eventual cure. The tumor progressed and a final operation only partially removed the tumor; the wound became severely infected with erysipelas by Streptococcus pyogenes and the patient developed a high fever. Little could be done to stop the infection, yet surprisingly, after each attack of fever the ulcer improved; the tumor shrank, and finally disappeared completely. On a subsequent review, the patient, still bearing a large scar from his previous operations, had no trace of cancer and claimed excellent health since his discharge– 7 years previously.[10,12]

Coley [the one and only] suspected that somehow the infection was responsible for the miraculous cure. He later realized that the patient's activated immunity in response to the acute infection was the key factor in cancer regression. He decided to put his theory to the test and infected his next 10 patients with erysipelas.[12,13] Problems with this approach soon became apparent; sometimes it was difficult to induce an infection, other times there was a strong reaction and the disease regressed. However, occasionally, the infection was fatal. Due to its unpredictability, he developed a vaccine containing two killed bacteria, the Gram-positive Streptococcus pyogenes and the Gram-negative Serratia marcescens. Experimental work at the time suggested that the latter bacteria increased the virulence of the former.[14] In this way, he could simulate an infection with inflammation, chills, and fever without worrying about the risks of an actual infection. This vaccine became known as “Coley's toxins.Coley stressed that the technique of administration and the ability of the vaccine to induce mild to moderate fever was of paramount importance in the regression of cancer.[15,1] He successfully used his vaccine, in treating a man bedridden with an inoperable sarcoma involving the abdominal wall, pelvis, and bladder. The sarcoma regressed completely and the patient was followed up until his death from a heart attack 26 years later.[16]"

"Coley's immunotherapy regimen was so outstanding that even when applied to patients in their final stages of disease, some remarkable recoveries were obtained, with patients often outliving their cancer.[17,18]"

"Martha Tracy who formulated many of Coley's vaccine observed that the most effective formulation was the one that induced both local and systemic reactions.[19]"

"[..]inducing a fever was essential."

"The greatest value of Coley's Toxins is evident in the lives of patients who received the therapy. Rather than surviving additional years with cancer, many of these patients lived the rest of their lives without cancer.[23,24]"

"The last recorded use of Coley's Toxins anywhere in the world was in China in the 1980s as a primary therapy for cancer in an adult male who had terminal liver cancer involving large tumors in both lobes of the liver; he received 68 injections of Coley's Toxins in 34 weeks. By the end of this course of treatment, all of the tumors had completely regressed.[25]"

"The primary cancer therapies, namely, surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, widely accepted and practiced have their own pitfalls. The risks, deficiencies, cost, specialized skills, and medical ethics are often associated with these procedures. Even surgery, the most acceptable of the three in treatment of most tumors, has resulted in an ethical dilemma. Every time an incision is made into cancerous tumor, with even the least invasive type of incision called the needle biopsy, there is a risk of spreading the disease due to cancer cells entering the bloodstream or becoming implanted in the surrounding tissue. There are at least 10 published cases of tumors arising along the route taken by a biopsy needle.[26] Surgical excision usually done with an intention to cure also removes the protective barrier or the wall, body builds itself to protect itself from cancer metastasis. Surgery and the subsequent healing process greatly increases the risk of death by metastasis in certain cancer patients by disrupting tumor integrity, facilitating metastasis, directly seeding the tumor, inducing local angiogenesis, immune suppression, and enhancement of tumor growth.[33] Surgical stress also greatly enhances metastasis by increasing the expression of proteinases in the target organ of metastasis, metastasis being the primary concern of fatality in cancer patients.[34]"

"Spontaneous regression is a well-authenticated and natural phenomenon. Its study may lead us to a better understanding of the natural history of neoplastic disease which so commonly progresses but rarely regresses.[37] The comparative rarity of spontaneous regressions today may result from the immunosuppressive nature of conventional cancer therapies.[1] The spontaneous healing of cancer, after having been the subject of many controversies, is now accepted as an indisputable fact. The percentage of spontaneous regression as quoted by Boyers is 1 in 80,000 and 1 in 100,000 by Bashford; it may be subjected to criticism but proves a remarkable fact that cancer is not an irreversible process.[38]"

