Identifying controlled opposition: Russell Brand, Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, DeSantis/Abbott, David Icke, CAF


Sep 28, 2020
- in the US many many of our officers are FMs. It’s woven throughout our force. That doesn’t mean, like Tim, I don’t want their help or think they are doing some good.
I understand that. Many people with their hearts in the right place join fraternal orders for the camaraderie, and even to do good in their communities.

But there are levels to the freemasonry game. And those at the bottom are not only clueless as to who and what goes on at the top, but are also playing a completely different game. A neutered and powerless one.

Furthermore, most of the freemasonry we're allowed to know about is merely a distraction to keep the peasants from looking at the real top of the cabal's pyramid.

That's one of the reasons why Altiyan's video is such an obvious psyop. As I've stated earlier, he is doing a controlled-demolition. Everything that he is exposing was chosen (and even fabricated) to be exposed. It's nothing but surface-level truthertainment.

For example, men like Carlos Slim, the main funder of "The Sound of Freedom", would mop the floor with every and all of the "freemason officers" you're mentioning, and face no consequences.

Hearing his name should ring deafening alarm bells.

Watching Tim Ballard praising him should cause disgust.

And knowing about all these facts below, should have you questioning what are you really defending, and on which side are you really on.

Then, you have the son of Carlos Slim, Patricio Slim Domit, who is another producer of this film, whose brother Marco Antonio Slim Domit is on the board of directors of BlackRock, and whose other brother Carlos Slim Domit is one of the chairmen of WEF Latin America.
Last edited:


Sep 28, 2020
Things just keep getting saucier and saucier surrounding the movie of everyone's new favorite pedophile child-trafficking activist.



Sep 28, 2020
Im just talking off the top of my head.
I am not debating here
Im done with that
I don't debate, either. Neither here, nor anywhere. I only share my findings and stay receptive to the discoveries of others.

With all due respect, only a mad man would debate you on this subject, since, as you've said yourself, you're "just talking off the top of your head", clearly without having done any due diligence.

What I do am doing is sharing source-backed facts about the latest energy-harvesting divisive psyop, which just so happen to oppose your emotion-driven, egotistical attempts at muddying the waters of Truth, as well as your ignoring and poo-pooing of the facts to avoid the pain of cognitive dissonance.


Jul 25, 2022
To be fair, Jim Stewartson has a Ukraine flag by his name, and still us the audacity to call himself a disinfo agent.

This is not to say that Sound of Freedom isn’t full of red flags.


Sep 28, 2020
To be fair, Jim Stewartson has a Ukraine flag by his name, and still us the audacity to call himself a disinfo agent.

This is not to say that Sound of Freedom isn’t full of red flags.
Yes, the yellow-and-blue of the Khazarian Ukraine flag is impossible to miss.

Double whammy: If you look closer, you may notice he's brandishing a USA flag, too.


Ad hominem and Stockholm Syndrome aside, his investigation and contribution to the exposing of The Sound of Freedom psyop is impeccable.


Sep 9, 2019
Where does the buck stop in your estimation Mr Sevaan? At this point in time at least, I appreciate we're all walking a line.

Sometimes I wonder in a daydream of a scenario where a critical mass of people are wise to a critical number of things. In such a scenario, we'll probably still need a state and a continuous effort to keep it, ourselves and each other in check. For there's always going to be people who refuse to defer to God. I do personally. I just feel it. I don't read it.

(For the recent discussion in the thread. I've payed no attention to this film. Simply on the grounds that I don't think this subject matter should be fictionalised and dramatised. I'm not surprised there's shady people involved in bringing it to the fore. And all films are inherently psychoemotionally manipulative. Although I still have my interests in cinema. Obviously, my current avatar is a cinematic reference to a dystopic.)


Dec 8, 2016
I actually found this interesting and reminded me of Musk a bit

What I do am doing is sharing source-backed facts about the latest energy-harvesting divisive psyop, which just so happen to oppose your emotion-driven, egotistical attempts at muddying the waters of Truth, as well as your ignoring and poo-pooing of the facts to avoid the pain of cognitive dissonance.
This however pisses me off.
Nothing was ego or emotion driven
“Thou protest too much, methinks”
It’s disrespectful and off base

I don’t care anything about this movie.
I don’t care

Here is what I care about:






Sep 28, 2020
Where does the buck stop in your estimation Mr Sevaan? At this point in time at least, I appreciate we're all walking a line.

Sometimes I wonder in a daydream of a scenario where a critical mass of people are wise to a critical number of things. In such a scenario, we'll probably still need a state and a continuous effort to keep it, ourselves and each other in check. For there's always going to be people who refuse to defer to God. I do personally. I just feel it. I don't read it.
Those are very deep ponderings, and all I can briefly offer is my perspective, good Sir.

I (currently) believe that this realm will always be as wicked as it ever was, and that it's entirely beyond our capacity to "change" it.

This doesn't sound very motivational, I imagine. But do remember that contained in anything that is meant to imprison you, resides the catalyst to liberate you.

Thus, while we can't "change the world", we absolutely can change ourselves. And what an ideal realm to do so!

More importantly, in doing so, we tune into the power to be of great use to others that seek whichever entirely unique form of "wealth" each of us has to offer.

Much positive change can be effected in our close and loyal circles, as well as in our local communities.

As a matter of fact, I think that only a world of small, decentralized communities would work. Anything bigger than that is good ole Statism, which is a well-crafted delusion that works extremely well only for a tiny group of people that wish to homogenize and control everyone else.

