In Canada, 75% of excess deaths were due to lockdowns, not COVID-19


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
We have suspected this for a long time, but this is one of the first studies that provides direct evidence that the lethality of lockdowns was/is much higher than the virus itself. Mainstream media shies away from such studies/reports and the only coverage I have seen in "reputable" mainstream sources is the link below, which reluctantly admits that at least 1/3 of the excess deaths attributed to the pandemic were not due to COVID-19, but to the social restriction measures many govts implemented.

Well, according to the study below (at least in Canada) that 1/3 number turns out to be more like 3/4 (75%). In other words, the govt of Canada directly killed 4 people (under 65) for each 1 it "saved". And that terrible "performance" is actually giving the govt of Canada a lot of credit as we don't know if those 20% "saved" actually survived because of the restriction measures or due to some other reasons/interventions. If other countries (such as Sweden, Russia, South Korea, Vietnam, etc) are any indication, lack of lockdowns led to even lower deaths in the <65yo crowd, so the available evidence suggests that the govt of Canada directly killed 5,535 people under 65 years of age for no good reason and without any clear mandate to do so under the Constitution of Canada. Perhaps most importantly, the study below strongly corroborates the hypothesis that the "excess deaths" numbers we get bombarded with every day by mainstream media are almost entirely due to govt interventions and not the virus. As such, there is every reason to oppose lockdowns and social restrictions and none to support them. So, somebody remind me again, why does the govt (in Canada, at least) still exists considering it does nothing of note except directly killing people??

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @boris @Giraffe @bzmazu @Sweet Meat

"...The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect communities and families in Canada. Beyond deaths attributed to the disease itself, the pandemic could also have indirect consequences leading to an increase or decrease in the number of deaths due to various factors, including delayed medical procedures, increased substance use, or a decline in deaths attributable to other causes, such as influenza. To understand both the direct and indirect consequences of the pandemic, it is important to measure excess mortality, which occurs when there are more deaths during a period of time than what would have been expected for that period. It should be noted that, even without a pandemic, there is always some year-to-year variation in the number of people who die in a given week. This means that the number of expected deaths should fall within a certain range of values. There is evidence of excess mortality when the number of weekly deaths is consistently higher than what is expected, and even more so when numbers exceed the expected range over consecutive weeks. While we sometimes observe excess mortality that is consistent with the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19, data reveal that indirect consequences of the pandemic are also having a significant impact on the number of excess deaths in Canada, particularly among younger Canadians. Based on the newly updated provisional dataset released today from the Canadian Vital Statistics Death Database, from the end of March 2020 to the beginning of April 2021, an estimated 62,203 deaths were reported among Canadians aged 0 to 64. This represents 5,535 more deaths than expected were there no pandemic, after accounting for changes in the population such as aging. Over the same period, 1,380 COVID-19 deaths have been attributed to the same age group (those younger than 65), suggesting that the excess mortality is, in large part, related to other factors such as increases in the number deaths attributed to causes associated with substance use and misuse, including unintentional (accidental) poisonings and diseases and conditions related to alcohol consumption."


Oct 12, 2015
Thank you for sharing this. & our idiotic government planning to put in billions of dollars into developing vaccine passports programs for each province. It’s absolute insanity up here


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thank you for sharing this. & our idiotic government planning to put in billions of dollars into developing vaccine passports programs for each province. It’s absolute insanity up here

I am surprised they are no lawsuits against those mandates in Canada yet. The combination of the study above showing mandates kill a lot more people and the fact that natural immunity is at least 13x stronger than vaccines, should be enough to convince a court to block vaccination mandates. There is no data to support either mandates or vaccines. Quite to the contrary actually.