"The disturbance of tumor such as biopsy and surgical procedures cause a greatly increased number of cancer cells to enter the bloodstream, while most medical intervention (especially chemotherapy) suppresses the immune system. This combination is a recipe for disaster. It is the metastases that kill, while primary tumors in general, and those in the breast in particular, can be relatively harmless. These findings have been confirmed by recent research which shows that surgery, even if unrelated to the cancer, can trigger an explosive spread of metastases and lead to an untimely end.[39]"

"Though all of us develop cancer cells in our life time, not all of us develop cancer. The proportion of risk of cancer varies from person to person and the individuals’ exposure to common febrile infections as shown by epidemiologic studies. What helps the majority safe guard against cancer? Do acute infections have a direct and spontaneous role in the prevention and regression of cancer?[43]"

"As early as 1899, British cancer researcher D’Arcy Power observed, “Where malaria is common, cancer is rare.”[44] Between 1929 and 1991, at least 15 investigations including 8 case–control studies examined the link between infectious disease and cancer and all but one have found that a history of infectious disease reduces the risk of cancer.[41,28]"

"Since spontaneous regression is often associated with a previous history of acute infections and fever, it is likely that fever-causing pathogens have a beneficial role to play in activating and stimulating the immune defenses which battle the invading pathogens as well as gain a new-found recognition of cancer cells and attack them vigorously. Fever whether natural (acute infections) or induced (Coley's Toxins) stimulate a multitude of cascading, interlinking, and complex pathways of the immune system simultaneously releasing numerous products in the right quantity and qualities to combat the disease which may not be humanly possible to reproduce in vitro. This may explain why single cytokine therapy or immune products don’t give desirable results in cancer therapy, besides being expensive, toxic, and at times fatal due to the unnatural challenge they pose to the human system.[40,10]"

"Unfortunately, even during cancer immunotherapy, an acute febrile reaction is often regarded as an unwanted symptom rather than an integral and healing component of the immune response.[1]"

"Pyrogenic substances and a more recent use of whole body hyperthermia to mimic the physiologic response to fever have successfully been administered in palliative and curative treatment protocols for metastatic cancer.[40]"

"Acute infections and fever provoke an immediate and effective immune response that can fight infectious agents as well as cancer at the same time; similarly Coley's Toxins were a highly effective anticancer treatment because they worked by stimulating a powerful immune response."

"Fever plays a beneficial role when body's immunity is challenged, and helps in the natural destruction of cancer cells. Cellular damage occurs only at temperatures above 108°F, but much good is accomplished at lower temperatures.[16,46]"

"The recent 6-year Norwegian follow-up study on breast cancer in women [phew!] also accepts the fact of natural regression in one-fifth of the untreated cases that were followed up; the authors concluded that this may reflect the fact that these cancers are rarely allowed to follow their natural course.[48]"

"It is interesting to note that the current primary cancer management procedures neither harness the benefits of patients’ own immune system nor stimulate it to achieve tumor regression but actively suppress it; thus it does not run parallel to body's own defensive mechanisms but opposes its natural role. An ideal cancer management would involve the stimulation of the immune system, its complex effective and reproducible in vivo mechanisms that fight cancer. Acute infections are beneficial in the prevention and regression of tumors. In conclusion, childhood febrile infections can prevent cancer in adulthood. Asepsis, fever control, surgery, and immunosuppressive therapies are known to have an inverse relation to cancer regression, while acute infection, fever, and cancer vaccines by the virtue of immunostimulation induce regression of cancer even in the most advanced stage of disease and prove that cancer is not an irreversible process without a cure.[1,43]"​

- Spontaneous tumor regression
- Spontaneous regression of malignant tumors: Importance of the immune system and other factors (Review)

- Coley's Toxins: A Cancer Treatment History

"The make-up of Coley's Toxin's is remarkably simple. From 1894 until 1906, Coley's Toxins was made by Dr. B.H. Buxton of Cornell University. He soaked one pound of ground beef over night in 1000 cc of water. Then he boiled the beef for one hour before filtering it through cotton cloth. At that point, he added ten grams of peptone and five grams of sodium chloride, then tested the mixture with litmus to get the solution slightly alkaline. He boiled the solution for one hour, filtered it through filter paper, then boiled it again for a half-hour, once a day, three days in a row. The solution was then seeded with a live streptococcus solution and let stand for ten days. The solution was covered, but the growth needed air. The solution became cloudy. Then a few cc of the live Bacillus prodigiosus was added to the solution and allowed to grow for ten days more. At that point, the solution was heated for two hours at 58°C, and a bit of thymol was added. The vaccine was stored at 2°C to 4°C.

