Is high serotonin linked to creativity?


Mar 15, 2021
It seems like the most creative people or at least a large portion are brooding, ruminating types with a lot of mental afflictions like depression, anxiety etc. This would seemingly fit the description of a high serotonin person would it not? It's no secret that artists usually make their best work when they are in their darkest places. I wonder how switching to being high dopamine would effect the creativity of someone who was previously high serotonin. Would it decrease? Maybe anyone who successfully lowered their serotonin and kept tabs on their creativity could chime in?


Dec 1, 2020
It seems like the most creative people or at least a large portion are brooding, ruminating types with a lot of mental afflictions like depression, anxiety etc. This would seemingly fit the description of a high serotonin person would it not? It's no secret that artists usually make their best work when they are in their darkest places. I wonder how switching to being high dopamine would effect the creativity of someone who was previously high serotonin. Would it decrease? Maybe anyone who successfully lowered their serotonin and kept tabs on their creativity could chime in?
Opposite, You will have ridgid thinking and zero interest in anything but status and the ocassional ultra heavy oxytocin load toward high status good looking people that are unmanipulative by you. The things u said dont even make any sense from a observable point to me. Just because someone is in a dark place doesnt mean:
1: That they are serotonergic
2: That they cant recreate "creative" things

The people that are high serotonin will often seem creative. The reason for this is that they will do things that is "creative" in societys view. Not things that they themself intelligently created. This isnt specially creative its redoing something that used to be creative. What I mean is that they do things that seems creative but when you analyze society you realize they are all doing very simillar things... A good sign someone is doing these things not because they are creative but because they are a psycopath who think they become more worth by fitting in to the highstatus qouta and dont value people by empathy when it comes to care then its a bad sign. Dopaminergic good humanbeings will tout and show off stuff alot too tho, but in this case it will be to bring other empathetic humanbeings joy (since empathetic people care about eachother). Dopaminergic beings actually have genuine interest in "awesome" things or "random things" and want to share that with others. The ****88 up enviroment got 80% of females and atleast 30% of men fullblown crazy but you are blind to it before you start going deep on observing reality+biology and analyzing it from everypossible angle and connecting everything together. When you do this, took me 3 years of constant, literal constant analysation and thinking about the subject.


Mar 15, 2021
High serotonin is more likely to be in a dark place/depressed than high dopamine though right? High dopamine are the more put together, striver types while high serotonin are the more neurotic types. Out of those two the latter is more likely to be depressed for sure in my view.

I have seen excessive serotonin be described almost like being under water. Which I think fit my experience pretty well until I started clearing out endotoxin which would lower serotonin. When you are in this "under water" state you are completely in your head. At least I was. You are like loosely tethered to the physical world. Spatial awareness is screwed up, you are zoned out, ruminating pretty much in real time. The gait is ****88 up you are walking like a muppet in the clouds. Rumination is 1000% serotonin. And rumination is basically a requirement for something like a songwriter for example. Its seems conducive to regular writing as well. This sort of overthinking/overdrive mode in the brain.

Maybe it is better characterized as low in motivation or low energy instead of zero interest in things? Motivation and dopamine are closely linked. Low motivation and low sex drive (high serotonin, ssri sexual dysfunction) also go hand in hand.

I kind of don't get your overarching point. So you're saying that someone who paints for example is not actually creative because he didn't invent the act of painting? Or something like that? Maybe you can explain more. The motivations behind why people would take up certain creative things seems kind of hard to infer without being in their head. But if we are doing that I think maybe its because they desperately need a soothing outlet from all the screwed up things serotonin is doing to their brain. I wouldn't say that the high dopamine type isn't creative at all, it just doesn't seem as intricately creative as the high serotonin type. And maybe that's because it doesn't come out of necessity, their brain is fine interacting with the real world and such.
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Mar 15, 2021
I mean It's purely anecdotal, but partially why I'm writing this. A buddy of mine recently started popping ssri's and became an artist. A good one. Was watching a comedian podcast (Theo Von and Bobby Lee don't know if you're familiar, they are widely regarded as some of the "goofiest" types of comedians) and both admitted to taking ssri's. I'm not like an artist type but as I have (presumably) become higher dopamine I feel more capable socially in the sense of knowing how to hold my own in social situations. However I am less goofy or able to come up with ridiculous things that will get people to give a geniune belly laugh.