Oct 12, 2015
I am surprised they are no lawsuits against those mandates in Canada yet. The combination of the study above showing mandates kill a lot more people and the fact that natural immunity is at least 13x stronger than vaccines, should be enough to convince a court to block vaccination mandates. There is no data to support either mandates or vaccines. Quite to the contrary actually.
I agree with you. 100%. We’ve completely lost our minds up here. It’s baffling & scary. The fear is so prevalent, it’s shocking to me. I often wonder what would happen if we were dealing with something that truly killed people


May 17, 2021
I am surprised they are no lawsuits against those mandates in Canada yet.
@haidut , its not surprising - Canadians are not rebellious and seem to willingly kowtow to authority.
Heck they now seem to be incapable of independent thought altogether.

We got an email from HR saying my company was going to mandate vaccinations for employees returning to premises. And then a week later they sent an email saying "most customers and employees have applauded this decision".... no different from political propaganda!


Apr 14, 2021
I am surprised they are no lawsuits against those mandates in Canada yet. The combination of the study above showing mandates kill a lot more people and the fact that natural immunity is at least 13x stronger than vaccines, should be enough to convince a court to block vaccination mandates. There is no data to support either mandates or vaccines. Quite to the contrary actually.

It’s actually shocking how complaint Canadians have been on this, particularly in Western Canada (where I am) which has generally been a more liberal place to live in comparison with provinces like Alberta. I’ve watched the same people I know advocate for free housing and infinite treatment for the drug addicted and homeless populations, then turn around and suggest that unvaccinated individuals should be decided health care. It’s wild.


Feb 18, 2016
We have suspected this for a long time, but this is one of the first studies that provides direct evidence that the lethality of lockdowns was/is much higher than the virus itself. Mainstream media shies away from such studies/reports and the only coverage I have seen in "reputable" mainstream sources is the link below, which reluctantly admits that at least 1/3 of the excess deaths attributed to the pandemic were not due to COVID-19, but to the social restriction measures many govts implemented.

Well, according to the study below (at least in Canada) that 1/3 number turns out to be more like 3/4 (75%). In other words, the govt of Canada directly killed 4 people (under 65) for each 1 it "saved". And that terrible "performance" is actually giving the govt of Canada a lot of credit as we don't know if those 20% "saved" actually survived because of the restriction measures or due to some other reasons/interventions. If other countries (such as Sweden, Russia, South Korea, Vietnam, etc) are any indication, lack of lockdowns led to even lower deaths in the <65yo crowd, so the available evidence suggests that the govt of Canada directly killed 5,535 people under 65 years of age for no good reason and without any clear mandate to do so under the Constitution of Canada. Perhaps most importantly, the study below strongly corroborates the hypothesis that the "excess deaths" numbers we get bombarded with every day by mainstream media are almost entirely due to govt interventions and not the virus. As such, there is every reason to oppose lockdowns and social restrictions and none to support them. So, somebody remind me again, why does the govt (in Canada, at least) still exists considering it does nothing of note except directly killing people??

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @boris @Giraffe @bzmazu @Sweet Meat

"...The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect communities and families in Canada. Beyond deaths attributed to the disease itself, the pandemic could also have indirect consequences leading to an increase or decrease in the number of deaths due to various factors, including delayed medical procedures, increased substance use, or a decline in deaths attributable to other causes, such as influenza. To understand both the direct and indirect consequences of the pandemic, it is important to measure excess mortality, which occurs when there are more deaths during a period of time than what would have been expected for that period. It should be noted that, even without a pandemic, there is always some year-to-year variation in the number of people who die in a given week. This means that the number of expected deaths should fall within a certain range of values. There is evidence of excess mortality when the number of weekly deaths is consistently higher than what is expected, and even more so when numbers exceed the expected range over consecutive weeks. While we sometimes observe excess mortality that is consistent with the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19, data reveal that indirect consequences of the pandemic are also having a significant impact on the number of excess deaths in Canada, particularly among younger Canadians. Based on the newly updated provisional dataset released today from the Canadian Vital Statistics Death Database, from the end of March 2020 to the beginning of April 2021, an estimated 62,203 deaths were reported among Canadians aged 0 to 64. This represents 5,535 more deaths than expected were there no pandemic, after accounting for changes in the population such as aging. Over the same period, 1,380 COVID-19 deaths have been attributed to the same age group (those younger than 65), suggesting that the excess mortality is, in large part, related to other factors such as increases in the number deaths attributed to causes associated with substance use and misuse, including unintentional (accidental) poisonings and diseases and conditions related to alcohol consumption."