But we can only go so far, for a clock is ticking. What do I mean by that?

While I can't be corralled into any singular (and easily controllable) ideology, I do seek and absorb value from everywhere I can.

That being said, there's a very good reason why in the Christian Bible are many passages stating that "Satan is the God of this world"—an idea validated and shared by so many different and unrelated traditions that paint a very similar and very clear picture with slightly different brush strokes.

In a nutshell, this realm is a "terrarium", an entirely controlled environment that has periodic "catastrophic reset cycles" keeping us from reaching the "critical mass" of awareness that you've mentioned. And most of the fake "History" we are taught exists to hide that easily verifiable fact from us.

To make sense of what I am saying, I suggest you a good starting point: Look into the work of Jason Breshears (from Archaix).


Forum Supporter
Dec 12, 2020
Thanks Sevaan for the Archaix link. I'd heard of him before and like to read a lot of alternative history so this is a great site. Looking forward to reading his material.


Dec 8, 2016
No surprise here

MSM eats this up

Dmn shame at so many levels



Sep 28, 2020
"Whenever the people need a hero, we shall supply him."

— Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason



Sep 28, 2020
This perfectly illustrates the end result of one of the psychological trappings employed by "The Sound of Freemasonry" psyop.

We are dealing with social engineers that know us better than we know ourselves.

The target audience of this psyop has been successfully corralled into the "Christian Right" mental cage, leaving them entirely vulnerable to becoming the easy target of bespoke mind-games.


Are you Red Team or Blue Team!? You MUST pick one! (For a successful energy harvest.)


Sep 28, 2020
Screenshot 2023-08-06 at 07-49-26 Pamela Myers on Twitter.png

Trust the Plan!™

More than simply being the "wrong messengers", the people behind "The Sound of Freemasonry" are actually involved in what they claim to be exposing and fighting against.

Pulling on the heart-strings of good people corralled into engineered and weaponized belief systems, the cabal successfully made them applaud, defend and idolize evil, while hypnotically attacking anyone that dares to expose the obvious deception.

And it gets better: The whole plot of the movie is actually a distraction from the real problem! Think about this:

"The Sound of Freemasonry", essentially, portrays the horrors of child trafficking as something that happens in "less developed countries", while the heroes are men with ties to the good USA Government.

What a wicked distraction! The real issue is the trafficking that happens in EVERY single country, and which is demanded, organized and provided legal impunity by the (so-called) upper echelons of our society, for their demonic pleasure and for the extension of their life.


Sep 28, 2020
And let's not forget about another of the main agendas of this psyop: The normalization of human microchipping.

Note: The following twitter post is NOT satire, nor is it exposing this movie's dark agenda.

It's actually applauding the efforts of the "good people" behind "The Sound of Freemasonry" in bringing microchipping to "disadvantaged families to keep their kids safe".



Sep 9, 2019
Those are very deep ponderings, and all I can briefly offer is my perspective, good Sir.

I (currently) believe that this realm will always be as wicked as it ever was, and that it's entirely beyond our capacity to "change" it.

This doesn't sound very motivational, I imagine. But do remember that contained in anything that is meant to imprison you, resides the catalyst to liberate you.

Thus, while we can't "change the world", we absolutely can change ourselves. And what an ideal realm to do so!

More importantly, in doing so, we tune into the power to be of great use to others that seek whichever entirely unique form of "wealth" each of us has to offer.

Much positive change can be effected in our close and loyal circles, as well as in our local communities.

As a matter of fact, I think that only a world of small, decentralized communities would work. Anything bigger than that is good ole Statism, which is a well-crafted delusion that works extremely well only for a tiny group of people that wish to homogenize and control everyone else.

But we can only go so far, for a clock is ticking. What do I mean by that?

While I can't be corralled into any singular (and easily controllable) ideology, I do seek and absorb value from everywhere I can.

That being said, there's a very good reason why in the Christian Bible are many passages stating that "Satan is the God of this world"—an idea validated and shared by so many different and unrelated traditions that paint a very similar and very clear picture with slightly different brush strokes.

In a nutshell, this realm is a "terrarium", an entirely controlled environment that has periodic "catastrophic reset cycles" keeping us from reaching the "critical mass" of awareness that you've mentioned. And most of the fake "History" we are taught exists to hide that easily verifiable fact from us.

To make sense of what I am saying, I suggest you a good starting point: Look into the work of Jason Breshears (from Archaix).
Thank you for painting it Mr Sevaan. I get you, we're not necessarily in agreement here but I get you.


Sep 28, 2020
Thanks Sevaan for the Archaix link. I'd heard of him before and like to read a lot of alternative history so this is a great site. Looking forward to reading his material.
Cheers, @mm33!

Every once in a long while, a man presents/offers his colossal work and discoveries to the world, causing an absolute paradigm shift. Jason is that man.

To know where we're going, we must know where we are. And to know where we are, we must know where we've come from.

That's why virtually everything we were taught about "History" was fabricated: Not only to hide our true History and the real cosmology of our world from us, but to make the Truth seem like utter nonsense to the average sleeping beauty that spent (at least) 12 years in the Government's compulsory brainwashing camps.


Sep 28, 2020
Thanks Sevaan for the Archaix link. I'd heard of him before and like to read a lot of alternative history so this is a great site. Looking forward to reading his material.
Also, I'd be most interested in knowing about some of the most important "alternative History" topics that you've researched.

Even just their keywords would suffice to get the idea.

And perhaps this subject would merit a deeper exploration in its own thread to promote further perceiving, thinking and acting.
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