Ireland Set to Pass “Hate Speech” Laws – Will Make Possessing “Hateful” Content on Your Devices a Jailable Offense


Mar 21, 2021
This stuff is going on all around the world.

  • Bill C-11, also known as the Online Streaming Act, is the updated version of Bill C-10, first introduced last year by former Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault. Now spearheaded by current Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez, Bill C-11 partially fixes some of C-10’s faults, without fixing its core problems.
  • Bill C-11 expands the Broadcasting Act that grants the CRTC regulatory powers over radio and television to cover all audiovisual content on the Internet, including content on platforms like Tik Tok, YouTube, Spotify, and podcast clients.

Will Bill C-11 give the CRTC the power to regulate your posts?

  • The short answer – yes. Like Bill C-10, Bill C-11 gives the CRTC unprecedented regulatory authority to monitor all online audiovisual content. This power extends to penalizing content creators and platforms and through them, content creators that fail to comply.
  • The government is promising to apply further limitations to this power via a policy direction from Cabinet after C-11 passes. But a policy direction can be amended or replaced by a new direction at any time. This is not a binding defence of our content like restrictions within C-11 would be. This government or a future government could decide to use the CRTC’s new powers to start regulating or limiting user online posts, and it would all be entirely legal.
How will Bill C-11 affect the content you see online?

  • You’ll see less of the content you want most. According to the government, Bill C-11 will ‘increase visibility’ for some officially recognized Canadian content creators– but their tool for doing this is manipulating our playlists, feeds, and algorithmic recommendations.
  • This means that the CRTC will be picking winners and losers, forcing some officially recognized content ‘up’ in feeds and recommendations, while downranking or hiding other content we’d otherwise receive.
  • Global content and content that best fits your search criteria as a platform’s algorithm understands it will become harder to find. The content you WANT to see that doesn’t fit the CRTC’s vision of CanCon is pushed down in your feed.


Jan 12, 2021
There are many Jewish people with money pushing these laws, but they just use antisemitism to protect themselves. So if you criticize them they can just claim antisemitism to throw you in jail.

If they gave have a f about the average Jewish person why would they be the first and mandate 4 shots of the Pfizer poison on their population in Israel?

They know we are tribal and will use any which way they can to manipulate us.

They want you to believe it’s about race or religion or whatever.
On the other side we can not use anti-white racism to protect us against these jews. (but we should)

We dont't know the ratio real shots/placebo in Israel. And inside jewish there is a hierarchy, they don't care much for some half-quarter-jewish.

Whites are not very tribal, but whites with conscience see what is happening.

It is about race/religion.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
The article

The gist: if you have hateful material on your digital device, you can go to prison unless you can prove you didn't intend to use the material to spread hate. How do you know if the material was "hateful"? Look in the mirror, if you are wearing a prison robe, it was.
Can I put Ireland's move on par with the UK, Canada, and Australia? All are part of push to globalism and the decline of free speech. If we can get Trump in office I believe we can turn this country and others mentioned back to ones allowing free speech. Have you seen Trudeau's and Canada's move to control the internet? Hope people wake up because we will be another Russia or China, not an exaggeration. If....they get the guns it is all over. They are pounding the mass shootings every time for all they can get from them. My cynical ways make me wonder how random a lot of these shootings are. Who is destroying the 23 food processing plants in the U.S.? Free speech gone, guns, jail for hateful speech is all the same, authoritative govt. take over.

Chairman Mao "All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party."


Sep 4, 2020
Hope people wake up because we will be another Russia or China, not an exaggeration.
Don't know about China, been there once for an oil rig business, it was a good experience. But I live in Russia. Could you tell me, what a horror I am going through compared to your freedoms? Would be nice to know.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Let's send a ton of migrants to Ireland and when people (inevitably) have something to say about it, we'll arrest THEM for "inciting violence".

Never mind the people responsible for sending the immigrants there. They did nothing to cause the problem.
You are not getting it. This why the elites have so much power. They don’t give a **** about immigrants or protecting their feelings. They want to control the internet and what people can say on it. So they implement laws claiming they are trying to stop hate speech and in your country they say are stop anti-immigrant speech.