Midazolam was used in Canada and the UK to treat elderly patients and speed up their death, I’m sure it was the same elsewhere, the evidence is coming from said countries first.

MSM is starting to cover this scandal albeit in the usual whitewashed manner, this website covers more of the issue.

Basically the excess death argument the covid cultists are making is from Midazolam and intubation, this line of treatment was recommended from the top, they abused the procedure of intubation to give themselves an out if questioned.
The use of Midazolam correlates with the spike in covid deaths.

Pneumonia is not a new condition that has appeared due to Covid-19. In 2019 alone, the year prior to the alleged emergence of Covid-19, 272,000 people were admitted to hospital with pneumonia. According to the British Lung Foundation in 2012, 345 people per every 100,000 had one or more episodes of pneumonia. This equates to around 225,000 people suffering pneumoni at least once.

The British Lung Foundation also show us that the majority of cases of pneumonia occur in those who are aged 81 and over. For instance in 2012 1,838 people in every 100,000 people over the age of 81 developed pneumonia, this equates to around 60,000 people over the age of 81 in today’s numbers based on there being around 3.2 million people over the age of 80 in the UK.

So what we’re seeing here is that is a negligible amount of “Covid” deaths in anyone under the age of 60. But we’re really not seeing very many “Covid” deaths in anybody aged between 60 and 80. What we are seeing is a much higher amount of “Covid” deaths in people aged over 85. But what’s so strange about that?

Well nothing when we consider the average life expectancy in the UK is 81 years of age. Plus the fact this is also in line with what we have seen in cases / deaths due to pneumonia in previous years. Don’t forget serious illness in Covid-19 presents pneumonia and accompanying respiratory insufficiency.

Which begs the question of why the entire nation has had to stay at home, social distance, wear a mask, wash their hands, and live under dictatorial tyranny for fifteen months because people who have lived longer than the average life expectancy in the UK have died or are dying? Dying of pneumonia from which we see tens of thousands of deaths every year.

We cannot deny that 2020 did see excess deaths, and you would believe this is due to the hospitals being overwhelmed? Except they weren’t.

Why did so many people die in care homes when hospitals were far from overwhelmed? Surely if they have developed serious complications due to Covid-19 they would require urgent medical attention and hospital treatment?

Because don’t forget we’re told that serious illness in Covid-19 presents pneumonia and accompanying respiratory insufficiency. Therefore typical symptoms include breathlessness, cough, weakness and fever. We’re also told that people who suffer deteriorating respiratory failure and who do not receive intensive care, develop acute respiratory distress syndrome with severe breathlessness.

Why were these people in care homes and not in hospital?

They were in care homes because Matt Hancock gave the order to put them there…

But Matt Hancock’s abandonment of the elderly and vulnerable didn’t end there. Whilst the NHS was busy discharging patients who required medical treatment into care homes under his directive, Matt Hancock and the Department of Health were busy trying to source them all a certain drug known as midazolam.

Midazolam is a commonly used drug in palliative care and is considered one of the four essential drugs needed for the promotion of quality care in dying patients in the United Kingdom. Think of it as diazepam on steroids.

Midazolam is also a drug that has been used in executions by lethal injection in the USA, combined with two other drugs. Midazolam acts as a sedative to make the prisoner unconscious. The other drugs then stop the lungs and heart working. However it has been the source of controversy as several prisoners took a long while to die and appeared to be in pain when midazolam was used.

Midazolam can also cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing that may lead to permanent brain injury or death.

