If I Could Start Implementing Peats Work Again 6 Years Ago, Here’s What I Would Do


Apr 30, 2015
When you say milk and oj diet, were you only eating those two foods? Cuz he does not actually recommend that
It was the bulk of the diet. Liver, gelatin, and carrots was in there too. I guess I should add those three to my didn't work for me list as well.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
It was the bulk of the diet. Liver, gelatin, and carrots was in there too. I guess I should add those three to my didn't work for me list as well.

Even Peat himself doesn’t eat a diet that restrictive tho...

His point is that milk and oj are great staples because they cover almost all basic nutrient needs


Apr 30, 2015
Even Peat himself doesn’t eat a diet that restrictive tho...

His point is that milk and oj are great staples because they cover almost all basic nutrient needs

correct he does not eat a diet like that right now

One of my first introductions to Peat was him recommending 4 quarts of OJ and Milk for a lot of different poor health/low metabolism situations, along with Liver once a week and carrot and some other things.

It seems like a crazy diet now...all that liquid. But back in 2014-15 we just did not know a lot. Haidut was just starting to come out with his supplements and all of us were on a high from the implications of Peat's work. The chance of halting aging made a lot of people put aside their common sense and give something restrictive and wacky a shot.

I remember there was a whole long thread on using grams of aspirin, niacinamide, and caffeine every day. People were trying to make it work and get their metabolisms going again. Very little from those days actually panned out as it was theorized.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
correct he does not eat a diet like that right now

One of my first introductions to Peat was him recommending 4 quarts of OJ and Milk for a lot of different poor health/low metabolism situations, along with Liver once a week and carrot and some other things.

It seems like a crazy diet now...all that liquid. But back in 2014-15 we just did not know a lot. Haidut was just starting to come out with his supplements and all of us were on a high from the implications of Peat's work. The chance of halting aging made a lot of people put aside their common sense and give something restrictive and wacky a shot.

I remember there was a whole long thread on using grams of aspirin, niacinamide, and caffeine every day. People were trying to make it work and get their metabolisms going again. Very little from those days actually panned out as it was theorized.
Yes, I always wished we could hear from some Peat veterans back then but there didn’t seem to be any around. I’m glad this conversation exists now for newer people and I’m really glad a lot of us have stayed here regardless of what worked out for us individually over the long run.


Aug 7, 2014
Can you give some examples of what you eat and supplement?



Ice cream
Coconut oil
Dark chocolate
Bubble water
Beef liver


Aspirin + Theanine daily


Aug 7, 2014
Yes, I always wished we could hear from some Peat veterans back then but there didn’t seem to be any around. I’m glad this conversation exists now for newer people and I’m really glad a lot of us have stayed here regardless of what worked out for us individually over the long run.

I agree. It’s nice to connect with people and share experiences.

I was having a talk with a fellow Peater last night for about 2 hours; just talking shop and doing recap.

We both agreed that at the beginning, it can be like wandering through a dark hallway at some points. But I think Georgi said it well, “naturally, it can just take some time to find your ideal diet.”

Up front to halt the damage, I found myself trying things massively. I have a feeling a lot of people that are in discomfort may naturally follow this pattern. Especially, if a little of something feels good; a lot must be amazing.

Up front I experimented with many supplements; which, many helped greatly. Now, it’s interesting to see how my metabolism and diet has found a place where I don’t need things like I use to.

I think it’ll be great if more people share their thoughts on experience of what they tried and where they’ve found their ideal metabolic support.

By the way, anyone whose looking for guidance, I highly recommend Rob Turner of FPS. He coached me through his 12 week course. Phenomenal!


Oct 11, 2015
I would also say to keep what sticks and drop what doesn't. There's no reason to do something if you don't believe it or enjoy it. You can always try again later. The Peat staples were bad for me at the beginning, but they are positives for me now.
The principles he adheres to in outlining his diet are solid. low poly unsaturated fats.. nutrient rich.. stimulating in a pro thyroid way. Problem is prescribing things for yourself in hindsight as a sort of blueprint is almost comical. Or its lacking something. Like you can know the recipe for forging a sword but that doesnt mean much.


Aug 7, 2014
I recently watched a Danny Roddy clip where he talked about 6 things he would have done if he could do it over again when it comes to Dr. Peats work.

Naturally, I started to reflect if I could have done it all over again after seeing what worked and what didn’t work, what would I have chosen?

As were always reading each other’s comments, looking for feedback, figured I’d shared this in case someone needs a frame of reference from my story.

6 years ago I started following peats work after sleeping in a bath tub 3 nights in a row. I was urinating 70x a day and so it was easier for me to pee and sleep at the same time. Then, after the 3rd night, enough was enough and I started learning from someone on peats work.

From the moment I made the decision to change, if I could do it again, below are the exact steps in order I would take if I knew what I know now. FYI, below is my path based on how my body responded. I would do this order to “stop the bleeding” so to speak; better yet, stop the damage I had done and start recovering. In my case, stop the urination and get out of the bath tub.

***all the implementations below are based on the most bang for buck that left lasting impressions of their power. I’ve experimented with other things... but these are the bang for buck that stick.