From 1906 until 1920, Dr. Martha Tracy — who had worked with Buxton — changed the way the vaccine was made. She grew the two bacteria separately. Then she did a nitrogen determination on the B. prodigiosus and, depending on what she found, she added a certain amount of Bacillus prodigiosus to the streptococcus growth. I do not like this way of making the vaccine. If one makes a mistake in doing the nitrogen determination and gets too much of the B. prodigiosus, the vaccine will turn very toxic. Making the vaccine as per Buxton, one will never get a toxic vaccine.

In 1990, I had a call from Don Carrow, MD in Tampa, Florida. Dr. Carrow wanted to know how to make Coley's Toxins. I sent him the above information, Rather than using beef broth, he used as a broth Difco AOAC, a product of Difco Laboratories in Detroit. In 1000 cc of water, he added 15 grams of Difco AOAC, 10 grams of Bacto peptone — another Difco product — five grams of sodium chloride and 100 grams of glucose, He got the ph from 7.1 to 7.2. Dr. Carrow then added a few cc of live streptococcus solution and let it stand at 36°C for ten days. He got the 1,000 cc to 25°C and seeded it with live Serratia marcescens and let it grow for another ten days. At that point, the vaccine was heated to 65°C for two hours to get a killed vaccine, and Carrow added 0.03 cc per cc of benzyl alcohol. The vaccine was stored at 2°C to 4°C. The 1,000 cc was then filtered through a seven micron filter with care taken not to remove the dead bacteria.

He had a cancer patient ready to treat with his Coley's Toxins. A 50-year-old nurse with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, this patient had a tumor under one arm that was the size of a football. He injected his Coley's Toxins into the center of that big tumor with a three inch long needle. Injections were done each day. These produced first shaking chills, then a fever of 104°F. I do not know how many injections were given, but the tumor was reduced to a flabby bag that was removed by surgery. The bag contained no cancer cells. Dr. Carrow reported in 2002, shortly before his own death, that the patient remained cancer-free."

"Another doctor, whom I'll call Doctor Y, has added a new dimension to the treatment of cancer with Coley's Toxins. He sets up an IV of Coley's Toxins in his office for his patients. He then shows the patients how to do the injections at home as self-medication and sends them home with a 20 cc bottle of Coley's Toxins. He instructs the patient to have rectal suppositories of Tylenol on hand, since rectal suppositories will terminate a reaction to Coley's Toxins quickly. The patient is to do an injection at about 8:00 AM. For an hour, he cautions, the patient will feel cold and may shake. Then the fever will come on and the pulse will increase to about 125. The patient is told to check temperature and pulse every hour. If the fever exceeds 104°F, or if the pulse exceeds 135, the patient should terminate the reaction with Tylenol. This will not happen often. The fever should end by 6:00 PM."​

Who knew that consuming commercial gelatin was in fact a cancer therapy..

@burtlancast @Obi-wan @Зевс

That is a great find but unfortunately Big Pharma is using this exact idea to justify treating cancer patients with synthetic LPS and/or other TLR4 agonists because "they activate the immune system". I think the proper immune approach to cancer comes down to intact thymus, which depends on low estrogen/cortisol.
Immune Decline (Not Genetics) Causes Cancer And It Can Be Easily Fixed
Reducing Estrogen Synthesis Regenerates Thymus Destroyed By Aging


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Related to needle(ss) biopsies:

Cancer Supplementary Points

"Examination of patients should be so conducted that undue pressure and manipulation is avoided. There is no necessity to destroy the delicate blood vessels that grow into the growth to accomplish the removal of the digestion products of the cancer cells. Destruction of these vessels delays the recovery and may result in unhandy complications. One can learn as much about the changes going on in the growth by very slight and circumspect palpation. Nothing is more disgusting than to observe a clumsy untrained finger study of a growth. One must decide what characteristics are to be sought in the growth regarding movability, elasticity, extent, and lobulation or nodulation, and then use the least possible force in making the palpation. It is surprising what easy handling will give the characteristics to an intelligent observer. The patient will appreciate your care, for most likely she has been through the hands of a number of ruffians or “butcher” examiners who she knows did her definite harm. Recovery takes place better if it is not disturbed by traumatism. What we want are the best results."​

chronic infections protect against cancer

I guess what you can say is that co-infection can change the course of the established one (which probably set in because the conditions were favorable and stable in a chronic way).

If Gershom was a forum member, he would likely backflip from the enthusiasm of reading those passages.
Gershom Zajicek
Interference Phenomena Between Animal Viruses: A Review
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Nov 29, 2017
I’ve been on a hot bath kick lately. Really interested in this thread so I did some reading and found powdered ginger as a good additive(although quite messy) in addition to baking soda and epsom salt. In terms of hyperthermia, I think if I added enough ginger to the mix, it could heat up the body much like a fever. Tried a tablespoon today. .... Not much difference...Will do 3 tbs tomorrow and see what that feels like.

Infrared sauna effect minus the ir lamps


Mar 26, 2018
That is a great find but unfortunately Big Pharma is using this exact idea to justify treating cancer patients with synthetic LPS and/or other TLR4 agonists because "they activate the immune system". I think the proper immune approach to cancer comes down to intact thymus, which depends on low estrogen/cortisol.
Immune Decline (Not Genetics) Causes Cancer And It Can Be Easily Fixed
Reducing Estrogen Synthesis Regenerates Thymus Destroyed By Aging

Pharma is using intratumoral TLR/STING/RIG-I agonists, along with oncolytic viruses. The TLR4 agonist G100 (plus Pembro) will be going into a pivotal trial in fNHL Paper: Long Term Follow-up of a Phase 2 Study Examining Intratumoral G100 Alone and in Combination with Pembrolizumab in Patients with Follicular Lymphoma


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Pharma is using intratumoral TLR/STING/RIG-I agonists, along with oncolytic viruses. The TLR4 agonist G100 (plus Pembro) will be going into a pivotal trial in fNHL Paper: Long Term Follow-up of a Phase 2 Study Examining Intratumoral G100 Alone and in Combination with Pembrolizumab in Patients with Follicular Lymphoma

Sad. I wonder how many people will die before the "treatment" is scrapped as "no better than placebo" when it should have been clear from the start that it is not just no better but much worse than placebo.


Mar 16, 2017
Hopefully it inspires @Obi-wan to reconsider his avoidance of antioxidants. Sure their excess is bad, but some must be important. These people managed to heal their cancer with bouts of fever stress and I doubt the body can benefit from the sustained stress; those nutrients might even be required for a proper immune response. Just an opinion.

Glad to see I am in your thoughts ima-maniac. I am back on Vit E Succinate, Inosine, Selenium, and Idea labs Energin, Magnaoil, K2, and D3


Mar 26, 2018
Sad. I wonder how many people will die before the "treatment" is scrapped as "no better than placebo" when it should have been clear from the start that it is not just no better but much worse than placebo.

Why is it sad? If you read the abstract both the ORR (tumour shrinkage) and duration of response were met. At SITC the company present data on the intratumoral injected 20 mg dose. It provides increased activity with a similar safety profile as that seen in the 10 mg dose. There was a positive trend of more rapid and deeper abscopal responses. Based on preclinical data a triplet treatment of G100, anti-CTLA4 and anti-OX40 injected into a single lesion is able to cure mice with established disease Intratumoral Injection of TLR4 Agonist (G100) Leads to Tumor Regression of A20 Lymphoma and Induces Abscopal Responses This has been shown by other groups as well JCI - Depleting tumor-specific Tregs at a single site eradicates disseminated tumors Eradication of spontaneous malignancy by local immunotherapy
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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