
Pet Peeve

Nov 9, 2015
Greetings from Oslo!

My health deteriorated after getting burnt out from overwork. I practically lived on beer and crisps for months. Trying to better my health I did vegetarian, then vegan, then paleo.

All these diets made me look older, saggy face, allergies, hairloss, anxiety and so on. At least on paleo I managed to attain a certain mental clarity.

As a sufferer of allergies to anything that comes from the sea I had never ever ingested any Omega 3, so I thought I had to find a source I could tolerate to help my health. Fish oil capsules, purer more expensive fish oil capsules, calamari, algae, flaxoil, chia and hemp. I could't tolerate any of them. I was worried, I need to get my omega 3 to 6 ratio to 1:1 or at least 1:2. My relief was great when I finally found seal oil, that didn't give me any problems. In the beginning I took 2-4 grams per day but read that I needed to take up to 20 to help my disastrous mental state, so I did. I felt much better in the beginning but after a couple of weeks I got the most horrible nausea and my throat was on fire one afternoon after taking a dose. I searched on the net and found out that omega 3 oils all have a degree of rancidity so I threw the oil in the trash and bough more seal oil that was supposedly purer and less rancid. It was fine for some days, then bam! the same reaction again. I lowered my intake to 2-4 grams a day and that didn't bring the nausea but I just looked worse and worse, especially the skin in my face. Before starting seal oil I was often told how young I looked for my age, now I got the opposite feedback. Luckily I only did this damage to myself for half a year.

Another equally nasty idea I had was to not consume any sugar at all, which I didn't for over a year.

So, after frantic researching on the net, and 1000's of dollars spent on worthless supplements, a doctor who thought my horrible state was imaginary and wanted to send me to a psychologist, I'm now here.

I've been peating for four days and I can't believe how good my skin looks and the level of energy I have.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Welcome Pet Peeve. I'm glad you kept researching and hope you find the forum helpful. :welcome


Mar 29, 2014
:welcome Pet Peeve

Glad you've found some things that are working for you.


Ditch the supps, fish/seal oil, and keep upping your carbs. You should continue to see improvements!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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