UK regulators state that you should only receive midazolam in a hospital or doctor’s office that has the equipment that is needed to monitor your heart and lungs and to provide life-saving medical treatment quickly if your breathing slows or stops.

What are some of the most important points you should take from this?

  • Midazolam induces significant depression of respiration
  • UK regulators insist midazolam should only be administered in a hospital or doctor’s office under the supervision of a doctor or nurse to monitor the breathing of the patient in order to provide life saving treatment to the patient if breathing slows or stops.
  • Midazolam should be used with extreme caution in elderly patients
This is video of the psychotic Matt Hancock confirming the purchase of midazoloam.

The above exchange took place in a parliamentary committee meeting on the 17th April 2020 between Matt Hancock and Dr Evans, who is a fellow Conservative MP.

The following is an extract from an article which confirms the United Kingdom purchased two years worth of Midazolam in March 2020 and were looking to purchase much more –

Supplies of the sedative midazolam have been diverted from France as a “precaution” to mitigate potential shortages in the NHS caused by COVID-19, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has told The Pharmaceutical Journal.

A spokesperson from Accord Healthcare, one of five manufacturers of the drug, told The Pharmaceutical Journal that it had to gain regulatory approval to sell French-labelled supplies of midazolam injection to the NHS, after having already sold two years’ worth of stock to UK wholesalers “at the request of the NHS” in March 2020.

The DHSC said the request for extra stock was part of “national efforts to respond to the coronavirus outbreak”, which included precautions “to reduce the likelihood of future shortages”.

Why on earth would the United Kingdom need to purchase two years worth of Midazolam, a drug associated with respiratory suppression and respiratory arrest, to treat a disease that causes respiratory suppression and respiratory arrest?

This NHS document states that midazolam should be used for sedation prior to the patient requiring mechanical ventilation, something we know has been required in hospitals for people who have developed severe pneumonia, of which we are told is due to Covid-19. However it also states that midazolam should only be used if 1st line and 2nd line drugs do not provide adequate sedation, but does include the caveat that midazolam alone can be added to 1st line drugs to reduce Propofol infusion rates. Source

Can you see the contradictions here? A policy that has been in place prior to the alleged emergence of Covid-19 clearly states that midazolam can be used for sedation, however dosage should be reduced to 0.5mg in the elderly or unwell due to possible side effects which include cardiorespiratory depression, and extreme caution should be used in administering midazolam to patients suffering respiratory disease.

However a policy created for treating patients allegedly suffering anxiety due to Covid-19, which we’re told is a respiratory disease, clearly states to treat said patient with a starting dose of 2.5mg of Midazolam, or 1.25mg if the patient is “particularly frail”, but to bump this up to 5 – 10mg if the patient is “extremely distressed”. Even the starting dose for the particularly frail is 0.25mg higher than the maximum recommended to administer to the elderly or unwell in sedation guidelines.

According to official data in April 2019 up to 21,977 prescriptions for Midazolam were issued, containing 171,952 items, the vast majority being Midazolam Hydrochloride. However in April 2020 45,033 prescriptions for Midazolam were issued, containing 333,229 items, the vast majority being Midazolam Hydrochloride. That is a 104.91% increase in the number of prescriptions issued for Midazolam and a 93.85% increase in the number of items they contained. But these weren’t issued in hospitals, they were issued by GP practices which can only mean one thing, they were issued for end of life care.

Can you spot the difference? We couldn’t either because there isn’t one.

The spikes in production of Midazolam solution match the spikes of alleged Covid deaths within 28 days of a positive test.

April 2020 – huge surge in Midazolam prescriptions out of hospital and huge surge in production of Midazolam solution.
April 2020 – huge surge in alleged Covid deaths.

January 2021 – huge surge in production of Midazolam solution.
January 2021 – huge surge in alleged Covid deaths.

Hospitals beds in April 2020 30% were down compared to the previous year.

A&E attendance was 57% down in April 2020 compared to the previous year.