Would be interesting to me to see how people perceive dopamine and serotonin in comedy. To me high dopamine comedy is someone like Stephen Colbert that kind of rattles off witty things at a quick pace. Sharp, dry, dead pan. Then you have someone like Theo Von (high serotonin confirmed through his ssri) who comes up with more imaginitve stuff that deals in the realm of the absurd. The funniest to me are these neurotic weirdo type comedians that seemingly come from a place of past or present mental disturbances probably caused by high serotonin.


Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
I think lowering serotonin/raising dopamine and vice versa can have an effect on creativity and change its expression, not necessarily reduce it.

I'd imagine serotonin likely contributes more to the 'woe is me' type of art, (think angsty music), where dopamine contributes more to the motivational, optimistic, etc. I think hip-hop more often than not falls into the dopaminergic category, a lot of 80s rock and pop as well.

Your take on difference comedic styles is a good example, the creativity and humor is still there, just expressed differently.


Jul 31, 2020
I think there might be a connection with the 5HT2A receptor, a receptor that Is (often) upregulated in depressed people. Activation of this receptor causes...
neuronal excitation, hallucinations, out-of-body experiences, and fear.

Interestingly hallucinations caused by LSD and DMT are caused by 5ht2a agonism. Direct agonism usually causes downregulation which explains these molecules' antidepressant effect.

Maybe High 5HT2A binding due to depression and estrogen ( estrogen increases 5HT2A receptors ) can cause the increased creativity you're talking about?


Mar 15, 2021
I think lowering serotonin/raising dopamine and vice versa can have an effect on creativity and change its expression, not necessarily reduce it.

I'd imagine serotonin likely contributes more to the 'woe is me' type of art, (think angsty music), where dopamine contributes more to the motivational, optimistic, etc. I think hip-hop more often than not falls into the dopaminergic category, a lot of 80s rock and pop as well.

Your take on difference comedic styles is a good example, the creativity and humor is still there, just expressed differently.
True at the end of the day it is subjective. I probably still got a good amount of serotonin running around and that's why I'm more inclined to that lol


Mar 15, 2021
I think there might be a connection with the 5HT2A receptor, a receptor that Is (often) upregulated in depressed people. Activation of this receptor causes...

Interestingly hallucinations caused by LSD and DMT are caused by 5ht2a agonism. Direct agonism usually causes downregulation which explains these molecules' antidepressant effect.

Maybe High 5HT2A binding due to depression and estrogen ( estrogen increases 5HT2A receptors ) can cause the increased creativity you're talking about?
Hmmm could be with the neuronal excitation it's like the "overdrive mode" I'm talking about. Nice find.


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
I think that you can have a negative outlook without being depressed. For example, some of the most funny people I know say some of the nastiest things about other people, but it is true and really funny. Also, even if you are not depressed and have an abundance of energy, that does not necessarily mean that you want to just give your energy away freely to other people or to an energy-sucking society. That's my two cents.


Feb 24, 2019
It seems like the most creative people or at least a large portion are brooding, ruminating types with a lot of mental afflictions like depression, anxiety etc. This would seemingly fit the description of a high serotonin person would it not? It's no secret that artists usually make their best work when they are in their darkest places. I wonder how switching to being high dopamine would effect the creativity of someone who was previously high serotonin. Would it decrease? Maybe anyone who successfully lowered their serotonin and kept tabs on their creativity could chime in?
i don't think this is correct. Depression in particular is associated with decreases in serotonin synthesis via a stressor activating enzymes in the liver which in turn reduce serotonin, and this shortage will make the serotonin function more sensitive and induces downstream effects on exciting systems that changes the perspective of the observer and stimulates creativity from the pressure of mental stress. [edit]These hepatic enzymes by the way are IDO and TDO, which are induces via inflammatory stressors or estrogens


Feb 3, 2020
Overmethylated individuals typically have highly creative traits.
They have high levels of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine and depressed histamine levels due to high copper or low folate levels.

Schizophrenia/psychosis patients often have overmethylation and their mental state reflects infinite imaginable possibilities. (becoming so strong as hallucinations on the end of the spectrum)


Feb 24, 2019
trying to profile a person who has high serotonin in the brain is usually the one who can coop well in abruptly stressful and dangerous situations to make fast decisions without panicking. And these are usually dry and can seem slow. On the other hand when serotonin is low it is characterized by neuroticism and prone to panic and very sensitive.


Apr 19, 2021
i think i have read that serotonin is linked to classical music ability/skill


Wtf. Low serotonin is linked to slow-life creativity and high serotonin is linked to fast-life panic and aggression.
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