And they are putting various versions of this law around Europe and using corporations to control speech in America.

They ultimately want to make it illegal to criticize the government or certain officials like they have in China where even a billionaire could be disappeared for criticizing the government. But they start with ***t like this and slowly implement stronger restrictions on speech.

You are fighting a monkey tribal battle! They are out for world control and domination.

World Economic Forum supports merger of human and AI systems to censor “hate speech”​

Despite the fact that no one asked, the World Economic Forum is now advocating for the merger of human and artificial intelligence systems to censor “hate speech” and “misinformation” online before it is even allowed to be posted.

A report published to the official WEF website ominously warns about the peril of “the dark world of online harms.”

But the globalist body, run by comic book Bond villain Klaus Schwab, has a solution.

They want to merge the ‘best’ aspects of human censorship and AI machine learning algorithms to ensure that people’s feelings don’t get hurt and counter-regime opinions are blacklisted.

“By uniquely combining the power of innovative technology, off-platform intelligence collection and the prowess of subject-matter experts who understand how threat actors operate, scaled detection of online abuse can reach near-perfect precision,” states the article.

After engaging in a whole host of mumbo jumbo, the article concludes by proposing “a new framework: rather than relying on AI to detect at scale and humans to review edge cases, an intelligence-based approach is crucial.”

“By bringing human-curated, multi-language, off-platform intelligence into learning sets, AI will then be able to detect nuanced, novel abuses at scale, before they reach mainstream platforms. Supplementing this smarter automated detection with human expertise to review edge cases and identify false positives and negatives and then feeding those findings back into training sets will allow us to create AI with human intelligence baked in,” the article rambles.

No doubt that a central part of such “misinformation” will be strident denunciation of the WEF itself, given that the organization is notorious for blocking its critics on Twitter.

Many would ask why the World Economic Forum, amidst a cost of living crisis, upcoming energy rationing and a global recession, is concerning itself with any of this.

Why don’t they just stick to the economy?

“It’s never a sure bet if this Davos-based elite’s mouthpiece comes up with its outlandish “solutions” and “proposals” as a way to reinforce existing, or introduce new narratives; or just to appear busy and earn its keep from those bankrolling it,” writes Didi Rankovic.

“No – it’s not the runaway inflation, energy costs, and even food security in many parts of the world. For how dedicated to globalization the organization is, it’s strangely tone-deaf to what is actually happening around the globe.”

U.S. will criminalize hate speech 'soon', EU official predicts at WEF mtg.

U.S. will criminalize hate speech ‘soon’, EU official predicts at WEF mtg.​

At the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland this week, a European Union official predicted to a U.S. congressman that the U.S. would “soon” enact laws on “illegal hate speech” similar to those in the EU.

Věra Jourová, the vice president of values and transparency for the European Commission, tapped Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton on the arm and laughed as she made the prediction. It came as she discussed whether AI is capable of moderating online hate speech.

And they to combine this CBDC where they also have control over your money.

So like in Canada you had the trucker protests over the vaccine mandates and they froze their bank accounts.
Absolutely correct. The criminals or perpetrators are disguising their intent to control you, the people. What does that sound like? We are to be cattle, live in high rises and have a piece of lumber to fight back with ala Chinese populace?

The arrogance and absence of a soul like that of the George Soros clan, the McKenzie Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates is very hard to comprehend. Are they any different than a Hitler? Mussolini? Chairman Xi or Kim Jong?


Sep 4, 2020
Don't know about China, been there once for an oil rig business, it was a good experience. But I live in Russia. Could you tell me, what a horror I am going through compared to your freedoms? Would be nice to know.
No answer I guess. And those people are afraid of losing their freedoms - which they already do not have amidst pronounses.
Compare this to the unknown China or Russia.


Jan 12, 2021
No answer I guess. And those people are afraid of losing their freedoms - which they already do not have amidst pronounses.
Compare this to the unknown China or Russia.
There's a lot of answers but why bother? For instance you can't criticize war or you go to jail.


