I' m a 18 year old guy with big problems


Mar 6, 2020
the point is you cant have what others have, you cant have what bigger more masculine guys have, what millionares have, what models have, and what Starship has.

It quicker to learn the mental trick of dismissing these needs than it is to find some miracle growth hormone to change largely immutable things.


Feb 13, 2021
I'm 6 ft 5 mate, and let me tell you, you are missing literally nothing
sure brah
You can beat most guys, you can intimidate, girls prefer taller guys, they get more respect, you can be a heavyweight athlete, more options in anything.


Dec 12, 2020
sure brah
You can beat most guys, you can intimidate, girls prefer taller guys, they get more respect, you can be a heavyweight athlete, more options in anything.

Sup man.

But in the modern world, violence is so unbelievably rare. Our society is quite civilised, and most people do not have an abundance of energy to wish to fight. I would probably beat a person who doesn't know how to fight. However, if it was a guy who trained hard, and knew how to fight, it would be a very bad day for me. Knowing how to fight changes the equation massively. I have been a strong powerlifter type person (squat 500lbs, deadlift 550lbs), and I would sometimes spar my friends who were kickboxers just for a laugh. Guess what? They, in the friendliest way possible, kicked my ****. My friend who is a world champion powerlifter and entrepreneur stopped lifting and did boxing for a few years. He had about 6 pro fights, but when he began to encounter guys who were quite skilled, he got his **** beat.

Being big can give guys an ego, and if they meet a person who can fight, they'll get smoked.

As for girls. I am mostly a career focused person, have been working my **** off since I was 11 years old, am now 29, and no girl has actually really liked me in my life so far. Have got a lot done, speak multiple languages, play different instruments, travel a lot, etc. It isn't so simple my friend.

Get more respect because of size? No. I get respect in my domain because I am very hard-working, and a solid professional who can be trusted to deliver complex and demanding projects. I get respect for being methodical, gritty, and detail oriented. Indeed, in my new job, my colleagues haven't even seen me in person, only Zoom. They respect me and I respect them. Height and size are no factor.

The truth is that energy, overall systemic health, and function are what give people options in anything.


You're selling yourself short.
You look better than you think you do.
Quite muscular, youngish face but nothing startling.

Your wrists seem normal, and in adequation with the rest of your body.
Proportions are good.

Sorry man, it's in your head.

Does Elon Musk look like the prototype of a fully grown man?
Did it prevent him from becoming a billionaire and living a fullfilling life?


Jun 10, 2020
Sup man.

But in the modern world, violence is so unbelievably rare. Our society is quite civilised, and most people do not have an abundance of energy to wish to fight. I would probably beat a person who doesn't know how to fight. However, if it was a guy who trained hard, and knew how to fight, it would be a very bad day for me. Knowing how to fight changes the equation massively. I have been a strong powerlifter type person (squat 500lbs, deadlift 550lbs), and I would sometimes spar my friends who were kickboxers just for a laugh. Guess what? They, in the friendliest way possible, kicked my ****. My friend who is a world champion powerlifter and entrepreneur stopped lifting and did boxing for a few years. He had about 6 pro fights, but when he began to encounter guys who were quite skilled, he got his **** beat.

Being big can give guys an ego, and if they meet a person who can fight, they'll get smoked.

As for girls. I am mostly a career focused person, have been working my **** off since I was 11 years old, am now 29, and no girl has actually really liked me in my life so far. Have got a lot done, speak multiple languages, play different instruments, travel a lot, etc. It isn't so simple my friend.

Get more respect because of size? No. I get respect in my domain because I am very hard-working, and a solid professional who can be trusted to deliver complex and demanding projects. I get respect for being methodical, gritty, and detail oriented. Indeed, in my new job, my colleagues haven't even seen me in person, only Zoom. They respect me and I respect them. Height and size are no factor.

The truth is that energy, overall systemic health, and function are what give people options in anything.

I like what you wrote. Especially the last two paragraphs.