Care home deaths were 205% up in April 2020 compared to April 2019.

The vast majority of alleged Covid deaths are people over the age of 85.

Can you not see a strong correlation here between the over prescribing of Midazolam and the seemingly premature ending of life, with the associated deaths being put down as Covid-19?

Did you really believe there’s a virus so clever that it knows to kill people who are disabled? Just look at the ONS statistics. Three in every five alleged Covid-19 deaths occurred in those who suffered learning difficulties and disabilities (see here).


Feb 18, 2016
I think they would rather blame excess deaths on lockdown measures than the midazolam murders, no doubt lockdowns effected deaths but Midazolam is clearly the major correlate.

The covid cult are in a world of dissonance and will refuse to see these facts, nobody wants to believe the ruling class are psychotic.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Midazolam is also a drug that has been used in executions by lethal injection in the USA, combined with two other drugs. Midazolam acts as a sedative to make the prisoner unconscious. The other drugs then stop the lungs and heart working. However it has been the source of controversy as several prisoners took a long while to die and appeared to be in pain when midazolam was used.

In some recent executions, midazolam was actually used by itself because there was shortage of the other 2 drugs since companies refused to sell those drugs to state agencies responsible for executions. A few high-profile cases of botched executions hit the news a few years ago. Basically, all people given just midazolam were obviously conscious, kept talking, coughing, choking and even puking. I think 2 of those executions were stopped because the people would not die and were obviously in pain. I think those 2 sued the state for cruelty and not only got their death sentences reversed but won a lot of money in penalties against the state. One of the guys given midazolam got up from the gurney and basically beat the crap out of the "nurses" in the execution chamber before the guard could intervene and drag him out. I think he also got his sentence reversed.
Oh, if the info on midazolam so far is not freaky enough, consider this. In most hospitals in the Western world, midazolam is given routinely as part of the general anesthesia cocktail. The official reason given is that it acts as an anti-anxiety drug, but the real reason is that it prevent the formation of new memories while under its influence, so hospitals give it to patients in case they wake up during surgery and basically get operated on awake. Quite a few cases like that recently, and if the person does not remember the ordeal he/she cannot sue. Worse, still, midazolam in known to increase risk of death during surgery but hospitals don't care and would rather have a patient who dies during surgery (which can be easily explained away) than a patient who wakes up during surgery and files massive suits against the hospital and/or doctors.
I think in some hospitals they even try to use just use midazolam as the general anesthetic. Not sure how widespread this is, maybe @Blossom can shed some light. Either way, if you ever have to go under grab your anesthesiologist by the neck before the procedure and demand to know if midazolam will be given. Better yet, look at the IV drip bag and read carefully the paperwork, and do some background research on the hospital. If there is any shred of doubt that midazolam will be present - walk away, as the risks are not worth it. If the anesthesiologist says "yes, we would have given it to you but now that you brought it up we won't" - definitely walk away! The doctors in an ER/surgery setting are usually allowed to lie to you (obviously for your "benefit") and/or override your decisions when you are under, so if there is any doubt about midazolam being present or being part of their typical surgery protocol, just walk away! It may very well save your life.
Btw, rapists know about this property of midazolam very well and it is now the most widely used date-rape drug as the victim does not remember anything and cannot even identify the attacker post-factum in most cases.
All in all - scary drug, which has no business in therapeutic settings. I bet it was originally designed by some psychopath to assist the CIA in its "enhanced interrogation" experiments, or to create "Manchurian Candidate" type assassins. If given to elderly people, it is certain to kill many of them. I think it is NOT approved for out of hospital use but as per my above comment on ER/surgery having special rights over you once hospitalized, once a person is in the ER then midazolam is fair game. This explains why the vast majority of COVID-19 deaths were in hospitalized people and very few were in people who stayed at home. Whether midazolam, intubation or massive doses of immunosuppressive glucocorticoids - the hospital (usually inadvertently) finds a way to murder most COVID-19 patients.
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Jan 9, 2021
It’s actually shocking how complaint Canadians have been on this, particularly in Western Canada (where I am) which has generally been a more liberal place to live in comparison with provinces like Alberta. I’ve watched the same people I know advocate for free housing and infinite treatment for the drug addicted and homeless populations, then turn around and suggest that unvaccinated individuals should be decided health care. It’s wild.
Doctors in Canada have been refusing to treat non jabbed people, telling them to go to the hospital instead