  1. Stop working out
  2. Start drinking orange juice/Red Bull combo to satisfaction - 8oz of OJ:1oz of RB ratio
  3. Add salt to OJ
  4. Add cyproheptadine before bed time (stop the stress response and put me to sleep)
  5. Wear blue blocker sunglasses before bed
  6. Inclining bed (cheap way to increase metabolism and decompress my back - resting heart rate on incline is 85-95 bpm currently; horizontal was 60-75)
  7. Eat OJ + parmigiano Reggiano cheese before bed
  8. Eliminate unsaturated oils, meat, starch, nuts, seeds, and thickening agents.
  9. Slowly add in calcium while aggressively lowering phosphate (head towards 1:1 ratio)
  10. Add theanine on a daily basis (most powerful stress reducer I’ve found for anxiety)
  11. Daily white button mushrooms (nothing increases my temperature more)
  12. Replace meat with gelatin (lower phosphate as much as possible); add gelatin to coffee
  13. Add sugar to coffee
  14. Add milk to coffee
  15. Add epsom salt/aspirin baths
  16. Add aspirin orally
  17. Daily Red light
  18. Add 4oz of liver per week
  19. Remove metal fillings in teeth (this dramatically increased body temperature)
  20. Start doing yoga nidra meditation before bed time.
  21. Start stretching lightly everyday - 3-5 minute work breaks
  22. Start mixing small doses of ice cream in my coffee.
  23. Start experimenting with pregnenolone if necessary (first time I tried it my pupils constricted so intensely that I could physically feel it. Was nuts.)
  24. Ice cream + dark chocolate before bed time.
  25. Leave former job.
  26. Move to sunny, warmer climate.

As many people said they enjoyed this thread, thought I would do another update as things continue to change:

If I could do it over again, here would be my new first 10:

1. Anti-histamine to stop the stress response before bed time. (Doxylamine Succinate is Cyproheptadine)
2. Stop exercising (stretch lightly 20 minutes a day)
3. Organic OJ + salt (drink when crave it)
4. Boiled white button mushrooms everyday upon waking
5. Eliminate starch
6. Eliminate meat and replace with gelatin
7. Start mixing grass fed milk with coffee
8. Add parmigiano Reggiano cheese everyday
9. Incline bed 1inch
10. Remove metal fillings


Mar 26, 2014
I think a lot of Peat's work pays off in the long run/cumulatively. Which is to say, I haven't noticed much - I guess my skin is pretty good for a 36 year old, and I have no grey hair. But I never had any before, and who knows if I would have now otherwise?

That said - OJ and bicarb is amazing on those night when I just can't sleep. I'd never have heard about that elsewhere.


Aug 7, 2014
I think a lot of Peat's work pays off in the long run/cumulatively. Which is to say, I haven't noticed much - I guess my skin is pretty good for a 36 year old, and I have no grey hair. But I never had any before, and who knows if I would have now otherwise?

That said - OJ and bicarb is amazing on those night when I just can't sleep. I'd never have heard about that elsewhere.

I would agree on the cumulative effect. I like how you bring up the OJ/Bicarbonate convo. Sometimes that bang for buck implementation duplicated over long periods of time could be the magic.


Jun 23, 2015
Woah about the incline bed, will have to look into

How did you get the metal fillings removed?


Feb 5, 2015

I've noticed tendency from old time posters: they come up with health issues, actively involve themselves within community and eventually "take off" as their health state becomes satisfying enough. Glad you're still sharing with us here.

What about walking in "stop exercising" bracket? Hard to overdo but yelds so many benefits.

What brand of ice cream you're using? Where I live most of it contains glucose fructose syrup and other suspicious ingredients.



Jul 8, 2020
As many people said they enjoyed this thread, thought I would do another update as things continue to change:

If I could do it over again, here would be my new first 10:

1. Anti-histamine to stop the stress response before bed time. (Doxylamine Succinate is Cyproheptadine)
2. Stop exercising (stretch lightly 20 minutes a day)
3. Organic OJ + salt (drink when crave it)
4. Boiled white button mushrooms everyday upon waking
5. Eliminate starch
6. Eliminate meat and replace with gelatin
7. Start mixing grass fed milk with coffee
8. Add parmigiano Reggiano cheese everyday
9. Incline bed 1inch
10. Remove metal fillings

What have you noticed from the daily mushrooms and replacing meat with gelatin?


Aug 7, 2014
What have you noticed from the daily mushrooms and replacing meat with gelatin?

Daily mushrooms eliminate brain fog/incoherency and raise metabolism more than anything else. Temperature and resting heart rate sit around 99 F and heart rate 90-93 bpm after eating them.

Eliminating meat and using gelatin fixes my sleep and reducing incoherent/self loathing symptoms.


Aug 7, 2014

I've noticed tendency from old time posters: they come up with health issues, actively involve themselves within community and eventually "take off" as their health state becomes satisfying enough. Glad you're still sharing with us here.

What about walking in "stop exercising" bracket? Hard to overdo but yelds so many benefits.

What brand of ice cream you're using? Where I live most of it contains glucose fructose syrup and other suspicious ingredients.


Thanks for the note.

I do go on walks and enjoy them. But when I talk about my top 10 as in the most critical thing for my health, I’ve found walking for me personally to not be in the top 10. Top 20 more so. You have to remember, I was pissing 70x a day and sleeping in a bath tub, light walks was not going to fix that.

I use vanilla Hagandaaz, 3 twins, or Turkey Hill.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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