Rave re-peat

Jan 29, 2021
So, sorry if my english is not that good i m not native.
I will try to give just the amount of needed informations
My problems are
-my mom, classmates, girls even todlers have bigger wrists than me.
-small head, small everything my gf have a bigger head /facial bone structure than me.
-I have no libido, i can t mentain a full erection.
-I tried to grow muscle, at 5'8 62 kg i was eating 3500 kcal and i was at 65 and hardly to mentain.
-high pitched voice.
-Soft skin and very young look.
-i m 12% bf and i can t see a bone in my face.
-Narrow palate i can t fit my tongue so i can t mew.
-Overbite, a bad one.
-I can t speak properly maybe because i can t fit my tongue..
-I m very emotional.

i TRIED TO inject testosterone 250mg for like 2 months and no changes...
What i want? A bigger bone structure/facial bones to look like a man and some erections..

I want to get advice about what i should try? I want to try a HGH cycle.. I m new here so i want to learn..
Here are some pics with me, i have a good body because of small bone structure in reality i m soo small.
Also my left side is smaller and weaker bad assimetry.
And in the end a picture with me and my gf.. Head difference IMG 20210202 170604 — Postimages

You look young because you are young. Dont worry. You look perfectly healthy. There will be alot more changes. You are not fully developed as a man untill 25-30. Some change alot even up to 35 years. 18 is nothing man. In your age id recommend sleeping and eating alot. Exercise but not too much and enjoy yourself. Seriously. You are just still young.

Rave re-peat

Jan 29, 2021
Yeah like you wont see any facial changes or body changes in a short time. You look differently when your 21-23. And then when you are 25-28 and so on. Changes take years. Just live and eat healthy and give yourself the nutrition for this so you can grow into a man. At 18 your are still a kid.


Nov 16, 2019
I'd say focus on thyroid. Should help you gain weight, and will help your body make more testosterone which is a precursor to DHT which will make you more manly.

Thyroid itself is actually one of the best bone builders too, Ray Peat often talks about a study where they made the rats hyperthyroid and their bones got a strong as rock despite the rats being starved.

You never actually said what your diet is by the way, that is sorta important to know.


Oct 7, 2020
I'd say focus on thyroid. Should help you gain weight, and will help your body make more testosterone which is a precursor to DHT which will make you more manly.

Thyroid itself is actually one of the best bone builders too, Ray Peat often talks about a study where they made the rats hyperthyroid and their bones got a strong as rock despite the rats being starved.

You never actually said what your diet is by the way, that is sorta important to know.
What things to primarily focus on for boosting the Thyroid and what factors usually tend to make the body not output as much Thyroid as it could be possible for t to output and what does a TSH of 2.1-2.4 and Testosterone of 475ng/dl and C-Reactive Protein of 1.9 mean usually? I had those tests done in 2019 and the TSH tests some times before too and now I am 19 years old but I am not sure what my blood tests results would be like now but I should probably get a blood test done.


Nov 16, 2019
Limiting mold/EMF/PUFAs/stress and getting better foods(milk, cheese, bone broth, eggs, oysters, liver, sugar, saturated fats, coconut oil, muscle meats, OJ etc.), light exposure (try to spend as much of your day outside or in bright light as possible), meaningful work and relationships, fix gut health etc. But these are just the simple basic things that most people on this forum are trying to do.

TSH is a useless test imo. haidut has mentioned before that if a male has test under 500ng/dl, there is a high chance he will be infertile, so I would say those tests are sub optimal. Waking temp and temp after you ate breakfast, and pulse and this test are probably better tests to do. Even cholesterol.


Oct 7, 2020
Limiting mold/EMF/PUFAs/stress and getting better foods(milk, cheese, bone broth, eggs, oysters, liver, sugar, saturated fats, coconut oil, muscle meats, OJ etc.), light exposure (try to spend as much of your day outside or in bright light as possible), meaningful work and relationships, fix gut health etc. But these are just the simple basic things that most people on this forum are trying to do.