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Not sure how widespread this is, maybe @Blossom can shed some light.
I never saw this in my area but that doesn’t necessarily mean it didn’t happen. I saw some terrible things and could not in good conscious be part of it so I left the hospitals I was working in (one for over 10 years) about 7 months into the situation. It was horrific beyond words & I’m still trying to make sense of it all-very tragic and sad.


Oct 21, 2018
We have suspected this for a long time, but this is one of the first studies that provides direct evidence that the lethality of lockdowns was/is much higher than the virus itself. Mainstream media shies away from such studies/reports and the only coverage I have seen in "reputable" mainstream sources is the link below, which reluctantly admits that at least 1/3 of the excess deaths attributed to the pandemic were not due to COVID-19, but to the social restriction measures many govts implemented.

Well, according to the study below (at least in Canada) that 1/3 number turns out to be more like 3/4 (75%). In other words, the govt of Canada directly killed 4 people (under 65) for each 1 it "saved". And that terrible "performance" is actually giving the govt of Canada a lot of credit as we don't know if those 20% "saved" actually survived because of the restriction measures or due to some other reasons/interventions. If other countries (such as Sweden, Russia, South Korea, Vietnam, etc) are any indication, lack of lockdowns led to even lower deaths in the <65yo crowd, so the available evidence suggests that the govt of Canada directly killed 5,535 people under 65 years of age for no good reason and without any clear mandate to do so under the Constitution of Canada. Perhaps most importantly, the study below strongly corroborates the hypothesis that the "excess deaths" numbers we get bombarded with every day by mainstream media are almost entirely due to govt interventions and not the virus. As such, there is every reason to oppose lockdowns and social restrictions and none to support them. So, somebody remind me again, why does the govt (in Canada, at least) still exists considering it does nothing of note except directly killing people??

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @boris @Giraffe @bzmazu @Sweet Meat

"...The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect communities and families in Canada. Beyond deaths attributed to the disease itself, the pandemic could also have indirect consequences leading to an increase or decrease in the number of deaths due to various factors, including delayed medical procedures, increased substance use, or a decline in deaths attributable to other causes, such as influenza. To understand both the direct and indirect consequences of the pandemic, it is important to measure excess mortality, which occurs when there are more deaths during a period of time than what would have been expected for that period. It should be noted that, even without a pandemic, there is always some year-to-year variation in the number of people who die in a given week. This means that the number of expected deaths should fall within a certain range of values. There is evidence of excess mortality when the number of weekly deaths is consistently higher than what is expected, and even more so when numbers exceed the expected range over consecutive weeks. While we sometimes observe excess mortality that is consistent with the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19, data reveal that indirect consequences of the pandemic are also having a significant impact on the number of excess deaths in Canada, particularly among younger Canadians. Based on the newly updated provisional dataset released today from the Canadian Vital Statistics Death Database, from the end of March 2020 to the beginning of April 2021, an estimated 62,203 deaths were reported among Canadians aged 0 to 64. This represents 5,535 more deaths than expected were there no pandemic, after accounting for changes in the population such as aging. Over the same period, 1,380 COVID-19 deaths have been attributed to the same age group (those younger than 65), suggesting that the excess mortality is, in large part, related to other factors such as increases in the number deaths attributed to causes associated with substance use and misuse, including unintentional (accidental) poisonings and diseases and conditions related to alcohol consumption."
The studies dont say the lockdown causes the deaths. They say disruptions due to the pandemic caused deaths not caused by the virus


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The studies dont say the lockdown causes the deaths. They say disruptions due to the pandemic caused deaths not caused by the virus

And what are those "disruptions" you are referring to? Weren't they caused by the lockdowns? From the study:
"...suggesting that the excess mortality is, in large part, related to other factors such as increases in the number deaths attributed to causes associated with substance use and misuse, including unintentional (accidental) poisonings and diseases and conditions related to alcohol consumption."

