Is it OK to just drink milk/coffee/sugar/salt all morning?


May 24, 2013
I don't really feel hungry in the morning, but I know it's really important to eat breakfast.

Is it OK to not eat solid food but just have liquids?

I've been having lattes with loads sugar/some salt. Can I just drip-feed myself this all morning and nothing else, would that be healthy Peat-style?


Jun 12, 2013
Re: Is it OK to just drink milk/coffee/sugar/salt all mornin

Well I don't know if it's Peatish, but that's what I've been doing for the longest time. I have coffee with gelatin, sugar, coconut oil, milk and salt. That's practically a meal (protein, fat, carbs), though I eventually need solid food.

However, for a while I noticed anxiety and irritation after I woke up, and sometimes the coffee drink didn't help or it seemed to get worse. So I figured out I needed sugar first thing, before the coffee if possible. I think there wasn't enough sugar in my coffee (though I use 3 - 4 t and that's as sweet of a coffee as I can stand right now) to bring my sugar levels up after the night, especially with all the protein and fat in the coffee drink pushing it down. Even though I don't often feel hungry when I get up, I realized I needed to refuel anyway. My body might not be giving me hunger pangs, but it was giving me other signs I needed to eat sugar.

So when I get up now, I have OJ with sugar and salt, sometimes with milk stirred in. Or I have fruit, even dip it in sugar if I feel like I need more sugar. It's sort of my breakfast, then I go on to coffee.


May 24, 2013
Re: Is it OK to just drink milk/coffee/sugar/salt all mornin

Thanks a lot Peata. That's good to know someone else is going without solid food in the morning.

I can't have coconut oil, but I hope the fat in the milk is enough. Milk's a pretty ideal food really - sugar, protein, fat, calcium.

Thanks for the sugar tip. I might be more consistent with OJ in the am, and add sugar to it too!


Aug 22, 2013
Re: Is it OK to just drink milk/coffee/sugar/salt all mornin

I'm still new to all this, but I'm really liking the liquid breakfast. It's so much quicker than my old paleo breakfasts, and leaves me feeling way more satisfied. I've been using instant freeze dried coffee, so I make that with all whole milk, and no water, with lots of sugar, salt, and gelatin. It's so good and satisfying. I'm also having a big glass of OJ with baking soda. I'd say if it makes you feel good, go for it!


Re: Is it OK to just drink milk/coffee/sugar/salt all mornin

I just consume milk, coffee, sugar, oj, for MONTHS (with the occasional liver and of course, eggs).


Nov 9, 2012
Re: Is it OK to just drink milk/coffee/sugar/salt all mornin

The milk/coffee/OJ/sugar etc meal you described is the only thing I have, not just breakfast but all day long. Cheese too - does that count as solid food? That's in addition to the carrot salad and the weekly liver/shellfish. I don't do well on starch in any significant amount, even well cooked potato, so its both a requirement and something that works well for me.


May 24, 2013
Re: Is it OK to just drink milk/coffee/sugar/salt all mornin

barefooter said:
I'm still new to all this, but I'm really liking the liquid breakfast. It's so much quicker than my old paleo breakfasts, and leaves me feeling way more satisfied. I've been using instant freeze dried coffee, so I make that with all whole milk, and no water, with lots of sugar, salt, and gelatin. It's so good and satisfying. I'm also having a big glass of OJ with baking soda. I'd say if it makes you feel good, go for it!

Yeah, it's so easy isn't it, I'm just using instant coffee too. I'm thinking of getting some hydrolised gelatin to put in as well.

I've tried the OJ and baking soda combo, but it turns into an enormous explosion and I end up drinking loads of orange bubbles, just swallowing air.

j. said:
I just consume milk, coffee, sugar, oj, for MONTHS (with the occasional liver and of course, eggs).

Oh wow, great! I didn't realise others were doing this too. So did you do well on it, did you get well & improve health problems on that?

I've been making egg nogs without the whites. Actually I could live on liquids - lattes, OJ, egg nogs, coke. yum!

jyb said:
The milk/coffee/OJ/sugar etc meal you described is the only thing I have, not just breakfast but all day long. Cheese too - does that count as solid food? That's in addition to the carrot salad and the weekly liver/shellfish. I don't do well on starch in any significant amount, even well cooked potato, so its both a requirement and something that works well for me.

So interesting, thanks! So you are prettty much on a liquid diet. I'm having carrot salad twice a day right now and no starch. My solids are a bit of cheese (think that counts as solid), & seafood or liver. Um.. that is it actually, now I think about it. Apart from ice cream, which is really liquid when it's room temp. A little chocolate.

The other solid I guess we could be having is fresh fruit. I don't tend to eat a whole lot of that though.


Re: Is it OK to just drink milk/coffee/sugar/salt all mornin

One can make the Peat diet more liquid or solid just by altering the milk cheese ratio.


Jun 12, 2013
Re: Is it OK to just drink milk/coffee/sugar/salt all mornin

I even enjoy cold coffee drinks during the day and evening. Just had this:

8 oz. cold milk
1 t. decaf instant coffee
4 t. sugar
1/4 t. salt
Stir well and serve over ice.

I love this drink a lot. I could drink it all the time until I became foundered on it, I'm afraid. Oh, you can use cocoa powder in it too, if you want a mocha flavor. Regular instead of decaf. Vanilla or other flavoring. Etc.


Jun 12, 2013
Re: Is it OK to just drink milk/coffee/sugar/salt all mornin

Well at this point, I've mostly had hot coffee drinks, OJ/milk, Coke, and iced coffees. Lots of salt and sugar. I'm toasty as a bear.

My only solids so far were 1/2 oz. cheese and a handful of grapes. However, this evening I'll have a dinner of more fruit and protein foods (other than milk which I've been having all day).

This is easy livin'.


May 24, 2013
Re: Is it OK to just drink milk/coffee/sugar/salt all mornin

It's so very simple! I am really enjoying having lattes. Also sugaring and salting is the key ... I might try your drink Peata, it looks delish.

My only solids today were some cheese and some carrots.


Apr 17, 2013
Re: Is it OK to just drink milk/coffee/sugar/salt all mornin

Peata said:
I even enjoy cold coffee drinks during the day and evening. Just had this:

8 oz. cold milk
1 t. decaf instant coffee
4 t. sugar
1/4 t. salt
Stir well and serve over ice.

I love this drink a lot. I could drink it all the time until I became foundered on it, I'm afraid. Oh, you can use cocoa powder in it too, if you want a mocha flavor. Regular instead of decaf. Vanilla or other flavoring. Etc.

Thanks for posting this; instant coffee is my new favorite thing! I've been having homemade "frappuccinos" all the time now thanks to you. Love 'em and great way to get more milk in!


Feb 7, 2013
Re: Is it OK to just drink milk/coffee/sugar/salt all mornin

This is my absolute fav go-to drink. I don't use decaf and I dropped the cocoa as it just doesn't agree with me.
I make 4 cups of this a day (sometimes more) and I put everything into the blender on ice crush. The ice just makes it so cold and refreshing and I am usually pretty heavy on the coffee. I also add 2 TB of gelatin for a extra protein boost.

My whole family now loves this and it's a great fast, nourishing breakfast for my teenagers.

I don't drink this without a smile and a :hattip for Peata!

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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