TSH is a useless test imo. haidut has mentioned before that if a male has test under 500ng/dl, there is a high chance he will be infertile, so I would say those tests are sub optimal. Waking temp and temp after you ate breakfast, and pulse and this test are probably better tests to do. Even cholesterol.

My temperature tends to be between 36.9-37.2 celsius usually and my pulse is like in the 80s usually. I have been wondering what if there is some mold at my home somewhere unknowingly however I have not seen any visually physically visible signs of the mold. Interesting so you say that a meaningful work and relationships have a pro-Thyroidic and pro-metabolical effect? I have felt in my life that when I had good social groups and circles and in general good relationships and a feeling of belonging that my Thyroid and Androgens and general health and wellbeing was at it's peak back then however now that I have finished high school and since this quarantine started I have been mostly at home just Peating and working out and reading about topics I am interested in like health, nutrition, biochemistry, endocrinology and other ones and I tend to go out for walks now in a while now and then.


Nov 16, 2019
My temperature tends to be between 36.9-37.2 celsius usually and my pulse is like in the 80s usually. I have been wondering what if there is some mold at my home somewhere unknowingly however I have not seen any visually physically visible signs of the mold. Interesting so you say that a meaningful work and relationships have a pro-Thyroidic and pro-metabolical effect? I have felt in my life that when I had good social groups and circles and in general good relationships and a feeling of belonging that my Thyroid and Androgens and general health and wellbeing was at it's peak back then however now that I have finished high school and since this quarantine started I have been mostly at home just Peating and working out and reading about topics I am interested in like health, nutrition, biochemistry, endocrinology and other ones and I tend to go out for walks now in a while now and then.
How about first thing when you wake up? But those temps and pulse during the day seem indicative of good thyroid function.

I don't wanna go too off-topic from the thread, but I think the main pro-thyroid and pro-metabolic effects are from the reduced stress -- escaping toxic relationships and stressful jobs etc -- but I'm sure there are other factors as to how this could have positive effects. Of course I think that meaningful work and relationships are something that everybody should strive for. This quote from Abraham Maslow is something I have been thinking about a lot lately - “The only happy people I know are the ones who are working well at something they consider important." I am in a pretty much identical situation to you, and I agree that my general health and wellbeing was better when I had a huge social group and circles after school, always hanging out doing things. But it wasn't so much the quarantine limiting this, rather just people getting older and moving to different cities, getting full time jobs etc. However, the better health and wellbeing back then could have just been that the excessive exercise and high PUFA diet/lack of sunlight etc. was catching up with me.
I just want to mention, I think it's important to take breaks from this sort of research and be careful that you're not focusing on your health too much. People can become quite obsessive over it and be constantly thinking about what their temperature is, what foods they should or should not be eating, what supplements they need to take. I believe this could actually make people more stressed. Lately I've been trying to live my life not thinking about these things so much, rather just slowly creating healthy habits.


Oct 7, 2020
How about first thing when you wake up? But those temps and pulse during the day seem indicative of good thyroid function.

I don't wanna go too off-topic from the thread, but I think the main pro-thyroid and pro-metabolic effects are from the reduced stress -- escaping toxic relationships and stressful jobs etc -- but I'm sure there are other factors as to how this could have positive effects. Of course I think that meaningful work and relationships are something that everybody should strive for. This quote from Abraham Maslow is something I have been thinking about a lot lately - “The only happy people I know are the ones who are working well at something they consider important." I am in a pretty much identical situation to you, and I agree that my general health and wellbeing was better when I had a huge social group and circles after school, always hanging out doing things. But it wasn't so much the quarantine limiting this, rather just people getting older and moving to different cities, getting full time jobs etc. However, the better health and wellbeing back then could have just been that the excessive exercise and high PUFA diet/lack of sunlight etc. was catching up with me.
I just want to mention, I think it's important to take breaks from this sort of research and be careful that you're not focusing on your health too much. People can become quite obsessive over it and be constantly thinking about what their temperature is, what foods they should or should not be eating, what supplements they need to take. I believe this could actually make people more stressed. Lately I've been trying to live my life not thinking about these things so much, rather just slowly creating healthy habits.
I feel quite neutral about doing all that researching and mostly just think and research about those knowledges from a place of curiosity and just implement things that are realistic and available at that given moment.


