"If you still believe in the mainstream narrative, I have a few questions......"


Jul 13, 2014
Fyi....This was written by someone in the UK....

Explain how the flu disappeared but has been replaced with something which has the EXACT same symptoms.

Explain why they downgraded "Covid-19" from a high consequential infectious disease days before they declared a pandemic. March 2020 gov website

Explain how they pulled the coronavirus Act 2020 legislation together in a matter of days, despite the act being several hundred pages long.

Explain why they have completely changed normal practice and used criteria like "deaths for ANY reason within 28 days of a positive test" to classify a Covid-19 death

Explain why they banned autopsies of anyone dying from/with Covid-19.

Explain why they changed the law to allow any practitioner to diagnose Covid through observation alone, even if it is done through video consultation.

Explain how all cause mortality is at an all time low.

Explain how millions of protesters across the globe aren't getting sick with "Covid."

Explain how this is the only crisis that needs an advertising campaign paired with a constant barrage of repetitive brainwashing propaganda on the TV and in the streets.

Explain how hundreds of thousands of people marched through the streets of London for an afternoon last month but it wasn't once shown on ANY TV channel or reported in the mainstream press.

Explain how thousands were yelling "shame on you" outside the BBC HQ in both London, Manchester and Cardiff last Saturday but it wasn't shown on the TV?

Explain how the people who are wearing the masks and following the rules are the only ones who are catching "COVID".

Explain how the creator of the PCR amplification tool is on record for stating that the PCR was not designed as a test for infectious diseases.

Explain why they are using the PCR to diagnose an infectious disease.

Explain why the concern has been changed from Covid deaths, to hospitalisations to Covid infections to Covid "cases" .

Explain how the "anti-vaxxers" are being blamed for the rise in "cases" when the only people who could possibly be contributing to the statistics are the people who are getting the "test" in the first place.

Explain why the hospitals were emptier than normal during the height of the "pandemic."

Explain why whistleblowers are reporting that the hospitals are now filling up with vaccine adverse reactions but the MSM aren't reporting it.

Explain why kids need to be vaccinated when, by your own definitions, Covid isn't dangerous to children.

Explain, if all the vulnerable people have already been vaccinated, why do all the healthy people need to get vaccinated if you're already protected by your own vaccine and the recovery rate was already 99.96% without the vaccine.

Explain why the average age of death with "Covid" (82.4 years) is higher than the average age of death without (81.5 years).

Explain how you can get banned from Facebook and Twitter for sharing official government links.

Explain why there are several class actions in progress, taking governments across the globe to court for crimes against humanity, but there is zero MSM coverage.

Explain why most government leaders are reading from the same script.

Explain how all the things that you were laughing at us for talking about last year are now becoming a reality this year e.g. vaccine passports and mass surveillance (NHS app).

Explain why we have all the answers but you have nothing.


Explain why the average age of death with "Covid" (82.4 years) is higher than the average age of death without (81.5 years).

Basic maths:

- overall average death age takes into account all deaths, which are also susceptible to come from infants, middle aged men risky jobs, illnesses, and "natural causes" deaths.
That average is brought down by the infants, teens, middle aged men.

- now who's more likely to die from Covid? Elderly. So that makes the average death age higher than that of all cause mortality.


Apr 15, 2015
Explain how the virus got instantly spread all around the world reaching all godforsaken spots and yet living in a city with a population of several millions people I haven't met anyone who caught covid.


Dec 8, 2016
Explain how my nursing and therapist friends were cut hours; and a mortician acquaintance said business was very slow for a year.


Explain how the virus got instantly spread all around the world reaching all godforsaken spots and yet living in a city with a population of several millions people I haven't met anyone who caught covid.

It's not difficult to find someone who's had it. It's difficult to find someone who's had symptoms other than the flu or the common cold.

Me, my girlfriend and 10 of my acquaintances had covid with symptoms.

It was lighter than any flu I ever had.