Now, do a quick search on the forum for each of these things (i.e. drug use, alcohol use, etc) and "lockdown" and you will see that the lockdowns drastically increased each one. We have had threads about this on the forum since March 2020.

Oh, and last but not least, take a look at the study @aliml posted below.
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Jan 9, 2021
The studies dont say the lockdown causes the deaths. They say disruptions due to the pandemic caused deaths not caused by the virus
I read an article in Australian news about infants who died unable to travel to the appropriate facility to be treated due to travel restrictions.


Feb 18, 2016
In some recent executions, midazolam was actually used by itself because there was shortage of the other 2 drugs since companies refused to sell those drugs to state agencies responsible for executions. A few high-profile cases of botched executions hit the news a few years ago. Basically, all people given just midazolam were obviously conscious, kept talking, coughing, choking and even puking. I think 2 of those executions were stopped because the people would not die and were obviously in pain. I think those 2 sued the state for cruelty and not only got their death sentences reversed but won a lot of money in penalties against the state. One of the guys given midazolam got up from the gurney and basically beat the crap out of the "nurses" in the execution chamber before the guard could intervene and drag him out. I think he also got his sentence reversed.
Oh, if the info on midazolam so far is not freaky enough, consider this. In most hospitals in the Western world, midazolam is given routinely as part of the general anesthesia cocktail. The official reason given is that it acts as an anti-anxiety drug, but the real reason is that it prevent the formation of new memories while under its influence, so hospitals give it to patients in case they wake up during surgery and basically get operated on awake. Quite a few cases like that recently, and if the person does not remember the ordeal he/she cannot sue. Worse, still, midazolam in known to increase risk of death during surgery but hospitals don't care and would rather have a patient who dies during surgery (which can be easily explained away) than a patient who wakes up during surgery and files massive suits against the hospital and/or doctors.
I think in some hospitals they even try to use just use midazolam as the general anesthetic. Not sure how widespread this is, maybe @Blossom can shed some light. Either way, if you ever have to go under grab your anesthesiologist by the neck before the procedure and demand to know if midazolam will be given. Better yet, look at the IV drip bag and read carefully the paperwork, and do some background research on the hospital. If there is any shred of doubt that midazolam will be present - walk away, as the risks are not worth it. If the anesthesiologist says "yes, we would have given it to you but now that you brought it up we won't" - definitely walk away! The doctors in an ER/surgery setting are usually allowed to lie to you (obviously for your "benefit") and/or override your decisions when you are under, so if there is any doubt about midazolam being present or being part of their typical surgery protocol, just walk away! It may very well save your life.
Btw, rapists know about this property of midazolam very well and it is now the most widely used date-rape drug as the victim does not remember anything and cannot even identify the attacker post-factum in most cases.
All in all - scary drug, which has no business in therapeutic settings. I bet it was originally designed by some psychopath to assist the CIA in its "enhanced interrogation" experiments, or to create "Manchurian Candidate" type assassins. If given to elderly people, it is certain to kill many of them. I think it is NOT approved for out of hospital use but as per my above comment on ER/surgery having special rights over you once hospitalized, once a person is in the ER then midazolam is fair game. This explains why the vast majority of COVID-19 deaths were in hospitalized people and very few were in people who stayed at home. Whether midazolam, intubation or massive doses of immunosuppressive glucocorticoids - the hospital (usually inadvertently) finds a way to murder most COVID-19 patients.

Midazolam and Rape you say? It’s no surprise the ruling class like it so much then, Jeffrey Epstein probably has his own production facility for it.