Sep 4, 2020
There's a lot of answers but why bother? For instance you can't criticize war or you go to jail
Where do you go doing that in Ukraine, that has been bombing Donbass for 8 years with the West turning a blind spot on it? I wonder if in WW2 Britain or the US you could "ctitisize the war". Thank God there are countries in which you can criticize anything, Mr. Snowden is on the way I guess to join Mr. Assange.

Don't try to push onto me that you have freedom of speech in the West. You have freedom of lies, Mr. Schiff is definitely enjoying it. Mr. Trump was, after an illegal fake warrant, investigated on the basis of a completely BS accusation, sorry, dossier, paid by his political opponent, and it was going on in the media as something real for 4 years! A non-thing was sold to people for 4 years, is that normal? Russian propaganda is Teddy Bear vs. Godzilla, because amidst non-stop lies western people generally think the are living in some sort of a garden of freedom. Being immersed in lies and manipulation of the rich and powerful. Did Mr. Epstein choke on a cherry nut? What, no cameras, too expensive, heh :) By the way, the abyssmal invention of the Russians, the Novichok poison killed so far fewer people than old kefir. Mwahaha.

Russia's choice was the Minsk Agreement, not the war. And yet as Frau Merkel told us and her French counterparts confirmed, it was never there to be implemented. It was used to arm Ukraine. Putin spent 20+ years saying don't push NATO to Russia, must have peeves on his tongue. But the US wants the effing world control, and the Germans need their Lebensraum. Well, hopefully the Germans will enjoy manure as energy source and the Americans learn to count to trillions of money that don't belong to them.

In the 90-ies there was a chance to build a better world that is not a threat to anybody. Talk. Disarm. I remember this euphoria. The expansion of NATO and the US walking out of the basic nuclear deterrent agreements buried it all. Back to history Mr. Fukuyama.


Mar 21, 2021
Where do you go doing that in Ukraine, that has been bombing Donbass for 8 years with the West turning a blind spot on it? I wonder if in WW2 Britain or the US you could "ctitisize the war". Thank God there are countries in which you can criticize anything, Mr. Snowden is on the way I guess to join Mr. Assange.

Don't try to push onto me that you have freedom of speech in the West. You have freedom of lies, Mr. Schiff is definitely enjoying it. Mr. Trump was, after an illegal fake warrant, investigated on the basis of a completely BS accusation, sorry, dossier, paid by his political opponent, and it was going on in the media as something real for 4 years! A non-thing was sold to people for 4 years, is that normal? Russian propaganda is Teddy Bear vs. Godzilla, because amidst non-stop lies western people generally think the are living in some sort of a garden of freedom. Being immersed in lies and manipulation of the rich and powerful. Did Mr. Epstein choke on a cherry nut? What, no cameras, too expensive, heh :) By the way, the abyssmal invention of the Russians, the Novichok poison killed so far fewer people than old kefir. Mwahaha.

Russia's choice was the Minsk Agreement, not the war. And yet as Frau Merkel told us and her French counterparts confirmed, it was never there to be implemented. It was used to arm Ukraine. Putin spent 20+ years saying don't push NATO to Russia, must have peeves on his tongue. But the US wants the effing world control, and the Germans need their Lebensraum. Well, hopefully the Germans will enjoy manure as energy source and the Americans learn to count to trillions of money that don't belong to them.

In the 90-ies there was a chance to build a better world that is not a threat to anybody. Talk. Disarm. I remember this euphoria. The expansion of NATO and the US walking out of the basic nuclear deterrent agreements buried it all. Back to history Mr. Fukuyama.
American people are the most propagandized people in the world and we don’t even know it.

Are propaganda is in silos. The left and right have different propaganda thrown down their throat from our government mostly via corporate media and the corporate republican and corporate democratic parties.

The funny things is both Republicans and Democrats think the other side is being propagandized but don’t recognize their own propaganda on them. And when I point out how their party they support is propagandizing them they get defensive and angry.

It’s easier to fool someone then convince them they have been fooled.

We do have freedom of speech here in America. Not so much in Russia. Biden , Obama, Bush , trump are war criminal murders and I can go on any street corner and say that.