Jul 25, 2013
I don't think it should be ruled out. It's not impossible.
"Covid" eliminated flu by 99% in roughly 3 weeks worldwide - see FluNet on WHO website. This is very close to impossible. That's probably why the "fact checkers" lied about it - AP News, "Flu cases are not down 98% globally". Of course, once you understand that PCR is not a proper diagnostic test, the whole thing is exposed as an OBVIOUS lie.


Jan 25, 2014
The flu thing might be that Covid became the dominant virus thus surpressing flu. Just a thought.

Then that would mean it's "Just the flu, bro." Even if this is true, it still means they shut down the world for a common cold virus.


I still dont understand why so many people are still lining up to be injected. Why is the message not getting through.?


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I still dont understand why so many people are still lining up to be injected. Why is the message not getting through.?
No it's not getting through. I find this remarkable as they all have access to the internet. I was as terrified as anyone at the beginning (got a lung condition), but I managed to be suspicious by the summer. I have so many well educated family, friends and neighbours but it seems I am alone.
I can only think they trust more than me, they aren't as cynical or the style of psychological operation is so successful or just that it was so unexpected and that's it's some kind of shock response.
I worked for a pharmaceutical company in my twenties and still have very good friends since then and they are all happy to be vaccinated and believe the UK government's lovely graphs and misleading data.
I suspect this has been spoken about here before now, which I have missed.
I am genuinely confused by the stubborn lockdowned minds. Ah, lockdown lockdowns the mind.


Ah, lockdown lockdowns the mind.
Nice phase. I guesss I've always had a pretty independent mind. I too got a littly freaked at first but once I heard dr peat speak about 'this novel flu season,' I was able to pull back and get some perspective. Unfortunately, I wasnt smart enough to avoid the pcr test, though, I did it myself so didn't shove it very far....fingers crossed, no harm done. One of my uncles posted on facebook a proud picture of being jabbed. I felt sad but respected his rights to do what he wants with his body, I won't be seeing him anytime soon. I worry he is going to get his kids vaxxed as well, not sure what I can do about it.


Apr 15, 2015
No it's not getting through. I find this remarkable as they all have access to the internet. I was as terrified as anyone at the beginning (got a lung condition), but I managed to be suspicious by the summer. I have so many well educated family, friends and neighbours but it seems I am alone.
I can only think they trust more than me, they aren't as cynical or the style of psychological operation is so successful or just that it was so unexpected and that's it's some kind of shock response.
I worked for a pharmaceutical company in my twenties and still have very good friends since then and they are all happy to be vaccinated and believe the UK government's lovely graphs and misleading data.
I suspect this has been spoken about here before now, which I have missed.
I am genuinely confused by the stubborn lockdowned minds. Ah, lockdown lockdowns the mind.
You are alone at this war while they (your friends ) will always think you are just a stubborn nut or going through midlife crisis and posing a threat to everyone. They even have web pages/articles with instructions how to talk to such people (refusing vaccines or denying danger of virus). Collective mind will alway take over individual.


I still dont understand why so many people are still lining up to be injected. Why is the message not getting through.?

Most people still believe 9/11 wasn't an inside job.
So try making them understand Covid is a plot to shut all small and medium businesses, reduce the global population by 70%, control the remaining ones, and have a selected few profit from it.


Most people still believe 9/11 wasn't an inside job.
So try making them understand Covid is a plot to shut all small and medium businesses, reduce the global population by 70%, control the remaining ones, and have a selected few profit from it.
At least with 9/11 there was some complexity to the plot, with covid injections it's pretty simply, it shouldn't take much effort to work out that a novel gene therapy is likely to be dangerous. Especially considering it is still in clinical trials. It's simple common sense. It worries me that intelligent people I know won't wake up


Jul 13, 2014
Most people still believe 9/11 wasn't an inside job.
So try making them understand Covid is a plot to shut all small and medium businesses, reduce the global population by 70%, control the remaining ones, and have a selected few profit from it.
2 planes, 3 buildings collapsed and people still can't figure it out?
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