Nov 28, 2017
I never saw this in my area but that doesn’t necessarily mean it didn’t happen. I saw some terrible things and could not in good conscious be part of it so I left the hospitals I was working in (one for over 10 years) about 7 months into the situation. It was horrific beyond words & I’m still trying to make sense of it all-very tragic and sad.
what terrible things if you dont mind me asking?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
what terrible things if you dont mind me asking?
It’s difficult to articulate but basically fear, chaos and confusion were running rampant so I’m sure you can probably imagine what that would do to an already broken system.
I can say with 100% sincerity that I never witnessed any patient being harmed intentionally though. I do believe that everyone I worked with tried their best.
I will probably be able to discuss it more in the future when I’ve had time to process everything.


Jan 27, 2021
We have suspected this for a long time, but this is one of the first studies that provides direct evidence that the lethality of lockdowns was/is much higher than the virus itself. Mainstream media shies away from such studies/reports and the only coverage I have seen in "reputable" mainstream sources is the link below, which reluctantly admits that at least 1/3 of the excess deaths attributed to the pandemic were not due to COVID-19, but to the social restriction measures many govts implemented.

Well, according to the study below (at least in Canada) that 1/3 number turns out to be more like 3/4 (75%). In other words, the govt of Canada directly killed 4 people (under 65) for each 1 it "saved". And that terrible "performance" is actually giving the govt of Canada a lot of credit as we don't know if those 20% "saved" actually survived because of the restriction measures or due to some other reasons/interventions. If other countries (such as Sweden, Russia, South Korea, Vietnam, etc) are any indication, lack of lockdowns led to even lower deaths in the <65yo crowd, so the available evidence suggests that the govt of Canada directly killed 5,535 people under 65 years of age for no good reason and without any clear mandate to do so under the Constitution of Canada. Perhaps most importantly, the study below strongly corroborates the hypothesis that the "excess deaths" numbers we get bombarded with every day by mainstream media are almost entirely due to govt interventions and not the virus. As such, there is every reason to oppose lockdowns and social restrictions and none to support them. So, somebody remind me again, why does the govt (in Canada, at least) still exists considering it does nothing of note except directly killing people??

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @boris @Giraffe @bzmazu @Sweet Meat

"...The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect communities and families in Canada. Beyond deaths attributed to the disease itself, the pandemic could also have indirect consequences leading to an increase or decrease in the number of deaths due to various factors, including delayed medical procedures, increased substance use, or a decline in deaths attributable to other causes, such as influenza. To understand both the direct and indirect consequences of the pandemic, it is important to measure excess mortality, which occurs when there are more deaths during a period of time than what would have been expected for that period. It should be noted that, even without a pandemic, there is always some year-to-year variation in the number of people who die in a given week. This means that the number of expected deaths should fall within a certain range of values. There is evidence of excess mortality when the number of weekly deaths is consistently higher than what is expected, and even more so when numbers exceed the expected range over consecutive weeks. While we sometimes observe excess mortality that is consistent with the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19, data reveal that indirect consequences of the pandemic are also having a significant impact on the number of excess deaths in Canada, particularly among younger Canadians. Based on the newly updated provisional dataset released today from the Canadian Vital Statistics Death Database, from the end of March 2020 to the beginning of April 2021, an estimated 62,203 deaths were reported among Canadians aged 0 to 64. This represents 5,535 more deaths than expected were there no pandemic, after accounting for changes in the population such as aging. Over the same period, 1,380 COVID-19 deaths have been attributed to the same age group (those younger than 65), suggesting that the excess mortality is, in large part, related to other factors such as increases in the number deaths attributed to causes associated with substance use and misuse, including unintentional (accidental) poisonings and diseases and conditions related to alcohol consumption."
Legit. I was gifted with the gift of anxiety and insomnia by the lock downs and many friends are straight up on suicide watch STILL after the lockdowns when prior to them they were doing mostly fine.
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