Both the American and Russian leaders are evil murderers, that use our money, sweat and labor for their quests for power. We are seeing a fight for power. Biden ,Putin and Zelenskyy are both our enemies. If you think Putin is fighting for you, you have fallen for propaganda. Putin is fighting for his own power and the billionaires that help him control the population.

The first thing you have to realize people like Biden and Putin are the next evolution of human and the learned we are monkey’s and are able to convince the monkeys in America and Russia that their quest for their own power is in our interest.

Putin is a evil dictator the will kill anything that threatens his power just like whoever the American corporate puppet president will.

These wars could end in a week if people could evolve past human monkey. That is not happening anytime soon so people like Biden and Putin will convince the monkey that their quest for power is in the best interest of the average human monkey.


Sep 4, 2020
Russia was expecting that NATO is not going to expand. Not only NATO expanded, it created a coup in Ukraine, openly, in real life - that was an existential threat to Russia. Ukraine was pumped with western arms and nazi ideology. Bombed Lugansk and Donetsk as some illegals - thoung the very coup of 2014 was illegal. A total repetition of 1942.
Do you really think the meat grinder at its border is somehow good for Russia? Who makes billions on the explosion of the Nord Stream?
My point is not that Putin is good the others are bad. But you can't see a picture when everyone is bad. Some are way badder.


Mar 21, 2021
Russia was expecting that NATO is not going to expand. Not only NATO expanded, it created a coup in Ukraine, openly, in real life - that was an existential threat to Russia. Ukraine was pumped with western arms and nazi ideology. Bombed Lugansk and Donetsk as some illegals - thoung the very coup of 2014 was illegal. A total repetition of 1942.
Do you really think the meat grinder at its border is somehow good for Russia? Who makes billions on the explosion of the Nord Stream?
My point is not that Putin is good the others are bad. But you can't see a picture when everyone is bad. Some are way badder.
Next you will debate who is more evil Ted bundy or the green river killer? You can’t measure that because both would have killed as many as they could get away with. Both will do as much as they can to maintain power, but doing to much could result in loss of power from stealing and killing foreigners or their own people that threaten their power.

Putin killed and stole millions from his own people to gain and maintain power, false flag attacks on his own people , his own ******* people!!!! To help him and his wealthy thieves buddies. He is an enemy to the Russian people as Biden , trump , Obama and bush are an enemy to American peoples.



Mar 21, 2021
Like in Serbia, Lyvia? Syria? Iraq? Ah-ah-ah-ghanisnan?
I'm sorry Putin did all that.
That was the murderist evil American deep state and their corporate puppet presidents.

Bro I don’t think your getting it. I see past the tribal monkey thinking.


Sep 4, 2020
That was the murderist evil American deep state and their corporate puppet presidents.

Bro I don’t think your getting it. I see past the tribal monkey thinking.
Sorry mate. I am in any way is enjoying this.


Jan 12, 2021
Where do you go doing that in Ukraine, that has been bombing Donbass for 8 years with the West turning a blind spot on it? I wonder if in WW2 Britain or the US you could "ctitisize the war". Thank God there are countries in which you can criticize anything, Mr. Snowden is on the way I guess to join Mr. Assange.
We were talking about freedom of speech in Russia and your argument is pointing fingers to Ukraine, US.
And yes, in Europe there were politicians, journalists criticizing western wars, they were not imprisoned like in Russia.


Jan 12, 2021
Putin killed and stole millions from his own people to gain and maintain power, false flag attacks on his own people , his own ******* people!!!! To help him and his wealthy thieves buddies. He is an enemy to the Russian people as Biden , trump , Obama and bush are an enemy to American peoples.
That's it.


Sep 4, 2020
We were talking about freedom of speech in Russia and your argument is pointing
My pont is whothe hell are you? You are being into lies into so much. Fo Krist'sakewho the hell are you?


Sep 4, 2020
Why are you asking? You want to contact FSB?
How bout the FBI?
They completely lied about Donald Trump (being a Russian agent), totally disrupt his presidensy.
But we have to believe that people in the IS are in control/
Like what, the post voting papers?
hehe man you have to persuade somewhone else.
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