Apr 30, 2015
Yes man i m correct.
That s a hands difference here with a friend
Like 2 years ago but now it s the same
okay fine. Did you start a thread to just get validation that you are a little b**** or did you want help?


Feb 23, 2020
I shared a lot of similar characteristics at your age, i.e. young look, small wrists, low libido, energy, feeling cold etc. I was still pretty happy but If there is one thing I can tell you to work on its improving your metabolism (thyroid function). Focusing on eating good foods (milk, meat, gelatin, eggs, oysters, liver etc.) and getting plenty of sunshine and vitamin D, will go a long way and will allow you to develop fully.

Thankfully, at 18 you have a long of leeway to keep on developing.
What foods for carbs do you recommend?


Jun 7, 2019
I think it's strange that this topic upset some people so much. It's a lot better to figure it out at 18 when you might still have some time to help yourself than to realise it later (or realise it at 18 but be talked into being too scared to do anything until later). At least then you'll know either way.

Seems a bit foolhardy to basically recommend just waiting around to see if you grow up, when someone is really dissatisfied with the way he looks and is still in a stage where he might be able to change things. There are plenty of young guys on steroid forums who report masculinisation of their facial bone structure ("face/jaw gains") from using androgens in their late teens or even early 20s.

Also I want to say there's a difference between looking "young", as in youthful/like a young man, and looking immature/juvenile, like your body forgot to grow up. I think the former is what people think is desirable. Maturing doesn't mean you turn into an ogre, the "prettyboy" look is really often guys with very masculine features and glowing youthful skin. It's probably the ideal look.

I could have sworn there was a thread on here about Vitamin A increasing height growth in teenagers by as much as AIs or maybe HGH, but I can't seem to find it or a related study.


Jul 13, 2017
@Ascodel you have to realize that as an 18 y.o you are already, at least legally, an adult. And as such you better start manning up and stop whining. If you don't, even if you were two meters tall you'd still make the girls dry as the Sahara desert for years to come. Since you care so much what they like, here now you know what they dislike. Fragile-minded whiners who are ready to end up in a headstand just to comfort others and their preferences.

Second, you may not want to look young, you may not want to be underdeveloped as you claim you are, but you are young and still developing, and the nature wont start dancing around you petty wishes, no matter how hard you're trying to delude yourself that this is possible. And to let you know, you are fooling yourself by thinking that you can out-trick the nature with few injections here and there. You are 18 y.o boy. You have several years of development ahead left, including physical. You think you have big problems now? Start playing with with synthetic hormones, especially before your physical development being completed, let your inferiority complexes dictate your decisions and you'll see what really feels like to have a problem. Your problems right now are the problems of many guys your age. And it's all in your head.

Now a brief tip. The organism is an adaptation machine - figuratively speaking - and as one it develops, functions and performs in accordance with the demands. In other words, the state of your mental and physical development is largely a result of the mental and physical demands you put yourself through. Your bones and connective tissues are as strong and dense as they need to be, not as you want them to be. Put them under load and mechanical stress consistently and they'll become denser, stronger, and eventually thicker because they have to. Such adaptation is a complex chain of processes and no single hormone can mimic it although millions of people, including yourself, fool themselves in the contrary. Hit a heavy bag, lift weights, carry heavy stuff progressively and religiously for a year or two and see if your wrist, hands and yourself in general will feel the same. Spoiler - there will be significant changes. Constantly force yourself to adaptation, don't just wish things.

A man is created, not transformed into one by a wish and pill-popping. If you still feel as thin and weak after one, two or three years as you feel now, it will be exclusively because you have decided so and it wont be nature's fault. Wanna feel masculine? See how you deal with responsibility.
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